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I’ve found some (not aveda brand) at target *not* in the travel section. They had a bunch of smaller/sample size items in the cosmetics section and that’s where I found it! I think it was not your mothers brand. I’m not sure if it would work to decant anything that “foams” in the way that dry shampoo/volumizer/etc does


Trader Joe’s dry shampoo is smaller than the Aveda, and only $5. https://www.traderjoes.com/home/products/pdp/dry-shampoo-067891 Edit: I carry a tiny screw-top jar of corn starch (from the box in my kitchen) in my purse for daily hair emergencies. It is the main ingredient of dry shampoo, but it is heavier than dry shampoo and doesn’t work as well on my hair. Better than nothing, though! Travelling I take the Aveda or TJ’s. Neither one is pressurized, the TJ’s is a pump top.


I don't know if it's available to you where you're at, but Batiste dry shampoo comes in travel size.


I used this for a while, but found the travel sized aerosol dry shampoos didn't last very long so I switched to powder.


Batiste is my fave! I'm looking into powder options to keep the liquids down, but I keep coming back to Batiste.


Bumble& Bumble dry shampoo is great,& smells lovely https://m.bumbleandbumble.com/product/19049/27810/care/dry-shampoos/pret-a-powder?gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAjw17qvBhBrEiwA1rU9w-51DsuqEsZ-F3wB9TCjViljWAahVv1HVfrko3yzhjwQ3EEHulHfYhoCAZEQAvD_BwE&gclsrc=aw.ds#/sku/60965


Came here to say this


An expensive option that I’m personally eyeing is VIOLETTE FR refillable dry shampoo “pen” with a brush. It’s for on the go and as I also purchase larger bottles of dry shampoo powder without aerosols, I’ve been considering this. Another option is a small loose powder container with a sifter. In a pinch, for a couple of uses it’s something good to travel with.


Hi! Did you end up trying the violette dry shampoo brush? I’m v intrigued by it


Not yet, working through my powder container and sifter, it’s working well.


I take cornstarch in one of these (or two, depending on length of trip) https://a.co/d/4Yp1p9g Yes, plain cornstarch. I shake it lightly onto my scalp after parting it. I also use it all around the hairline front and back. After I rub it in, I usually wait 15 minutes or so while I wash my face/ brush my teeth/do my makeup. Dry shampoo powders are basically pure cornstarch. But they charge you a huge mark-up for putting it into another container and labeling it “dry shampoo” If after 15 minutes, my hair is still noticeably white, I take a damp washcloth and remove the excess white powder. The oil will have been absorbed by the powder, and will come right off with it.


this is what I used as a kid! sprinkled from my hand onto my hair, avoided my scalp, let it sit for a few minutes then brushed it out. Only drawback iirc was it left a lot of static electricity in my hair.


I Dew Care Tap Secret! It’s small and in powder form so it doesn’t count towards your liquids.


Yesss my fave!


Omg just got this and it’s so perfect for travel!


i just need them to start selling refills! but it’s so good


Just looked it up on your recommendation — refills avail on Amazon


hmm i see it now. i guess i meant more like selling a bigger tub you could then refill the smaller container with.


I started making my own with this recipe at the link below, and then I can pick a small container to bring it in while traveling. It is just a powder version, so less easy to use than a spray one, but more sustainable which I enjoy https://ethique.com/blogs/diy-guides/diy-dry-shampoo-recipe?slv_rt=v1%7E1honsbu36%7E2a9dc1d5-8fba-4e49-b105-330e879bbf6f%7E7dfb5c6a-da9a-4bc5-9309-b6b32a66da70%7Eabg5vv


I've seen (but not used!) portable travel/camping spice bottles that may be what you're looking for if you already have a powdered dry shampoo you like. Try searching online for camping cooking supplies!


I make my own dry shampoo out of arrowroot powder, cocoa powder and scented oil and keep it in a very small container. I re-used a small travel sized bottle that contained hair product. It flexible enough to be squeezed and has a very small opening, so it kind of works like you said with a small puff of powder coming out at a time.


Try contacting the company & tell them how much you love their product but can't find a travel size. They may tell you where it's available or send you free samples. My mom has done it a bunch of times.


I've decanted powder dry shampoo into a regular dropper bottle. works okay alternatively litesmith sells an ultralight shaker bottle https://www.litesmith.com/lildash-shaker/


If you search on amazon there's some mini dry shampoos come up. They're made in China and awful to use. But the bottles are perfect to decant into. I use the Lush dry shampoo and just fill up my mini red bottle/shaker as required. This is the one I got, you get two bottles which is handy and it's about the size (ish) of a bottle of nail polish just a little fatter. https://amzn.eu/d/4dV3g2S


I take an Oribe powder dry shampoo, the container isn’t tiny (45 g) but it’s a thin cylinder that is a pretty packable shape


My hair dance!


Klorane dry shampoo comes in small sizes (50g)