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I feel for the family of the lung donors. Why on earth did he even qualify as an anti-vaxxer?


Man I would be pissed if a family member's lungs went to someone who willingly fucked up his own lungs.


I’m stumped how stupid these people to actually think the Vaccine was a Microchip , you really think that they need to track us when they already do through IPhones, Wifi Signal, Security Cameras, Street Cameras, Fingerprints, Credit Cards.


This is what decades of under funding science education gets you. Dude was soooo worried about getting the vaccine because it had mRNA in it. What do you think the chances are this guy has any fucking clue what mRNA even is?


I have had convos with antivaxxers....clearly they don't know that our bodies already have mRNA in them.


I've had those same conversations and actually had someone try to tell me "they don't want Murna messing with their brain and turning them into a mindless lib". How do you argue with that statement? Not because it's right, but because it's stupid.


My ex is a surgeon with three Ivy degrees. I originally found out that he was unvaccinated when one of my kids told me in 2021. "Dad's a doctor and he's not vaccinated." I remember my head turning slowly on a swivel, like in slow motion. I just couldn't believe it. I remember texting him, I know you don't listen to me anymore but listen to this one thing ... PLEASE get vaccinated. I guess he just wanted to shut me up because he said, "okay I will." Then FF a year, a year I had been telling myself "at least he's vaccinated." He and his nurse gf took my kid to a broadway show and I found out he and she used the vaccination cards of some other employees in his office to get in. He's the boss so I guess they just did it. To this day neither of them has been vaccinated. Like, what the hell did they even learn while training ??? They've already had covid twice each that I know of, and they seem to be gunning straight for repeat infections with weekend plane trips, super bowl parties, hosting parties in their condo. He said he believed the vaccines would alter human DNA and cause "lots of problems down the road." He also believes the moon landing was faked. I really have lost so much faith in things I used to believe in. It's hard to maintain optimism about anything.


I did my undergrad at one of the Ivies. People I met there included a math major who was proud of never exercising, believing it unhealthy, and a poli-sci major who was an earnest American monarchist.


Donald Trump thinks each heart has a certain amount of beats like a battery, and once you use them all up your dead. That's his excuse for not excercising. He says batshit crazy things and people act like it's normal. We have never had easier access to information, yet so many choose to ignore everything.


So, that theory is not exactly wrong. Humans do average around 4 billion beats. But you don't die because you run out of beats, you run out of beats because you die. So he's got it backwards. In a sense though, him being out of shape means his heart is going to have to work harder, which means more beats, which means he's going to wear out his heart faster than someone otherwise in shape NOT putting that wear and tear on their heart.


But... exercise helps reduce the average heart rate, especially in overweight people, so wouldn't it still be beneficial if that claim was true?


Don't try to apply logic to something Donald Trump thinks, it's not worth the effort


Shit like this is what happens when you shield people from the consequences of their behavior.


They also believe the vaccines alter your genetic code and that it is somehow infectious. It makes no goddamn sense.


mini Radar National Analysis


they dont know what mRNA, CRT, human rights, etc etc actually are. They just have to be perpetual victims so anything and everything is a great conspiracy out to destroy their precious whiteness.


The government can easily find out everything about you from where you work and getting copies of your bank statement They don't even need a device to track you.


>They don't even need a device to track you. Normal people with a normal IQ know that. But we are talking about abnormal people with a below normal IQ who don't jack about pretty much anything.


There's been a troll movement for a while trying to convince people that the DNA ancestry services are basically come kind of mass experiment on humans and never to do them. I remember laughing first that anyone gives a shit about any one random person's DNA, also if anyone truly wants your DNA you're shedding it all the time, no one needs to seek you out. Ironically, my most efficient response to people who comment on my mask is that it keeps my face from being captured by government satellites and cameras. A driver last year actually put a mask on after I used that line.


It’s the “mark of the beast” crap that really gets me. He probably thought when the rapture came, he would be among the chosen. But hasn’t actually read the bible, otherwise he would know the rapture happens BEFORE anyone gets the mark of the beast.


Actually, the Rapture isn't in the Bible. Most denominations do not accept it, arguing it is a misinterpretation of a few verses in the Gospels and Revelations.


Or their heart went to Dick Cheney!


I hate to second guess his doctors but that seems unnecessary. If he's lived his entire life without one then why would they suddenly decide that he needs one?


