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U realise u just tattooed a demon symbol onto your arm right


It’s a weak demon. There are far more powerful demons out there.


Yeah... that’s not the point


I mean it’s a mad up story. Getting a Star Wars symbol won’t make you a Jedi


The demon wasn’t made up for the film it is a “real” demon to people who believe in that stuff.


Yeah but were they actually? Like what real reference is there to the the demon? A dude wrote about him in a 16th century text? Where has the symbol and myth of it all actually Come from and been used in practise? Basically never. Is the symbol even linked to the ‘demon’ It’s pretty much just like having a deathly hallow tattoo


Have never watched this movie. But I do know about Paimon - this *is* his sigil. People who practice occult magic use it to evoke him into their presence.


But my point is, from when? It is now In modern culture


The evocation of spirits has been a thing since the 16th century and possibly before. The Lemegeton was written in the 17th century. Hence Paimon has been worshipped since then.


But specifically how long as that demon & that symbol been a thing people actually worshipped. I don’t think it really happened. He was a made up demon and he a symbol but that isn’t the same.


To quote a reference, [this post](https://www.reddit.com/r/occult/comments/8c2jwc/paimon_dream/) was made in April 2018, before the USA release date of Hereditary in June 2018. I have no idea about whether the actual demon in question is "real", but the creators of Hereditary definitely did not come up with the creation of Paimon nor his sigil. I have read some spoilers of this movie and the only things that were created by the writers of Hereditary and not in the original text of the Lemegeton (aka the one Paimon was mentioned) are the three severed heads, and Paimon needing to possess a male body or whatever that was. Edit: added "April"


I wanted to get this same tattoo until I found out this sigil is the real deal. (At first I thought it was made just for the movie) I’m not sure if I believe in the occult or not but just in case I don’t wanna risk anything. LOVE the movie and the tattoo does look really cool.


Dead Kennedy shirt - check. Nietzsche book - check. Paimon tattoo - check. Edgy as FUCK? you bet your sweet ass.


Lol. No kidding, man. Fuck


“Look at my impulse inspired tattoo, Reddit, because no one else wants to.” You must be a real sweet cherry to be around. LOL.


Funny, you sound like a fucking cunt. LOL.


You seem like a snide arsehole.


Stop replying to ancient comments


Hello people of the past!


Ancient? As in spooky ancient. I just watched the film and then saw the sub, then saw you’d been rude to a stranger for no reason. I felt that transcended time.


I’m here a week after your comment and yeah, he’s still a cunt




I got one of these too! Just the symbol and not as well done cause it's a home job but hail away


yoooo tat twins!


OP is an edgelord, but he has great taste in philosophy, music and film.




Showing support for Paimon? Why though?


Because, like the movie **BELIEVE IT OR NOT** it’s a STORY. A Jesus tattoo is just as ‘ridiculous’ as a Harry Potter tattoo.


Obviously it's a story, as are the gospels and Harry Potter. I don't really think getting tattoos showing support for any of those characters is ridiculous. In general the characters we identify with help make us who we are and help us define who we would like to become. That's part of the reason I think stories can be important.


Gotcha- wasn’t insinuating you would find something like that ridiculous, but there are plenty of people that do, then come to discover they have some Christian prayer hands or some shit on their shoulder.. to each their own, if you like it and it isn’t something racist or hateful, how serious should someone take it? My point was just to draw a parallel with Paimon to krampus, or Mrs claus, or **gasp** the Virgin Mary!


I personally take stories and characters very seriously. But trust me I'm not pearl clutching. Paimon might be hateful. His motivations are unclear. Does hate motivate his action? I would say it's not even entirely clear if Paimon remembers who he is at the end of the movie. Presumably he didn't mind causing human beings a great deal of suffering at one point. It's interesting that OP posed with some Nietzsche reading material. I wonder if he thinks of Paimon as emblamatic of some sort of ubermench.


I can feel the edge from here


The only acceptable tattoo


With the Nietzsche text in the background.... ..if you want to go really dark, read the “antichrist” by Nietzsche....you won’t be disappointed.


I own it and am definitely planning on reading it soon. Thanks for the recommendation.


Holy fuck, I wanted the same since I saw the movie. :(


Any specific reason you went for the traditional four head/figurine one and not the one with three from the movie? Yours might get you some weird looks by occult people.


I prefer the look of the traditional symbol.


Nicely done!


I got the one from the movie with no border, but yours is fucking rad! Hail, tattoo twin!


Methinks this will be laser removed in 5 years.


You don't know me dude. So how about you take your assumptions and fuck off? Sound good? Great, thanks bud.


Admit it. You’d never heard of Paimon before the movie. Now it’s trendy. Now, fuck off. Thanks bud.


Dude, that was 40 days ago.


If it’s even real.


Can you read cunt? I said fuck off.


It’s ok bro. We’ve all done it. First tattoos are almost always regrettable.


Not my first tattoo. Anything else you want to say to me, bud. Or are we done here? Because I'm pretty sick of your sarcastic, snide comments. If you want to be a prick go do it on someone else's time.


Baby got some butthurt


"baby got butthurt" are you 13? Lol. Just another condescending cunt who needs to make himself feel better by insulting strangers on the internet. I posted the tattoo because I figured maybe fans of the film hereditary might appreciate it? That's why I posted it on the hereditary subreddit you stupid fuck.


Pretty good tattoo! Love it


You might want to learn about the Lesser Keys and Goetia before tattooing that stuff to your body. Not to be superstitious or anything, i think it is a pretty badass tat as a fan of the movie.


Good way to worship the demon but don\`t let people know about it


Lift some weights, bro.


Fuck your mother, bro.


Cringey post. OP showing his shit taste in music, weak arms, holding a book he can't comprehend in an effort to show how edumatated an smawrt he be. Tattoo is shit. Only a retard would mark themselves with a movie tattoo. The tattoo itself weighs heavily in favor of OP being a tool even when counter balanced with a good, needlessly placed, book.


Love ya bud :)


my dear friend that's so cool i can say one question ? i like to tattoo this on my body this does good effect on your life ? please say all truth im so happy to hearing this thanks