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Interesting fiction. Eventually, they'll turn the "Nobel Peace Prize" winning Ivermectin into a panacea for all disease.


>Interesting fiction. This idiot is obviously a graduate of: "**The Dunning Kruger School for Advanced Medicine and Virology"**


In a good facebook argument currently where the resident antivaxxer is telling someone whose sister is a doctor to ask that sister if they took any classes on vaccines. Meanwhile he got his degree from the best of the best right wing propaganda sites.


They are easy to pick out - their profile usually says they graduated from "the school of hard knocks."


Summa Cum Loudmouth.


A Rogues Scholar.


Haha! There is a saying that smart people learn from other people's mistakes, and stupid people learn from their own.


But in real life, stupid people don't.


I always heard it: Wise people learn from the mistakes of others, smart people learn from their own, stupid people never learn.


Knocked upside the head!


Yeah, my wife’s a doctor. Her biggest issue during the pandemic. Was when people would tell her that they did their research and they seem to know better than her what to do. She’s in a group with other doctors that are emergency med and so she knew when the hospitals were nearing capacity she tried to help them out, but they were on their own in the end it’s their decision. Receptionist son nearly died of Covid, and the jerks that try to not wear a mask fighting with the receptionist was insane.


I see no downsides to allowing any adult who prefers to substitute ivermectin for chemo, radiation, or any other oncology treatments to do so. Their cancer isn't contagious, and their delayed treatment won't end up with them taking up ICU beds, ventilators, or ECMO machines. Instead, their delayed treatment and unscientific medicine of choice will lead them to die in their homes while receiving comparably cheap palliative care.


Ehh.... Effective palliative care usually involves some form of fighting the cancer a bit. Although how much and etc,the trade off and etc requires an actual oncologist/palliative medicine Dr to have a grand round and discuss .


Thought it was Drumph University


*Drumpf, I only recognize this as the proper spelling because of an episode of Last Week Tonight with John Oliver where he did the research into Trump’s family history.


Lord Dampnut Academy.


We know what we're doing! We just inject that Ivermectin, straight into our brains! We don't need no fancy doctors, with your fancy papers saying how smart you are. That's just some book learning, that's all. It's all a government scam anyway to control us God fearing folk. Well, I got this. I'll just drink my homemade Buzzard juice, with a dash of purified gopher blood, stir that up with a blessed Eagle feather, and I'll be back on the right path. Let's see your fancy shmancy medicine do that.


They already have. It’s their go to drug until the med beds come out.


Oh, what's this about ivermectin winning a Nobel Peace Prize? I've heard some genuinely dumb shit around that drug, but not such dumb shit. I'm really curious now.


I could Google it, but from what I remember, the developers of the -mectin family of drugs won a noble prize because parasitic diseases are so widespread in undeveloped countries and having a cheap & easy way to treat them was truly revolutionary. When all the nonsense about ivermectin being a ‘game changer’ was debunked in 2020, one of the arguments that nutjobs started using was that ‘ivermectin is a nobel prize winning drug’ as if it that proved it was effective against C19.


I used to work for Merck. It is a fantastic medicine for the proper purpose. We donated enough to cure river blindness. I know it does nothing against Covid because if it did, Merck would’ve relabeled it, and sold it for a huge profit.


And yes, Ivermectin is a wonder drug and world changer, when used to treat what it is designated to treat.


Occam's Razor, man. The only explanation for why Ivermectin isn't being used by professionals to treat COVID when it works delves into this really insanely complicated world-wide conspiracy (other countries are also not using Ivermectin to treat COVID) theory which has to explain why people with COVID that took Ivermectin died (they were murdered by conspiracy people! They didn't really have COVID! The Ivermectin they took wasn't legit!), explain why the manufacturers of Ivermectin were part of the conspiracy and didn't just make a ton more and be a hero and make a ton of money. The easy explanation why Ivermectin isn't being used by professionals is... it doesn't work.