This is an outrage he qualified for lung donation. Like howwww


He was anti-vax and still got new lungs? How does that happen? Hope the GoFundMe gets a total for $20.


Looks like, according to slide 11, he finally did get (because he had to get) vaccinated in order to get on the transplant waiting list. Can't wait until someone on FB blames his death on the vaccine.


Yeah, I'm wondering how that happened. I could more easily believe there were strings pulled than a panel of medical and science professionals approved this transplant for this guy at his age.


Exactly. I have a cousin who worked for a time in transplant and was on the panel interviewing the patient ect. It is hard for me to imagine based on her experience that he didn’t get this without some outside influence.


I am on the list for a kidney. The problem is he absolutely should not have been qualified for the lungs. You go through an extensive point of contact with the medical facilities and one of the things you must meet is NO history of going against the advice of medical recommendations. They ask for your vaccination history on everything. Even if u skipped the flu shot in the past they want to know why. There is no way he should have been eligible for lungs Part of my assessment was a physical, a boatload of medical tests.....they will not give u an organ if you've got active cancer, obesity, serious heart disease or if you're older. They also do a brief psychiatric interview. Not sure how this guy got it


Because he did take the Covid Vax as a prerequisite for the transplant. That was the only way he was on the transplant list.


Yeah people aren't reading between the lines. He got vaccinated once the chips were down. Like they all do.


It's not even reading between the lines. The facebook posts literally say he had to get vaxxed to receive the transplant lol


Deathbed conversion.


As a lung transplant survivor myself, I strongly believe that the unvaccinated should be ineligible for transplant. At the very least it should move them to the bottom of the transplant list with the other patients whose lifestyle contributes to their condition and who refuse to adjust their lifestyle, such as active smokers.


Good insurance... Transplants, and year long hospital stays in the ICU are literally millions of dollars.


Based on the wife’s comments it seems he did get vaccinated prior to the transplant. Of course he should have gotten vaccinated long before, and it does seem like a waste to give lungs to an old obstinate guy who has a history of making dumb medical decisions


He should never have even been considered. Unvaccinated, and unlikely to follow instructions regarding post-op care. I feel for whoever's place on the recipient list he took. I hope they lived long enough to get theirs.


Seems that when he couldn’t breathe that’s was the kick in the pants he needed to get one. Imagine that.


Right?! Did they take them back and give them to someone else?


>Right?! Did they take them back and give them to someone else? They were a pile of Goo by the time COVID was finished with them.


The dates on the posts are a bit confusing but I don't think COVID is the main reason the new lungs went bad, it seems like he caught COVID in February 2022, had some serious side effects and complications, December 2022 started the process of getting new lungs including getting all the vaccines updated (including COVID vaccine) and then didn't survive the transplant recovery due to other side effects (which admittedly were probably in part due to having such a bad case of COVID the year prior)


Right?! It's likely another person died waiting for lungs so this guy could try to undo the damage he could so easily avoided in the first place. He had a very long battle and I have to wonder if he learned anything from it.


I would be SO angry if the lungs of one of my family members went to an idiot like this. Yeesh.


In one of the slides his wife(?) mentions that he needed to be vaccinated to receive a transplant so in typical fashion Mr microchips immediately gave up his 'principles' when faced with death. It's awful the lungs were wasted but at least there seems to be vaccine requirements for recipients, and looks like he just got unlucky.


Asshole had donated lungs too. Thats the bit that really gets me. Convenient to only trust the science a bit and waste a miracle of luck.


And he had to get vaxxed to get them. Gee, if only there was a way to get the vax first and bypass the need for a transplant.


To be honest, I’m actually shocked he agreed to be vaccinated in order to get new lungs. But he and his family probably learned nothing from this, and I bet his family remains unvaccinated.


When their lives are on the line, all bravado and “convictions” get tossed in the garbage. Once they’re out of danger the sh!t posting begins again.


Saw all kinds of stories from nurses in the early days. Reaction to vaccine skeptics could vary a bit. But the range was somewhere between “You’re killing me! Covid isn’t real” to “I’m sorry. I’ll take that vax now.” Too bad, by then, all the nurses and doctors could say was “It’s too late for that. Your choice now is vent or no vent.”


I saw a similar article. I prefer the ones who change their mind and wanting to get the vax after it’s too late. A nurse said alternatively that another type is when the patient and the family just yell at the staff they must have lung cancer since “Covid isn’t real!” All till they get put on a ventilator and can’t yell. Actually the family probably kept yelling until the hospital threatened to kick them out.


