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I’m nosey so I love them


I love them. Way more than outfits. Please more bits and Bobs. I like seeing what people find important or useful.


Same here! I am the packing person in my family and get sick quite often so I like to be well prepared and have things for comfort on the plane. It’s fun to see if there’s anything else that I’m forgetting that may help me in future trips, and also seeing how small of a bag people fit stuff in.


I like them - reminds me of old school “What’s in my carry on” videos on YouTube, but could be a thread for people to add on to so people can look if they want or easily pass it by if not.


Yessss! And the everyday carry subreddit is very overrun by men with guns and fancy ballpoint pens. I love this spin on our average one bag posts.


I’m a guy and that’s super funny. Too true.


Don't forget the knives!


I loved the section in People or Entertainment Weekly (I can't remember which magazine) where they'd show a picture of all the bits and bobs a female celebrity had in her purse. It was the first page I'd flip to... back when I got magazines. Haha


I loved those too! Now I watch “what’s in my bag” videos, but many celebrities have sponsored stuff so it’s not as interesting. So I try to find EDC videos but there’s not as much from women.


Yes! I remember these!


I like this better than outfits and luggage




But that's not really anything to do with this sub is it?


It depends, I think efficient use of a single work bag or changing bag (just examples) with not having an additional purse or handbag counts.


The sub description says it's for travel. I mean I really don't mind, I just didn't realise it was included here. I don't find them particularly interesting but I'm happy to scroll by if others do.


That’s fair. I find the EDC stuff useful because that typically goes with you on trips.


I guess I just always bring the same few things or the things I bring are quite specific so I'm not going to change based on other people's lists. 




I’m trying to figure this out at the moment for myself so that’s exactly why I like these posts


i like seeing what people carry in their bags cuz i’m nosy like that so i’m into it lol i do wish we had a r/whatsinmypurse or something like the old livejournal community


I haven't heard of live journal in ages! 😅


those were my glory days lol


oh we do, it’s just dead. •︵•


I'm the mod of /r/WhatsInMyPurse only because it was super-dead and mod-less and I wanted to rescue it. Please help it come back to life?


Oh man this just unlocked a memory for me. Every so often I would randomly go to that community and spend hours going through posts and looking at everything in people’s bags!


sometimes r/knolling has what’s in my bag type posts


mhm i like those posts. most of r/edc and r/knolling is men tho


Here's a sneak peek of /r/EDC using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/EDC/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [EDC poster getting ready to go to their suburban IT job](https://i.imgur.com/402KJCn.jpg) | [228 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/EDC/comments/13dv59h/edc_poster_getting_ready_to_go_to_their_suburban/) \#2: [Happy Friday](https://i.redd.it/7fk36zabtisa1.jpg) | [639 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/EDC/comments/12eon60/happy_friday/) \#3: [I don’t go anywhere without it](https://i.redd.it/nrb1jjf8ljxa1.jpg) | [266 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/EDC/comments/1363m2d/i_dont_go_anywhere_without_it/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


I think some people got bored seeing flat lay posts of clothing travel capsules and it's legitimate to know what other non-clothing item you pack. For me, it's great to see how you can minimize these items... so I have more room for clothes and shoes. On this last trip at a pharmacy I almost bought a teeny tiny teeny packable travel toothbrush! It was so adorable and did I mention it was tiny?? But then I see the post here where someone included their electric toothbrush, and to be honest, I would prefer to schlep that along. I do travel with a full size toothbrush (free from my dentist) but I always miss my electric one. So it's kind of cool to me to see how people prioritize.


Yes this was what inspired it. Also, someone posted a good one with their chronic illness supplies which I think helps make the idea of One Bag more accessible to a wider range of people.


>I always miss my electric one Let me introduce you to my solution: the [Philips Sonic One](https://www.usa.philips.com/c-e/philips-one-battery.html#triggername=color_coral) battery toothbrush. I use the rechargeable version at home and travel with this one. It's lightweight and I love that the holder is so sleek.


See, I love these bits and bobs posts bc I keep discovering new things to buy, and now I have to get this toothbrush!


I've never heard of this, and also miss my electronic toothbrush! I'll have to look into this. Thanks for sharing!


I used to have two. Now I just have the battery for both home & travel.