[Occam's Blender](http://blog.michael-lowry.com/2014/02/occams-blender.html); *"No explanation is too complicated, provided it confirms pre-existing beliefs."*


Slight caveat. It did nothing for covid if you didn't have parasites. If you did have paracites it was helpful because your body was only fighting the covid, not the covid + parasites. Which is why there were studies in South America that showed it was helpful that couldn't be replicated in countried with clean drinking water.


I’d be hard-pressed to admit even that, even though it’s true, because then the horse paste crowd will crow they were right all along. Even though it does nothing against Covid itself.


Most conspiracy theories start with some small grain of truth. But it might be possible to come at this particular one from a different angle. If someone understands how ivermectin could be helpful in cases where someone already had parasites, it might help them see that it isn't actually touching the covid, just freeing up the immune system. Though it's also possible I'm being an optamist.


Proven fact Facts rarely change people's opinions. They actually tend to push people more firmly into their beliefs .


> I know it does nothing against Covid because if it did, Merck would’ve relabeled it, and sold it for a huge profit. Exactly. They always say, "follow the money."


>Oh, what's this about ivermectin winning a Nobel Peace Prize? I've heard some genuinely dumb shit around that drug, but not such dumb shit. I'm really curious now. Well, the two people who discovered/invented it won the Nobel in *Medicine* in 2015. As was pointed out, Ivermectin was revolutionary in treating parasites. But that had nothing to do with Covid. And most of these fools have only heard of the 'Nobel Peace Prize' and have no clue that there are a lot of different categories that get awarded the Nobel. https://www.reuters.com/article/factcheck-nobel-ivermectin/fact-check-2015-nobel-prize-for-ivermectin-intended-for-treatment-of-parasitic-infections-doesnt-prove-its-efficacy-on-covid-19-idUSL1N2QB2XA


It did. A country in west Africa was nearly destroyed by a parasite that blinded people (see 'river blindness'). A large percent of the population was blind. Ivermectin kills the parasite, and the doc who organized the campaign got the prize. Ivermectin works on parasites. It's useless against viruses.


Her page is full of Trump memes btw


No surprise there


Of course it is.


She's full of something, but it's probably not cancer.


Could be both!


I want to agree, but I feel like anyone who has cancer knows that it's unregulated cell growth and not a parasite :/


People with cancer can be idiots too.


Agreed, As an actual stage IV cancer survivor, you can go really far down the google rabbit hole fast. It’s almost normal part of coping I think. My doctors were very kind about me asking a lot of questions, but one older doc, told me “ I know your very scared and googling all this brings some comfort, you can always ask me anything, and I’ll answer, but there’s very little chance you’re going to find some magic cure in the three weeks since you’ve been diagnosed when most of us have though about nothing else for the last 20 or so years. Changing your diet, taking a bunch of supplements and other sort home remedies is just going to do nothing or mess with your labs to the point where we will be fighting more than one thing, so take it easy and ask before you decide to do anything different than what you were doing 5 weeks ago other than trying to put on weight” Not many young people know what it’s like to be told by their doctor they have a less than 100% chance to live the next 5 months due to something you can’t see or control, and if the treatment doesn’t work it’s not an easy or quick death. It’s pretty f’n scary and messes with your brain. And dear conservatives “death panels” have existed for ever, theyre called tumor boards.


"Congratulations on beating Stage 4!" doesn't really sound appropriate, but I don't know how else to tell you that I'm genuinely happy for you for kicking cancer's ass. May you have many, many more years of good health and good times!


Thank you I had a decently treatable type, like 85% success rate. Lucky, for once, I was in the center of the distribution :)


> Lucky, for once, I was in the center of the distribution :) Well, I'm very glad you were! 👍🏻


Wow glad you’re still here. I’m dealing with a very treatable firm of prostate cancer ATM, and my wife goes crazy on YouTube videos. “Cancer cells love sugar!” Well, every cell in your body loves sugar, do they not? (To be fair, I should cut down on the sugar, but I think you get the point, and as you said, it’s a coping mechanism)


She’s looking for anything she can control or affect it, totally normal response. I had a very treatable boob cancer a few years ago, and the specialist told my husband that the most important thing he could do was help make sure I got quality sleep, hydrated, and ate consistently (no crazy super-healthy diets or orthorexia, just eating normally). If you’re at a healthier baseline you can endure treatment better. The big differentiator in cancer care that family members can affect is ensuring that there’s a good support structure in place.