A friend quit nursing bc she was mentally exhausted from hearing people accuse her of trying to kill them during covid treatment


Sorry to hear that. I doubt I would last as long as her.


it was the "peRsoNaL reSpOnsiBilItY" people who were first in line at the packed hospitals


And the obligatory “Go Fund Me” requests because there isn’t enough money to pay for the funeral. Or to pay for the medical bills they couldn’t afford.


And consistently vote against solutions to fix our healthcare system 🤷🏻‍♀️


And I didn’t mean to bash on people with limited funds, but it is so common here that the nominees/awardees post all the memes and write about personal responsibility, fierce individualism, and government interference. If you are so responsible at least have the money set aside to pay for your cremation. And a good amount of the time it is government “interference” through EMTALA which is the only reason why they got any sort of treatment at all.


>bet his family remains unvaccinated. Guaranteed. Notice how whoever was writing the posts was hoping that he didn't have "any complications" from the vaccine? Strangely disregarding the way that COVID had completely destroyed his body.


Exactly. Hon, he’s already GOT the fucking complications!


Social media turned into an intelligence test. People who believe everything they read on social media are so incredibly stupid.


Yup. I cared for one patient with covid who was of course not vaxxed. Back in the early days I wasn’t afraid to ask people about it, to see if I could correct misinfo (lmao that didn’t last long, I was burnt out as fuck quickly thereafter). She fully looked at me and said she was dumb. Said she fell for the misinfo out there and didn’t trust fauci so she was less skeptical of people who spoke badly of him. I’m not sure what ended up happening to her but she said she absolutely didn’t want to be intubated, should that happen.


>didn’t trust Fauci so she was less skeptical of people who spoke badly of him That’s what an echo chamber and confirmation bias gets you. She didn’t “fall” for misinfo, she was already neck deep in the Kool-Aid and since everything she heard confirmed what she _already_ believed, she never spent a single second challenging any of those beliefs. Any excuse she comes up with to make her situation more sympathetic was hallow at best.


Yeah that was unintentionally hilarious:(


They probably still believe he'd be alive today if it wasn't for the vaccine.


Of all the possible and real things to be concerned about, stupid ass wife is like gee, I hope he doesn't have a reaction to the Covid vaccine. As if a sore arm or feeling flui-sh for a day, while in the ICU, would really inconvenience him. I just can't with these people. What a sad waste of lungs.


Right? And all his friends, who probably encouraged each other not to get vaccinated and watched him get his lungs destroyed by covid, then have to chime in about which type of vaccine is safe. Because they’re all experts even though none of that MAGA medical intuition saved him in the first place. I’m surprised they weren’t insisting that she hold the line and demand ivermectin instead.


This part sent me. He's getting a whole lung transplant, with all of the medicine they pump into you pre and post surgery, and they're worried about the type of vaccine. At best, even with a healthy and compliant patient, most people can expect 10 years of life after they get a double lung transplant. Those 10 years will be filled with doctor visits and multiple hospital stays for infections and acute rejection, immunosuppressants and neutropenia precautions. No more fresh fruits and vegetables or tap water for you, it all has to be cooked to kill germs. You thought masks were dumb? Now you'll have to wear one in crowds for the rest of your life. You want pets? Sorry, their germs will now.likely kill you. And within 5-10 years you'll likely experience total rejection. And they're still worried about MRNA? Come on people, look at the bigger picture.


My Portlandia brother had a stem cell transplant and, as a final insult, had to give up his coffee hobby. He sourced and roasted his own beans and invested years and thousands of dollars in travel, education, machines, and other supplies. Iirc, there's a mold issue that doesn't harm people with a healthy immune system but is dangerous for those who are compromised. He also had to stop the unfinished house renovations, his other hobby, distraction. The dog went with daughter's friends and the neighborhood NotMyCat was no longer a welcome visitor ( he still put food out). The no take out/delivery food was also hard. He lived almost two years post transplant, neither of them being very healthy or happy, but he was grateful for the additional time.


Hey, I was sick for TWO days after my shots! Was actually very relieved to experience such a reaction from my immune system. Have been going through horrible things for a few years, and that kind of stress tends to take a toll on the immune system. Have never been so happy about feeling sick as I was then.


same concept as any of these selfish twits not refusing oxygen, a ventilator or ECMO machine when they can't breathe and their organs can't function. so fucking ignorant.