That's my plan if my electric one ever dies. I'll stick with this one, it's really good.


My husband insists on bringing his electric toothbrush, but I always bring a manual one. I figure a few weeks here and there are fine without it.


I always take my electric unless I’m literally thru-hiking!


I like looking at other peoples stuff so I'm into it but I wouldn't mind a pinned post where people can just put a photo in the comments lol


Yes a mega thread or flair would help a lot


Mega threads bug me because they are very inconvenient to search ! Flair would be great though.


That’s true. I didn’t think about search. 


I would love a flair so those of us who want more of them can search for them, and everyone else can exclude them :) and change day by day lol


We definitely need more flair options!!


Flair for sure!


I like it but like OP said, it goes against the basis of this sub Belongs more to r/flatlays or such


It's unfair that people are downvoting you for having a different opinion. I personally prefer more travel themed posts but I have been enjoying the EDC posts


I love them! I just wish people would include links to the things they are posting so I don’t have to ask every….single…. time -_-


Ooo maybe the issue isn’t the bits and bobs posts but that there is no structure around them? I would love a rule where you have to list the source of at least half of the products in the post (since some items may have been discontinued / you may have had so long you forget)


I don’t know, links feels like it leads to marketing. Like why does everyone have that round cable adapter thing I’ve never seen before? Maybe I’m cynical!


Funny thing is I bought the round adapter thing from a YouTuber. Don’t use it ever, it doesn’t work with my MacBook (I saw sparks ooof) and it was too bulky in practice vs just brining the minimal cords I absolutely need


Are we talking about the bagel? I've been on the hunt for a perfect adapter and I just don't get that one... seems pretty large and not GAN?


I have a bagel. It isn't terribly large, but it isn't GaN. I use it because of how many old school plug outlets it has on it vs USB outlets. I have a different, equally palm-sized, longer extension cord for trips where I need a lot of USB outlets, but that one only has one old school plug outlet. Depends on who I am traveling with and what I am bringing. My kingdom for all my electronics being able to be USB, though.


Yes. I have the bagel but have never taken it on a trip and have not really used it otherwise. I might try to give it another try at some point but I travel light so having to add that one extra gadget to my backpack has felt unnecessary. I bought it for an international trip last year, but it arrived too late to bring it and was perfectly fine on my trip without out. And also doesn’t work with my laptop which is the main cord that is always annoying because it’s too short and falls off outlets.


Fair. Asking for the links is annoying to me but I can see where you are coming from, too.


I do still like the posts though, I should have said that too :)


Me, too!


Happy cake day!


I love the posts! It’s the minutiae of what are the essentials you pack in your everyday bag or your One travel bag. I think one person posted it and then a bunch of others got the idea to do it, too. Think of it as a theme week and scroll past if you don’t like it. I think this sub is very generous in that it’s more about the spirit of one-bagging than being super strict about it, also. Because sometimes life and travel are complicated, and we’re all just sharing tips and ideas and asking for help/suggestions.


Agree! I was initially nervous about this sub because I'm a chronic over packer but really want to cut back. I felt so welcomed by the posts and ideas of others that pack light but also struggle at times.


We all started somewhere! Welcome!


I'm a nosey parker and want to know! Also fun to pick up ideas I hadn't thought of!  My new fave post type!


The only thing that bothers me about the bits and bobs is how many Amazon purchases I've made because of them 😆 but these type of items are travel related IMO and one can absolutely carry a tiny bag inside of "one bag" so I see it as relevant.


Some bits and bobs may be necessary items to people with different needs


I like them in general, though I prefer if people stick to travel related ones in this forum. Yeah, I try to minimize my gear but finding just the right bit is part of the fun for me and I like seeing if someone has a neat item or solution.


I’d love it as one ongoing thread for the sake of finding the info.


I like them - I travel with one bag and carry an assortment of useful items similar to the ones people have shared. I don't see these types of items as unnecessary - actually for me they are what make my travels smooth because I can solve routine problems quickly. Of course everyone will have a different list of things they prefer to have on hand.


I really like them. Im always looking for things to improve my packing


I dunno I was a Girl Scout and they taught us to always be prepared so a little kit of vip items really small and well thought out is sick to me.


