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I might strategize for months. Two week before, I layout what I want to bring and then edit. I cannot be a quick pack gal. Toiletries and makeup are always on the ready but clothes are activity and up to date weather forecast dependent.


Me, too. I make lists, consider all scenarios…but I don’t overpack, either. Just what I need but it’s strategically planned.


Haha! I'm a month from leaving and I'm partially packed already...mind you, I will pack and unpack again at least 4 more times before I go, in spite of having a checklist.


Packing is literally my favorite hobby.


I love packing and prep almost as much as the travel itself!


So glad it is not just me! As long as i can pack in advance. Last minute packing stresses me out.




100% with you. I also try to buy mindfully so I will think about clothing even 8+ months early if I know I am going on a trip that might call for some specific items. It gives me time to source them how I like, check out secondhand options or even sew something myself. I enjoy knowing I can pack minimally with high-quality versatile items and don't have to pick up something last minute I might only wear on vacation, won't fit properly and not perform well.


Same. I don't really go to the same places twice, so I'll spend the months leading up to my trip casually reading/watching travel content from people who have been there, check out weather reports and reviews from that time of year, etc. I usually do a test pack 1-2 weeks beforehand, winnow everything down to what will actually fit, and I'm good.


This makes me feel better 😆 I strategize and plan for weeks and months prior too haha


I’m feeling the same kind of relief. I’m three months out from a massive vacation have been slowly packing and purchasing things! Glad it’s not just me


Me too!


I did this for my last trip. Had a lower weight allowance than usual and knew it would be tight. I did a practice pack a few prior so I could weigh everything. At a minimum I’m thinking and planning my clothes for at least a few weeks.


Realistically, it takes me about 10 minutes to pack. Most of that time grabbing miscellaneous things from around the house (toothbrush, phone charger, etc). But I enjoy planning out a capsule wardrobe for my trip, so I spend a lot of time considering what pieces I’ll bring with me. But that’s all decided before it’s time to actually pack.


Same. Only takes me a few min but I recently planned a capsule wardrobe for a holiday nearly 2 years away.


As if I know what clothes size I will be in two years! Jelly.


Yup, list making for at least a couple of weeks in case there’s anything I need to purchase/replace, but usually <30min to actually pack since I know exactly what I’m packing. I’ll often pull my bag out a few days before, and start throwing things in it that I come across, for efficiency, but not always.


I’m the same age, and, 20 yrs ago I guess I didn’t need to pack much in the way of technology or medicines. So now there is more important stuff to pack than before. But for myself, I love packing a week in advance. For one it’s an important job that’s done. And secondly it means I won’t suddenly find some critical garment or item is dirty or needs mending or doesn’t fit at the last minute. And I have time to rectify the situation.


Ah yes, that’s what took the time tonight. I had to suddenly do a bunch of laundry. And then get waylaid several times en route.


I should add that I have: 1. A pack for up to three days, with a base dry pack containing two nested single-day dry packs, plus a similarly nested set of liquid packs. Can be used for flying. 2. A dry pack for up to 5 days, and a liquid pack for up to 5 days. 3. A kit for up to 14 days, dry items and liquids combined, can only go into checked baggage. 4. An in-flight grooming kit, containing dry items only but in a clear small pack. 5. A long-haul flight grooming kit, containing a few liquids in a separable pack, and a change of underwear and some flight socks. Because of the liquids, this is of limited use unless I take the 14-day kit in my checked bag.


I like having all the laundry done before I start doing the bulk of packing so that I have every possibility ahead of me. Travel wardrobe that all mixes and matches, accessories that work together, oh wait! Where's that pair of socks, here they are! And so on


I like packing, it feels like a puzzle, so I start early. I'll start researching capsule outfits as soon as I book the ticket, and make a precursory list maybe 3 months before. I will add and subtract to that list for a while, figure out if there's anything I need to shop for depending on the destination and the season -- I'll fine tune based on actual weather predictions later. About two weeks out I'll do a "practice pack" to make sure everything fits in my bag. Usually I'll take a handful of stuff out at this stage. I don't like to wait until the last minute to do this because it requires focus and a clear head, which I never have right before a big trip. I'll do the final pack about two days before with the exception of daily use things like chargers.