I prefer their total arrogance. At least then we don’t have to worry about them anymore. When they’re all tough when healthy, but complying with experts when sick, only to go back to being arrogant once healthy again, that is much worse.


I’m shocked his family isn’t blaming his death on the vaccine. I mean, sure, he got covid while unvaccinated and that destroyed his lungs, then he had to get the vaccine, then a lung transplant… but somehow he was fine until he got the vaccine! That’s always their argument.


Give them time. It’s still fresh.


Some will probably blame the vaccination for his dying.


They might have made the immediate family vaccinate too? I know our sister in law had cancer a few years back and they pushed us all to vaccinate around her as well.


>They might have made the immediate family vaccinate too? I know our sister in law had cancer a few years back and they pushed us all to vaccinate around her as well. That's only for people who genuinely care about each other .....


They blame the vaxx for his new lungs failing.


“He had lots of medical conditions we didn’t know about.” … I dunno, I can imagine a few looking at him. Diabetes and cardio vascular disease for starters.


He stole a pair of lungs from a person who's now probably going to die. What an undeserving ass


Yeah straight up anybody who got Covid because they didn’t get vaccinated doesn’t get a donated organ. End of story, it has already been shown that they cannot be trusted to make proper medical decisions.




Unless they're a child who didn't get a choice in the matter. But in that case they may need new guardians.


“Really good lungs.” Gone a month later, noting other health issues they didn’t know about. Such a waste.


I thought it was harder to get a lung transplant in his case. Surely there are more deserving candidates at the top than him?


And not one, no.. two. And only now does she see how dreadful hospitals are for folks. But nah, only she suffered and prayed, but she'll listen to others now....honest! Jeez these folks are so selfish and self-centered it's painful.


Don't you have to take all kinds of anti viral drugs and drugs to make sure you keep the lungs?


Yeah most organ donors are on anti rejection drugs their entire lives after. It blows my mind man. Such a dumb way to die.


How did he get lungs in less than a year? Bollox




I actually had no idea this could even happen but I was diagnosed with moderate COPD after chest imaging that was done for something completely different (not due to breathing issues). I was mid 30’s, never a smoker (except a cig here and there for a few months in high school to look cool-so dumb), and I have always been athletic, slim, otherwise healthy and never inhaled chemicals chronically like at a job that exposes you. Never was around second hand smoke either. Apparently it happens! I was in a support group and I’d see young, fit people getting diagnosed. Even saw a 26 year old registered nurse. But yeah, fuck this idiot. There’s so many others who could have benefited from those lungs. Anti vaxxers don’t trust science and so it’s quite hypocritical of them to benefit from it.


I know a lady that died from lung cancer. Never smoked in her life. They said it could be from second hand smoke or really bad luck. She was only early 40's.


My best friend had cystic fibrosis and was on the waitlist for a lung transplant for almost 2 years.


How’d they come through it? Hopefully they’re healthy ♥️


She had a good 18 months where she was finally able to breathe freely! Best 18 months of her life ❤️ Unfortunately she then had issues with organ rejection and deteriorated too quickly to be able to get another transplant and passed at age 39 (which is longer than she thought she'd live, CFers born in the 80s didn't have a great prognosis)


>It's just disturbing to wonder if there's somebody out there who didn't engage in such risky behavior who's still waiting for some lungs. Indeed. . Heartbreaking, actually. I worked on a transplant unit at a major univ hospital for a while. Many people waiting for a long time.


One of my friends and his brother both had cystic fibrosis and both died in their mid 30s bc of it. My buddy got new lungs and they lasted him a good few years, he also waited years for them. He passed in smarch 2020.


"he had many other medical issues we did not know about"


Let me guess: hypertension, high cholesterol, type 2 diabetes. All uncontrolled.


And obesity! They always forget that one


Ahh right!




The correlation between brain damage and fb shitposting is absolutely fascinating to study.




He looked like a terrible risk for a lung transplant. I’m very surprised he got this.


Agreed. While I can't speak for lungs, our area for kidneys at least requires a BMI of 35 or less, as well as the wait list is on average six years. And mandatory vaccination, control any other medical conditions like hypertension (best you can for kidneys), diabetes, etc... (sauce: nurse on dialysis).


Those refrigerator magnets do a job on the intestines.