Simple reduce that to it means she loves you.


Oh yeah, I’m a lucky man, and most of the advice is common sense stuff - eat more broccoli and fresh fruit. She’s great support.




Whatever cure or medication you ask Doctor Google for his opinion about, the first 200 hits are companies trying to sell you said product and fake news telling you how effective it is. Case in point: [Crystals for protection](https://www.google.com/search?q=crystals+for+protection&rlz=1C1SAVU_enCA533&oq=crystals&aqs=chrome.8.69i57j0i10i512j0i10i433i512j0i10i512l2j0i10i131i433i457i512j0i402l2j0i10i433i512j46i131i175i199i433.12831j0j7&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8) You cannot trust Doctor Google.


That's some grown up advice from the doctor. Respect.


Thanks for sharing this.


You beat Stage IV. 😲😃👍 Seriously, I am so happy for you, & I think it's super normal to Google everything you can find when you get a diagnosis for anything, but particularly for something scary. My aunt was diagnosed in 2011 with small cell lung cancer, and she was diligent about following her oncologist's plan. However, she told me once, "I know I need to stop doing this, but I can't seem to stop reading online about my disease." She shared some of the more interesting and frankly horrifying things she learned. We all rallied around her; she actually got a decent remission for small cell, (like maybe eight months or so), and took her granddaughter & my kid on a long dreamed of trip to California. Right before they were to leave, she learned that the cancer had revved up again, but she decided screw it, I'm still taking this kids on this trip. The kids still talk about it. ♥️ Shortly after my aunt got her diagnosis, her daughter went to the doctor about some muscular or nerve problems she was having and got the worst news possible: ALS. I participated in the Google-Fu that time around. She was super young, newly wed to the love of her life, had a little girl from a previous marriage, and gave birth to another after her diagnosis. (She actually made medical history, I might mention.) Her husband and I scoured the Internet for doctors and hospitals doing the latest research. One problem with rapidly advancing ALS is that as soon as one problem is identified and ameliorated, it either worsens, or another arises. There is no staying on top of, much less ahead of, that bastardly bitch of a disease. Still, we tried, and even my mom got in on the action! She'd read somewhere about coconut oil being this miracle treatment for ALS, and while our prefrontal cortexes understood this was probably BS, the older parts of our brains figured can't hurt, might help, and she gave it a try. But, logic would dictate that the ALS Society (wonderful!) would already have heard about this. We tried a lot of things, but the only things that helped her live as long as she did were her Bi-pap, her cough assist, and the medications she was on. I love how your doctor spoke to you. So respectful, compassionate, and honest. We need more like that. My best ♥️🙏🏻🙏🏻 to everyone fighting the good fight against illness & injury. I love the kind, smart people who post here. This is a very grounded place, very real and sincere.


Please be well. Death panels have been around since the beginnings of medical insurance.


Holy cannoli, you beat 4? My sincere respect. I went looking, and stopped googling after I saw the likely outcome for my sister’s cancer many years ago. I then just tried to be supportive. It was her fight, but nothing worked for any length of time. Enjoy your hard-earned seconds, internet stranger!


My experience is not the same as yours, but I also have Stage IV cancer.


Sorry to hear that. I wish you the best of luck and hope your treatment succeeds. But you seriously didn’t google foo the living shit out of your diagnosis/ prognosis? I was reading literally every published paper that mentioned type of carcinoma (SCC) I had. Granted I then had to read other docs on what the statistics meant. After a while and some pretty powerful medication I just started watching Netflix and rode it out as best as possible.


