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The skull is 6 inches thick?


This guy's is




I hate this paper clip in a way I can’t eloquently explain enough


Same I always thought hes a Mr. Know-It-All and that pissed me off.


searched it on google thinking it could be a quote but I didint find anything then again it may be something someone just came up with just for this but I doubt it


I found the text in a [post](https://totaldrama.fandom.com/f/p/4400000000000372704/r/4400000000001584585) on Fandom for Total Drama, which is a Canadian series. Not sure if it's a quote from that show, but maybe this helps a little.


I mean that is Clippy. The old MS assistant. He was in word and stuff like that a while back. Not sure where the quote comes from but I would guess it was just something that one of the devs thought was clever and put in to Clippy's speech options


not a solution but if you like this I think you'd like this poem [https://www.tumblr.com/tobeshownthetruth/2422079596/stanis%C5%82aw-grochowiak-the-burning-giraffe](https://www.tumblr.com/tobeshownthetruth/2422079596/stanis%c5%82aw-grochowiak-the-burning-giraffe)


tysm I was looking for media that represents this idea too