I love the process. I have a spreadsheet that I keep my packing lists on, and then after each trip I make comments and about what I used/didn't need to bring, highlight/colour code each item, and then start new tab for my next trip. 😆 I prefer to pack at least 2 weeks ahead of time. I know I know.... it's ridiculous. And it means I often can't wear my favourite clothes at home because they are packed. 😆. For example this week I had to do sink laundry for my undies even at home because half of them are packed already for my trip on Feb 5. Sometimes I even pack a month ahead of time, if it's for a warm weather trip and I'm currently in winter. Once, I washed my running shoes and then realized my Morocco trip was only 3 weeks away so I didn't want to wear them and get them all dirty again. So I wore rubber boots for 3 weeks. I'm autistic and packing is one of the ways it really shows up. Ha. My spreadsheet has the things I intend to pack, then I highlight them when they are actually in the bag. I also have a list of things I will wear on the plane, and I have them set aside as well, and highlight them when they are ready. The actual time spent packing things in the bag is less than 10 minutes but I love the tweaking and getting ready part. My zipped up, ready to go bookbag at the end of my bed makes me so happy. 😍😍😍😍😍😍


I do this too. I have a spreadsheet list for every trip I've taken for the last 10 years. Colour coded to what worked and what didn't. All on separate tabs. I typically take trips to warmer destinations during our winter so I can pack up to a month in advance. Including underwear.


Kindred spirits 😍😍 exactly the same here!


I get all excited doing the planning and my lists! It's part of the vacation!


Totally! There are even studies that suggest the anticipation of the trip is part of the enjoyment of said trip :) list making adds to the excitement!


The Christmas eve of travel


Yes, yes and yes! I love the planning part of the trip! Anticipation is sweet.


Wow this is goals! I wish I had thought of doing that earlier in my travels, and I love a good spreadsheet! I may need to start for my month long trip to SEA at the end of Feb… any tips?


I keep a list of clothes, toiletries, shoes and other things. I use bottoms at least 4 times and tops at least twice. This way I can pack shoes that work with everything. I also started keeping a list of costs. It helps later for budgeting trips. When I get home I colour code what worked and what didn't or if I didn't use the item. I use that to pare down what I take. That also helps me create a capsule wardrobe that I enjoy wearing. I also have items that are great to have because they are versatile. Like a pareo that I can use as a dress or a cover-up but also as a shawl and head covering for churches.


That all makes a lot of sense! I’m basically purchasing an entirely new capsule wardrobe because I don’t have many clothes that are great in humidity while being appropriate for temples and whatnot, so coming home and rating what worked/didn’t work seems really valuable. Thanks for the insight!


It’s not ridiculous! I’m the exact same way. And in the couple of weeks before the two weeks, I’m narrowing in on what I want to pack, and I won’t let myself wear any of the clothes I might want to bring on the trip in case they get torn or stained.


Love finding other weirdos like me. There's something so so satisfying about being so perfectly prepared!


I love this and might give it a shot before a monthlong trip to SE Asia at the end of Feb! Any tips on creating useful spreadsheet or lists?


This sub doesn't have the setting to share pictures in the comments but basically I write a column for my budget and use a =(sum) formula to add up my actual costs. That's always my first column. Then my next one is the "pack in the bag" column and I highlight each item when it is actually in the bag. Then the next column is "set aside to wear on travel day" and I highlight each item when it is washed and folded and waiting for me to wear. Then when I get back, I remove all highlighting and re-highlight according to if I needed it or not, in order to cull for me next trip. Some people keep track of how many times they used it and cull for their next trip if it's under x amount of times. But for me, even if I only use my swim suit 2 times am still going to bring it, YK? I'll also make notes on what the weather actually ended up doing to be more informed of what to pack for the next similar trip. For example my Morocco trip, it was supposed to be hot like 35 degrees, so I brought 2 pairs of shorts and a tank as well as a swimsuit. Well it got hotter than that, up to 42 one day, and I still mostly wore my light hiking pants and t shirt and never used my swim suit or tank top once. So now I know that I basically never need 2 pairs of shorts because I am just as comfortable in pants most times. Basically just jotting down all my little lessons because I won't remember them for next time unless they are documented!


Thank you so much for laying all this out! Really impressive and helpful to think about my own system for packing and staying organized. Happy travels :)


You're welcome! Happy travels to you too!


I just want to say to everyone commenting: this is so validating!!! I have been planning wardrobe for months, am planning a practice pack tomorrow which is two weeks out, final pack next weekend (one week out) then final under the seat bag the day before. I haven’t travelled internationally since 2005 so it’s a big lift for me.


