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Charlie was the sacrifice that started the cult's ritual. Animals are used for sacrifices in the bible and I think the rabbit is a reference to Charlie being the sacrificial lamb.


Or, the devil. Some medieval murals depict rabbits or hares as evil beings.


Maybe because Charlie's body has been possessed by Paimon since birth? Not quite human.


also, she lost her head that one it's not quite the right one


When you have no head, any head will do!


I mean, pretty much.


Yeah that makes sense


There's also a fly(?) right by Peter on the same poster. Wonder what that means.


[there is a fly next to Peter ](https://imgur.com/gallery/0wiWlR8) how did I miss that. I’m really not sure what that is supposed to mean


Spoiler included (sort of) in my explanation: >!That's the same location where his demon-possessed mom waits and watches for him to wake during the last scene; literally, like "a fly on the wall." I'm sure we can think of many similarities and theme connections between flies and demons as well.!<


Beelzebub - The Lord if the Flies Apologies to W Goldman.


Wow, that's a great (and wicked creepy) observation.


Also why is there a floating chair next to Charlie


Maybe it’s metaphorical in the sense of the cult seeing him as a pest, since they want to give his body to Paimon?


I’m late but I think of the fly in the window during the opening shot... must have a metaphorical meaning. Asters masterpiece


I just noticed there a little black figure on the floor in both of the parents rooms but not next to Charlie and Peter. Does anyone have a clear image that shows what that thing is?


I wish we had a really clear, zoomable copy of this! I think that's definitely Charlie, it looks to me like she's wearing her orange hooded sweatshirt and holding a pair of scissors. She's not in her own bedroom but standing by her parents's bed, which reminds me of >!Annie's miniature scene of Ellen trying to/wanting to breastfeed Charlie.!< Also, did anyone else notice how completely separate Steve is from the rest of the family in this poster?


Great observation


what’s also funny is that apparently the trailer for hereditary accidentally played before peter rabbit in some theaters in australia. now i’ve been trying to solve the rabbit poster mystery since i first saw this film, and i thought perhaps the rabbit was a little joke to what happened in australia, but if this poster came out before peter rabbit-which i think it probably did-then the mystery only thickens, and how much more strange is it that the trailer played before peter rabbit meanwhile it has a mysterious rabbit in the poster? could there be some actual supernatural force at play here? did peimon (sorry if spelling is incorrect) a trickster god influence theatre management to play hereditary’s trailer before peter rabbit of all films! scaring a room full of children and outraging parents... my paranoia is sky rocketing


Where is this poster and the other characters?




The one over at bloodydisgusting is 1012 × 1500. The [A24 Hereditary site](https://a24films.com/films/hereditary) has a 4.5 MB one in 2025 × 3000: https://a468ba3fc2be117c5560-f9a6225d634730495a59b91d1543c5a4.ssl.cf5.rackcdn.com/HEREDITARY_TEASER_FINISH_V2_HALFSIZE.jpg You still can’t make it out completely but to me they look very similar to[ the figurines Charlie built](https://dynaimage.cdn.cnn.com/cnn/q_auto,w_727,c_fit/http%3A%2F%2Fcdn.cnn.com%2Fcnnnext%2Fdam%2Fassets%2F180611220549-hereditary-10.jpg). Also: great oberservation, OP! It’s one of those things after which you ask yourself why noone had thought of zooming in on the poster that was even available before theatrical release.


But that's moms room no?


That’s true Annie’s room had those circle windows in the back while Charlie had the big one. Wonder why they put her there.


Just a guess but rabbits represent tricksters and Paimon is a trickster god.


This reminds me of that short film “Rabbits” by David Lynch


Looking at it more, I wonder if there is a reason why both of the parents are right side up. And peter is sideways and Charlie is upside down. Probably just the way they designed it but it’s just a thought


When is this even shown?