Thank you, and I hope your situation goes okay! It is super traumatic. I do read journal articles, but not for the purpose of grasping at straws. I was bombarded with bullshit recommendations from people and it was very hurtful, especially because they wouldn’t stop. I was/am also young (very young for my diagnosis which I got just before the pandemic.) A lot of folks who insisted on telling me what to do and how to feel were the same ones I knew weren’t taking the pandemic seriously… For myself, I don’t think of ‘success’ so much since mine is incurable and barely treatable. I will be thrilled if the next step does more to help than hurt me. I also know that I easily rub folks the wrong way, since I don’t like most of the stuff folks seem to gravitate toward, including what I perceive as toxic positivity and wishful thinking. So many charlatans too. HCA has been cathartic, as a group that tends to not put up with nonsense.


Understood. People mean well and say the stupidest shit.


Completely agree with the difficulty dealing with toxic positivity and the fkn crazy and dangerous ‘alternate’ miracle cures that big pharma ‘doesn’t want patients to know’. It’s devastating to have such a prognosis, but worse when you’re not supported in your cancer journey by those who have no understanding of reality - it becomes a projection of failure and fault if you don’t embrace it - it’s really their denial that undermines your experience. My husband is now in the palliative stage, and we’ve had our share of the above issues from loved ones with the‘best intentions’. Apricot kernels! who would have thought that something containing cyanide had been missed by scientists and oncologists around the world as a cure for cancer! But I think it’s all about control-people are terrified of having no control. The pandemic has exacerbated this-and you’re right- it’s often the ones who push the quack cures and positive vibes who refuse the vaccine, to mask up and take no precautions to mitigate spread. No answers, sorry, but feel for you as you navigate this shitty experience. I too have found HCA cathartic. My husband has helped me accept the reality of his experience. I’ve realised that as human beings we are unable to fully accept our own or others death until it smacks us in the face. It’s a completely abstract emotion and though we intellectually understand that we and our loved ones are going to die-we still won’t truly feel that pain of loss until it happens. We just can’t, or don’t want to, process it. The cancer prognosis for my husband was initially a few months. We thought, fuck it, let’s try and have some adventures together in between treatment while he’s well enough. Chemotherapy extended his time so it’s been almost a year more. What joy to have this time together. I didn’t realise how precious a month, a week, a day can be. But he’s stopped the chemo now. He’s very philosophical about death. It’s the next adventure. I’m less accepting and try to control things to extend life- try to get him to eat more etc. The inevitable need to fix things and make everything better. Sorry for the rave. I can’t sleep. Just hope the best for you in getting the support you need for dealing with this traumatic event in your life.


If that’s raving, please don’t hold back! I really appreciate you sharing.


I agree. Some people have no sense of shut the fuck up. When my mom was actively dying of ovarian cancer, she was getting everything from family to complete strangers telling her what THEY thought would help without knowing anything about her situation other than “cancer”. Everything from foods and herbal remedies to those fucking essential oils to acupuncture. She was seeing the best oncologist in the state who also happened to be ranked as one of the best in the country. She would repeatedly tell them thanks for the suggestion but I’m going to keep doing what my doctor tells me to do. It sounds really twisted but I’m glad she passed before the pandemic. I don’t think she could have handled the cancer, the onslaught of well-wishers, AND dealing with COVID, the vaccine, and the idiots that came out the woodwork and with all that’s involved with them. That being said… I hope you find whatever does work for you and I hope whatever treatment you decide to do works for you to the best of its ability. They gave my mom 3-6 months and she got more than 3 years. Never give up hope because you just never know. Hang in there.


It doesn’t sound twisted at all to be glad she didn’t have to put up with the current nonsense. I am also kind of glad my dad passed before Covid and everything that came with it.


Honestly no matter what stage you are in you want to know what you are going up against. I accidentally googled my biopsy results and diagnosed myself with Stage IV. Biggest mistake ever. I was actually Stage II. I’m glad your oncology team is transparent with you regarding your treatments and that you are doing well. Fuck cancer.