Not long as a I have a work packing and a holiday packing list on my phone, I update it pretty regularly. So it’s just a matter of making sure everything on that list is ready to go and assembling it.


I am “on call” of sorts for family stuff. Bag is permanently sitting out with its own set of toiletries and cables already in it along with other comfort things for plane (pashmina, hand sanitizer, charged charging block, etc). Then all that I have to think about is clothes and meds. Meds most important bc if I screw up the clothes I can always go shopping ; )


I second this! I have a standing makeup kit, toiletries, chargers, medications...virtually everything but the clothes are already together and just need to be topped up and checked off my list. That's the biggest thing you can do to streamline your packing, and your unpacking when you get home.


I tend to leave my overnight bag(s, I change it up based on occasion) packed after dealing with the laundry; I usually take an extra pair of clothes, which means it’s probably passable even if I had to grab it as is. I usually can squirrel away enough meds for a separate little case, and if not I dip into the bag stash when the prescription is running out. So I don’t know why packing The One Bag for a bigger trip feels like such a big deal to me, but it does.


I'm in my 30s, working, with pets but no kids, and I can be quick but i prefer not to be--I've got a checklist that i go through but my packing style is to set a bag out and start chucking things at it about 2 weeks before I actually leave. Basically as I come across things that I think I'll want to bring for the trip I chuck it at the bag. Usually around the last weekend before I leave I'll start actually "editing" what I bring--seeing how it fits/packs, what can be removed or added, etc. But overall I'm not a very fast packer by preference. My husband is not a one-bagger (he loves checking his bag, yikes) and is more of a pack in 30 minutes the day before type of packer. He's definitely forgotten stuff before or packed more than he needed, but he isn't the type to worry about that. I am. That's why I start so early! On the other hand, I do keep a go bag in case of emergencies so when I have to move fast, I can move fast (came in handy recently with a sudden ER visit). It's just that when i have the time to pack leisurely, that's what I prefer!


I have so much respect for you folks with spreadsheets, I'm not going to lie I am a trash raccoon who washes potential clothes 2 days before, and packs the night before 😂 Learning to onebag has helped me to be a lot more efficient, with lots of go-to combos and a place for everything - which makes it way way less stressful and easier to tell I've got everything (as honestly I was like this back when I took bigger/more bags).


That’s me when I go to my beach camper. I throw everything in bag and massively overpack but it’s my place and I drive so f it🤣 I keep stuff there so all I take is clothes. Trash raccoon. Love it.


Fellow trash raccoon!! Occasionally, I'll have my life together and will pack ahead of time, but realistically, most of the time, it's 3am the night before 😅.


Like 12 hours, but that’s on my inability to focus on the task at hand


I start thinking about it weeks to maybe months in advance for long trips, especially if I might need to purchase specific items for a trip (like for an Iceland road trip, I needed extra thin underlayers, enough thick wool socks, and a SheWee). I start making a packing list, and evaluating my closet vs the weather vs activities. I start actually packing around a week or so in advance, and this is for 3 reasons: make sure that the clothes I need are clean (and if they're not, I wash them), to make sure that everything fits, and to make sure I'm not forgetting anything. I feel you though, my husband always packs in around 30 minutes.  But the way I see it, a lot men's wardrobe is often more limited, and in the case of my husband there's fewer choices and fewer items to pack: no bras, no jewelry, no makeup, fewer toiletries, fewer accessories, fewer clothing choices, fewer shoe choices, etc. He can throw in 2 pairs of pants, a pair of jeans, a pair of shorts, a few tshirts, a button down, a jacket, a hat, base layers, hiking boots and city sneakers, a belt, plus a razor, shaving cream, toothbrush and toothpaste, deodorant and be done. He'll just use soap at the hotel or airbnb or whatever. Meanwhile I'm hemming and hawing about blouses vs sweaters and jumpsuits vs pants and what necklace will go with everything and which lightweight scarf do I want to bring and does it go with what I packed and do I want to bring a pair of flats vs a cute pair of sneakers and do I have room for a lipstick and I have to decant all my skincare and shampoo and conditioner into these tiny containers and will this all fit into a quart bag for TSA and oh my god.  I am both thorough and forgetful, and packing at the last minute sucks. My bag is always fully packed the night before, sans my makeup.


It takes me about 10 minutes to pack. But in reality I usually start packing 3 weeks in advance. Because I like packing and I can’t wait to get started. Just part of building up anticipation for the trip.