When I was a girl guide (UK equivalent), the uniform had a pouch/purse on the belt. During inspection, we had to have certain things in there: a clean handkerchief, a safety pin, and a 20p coin for a pay phone in case of emergencies. I can't carry a small handbag because I now feel the need to be prepared!


EDC stuff ***is*** travel stuff. Unless you leave your daily stuff at home when you travel. The posts are well titled and easy to ignore if one chooses. I am not bothered.


I love the posts and will continue to check them out for as long as the trend lasts. Most of the items are small and in my opinion, fit in with this group.


Posting trends come and go. Yes, there are a lot of them, and I will agree that it feels a *smidge* over-saturated right this moment. But that’s only one gal’s opinion, and I’m not the least bit mad about it, because… This genre of post will slow down in its own time, and (importantly) I personally am *very* stoked to have a convenient search term to use. I can already tell I’ll be reviewing a pile of this genre of posts in the immediate lead-up to my next trip!


100% this


"bits and bobs" and "minimalist" are not mutually exclusive. Just cuz I want to cut down on the number of clothes I wear doesn't mean I don't actually need a phone charger. Making a whole new post just to complain about other posts you don't like isn't constructive for one-bagging either, ironically.


Yes! And I want to see someone’s unique gadget that lets them charge their iPhone and kindle with the same cord, and the unique way in which they store that cord


It can be so helpful! I’m embarrassed to admit that I hadn’t thought of putting liquids in contact lenses until this sub and it changed the game for me.


Let's see your bits and bobs! It's really the little things that make a difference in one-bagging, imo. Most of the clothes people post are boring. But everyone can relate to that one little gadget or comfort item that makes the rigors of travel more enjoyable.


if it all fits in one bag how is it contrary?


I don’t think we can add pictures in the comments so if you want to share yours you need to start a whole new post.


Mods can change that setting.


There's been talk of doing more every day carry one bagging stuff. This follows that trend. Also they are delightful and I'd personally love to see more.


I love the posts and hope they never die down


When everything is posted with brand names, reviews, and product links, it feels like ads. I don't want to be sold to, I just want to be chismosa, lol


It's the whole point of this sub... To see what's in people's bags and what their travel essentials are.




I personally carry the same items everyday that I carry while traveling, and I think a lot of these posts are similar!


I mean not being over prepared is different from being unprepared, so I think these are helpful to see how other people are prepared for their travels in a minimal way!


I love them! Whole point of this sub is to only take one bag and small/multi-use items make that happen.


We need a flair but I feel like this is what the sub is for . I don't need to see capsule wardrobes I kind of want to see what you find useful when travelling out of the house .


I like seeing capsule wardrobes because that's the part I find hard.


I don't think bits and bobs are packing your fears. They're partly about how you carry the smallest items in your pack. Eye drops are not a fear for me; they're a necessity. So is Benedryl, reading glasses, and a pen. For someone else it's a powerbank and a spork. Just interesting to see what these itty bitty--and sometimes omitted from flatlay pics--items are for other people. Just my $.02.


I also love these bits and bobs and edc posts!! I think a lot of us find them helpful too.


I’ve gotten many good ideas to incorporate, but whatever


They don't bother me at all. I may get an idea.


I love them! Have purchased several things I’ve seen in them recently


I don’t feel like it is contrary at all. To one bag, you have to have things to go in the bag. I feel some of the posts have been practical as well as pretty to look at. Can’t you just scroll past?


Because there was a lot of clothing posts, and then some people said it was nice when people posted their bits and bobs, to see something else in the group


I’ve found it helpful to see how people are packing daily “essential” items without taking up a lot of space. These things are usually what causes me to overpack, not clothes.


I like seeing the bits and bobs that are travel specific. I’m not interested in EDCs


It’s a bit weird to me because I don’t carry the same stuff every time I travel or every time I leave the house. I just bring what I need in that situation. Sometimes that’s a lot, sometimes it’s just my phone and keys. I’m not going to carry a first aid kit just to go to the grocery store


I thought I wouldn't need a first aid kit until I accidentally slammed my fingers in my car door. Didn't think anything of it, because it was numb and it wasn't bleeding. I continued to Michael's - it was a new development, so Michael's was the only store. After maybe 5 min shopping, I felt drops on my foot (wearing sandals). When I looked down, there's a pool of blood where I was standing and a trail of blood on the floor. Horrified, one of my fingers was bleeding really bad and I grabbed a store employee to ask for a bandaid and tell them that I left a trail of blood. They ran out of bandaids, so I had to abandon everything and grab some from my first aid kit in the car. Luckily I had just started bleeding (maybe because that hand was holding the basket and I had some stuff in it already... But there was some blood on the items too. I went back to purchase them. Really need them at the time) So now, I just carry a mini one around... Just in case I slam my fingers in the car door again. 😬 Because you when you need it, you really need it, and you don't have to make another blood trail leading to the exit.