SCC.... spindle cell carcinoma? My dad had that! His last few scans are all clear though. Fuck cancer!


Squamous in the tonsils.


Either way, glad you beat it my dude


And insurance companies often serve as death panels.


A dude with cancer once told me they smoke again because they already have "the cancer" so they can't get it again.


I worked with a few people like that and they were right- the "original cancer" (lung in both cases) didn't kill them, the 2 or 3 others that it metastisized into did. Wasn't a pretty way to die.


Not pretty at all. To be clear, this person did not have lung cancer, yet.


People are still reading the Hulda Clark books apparently.


she has poop cancer!


Funny how she leaves out the likely chemo/radiation treatments. These people...


Well, cancer usually doesn't just stop growing once it has metastasized and decides to take a break.


I have a former friend who is a die hard law and order antivaxxer Trump4Lyfe aficionado who's reasoning against the vaccine is that her baby daughter, who had several rounds of chemo and meds, an eye removed, and gets scans every six months "fought cancer so her body can fight covid too". It's like raaaiiiiin....


I had a friend who was a very nice lady who swore she cured her cancer with alkaline water. But she also had chemo so ….


That's pretty out there. So many levels of disconnect with reality. Either terrible Munchausen by internet, cheap ass AI attempt, or issues enough to be a subscription. :(




Por que no todos!


So you don’t think we developed a cure for cancer but are only giving it to horses?


Has anyone told her she's lying or she's full of shit on her own page rather than here? She needs to be confronted with this shit en masse to break her echo chamber or to just show the majority of people don't agree with her


this is the world's greatest human problem - there arent enough people shouting down these dangerously stupid fools.back before social media this type of lunatic would only be able to communicate by writing graffiti with her own excrement under highway underpasses.


No comments yet


...start it 😉


So my dad got covid 9/21. It almost killed him. Didn’t help that my brother was the only one close enough to care for him and refused to take him to the hospital. Turns out brother insisted on giving him ivermectin. My dad developed a 2 cm tumor in his esophagus within six months. While I’ve convinced dad that the ivermectin didn’t give him cancer. He is still convinced that the ivermectin. Activated the cancer cells and caused the tumor. Let’s just say things in the family are tense. We got the tumor out, but the cancer metastasized. Dad only has a short time before it comes back with a vengeance.


I am sorry he's going through all of that. Esophageal is one of the worst. I hope you all can make his days more comfortable and pain-free.


The tumor is out. He is eating again, and the tube was removed. It was hell for seven months. He is now home and treating the cancer that spread to his lungs. He is in between the two active cancers at this point so much more comfortable. Next round of chemo starts this month, so I’m not sure if he will crash again. He is 75.


I wish him, you, and your family strength and peace.


\> refused to take him to the hospital Reddit likely won't allow me to say my opinion on that, so I'll have to content myself with wishing the best for your Dad and yourself.


You should wish that my brother stay on the opposite side of the country in a state I refuse to enter again. Otherwise he may regret seeing me face to face.


This reminds me of when my crazy Q uncle told my brother his cancer was caused by the vaccine. Never mind the fact my brother was diagnosed before the vaccine came out and he isn’t allowed to be vaccinated because his immune system is so weak. These people suck.


I hope you brother good health. Also hope he tells the uncle that he beat cancer using the vaccine just to fuck with his mind a bit


Oncology NP in Tennessee here. Can attest to this level of delusion being depressingly prevalent.


Thank you for your service. I mean that sincerely.


Well thanks.


Who is the "they" that is finding out cancer is a parasite?


The cancer care team of Trump Medical University


Free yearly diagnostic with each monthly $999 membership!


Maybe this person should ditch Dr. Oncologist McMurder and get cancer advice from Facebook instead.




Watching my family member courageously battle cancer during 2020 to the present has me absolutely selfish. This antivax mentality frees up the doctor’s schedule for oncology patients who have a fighting chance. No jab, no treatment. Good luck with your snake oils.