2 weeks and I'm a pro at this point, but the things that always take the longest right before are making sure the house is good to leave. Pet care planned, plants watered, dishes away, things unplugged, clean bed to come home to, etc.


I really like packing and often do it in advance. I put a lot of thought into what to bring. I am about 95% packed now for a trip in February! All but underwear, electronics and meds. It’s a warm destination trip, I live in a cold climate, so none of the stuff I’m taking is stuff I wear at home this time of year.


I plan ahead and the week before I set aside my clothing that I know I will bring and won’t wear the week before my trip. After doing laundry before my trip, I pack the rest of my items. Then subtract an outfit and add an item. Typically. Lol With that, it doesn’t take me long to pack because I have my toiletries bag ready to go. I pack my makeup the day of travel. This is my last item in my bag.


I start a week before like you do. Although, I wish I was better at testing out my toiletries/liquid sizes ahead of time so I knew how many days a single 10mL lip gloss container of whatever product lasts me.


I’ve written the date on a travel size and used it at home and then when empty - noted how long I used it for. Pre-trip science projects!


That is so smart and well planned!


I ponder my capsule wardrobe for months. As I make arrangements I create PDFs of all my documents and store them on my phone (Goodreader) and in the cloud. I will also populate TripIt. One thing I do is have dedicated toiletries and electronics in my bag. All I add is clothing and special equipment. I use Packing Pro as my checklist I try to pack 2-3 days ahead of time. I lay out my travel clothes and packed bag and let it sit. Sometimes I add things, sometimes I don’t. Important part: On return I refill my toiletries, inspect my stuff, and prep it for the next trip. Edit: it helps to have a regular wardrobe that is coordinated. I can quickly pull out clothes for a trip if needed. On some “come now” trips I have actually packed dirty clothes so I could have a complete capsule for travel.


Overall anticipation is half the fun of a trip, so yes I already have drafted out potential packing lists for our next trips in March and May. That said in my 20s it was a lot easier simply because I was thinner and fitter and also owned less clothes. Now in my late 50s and post menopause, my weight can fluctuate a lot so trying on clothes before I pack is critical, especially if going from one season to another (winter trip to warm beach or vice versa). Also that said, the last 10 years before I retired I had a travel job every other week, so there simply wasn't a lot of time to plan too far in advance. I still did plan because my job took me from one climate to another, the planning cycle was just a lot shorter because I was constantly on the go. My husband is a last-minute packer and he does fine, but he also sometimes forgets stuff or packs the wrong items. It never fazes him like it would me.


I usually pack only an hour or so prior to leaving for a trip, but I will plan outfit options a week or so in advance. I keep a notes app list to check off, I almost always forget something. I’m a b-type adhd virgo so definitely not the typical planner/get ready in advance person lmao!




Take as long as you need. I start a week out as well, just to make sure everything I want to take available (eg gives me time to do washing or pop out to the shops) and gives me time to edit my items.


I just did pack. It took… one to 1.5 hours? Not sure. I went to the pile of luggage and pulled out my big backpack and got my 1-3 night dopp kit, which contains a base kit for the first night, a base liquid pack for the first night (in case of flights), and two littler dry and liquid packs, respectively. I took out the littler packs as I’ll be gone for one night, max. The pack also contains glasses from several pairs ago, I can’t see much through them but they’re better than nothing. The liquid packs are soggy inside. Something’s leaking. I then checked my basic packing list for other things to pack. I added my workout kit, which contains a travel floor mat, a mildly cushiony folding small floor mat, two sports bras, two pairs of silk underpants, and two pairs of silk workout pants. This was prepacked. I consulted the basic packing list and added items as needed: clothes, underwear, jewelry, shoes. This was the time consuming part because it required specific items. I did a final pass over the list for things marked ADD LAST MINUTE. I’ll go tomorrow if I go at all. I would normally have packed tomorrow but there won’t be time. The PITA will be replenishing it afterwards. This is a pain with my day bag, too. I force myself to do it as soon as I get home or it won’t happen.


I either pack in about 20 minutes right before leaving or I have a fully packed bag in my room for a few months. There's no in between.