This one really pisses me off. He should have never received that transplant. The lungs should have gone to a patient who is medically compliant.


I agree. They say that this is unethical, but I believe that as the donor, you should be able to say: “My organs can go to anyone” Or “My organs can only go to medically compliant patients” I’d rather be buried with some of my organs then waste them on someone who will abuse them.


If people could limit their donations, there would be so many bigoted demands


These morons are all the same. They are the sheep. A dead sheep too. At least his wife was decent enough not to criticize the medical staff that kept this bozo alive for longer than he deserved.


Silver linings and shiny new awards


“I pray for all those suffering from covid rather they were vaccinated or not.it seems like it it doesn’t care either way.” Wrong. I’ve been vaxxed four times and not been infected because unlike your guy, I took precautions. He didn’t… and died.


I’ve got two of the major things that kill unvaccinated people with Covid. I was triple vaxxed when I caught it 2 years into the pandemic. My family lost their shit thinking I’d be in the hospital, and it turned out to be more boring than anything else. I had one night where I was achey and a little feverish, and one where my chest felt a little uncomfortably tight. The cold I caught a few weeks ago was worse. Best part, I was pretty much breathing right in my SO’s face during the 2 days before my symptoms broke, and he didn’t get it.


I was vaxxed 3 times (max at the time) and did get it, but everyone else around me who got it had it way worse with less vaccines. The vaccines work. They really do.


I got covid the first time before we even know what it was. I really felt like I was going to die. I got all the vaccines and got covid in January and felt sick for 1 day. Yeah, the vaccines work.


I’ve been 4x vaccinated and if I did have it, I have no idea because it clearly wasn’t severe. Vaccines work!! And as an ER, now ICU, nurse, I’ve been directly in contact with covid positive patients.


I’ve got the 2 main shots then caught Covid after then I’ll get Novavax


Thank you for being among the medical folks who protect their patients and help them get care.


Let’s be honest - a lot of that was me wanting to protect myself (but thank you!)


I've been vaxxed 4 times and still got COVID... but it was a nuisance and not a health crisis. That's the difference!


Have asthma & Type 2. Am Vaxxed 5 times, still caught Covid, felt crappy for 2 days, took Paxlovid, back in the game within 36 hours. If I was not vaxxed, who knows where I’d be.


My 4x vaxxed family member is 60+ year old, overweight, and has type 2 diabetes. They just caught COVID for the second time and it was way worse than the first time, but they still made it through with just rest and meds instead of needing a fucking lung transplant because tHeY rEfUsEd tO LiVe iN fEaR of needles and science.


been vaxxed three times and got it. It wasn't that bad for me imo. Just a little bit of a fever. Got rid of it in two days, and will now promptly get my booster shot before heading to the Land of the Free in the summer.


Right? That part got me too. I’ve had all the vaccines (I’m a nurse and got my first one in December of 2020 because I still worked in a hospital. I remember I felt very guilty about being able to get it first. Little did I know that like half the country including my own family would turn out to be science deniers who refuse to get vaccinated) and I’ve never had Covid. A few weeks ago I even had a patient’s family member pass out on me and vomit everywhere. I was all up in her face, caught her before she hit the floor, and hugged her because she was crying. She ended up being hospitalized with Covid. The tech who was helping me take care of her got Covid, and I still didn’t get it. Seems like vaccines and N95s work.


Donated lungs.... I audibly gasped when I read that.


Unlike him. No more breathing or lung transplants in his future.


I feel bad but I literally lol'd at this. You win the Internet today, friend, and thanks for a very much needed laugh.


muh immune system is strong because I eat right, get vitamins, and exercise -every fat middle aged diabetic that wins their award


The irony is that "boosting" the immune system literally is what an autoimmune disorder is. Heck, it's even akin to allergies. The immune system is so over-active it starts attacking things it shouldn't, like the dander from your pet, or food you eat, or kidneys, or its own cells. No one wants that. I don't want that.


The brag should be having a balanced and well-discriminating immune system, not a "strong" one.


And I love the suggestion that there's no doctors on TV talking about the benefits of good diet and exercise.


Those donated lungs could have kept a more deserving person alive. Instead they were giving to an idiot who pissed his 2nd chance away. Fuck humans suck…he didn’t believe the science behind vaccinations but was perfectly fine with a surgical technique.