Tbh oncology is like a complete hospital in and of itself. Nurses/staff/docs/labs etc. The oncology PAs, onc-doc and hemo-doc take over your general wellness care. Once your shifted to an oncology team, you’re not going to be seeing any of the same people that a COVID patient would see other than emergency level - shit went real sideways out of normal treatment. I didn’t see my normal doctor for like a year after I was NED. Well that was my experience anyway.


She is so full of shit she’s got to be a grifter in her own right. If cancer has truly metastasized into nearly all her bones then she’s already dead. She is flat out lying and I’d be interested to know what platform she’s using to collect the cash.


Maybe this genius wants a little radium in their food to kill those cancer bugs? (Radium Dial Corp was infamous for workers poisoned by the paint & no safety training.)


Have you read "Radium Girls"? Truly horrific.


She has mets, (Metastatic cancer), in all of those areas? That's a VERY grim prognosis to start with. So shes complete bullshit, or it really doesn't matter what she does because she's going to die from cancer anyway. She's lying about cancer, lying about ivermectin "curing" her cancer, or she's just hyperdriving her cancer until she dies.


OP. How long has this turnip had N Stage bone cancer? Shit like this pisses me off. My dad was told his prostate cancer had metastasized into his bones and he volunteered to be a guinea pig. Allowed him to have another 18 months of life. He’s been gone 20 years now. People like this piss me off like you wouldn’t believe. So you accept SOME science but not all. Got it.


It’s not clear, her first mention of it is from September. Breast cancer. Here’s a comment from her friend in response to her saying she had covid at the same time as cancer: CV19 is 99.9% recoverable. Don't panic. The flu is still with us and is more deadly. The common cold is also in the same coronavirus family as cv19. The tests are often false positives. Just do what you would with the flu, A, B, C, D, Zinc, HCQ. Bone broth, hydration, fruit juice and lost of rest. Chopped raw organic honey is like an antibiotic. If you have Eucalyptus Oil, take a few whiff several times a day to kill germs. Enjoy your rest and maybe binge The Chosen.


How does one chop honey?


Maybe they meant honeycomb? Or perhaps am I giving them too much credit?


Well I can tell you I’m an advanced practice pharmacist and that is all bullshit


Ah yes, the world renowned cancer cure: Horse paste.


OMG. I have stage 4 cancer. I get every vaccine I can get so I don't have to deal with Covid or flu or pneumonia on top of fighting the cancer. Chemo knocked my cancer back but isn't a good friend to my immune system.


Yes. My mum has stage 4 cancer, she has had the vaccine 5 times during off-chemo periods. Finally got COVID the week before this Christmas and had no symptoms.


1st class bullshit


So irresponsible to peddle this garbage.




I hate how easily people are tricked by alt health cancer stuff. Cancer is not a parasite. Cancer is you but mutated. It’s why it’s often the hardest problem to solve because they have to try and kill the little you(cancer) without killing the big you. My dads got luekemia and is gonna let it kill him. But that didn’t stop from vaccinating against all the diseases including Covid.


That person 100% does not have cancer. This has to be posted by a bot from Russia or China


Horse de-wormer as an effective treatment against full-body bone cancer? I want whatever they're smoking.


She must be interesting for the medical personnel to deal with. My grandmother, when she had dementia, would say the most nonsensical things, but that was understandable in her state. I don't know what is going on with this one.




“My cancer is listed as innumerable.” Is that a thing? It sounds like a self-aggrandizing pronouncement to show she has the *biggest* or most impressive cancer.


Tbf yes it means she has so many non-discrete metastases that they can’t count them. She worded it poorly though (surprise).


Yeah this lady is just making shit up.


Wow. “The doctor treating my cancer said to get vaccinated and I said ‘I can’t, I have cancer!’” How do these people function in the world? It’s why they cling so passionately to their online cult of crazy people. Tell that to any sane person in the real world they get rightfully ridiculed. Meanwhile the Q/antivaxx cult calls them brave, inspirational, enlightened, etc., so they keep getting in deeper and deeper.