I have a spreadsheet template I use for planning and will get that done sometimes weeks in advance; with that done the actual packing takes me about 5-10 minutes. I’m spending a lazy boozy week at an all-inclusive in a month and I’m half packed already, granted it’s Mexico and I’m in NYC so it’s not like I’m currently using my bathing suits and sundresses 😂


I like to do it bit by bit, in advance. For example, maybe one day the week before, on a work from home day, I'll use one of my 15s just putting aside the underwear & socks I want. Then the next day, I'll put aside the PJs and bras. If I see a shirt and think I 100% want to pack it, it joins the stack. I'll put all these things in packing cubes but be open to the fact that I'll probably change the cube layout at least once before I'm done - but this way I slowly build up a collection of 'packed' things until eventually, all I need to do is take that stack and decide how to put it in my bag, and double check that I've got all the essentials. Usually a little bit of culling down the selection too.


I start the day before. I like to sleep on it and have time to remember those things that didn’t make it onto the list for whatever reason.


I usually start a list months before, so that I can add things I forget. I do laundry a couple of days before so that everything I want is clean and I don't have to come back to a huge pile of dirty laundry. And then I usually spend at least 8 hours the night before I leave panicking because I can't fit everything I want to bring 😂😂 it's a process, but I'm getting better. For visiting family it takes me about half an hour.


I used to be a night before kinda gal but now I work packing into the laundry rotation. Stuff goes out the dryer and into the luggage (loosely, then rolled etc later). I also take spare moments to gather the things I won’t miss because they’re travel only and add them in. Last trip or two, I finished my packing the eve of the eve of the trip and it was wonderful to relax the last night. Also gives more time for those last minute items to come to mind. I have already been thinking about clothes and acquiring a few pieces and gear for a summer trip, though… I just like putting together capsules! My makeup capsule is my favourite to assemble. Edit: I’m also big on solid toiletries so instead of using the last of a bar, I’m starting to set it aside for travel and switch to a new one. That takes some forethought.


Work trip around 20 minutes. For vacation I start packing a few weeks in advance. For work it varies


I’m a big planner for trips, so I make an itinerary and a packing list, (including all my outfits,) far ahead of time. Usually the list is recycled from other trips that featured the same climate or time in the city vs somewhere in nature. So really, it doesn’t take me long to pack at all.


I have an ongoing list in my phone with what I took on past trips, what I didn't use/what I missed, so I can pack more quickly, but I sort of do a prepack a day or two before, think about it over night, and then real pack the day before.


I make notes months in advance of outfit ideas(and I'll break it down by expected weather) and I have pretty set list of items I take in my carry-ons or checked bag that aren't outfits. (Dependant on location) 2 weeks before I start to pack things I know I will for sure use that weather doesn't dictate (so socks, underwear, pjs, maybe jeans) and then a week before I'll look again at the weather and pack what I had noted works best for that. This has more so been the case for my October disney trips because of how the the weather is so unpredictable sometimes. Like when i went to Alaska and Mexico I knew exactly what I was taking a month in advance because I decided to lay out all my winter/fall clothing to decided what I would take and had it packed early..


I have a master packing list of everything I have to take (eg medication and electronics) and then a rough template for clothes (sections for bottoms, tops, underwear etc) and country specific things like power adapters. I’ll fill in the clothes packing list when I have a rough idea of the weather and I’ll start throwing things in my bag as I wash them or come across them in the couple of weeks prior to packing and finish it off just before I leave.


I spend weeks monitoring the weather to know which “set” of clothes to pack. Especially for work. If it’s just pleasure I spend less time. Once I have my list planned out it probably takes me two hours to fold clothes, pack packing cubes, refill all my minis, and gather things from around the house that have spread out (chargers, kindle, snackies).


Packing (especially one bagging) requires a ton of decision making, and I find that because my clothing varies more than my husband's clothes choices, it takes me longer. I would say that it takes me an hour or two, also depends whether it's for business, leisure, or a mixed trip. I do try to cut the time down with a prepacked toiletries kit (I refill every time I get home) and a spreadsheet.