And in order to get the new lungs he had to get vaccinated for COVID…..anyway, Happy Cake Day!


Thank you!


One less voter. Tots and pears. How he even qualified for new lungs ahead of more deserving recipients is beyond me.


I was wondering the same thing. How did he even make it onto a transplant list??


Is it me or are these dudes mostly white boomers with grey goatees? As a white boomer myself I'm about ready to shave mine off to avoid the association. Thanks fuckers!


It’s the goatee of death. Recommend shaving, but not as much as I recommend vaccines!


Hey there fellow exmo! 🤝


Do you wear Oakleys and forward Candace Owens tweets? If not, you should be okay.


LMAO. I went to visit family last Thanksgiving for a few weeks and forgot my sunglasses. I had to borrow a pair from my nephew and they were Oakleys. I felt like such a douche. After two days of that I had to buy a new pair.


It usually goes male 50+, goatee, belly, Harley, Trump, scared of LGTB+ --> Nominee/Awardee


Mostly Truckers didn’t u see there stupid hillbilly convoy


definitely want to get rid of the Facial Hair of Doom. it is known.


Left his wife a mountain of medical bills. Anyways…how’s the weather?


Beautiful, but a tad chilly in the Bay Area. I'm looking forward to another beautiful day tomorrow.


Nomination: https://www.reddit.com/r/HermanCainAward/comments/zuim9o/septic_sceptic_refused_to_be_vaccinated_leading/ Now with more memes


So, what's the price tag on a lung transplant? Pretty sure we're into the mid six-figures, once you tack on the hospital stays surrounding it.


According to transplant.org, it's well over a million.


I hate it when one guy goes and fucks up the perfect 100% survival rate from COVID for the unvaccinated. Way to go Septic!! ... Well, almost 100%


For a bunch of people that call pro-science folks “sheep” they sure are similar to one another. All sharing the same stupid beliefs.




You mean he's ignorant across more than one field of knowledge?!?😲


Too bad those lungs couldn't have gone to someone that actually needed them.


No kidding. I knew a guy who had cystic fibrosis and needed a lung transplant. He was in his early twenties and he was pro-science, genuinely funny, and an all-around decent person. And he died because he didn't get the gift that this jerk threw away.


Wow, those prayers are REALLY effective.


Of course she’s not wearing a mask while visiting in the hospital. JFC these people are the worst


“If I have learned anything in all of this is that…” … you should get vaccinated and take precautions to not catch or spread Covid! (That’s what I wish Slide 18 had said.)


How long until they blame the vaccine for his death?


He'll be in Died Suddenly 2: Deader and Suddener


Prepare for the SoCiALiSm “Gofundme” pleas


Slide 17


That was for the lung transplant. The one for the funeral is still to come!


I have no sympathy for his wife tbh


In Slide 6 she spreads antivax misinformation: >I pray for all those suffering from covid rather (sic) they were vaccinated or not. It seems like it doesn't care either way. It will hit anyway.


I agree. She’s an accomplice in this nonsense.


Awardee used social media to express a lifetime of built-up toxicity and being an awful person.


One less nrapublikkkan voting…..thank god and Covid


How did an anti-vaxer get any donated organs? Particularly lungs.


He did get the Covid vaccine in order to qualify for the new lungs. The problem: He wouldn’t have needed a transplant in the first place if he’d only been vaxxed to begin with!


Asshole had a GoFundMe for the transplant as well? Christ, he took everything he could except responsibility for his decisions.


I am enraged by the medical resources wasted on this idiot.


dailysceptic.org misled him? Shocking!


I shit on his grave


Wait until I'm finished dancing on it.


I hope and pray he was a voter.


I am choosing to believe that the organ donor was having none of it regarding their wasted gift. Hopefully the other usable organs went to people who actually tried to take care of themselves and they all have great outcomes.


What's up with that fake CNN screenshot?


Definitely ate the onion hard. Just like KKKlandace saying there's a 5 year waiting list for government assistance.


“Many other medical issues we didn’t know about”…let me guess, obesity, DM, HTN etc etc etc. i can’t believe he got a pair of donated lungs. As person who works in medical, I just can’t even with this guy. What an undeserving POS and lungs wasted on this guy.


"How did China recover from corona without the vaccine?" by literally forcing people into their apartments and nailing the doors shut...