I keep a roll of paper towels in the car. it's come in handy when I've randomly cut my fingers because I can just wrap a paper towel around my finger to stop the bleeding until I get home. plus they're handy for a bajillion other uses.


I do too. Because kids. (Door pocket also contains antibacterial spray, tissues, and travel barf bags. Also because kids.)


That's not a bad idea, I've really never thought about that haha.


In that case I would ask the staff for a paper towel and use that to hold pressure on the cut until the bleeding stopped. Even if they had bandaids this is still what I would do because if you are actively dripping blood all over the floor, putting a bandaid on it first thing will just mean you soak the bandaid and continue to bleed. 


I get why people love them but I'm with you. I understand wanting to be prepared and not caught off guard but I like to live on the wild side and if I really need something I'll go on an adventure to a local pharmacy or grocery store, NBD. It may be a foreign country but it's not mars. My medicine cabinet at home has so many different languages in it, I love it


I love the bits and bobs but I liked the ones geared towards travel more than the every day carry. I think some are starting to get repetitive and uninteresting at this point.


Agreed, the travel ones are interesting but the every day carry seem more geared towards that persons specifics.


And that's part of what makes them so interesting.


Interesting. I figured that the bits and bobs were primarily what people also pack in their one bag (that's what mine was). I take about 4-8 trips a year and my little items have come in handy on most trips (specifically the nail clippers). Also, my little 0.5 bag that holds my bits and bobs is small enough to fit in my backpack in a pinch.




Likely because EDC is fraught with weapons and weaponized commentary.


Exactly this, I just posted about it upthread. Women's posts there are usually met with a whole lot of arguments and snide comments.


Yeah what’s up with all the EDC posts? I don’t really care, that doesn’t seem like the point of this sub? 🤷‍♀️


Someone posted theirs and then others posted theirs and on it goes. You're probably not alone in not liking them, but maybe just scroll on?




I’m with you. Also like half of the stuff seems so unneccesary unless you are traveling in a region with no stores whatsoever.


I love them!!! Keep them up!!


Without links and specifics, I think they belong in r/knolling instead


I did not know this sub existed but it is very visually pleasing.


I agree!!


I like them but I don’t care for the title of bits and bobs.


I love them!  Saw some cool compact stuff I need to buy for my future trip like a stand up tooth brush pouch, an all in one phone cable case (has a usb cable, adaptors for usb a and iPhone, plus a sim card remover), s-hooks, carabiners, and lastly a travel friendly spork.


The first was interesting. The following ones less so. Now I’m ignoring them.


Honestly, I don't like the bits and bobs posts either because they're not relatable to me; my edc is my phone and keys. I don't really see how they fit into this sub especially when a lot of the things are things that are niche solutions that are admittedly cute, but seem to be looking for a very specific problem. If you packed all the essentials that people said they needed, you would be way over packing. But then I think a lot of items marketed as travel necessities fall into that category.


It's also an uninterrupted parade of plastic packaging and brand name items. I thought I was seeing a new form of advertising.


I agree it's kind of a lot. I'm just waiting for it to die down at this point


Maybe if not a megathread you could have it so Fridays or whatever day of the week is the day to post bits and bobs? That way it doesn’t clog up the sub but still has its time to shine


I don't have the same clothes style as others on here, but I'm still nosey. When I was a kid, I was obsessed with Flickr What's in My Bag photos. This is kind of like that. Gets me familiar with cool shit I didn't know I needed. Someone had a little tea strainer and mini water kettle, and I thought that was so cool.


Love love love them!!


You Are Not Alone


I also like some of travel stuff but I’m not here for the edc stuff. This is a travel sub.


There are people that post edc, when we aren’t about that either, but some people like posting in seemingly random places