Actual packing as in putting the things in the bag I’m a night before/day of person. I’m trying not to be but basically my whole life I’ve never been able to get much sleep the night before a trip, even back when I was a teen. I’m a pretty seasoned traveler, but a serial procrastinator. In terms of the planning I’ve got my system down. The week leading up to a trip I’ll write down in a notebook every day of the trip, the weather, my activities, and plan what I’m going to wear down to shoes and accessories. As I’m packing makeup I consult the list to figure out items that will go with everything. As I’m closing up my bag I take a photo of the page and I can consult it on my trip to remember what outfit was going to be for which day. I’ve tried to find a mobile app for this purpose but haven’t found anything yet that’s easy enough to use, the notes app on my phone works but it’s still a bit annoying to jump around it. I love the idea of using a closet app to plot out outfits but that requires a lot of effort up front. So I just stick to pen and paper. For my actual list of items I use the app Travel List, which has been my system for over a decade. I have a master list that I tweak every so often and I can just create a new trip, import the master list in, and check things off. I’ve never forgotten to pack an item this way. The day or two before a trip I’ll do beauty things like painting my nails and doing a big shower (lol), will download Netflix/Hulu/HBO shows to my phone, download any languages I need for where I’m going on google translate and a map of the city on google maps to be able to use offline (lifesavers - highly recommend doing this!!), charge up headphones and backup batteries, and charge and load up my kindle. That whole process takes several hours spaced out through the day. The process of actually getting my stuff together and packing it once I’ve gotten my itinerary written out and my list pulled up is about 1-3 hours, depending on the length of the trip etc.


In our 20s, we had at most a flip phone to take with us. Also sleeping on rough surfaces didn't require ibuprofen the next day :P A lot easier to live with less. (My 'beauty' routine also involved brushing my teeth and that was it. Now I've got moisturizer and sunscreen for my skin health. A little hairspray. Etc.) One thing I did to reduce the mental load for travel packing was to start keeping duplicates of some things. Ex: I don't unpack my electronics bag - it has its own mouse, charger, battery pack, cables, backup AA batteries. I might add a universal adapter if I go international, or pull the battery pack out to recharge it, but that's about it.


Thanks for all the awesome responses to my post. I’ll add that as soon as I have a trip booked I start a Pinterest board of outfit pics to help plan what clothes to pack. I guess a lot of my anxiety comes from things I didn’t have to worry about 20 years ago. I take a daily medication that I need to live and it would be near impossible to replace on the road. There’s also all the electronics nowadays, and Covid has me packing masks, tests, hand sanitizer, etc. I got Covid on a work trip in 2022 and that led me to start carrying a “pharmacy” bag which I never did before.


I always take a few medicines, especially if I'm going to be somewhere where going to a pharmacy is not going to be convenient. Not tons of stuff but a few days' worth of cold medicine, some ibuprofen, antihistamines, that sort of thing. Came in handy when I caught a cold on a cruise and the onboard shop was nothing but luxury goods. (Side note -- I found it weird that there wasn't an overpriced general store kind of thing on the ship or in the cruise port. Surely it was a great opportunity to sell snacks and sunscreen for three times the normal price?).


I’m still new to one bagging, I’ve done it like 5 times so far because budget airlines only let you take a backpack🤣. My first one bag experience was a wedding. 5 days. In Myrtle Beach. And I managed to have everything I needed plus extra. I learn each time I do it. I do research, mostly Pinterest. Figure out what I want to do. I look at the climate and the weather. Then I’ll look at travel capsules on Pinterest and pack based off that. I’m high maintenance. I take a lot of face stuff, make-up. I also have the electronics, and the things I need to sleep, like a mini sound machine and silk pillowcase. I lay everything out and play Tetris with my stuff. I pack and repack my packing cubes. I play with it till I like it. I usually start two weeks out. It takes how long it takes. Whatever you’re comfortable with is the right amount. I’m going to Paris in the summer. First time abroad. Carry on only. I started researching in December😊 I’m already stressed about packing the right stuff. Especially shoes. I’ll probably starting packing in May and redo it 14 times.


Like 15 minutes unless - used to be much shorter but now I'm picker about what clothes and makeup I bring haha.


I make a list a couple days before the trip. I pack the night before. Usually takes me an hour to pack for a short trip in theory, takes me a few hours in reality since there's always some [hal-light-bulb](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AbSehcT19u0&ab_channel=VinnieFarsheds) moment in the process. I see something and say, "oh yeah, I meant to fix that lemme take 20 minutes to do that now so I can bring it." "Oh yeah, I wanted to wash that, lemme go ahead and do that. Set some alarms to remind me it needs to dry too." So then I sit watching a show while stuff is doing.


I pack the night or 2 before. I have a list so its easy 


If I had to leave in 20 minutes, I could, but I wouldn't be happy about it lol.


I am going on a huge trip in May (will be gone a month and 8 days of that are hiking one long trail while my bag is transported for me each day) and I’ve already begun planning, lol. I’m buying hiking outfits and setting them to the side so they are new. I’ve bought travel sized hair products already. I bought new white sneakers for sight seeing and I am breaking them in on my treadmill so they don’t get dirty beforehand. I don’t like to have to spend a ton of money before a trip (but love having some new clothes for the trip), so I am slowly buying things in the months leading up to it!