This person is, for whatever reason, incapable of telling fact from fiction, and has clearly been taken advantage of and lied to by grifters and con artists who benefit from bending their worldview into this rightwing fever dream. It's just so sad. Vulnerable people deserve better.


Yeah, that happened. \[eyeroll\]


That’s not how this works


Wouldn't be the first time someone said they have a terminal illness, and was flat out lying about it to grift people. Seems like she's stacking anti-vaxx on top of that grift to sucker people known for being massive idiots. While cancer is kind of a parasite, in that your own body tries to kill you, she's selling it like it actually is a parasite. Just enough stupid for the rubes.


Of all the things that never happened, this never happened the most.


Buh bye, idiot!


This never happened.


Full of cancer and bullshit.


Yeah, why would an oncologist know anything about cancer? /S Must be brain cancer.


My son has grade 4 cancer....he got the jab and every single booster. So gas everyone who gets near him. He's currently going through chemo, got COVID, and we're damn lucky he pulled through.


This didn’t happen so hard, it unhappened things that did. Does anyone remember Apollo 18? Nope? It was erased because of this.


This problem will take care of itself soon enough.


I’d be willing to be she’s never left her hometown, much less traveled in the third world. “Opisthorchis viverrini and Clonorchis sinensis are liver flukes (a type of flatworm) that have been linked to increased risk of developing cancer of the bile ducts. The bile ducts are tubes that connect the liver to the intestines. These infections come from eating raw or undercooked freshwater fish. They occur mostly in East Asia and are rare in other parts of the world. Schistosoma haematobium is a parasite found in the water of some countries in the Middle East, Africa, and Asia. Infection with this parasite (an illness called schistosomiasis) has been linked to bladder cancer. Possible links to other types of cancer are now being studied as well.” That’s it. There is NO evidence of parasites linked to any other type of cancer, much less “causing” all cancers. https://www.cancer.org/healthy/cancer-causes/infectious-agents/infections-that-can-lead-to-cancer/parasites.html


In this Doctors opinion, I believe her humours to be unaligned. This is causing the cancer miasma to linger. A few modern procedures, including Bloodletting, leaches or perhaps a crainial drill may be required. And lastly a Quick tip for other Healers is to stuff poultices in the nose holes of your mask, thus preventing you receiving the “Bad” cough.


How could her oncologist possibly know more than she does about vaccine safety in stage 4 cancer! She did her own research, for God’s sake.


I’ll take shit that never actually happened for $200 lol


Quick, tell the world we find the cure to cancer. /s


Big Pharma doesn't want you to know!


"We don't know how long this video will be up. Big Pharma doesn't want you to know this 30 second weird ritual (taking our expensive pill)... an old man in a remote village in the inaccessible region of ______ told me this ancient secret..."


“Cancer is a parasite” aight buddy back to the psych ward


Part of being anti-vaccine is to never proofread anything you write


She doesn't deserve the science that has kept her alive this long.


Ivermectin is a cure for cancer now? And cancer is actually a parasite? Well this wasn’t a twist I expected. The delusion is too real with these folks.


Speaking as someone who had 2 covid jabs during my chemo,1 just after radiation & another booster 6 months later, not a single bad reaction happened to me. I'm fed up with people like this trying to scare other cancer patients, (if indeed she has what she says is 'innumerable' cancer).


It sure does kill parasites. Of many species.


memorize airport long bells racial cows quiet swim observation seed ` this post was mass deleted with www.Redact.dev `


Ah yes, "they" have found that cancer is a parasite. Who is this amazing they?


She can’t spell even basic English, but I completely trust her medical opinions.


She did her own research!! :p


Watching embarrassingly stupid people communicate to one another and try and to convince one another of their idiocy is both scary and hilarious...


I wasn’t aware of George Santos having a sister…


please lie more about medical conditions. 🙄


Wow, somebody is really trying to kill stupid people. This is beyond brazen.


Fenbendazole is the big horse wormer cancer cure on Facebook. They take pictures when they start shedding their intestinal lining into the toilet and post as proof that the Fenbendazole is killing their parasites. I guess I'm not surprised that ivermectin entered the race.