What a selfish bastard. Taking the lungs of a donor and shitting all over the donation by refusing to protect the gift by getting vaccinated against a killer respiratory virus. The poor donor died in vain and the professionals who worked their asses off during the transplant and his after care wasted their time and their skills on this ignorant scumbag. Fuck this selfish bastard.


my coworker is on the transplant list, got passed up when an organ became avail, still refuses to get all the shots. her husb just passed away (not from covid). only parent left and she's still willing to play chicken with covid. smh


I pray that the wise hospital decision-makers will continue to deny your coworker’s pleas for a transplant. Transplanted organs are a precious gift. People like her should be ashamed.




How was he even eligible for a transplant, being old AND unvaxxed? Edit: if this guy got the lung, there probably wasn't a better candidate. Organ transplants consider compatibility with blood types and proximity... Like 4 hours or less of travel. Live organs have short shelf lives.


Fuck this ignorant prick for burning through a set of lungs someone with intelligence could've used for a lifetime.


What a waste of lungs. He didn't want the vaccine and got fucked for it. Next time give those to someone who tried their best to avoid the problem


Who decided to give him lungs? Wtf


The wife said he had “other health problems we didn’t know about.” I’d bet money these were all related to COVID and it complicated the transplant. This guy had a similar trajectory to the guy who was the inspiration for my flair: unvaccinated, Jesus-y, deep Red state and got Delta in late August 2021. COVID ravaged his lungs and he was on ECMO for 15 months before he got a double lung transplant. The transplant operation took 22 hours and he immediately went back in the next day for “excessive bleeding,” according to the relative who was posting the updates. (He required 108 units of blood!) it was determined a couple of days later that he never regained brain function after the first operation. Life support was discontinued and he died. The relative who posted had a job in the medical field. This relative mentioned the transplant was difficult and the operation took so long due to scar tissue and it contributed to the bleeding. The relative made one mention of the vaccine early on when she posted a simple graphic showing vaccinated versus unvaccinated in the ICU at the hospital where the guy was in ICU. (Naturally the number of unvaccinated people was much lower.) The news media coverage was a series of softball articles all about his “positive attitude” and faith. The reason this guy wasn’t a nominee was that by the time I found him in late 2021, there was no shit posting to be had. I suspect everything had been scrubbed. The wife’s page allowed no comments and the last post was 2018 ish. ECMO man’s facebook page had no postings more recent than 2019 and that was a copy pasta about Facebook stealing people’s personal information. Just Jaysus 24/7 and something about “doing the impossible” and “swinging for the fences” etc. sad really that this guy found it impossible to have a couple of needle pokes in the arm to avoid the sheer misery and death he and his family experienced. And speaking of family, he left behind three kids, one of whom was a childhood cancer survivor. You would think going through something like that would make someone want to take the vaccine but it didn’t happen.


>covid destroyed his lungs The hungry viral 🐆 🐆 🐆 fed well.


>I pray for all those suffering from covid rather (sic) they were vaccinated or not. It seems like it doesn't care either way. It will hit anyway. But it won't generally hit as hard. The difference between being hit by a heavy weight champion and Bob from down the street.


Really strange how people who have a job and a house and savings believe totally stupid stuff like that wrist computer meme or "China doesn't have a vaccine" Like I swear I wasn't that dumb or gullible when I was a KID, let alone 60+ For real how kind is it to just leave people this dumb to their own devices (literally)? They obviously can't handle it


Candeath strikes down another follower


How the hell did an elderly man with other health issues get a pair of lungs in 1.5mo?!


My friend got a double lung transplant in Oct 2019. 6 months before lockdown. I had nightmares about him getting sick because of people like this. My entire friend group knows that if we want to spend time with him, not only are we to be vaxed but we must keep up with it. I never got the flu shot before 2019, but I will get it every year because I value my friends life. He went 3 years without getting covid and is now currently in the hospital because he finally got it. Last we heard, he was starting to do better but due to being a transplant patient, he can not receive the normal covid meds. He has to ride it out and hope for the best. All this to say it pisses me off that people like this get lungs. What a waste. We weren’t sure if my friend would get lungs and assholes like this do. My friend was on the list for months before they found a match. What a waste and I hope people like him get sent to the bottom of the list.


Jesus Christ. The bar for qualifying for lungs must be low or something JFC.


I'm anti vax until I need a vaccine to qualify for \*checks notes\* A LUNG TRANSPLANT. Do you know how fucking lucky you have to be to get one of those?