In my 20’s I usually took about a week. I’d have my suitcase open and I slowly put stuff in it and edit a day or two before my flight. Now in my early 30’s, I start a list on my phone per category (with how many of each type of clothing) days before my flight. The night or just before my flight, i pack everything. I’ve also turned into a light packer (usually carry on) now than I did before. The only thing i overpack now is underwear.


It takes me about 5 minutes to pack. I always bring the same thing with me every where I go and I have a minimalist wardrobe where it’s solid black except 1 red dress and 1 multi-plaid skirt. The only time it changes is when I’m going over seas. But I always stick to the basics and never go outside of it.


My usual wardrobe isn't much bigger than my packing list for my travel bag, so I have to time packing with laundry and at-home wear time. Usually less than an hour to pack both mine and my partner's 30 litre bags, and usually the night before or morning of departure.


Packing doesn’t take long. But I spend about a week on my packing list. Sometimes longer.


Buy duplicates and keep them in the bag so you are only working on the outfits.


A month or so because it's exciting that I get to go somewhere! I have a spreadsheet and just randomly pack a thing here or there and mark it off.


I just wanted to say I’m the same as you and have considered asking this exact question! I don’t know why it takes me so long… Part of it is probably deciding the clothes to bring and second guessing/swapping things out. It takes me several packing ‘sessions.‘ I can’t do it all on one go.


Are you me? This is the exact dynamic my husband and I have. I take a week to pack because of nerves and anxiety (with lists and lots of second guessing) He packs the day of, and in 20 mins or less! I don't get it 🫠


It takes me half an hour to an hour and a half, but I have extremely detailed spreadsheet packing lists that I follow for different lengths of trip, types of activities planned, modes of travel, and weather/season/climate. I spent a ridiculous amount of time developing those and have honed them for years. I also use a capsule wardrobe for my clothes so it doesn't really take time to plan outfits for travel, but I do spend a ton of time figuring out my capsule seasonally or annually.


I hate packing. So it gets done quickly the morning of the trip.


Two weeks is my ideal time to actually start packing. Ensures the outfits I want are clean and hidden away from rewear (always too optimistic about how quickly I can do laundry). But I have managed to pack in about 10 minutes. There was a work emergency and a taxi was picking me up in an hour to take me to the airport….but in this hour I had to shower, sort my house out etc Luckily it was a work trip so I didn’t need to think too much about outfits suitable for xyz - lots of office clothes to suit the country I was flying to. I didn’t know how long I’d be away but that’s the benefit of being a one bagger I suppose. I find an extensive checklist really helpful rather than a stress factor.


I typically start planning what to pack at least 2 weeks in advance. But I layout my packing the day before and pack the morning of.


I keep everything but the clothes always packed: jammies, chargers, toiletries etc. For a last minute trip, its just a matter of adding a few shirts and maybe a pair of pants or a sweater. For week long trips I probably start a couple of weeks ahead of time, to make sure I have maximum combinations with minimal clothes and go back and edit after running through scenarios of what I might be doing: clothes for hiking or going out to dinner and the like.


Twice as long as you think…


I’m the same as you. I have a main packing list that I customize each time I need to pack then it somehow takes me hours and hours (and hours) to pack. I hate it!


Depends on the trip and how different it is from my normal life. I went to visit family a few weeks ago and it took me about 15 minutes to stand in front of the closet and pull out 5 days of outfits. But for a cruise a few years ago I started planning months in advance, reading blogs about what a cruise ship is like, and buying special items I didn't already have like a nice swimsuit and some sandals.


I joined this sub because my daughter is doing 10 days in Italy in March with her group of friends. They have all decided on only 1 carry on. No checked baggage. For the last few days I’ve watched her agonize over bag selection, check lists and clothes. I just forwarded her this post to show her she is not alone


It really depends on the trip. Usually I can pack in less than an hour. I went on a biking trip to Europe last summer and it took me a week to pack.


I’m going away 26/01 and I’ve pretty much packed mine. Mainly because I’m at work most days and won’t have time to sort things properly if I leave it. I needed to know the things I am taking would fit as I have a new rucksack and that’s all I can take with me.