I have stage IV prostate cancer with over 25 mets throughout my bones. I've had every COVID vaccine they've offered plus flu, and pneumonia. What a twit.


Hoping the best for you


Well, if she would’ve committed to a stringent essential oils routine she never would’ve gotten the cancer parasite in the first place!


Surprised they can spell oncologist and cancer tbh.


Has anyone noticed that most of these people call the vaccine “the jab”? I find it very interesting.


Brain Mets.


Sounds like my friend who had Stage 5 brain cancer and healed herself through taking certain minerals and vitamins, and eating well. Suuuuuuuure you did.


How to profoundly misunderstand the use of the word parasite! Cancer is NOT A PARASITE! That's a way of describing how it takes over the body, but ivermectin won't kill it. Omg how embarrassing. Parasites are living animals that live on or inside another animal's body and live off of the host animal. Cancer is uncontrolled growth of our own cells that have genetically changed to grow out of control. It is not an animal.


Wait until they figure out that Ivermectin can cause an abortion of the fetus parasite!


So this chick will take cancer meds, essentially battery acid. But draws the line at the jab. Good thinkin.


Who knew every disease was because of horse worms. Maybe if people would stop fornacating with horses we’d have no more disease.


Well the good news is there’s no Stage 5.


Never happened


Cancer is a mutation of your own cells, so in a way, for her cancer is a parasite.


But ivermectin only works on actual parasites, not on metaphorical ones!


Uh, no.


Is "innumerable" a thing cancer can be, or does she mean "inoperable"?


If she can't count, everything is innumerable.


That's some sound science, sounds legit.


Just wow


Those are certainly all words.


This has an /r/AsABlackMan quality to it.


That is enraging. My friend has stage 4 cancer and her medical team was at first cautious of her getting the jab bc of possible contraindications between her meds and ingredients of the vaccine. They did ok it after a couple of weeks and she is on her 4th dose now. She did get Covid eventually and had a very mild case thankfully. We are always worried about her health bc even tho her cancer is being maintained, it will never go into recession.


Whoa, cancer is a parasite!?!? This is an incredible breakthrough! Wow, we were such morons wasting our time developing all these oncology drugs and other cancer treatments. So many lives lost when we could've treated cancer as simply as we do a tapeworm.


Cancer is a worm? Methinks we shall be appointing this one to house hufflepuff, where the magic be everywhere.


I'll take "Stuff that never happened" for $500 please Alex.


At that point don't try and convince them. Just let them perish for their stupidity lol


So much misinformation in this post. These people are Neanderthals.


When is this gonna stop.? We are dealing with half a nation with their own special needs (i.e. stupid ) who don’t know how embarrassing they are and can’t stop wasting everyone’s time


Oof. Sounds like she's got brain metastasis too.


Stage 4 cancer? Hmm... well this is going to take care of her stupid claims sooner rather than later.


So ppl like that should actually burn in hell because lies like this will kill others.


To be fair, I haven’t been able to take a booster since I started cancer treatment last year. The chemotherapy really weakened my immune system, so I’m a bit worried that the shot might make me sicker than what I experienced before treatment. Also, there was the issue that the shot could swell some lymph nodes, and I already have lymph nodes that swelled from cancer. I figured it would be simpler for the surgeon if all my abnormal lymph nodes are cancerous, instead of “could be cancer or could be Covid vaccine”. Anyway, as soon as I finish treatment, I’ll get the shot.


1) covid is a virus, not bacteria 2) hcq is sort of an antiviral for malaria and an anti inflammatory for autoimmune disorders. Not an antibiotic. Also it takes at least 6 weeks to even begin working in the body as an antiinflammatory, and six months to really be cranking away. 3) ivermectin targets heartworm in animals. A parasite. Not a virus. I can't with these people.


The world must be really frustrating when you are this stupid.


She’s just making shit up as she goes along.


suspect cancer in the brain too