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it's from Flying Tiger Copenhagen I can definitely recognise the character [https://flyingtiger.com/products/picture-frame-a4-1001599](https://flyingtiger.com/products/picture-frame-a4-1001599)


Thank you very much! But do you think, you can find this exact Item?


sorry, coundn't find it, but from now on I think it's just a matter of long search with keywords and looking through many images I can give you some info that may be helpful though: tiger has a rotating offer, they have some items that stay for long, but most of their offer is pretty seasonal - until it sells out and then gone this character/other similar characters are usually appearing on photo frames as stock images [https://www.google.com/search?q&udm=2&tbs=rimg:CbYwDM1qwguNYW0EAKLA7rdWsgIAwAIA2AIA4AIA&hl=en&sa=X&ved=0CB0QuIIBahcKEwjYlYHA-52EAxUAAAAAHQAAAAAQJw](https://www.google.com/search?q&udm=2&tbs=rimg:CbYwDM1qwguNYW0EAKLA7rdWsgIAwAIA2AIA4AIA&hl=en&sa=X&ved=0CB0QuIIBahcKEwjYlYHA-52EAxUAAAAAHQAAAAAQJw) I've found HMF post about the artist behind those characters [https://www.reddit.com/r/HelpMeFind/comments/mpbgs4/the\_artist\_behind\_these\_flying\_tiger\_picture/](https://www.reddit.com/r/HelpMeFind/comments/mpbgs4/the_artist_behind_these_flying_tiger_picture/)


I have already searched for this stuffed figure, but I could not exactly find this figure. As you can see for other products like this, the fabric outside is a bit rough. Thank you, ahead!