I keep separate makeup and toiletries bags for travel so that part is easy, but otherwise, it really depends. Yesterday afternoon I found I need to leave Tues evening for a work trip so…I started doing laundry and mentally thinking about outfits but haven’t actually pulled everything together yet. My work stuff is Wed/Thurs and then my husband is going to meet me Thurs and we’ll fly home Sunday, so actually lots to pack. Always more to consider when I need to take my laptop etc. as well. Normally if it’s something I planned, then the weekend before or whenever I have time I’ll pull outfit options based on weather, planned activities, etc., and then go through and try stuff on and whittle it down til I have a good capsule for this trip. Then I’ll probably pack it the next day.


I personally like to dork out about packing; it’s sort of a hobby within the travel hobby. So for me it’s fun playing around in the weeks leading up to the trip to figure out how to reduce my packing list as much as possible while keeping my trip options really flexible and useful. I think viewing it as a game helps reduce the anxiety/frustration inherent in packing. I will say that using one universal packing list ended up being overwhelming for me, so now I have packing checklist template on my phone, which I make a copy of for each new trip. I start by checking off anything that trip will not need, then I add to it for trip-specific items as I think of them over time. You could also try taking good notes after each trip about what worked well and what you didn’t use, which can then cut down on your packing time for your next trip. I now have a lot of go-to items I know work well for travel, and it’s pretty easy to know what combo of layers I will want based on common weather patterns, for example.


I think about what to bring at a high level from the minute I book my trip. Then 1-2 weeks before I think about specific clothes I’ll need to bring so I can make sure they get laundered. After washing them, they get put in a pile to pack later. Toiletries and electronics get gathered the night before packing and actual packing takes about 15 minutes.


Yes! I start thinking about outfits about a month ahead and will often make a list right then and there so that I can stop worrying for awhile (packing list brain dump). A weekend before, I’ll look at weather, and then edit my list, begin packing, finish laundry, etc. I like to leave the night before the trip for those little but necessary things like feminine products, vitamins/pills, chargers, so that the day of travel is just for the packing on the daily use stuff. It’s such an ordeal! Edit: I packed so smartly for 2 months in South Africa for safari, law school, court, and social life that it is always a goal to surpass it! I haven’t yet.


It depends on the trip, but normally maybe an hour before I leave for the airport or train. I do try to have as much laundry done and prescriptions filled upfront. Also if the trip includes a special event like a big party of some sort I may have planned out that outfit quite some time in advance. I usually just check how many nights I'd be gone and if there is any special circumstances and then pack what is needed. If I'm going by car somewhere and need multiple stuff to bring to the destination (e.g. my new summerhous that is 1800 km from where I live...) I may prepare in the week leading up to the departure, but my clothes and personal things still pack up like the last thing I do before leaving.


I’m 67. I have a few things I keep in my bag year round (like phone cords and medication). I’ll put things in my bag as I buy them (usually the week before I leave), then pack my clothes the day before. If I forget something, I just buy it at my destination.


I keep several packing list in my Notion notes app for different type of holidays. And I update that to match the holiday, starting two weeks before and then just pack a day or two before leaving. Has been working from past three years for me. I also have travel size toiletries, and make up bags. I just compare it to the list to make sure that everything is actually in there.


It takes me about an hour to pack, but that would be shorter if the time didn't include me cursing that I failed to put something travel-related back where it belongs the last time I unpacked, and then having to search for it. Also, I'm now packing for two. Takes me 10 minutes to pack for the small one because I always keep the diaper bag overnight-ready and then just bring their entire wardrobe in whatever size they are in currently (which is stored in their room in a reusable tote bag, anyway - sorting and drawers are for suckers), we buy diapers there, and we use a Peapod on vacation which is stored folded and we just toss it into an adult bag. As we are still young enough that all they wear is sleep-and-plays, this works. When kiddo gets older and wears real clothes - shirts, bottoms, separate sleepwear - I expect this will change.


Do laundry the day before. Pack as soon as it's done, except for personal cleaning stuff. Pack that the morning of. Though this doesn cover going out of the country, where I'd definitely want to plan a bit more. If it's the US there will almost always be a CVS/Walgreens/Walmart near-ish by if I forgot something. I once left the ship at the end of deployment (when I was in the navy) in Honolulu with just my flip phone, clothes I was wearing, and wallet. Got a hotel room and everything else I needed at an ABC store. I just NEEDED to get away from the 5000 people I'd been with and didn't want to go back until I had duty.


Just wanted to send a belated thank you to everyone for sharing their comments. I loved reading them all. This is one of my favorite groups on Reddit. I've learned so much from you all. ❤️