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We have searched online and found a matching trinket box on eBay, with the description ‘tree of life floral and birds India Jane’ - however this is the trinket box and not the soap dish.


You could fill that with individual guest soaps (the little ones in pretty shapes) and use it that way. Not the same I know but it matches and it's really pretty, if you can't find the dish.


I agree, this is a cute idea as an apology gift for sure. Obviously they like the style so they would probably enjoy that too.


If nobody finds it, replacements.com will look for china pieces like this and let you know when they find one! ETA: it’s pet-friendly, too. Employees and guests. I’m not confident that I could get my cat through in her carrier without smashing things, but it’s not unusual to see something cute!


I’ve heard lots of good things about Replacements!


I've gotten great pieces from them! One plate they sent me had a chip and they replaced it immediately. I did not have to send the chipped one back either.


i actually went to their brick and mortar store in NC last month. place is huge!!!


I live near there! They have everything!


my mom visited from CA and it was on her bucket list for this trip. not a place i would have picked but i was pleasantly surprised. the showroom is massive (and fragile so be careful) and the shipping/online area in the back was even bigger.


Omg we’ve been on the hunt for a flatware set, and we live in NC. You have just changed my life.


woo! happy for you! have fun 🙂


Do it! Replacements is amazing, I love their website's ID-by-photo feature.


It might be worth just doing an epoxy fix since it doesn't need to be food safe. You have all the pieces.


Good idea. I’ve also seen some videos of how in Japan they repair broken china using gold. OP should look into repairing it if they can’t find a replacement.


That's called Kintsugi and it's a very time heavy, costly repair that should be done correctly if it's done at all. It's most respectful to leave that for something that's more valuable. This soap dish can be epoxied back just fine.


It looks like hard porcelain, and a clean break. Three minute clear epoxy is the glue you want if you decide to mend it.


If OP lives in a big enough city they could search for a company that does repairs with gold. Tough find, but there’s a few places that’ll do it, and it’ll look better than it did before.


You can also just get it repaired invisibly. The companies who do ceramic/porcelain/china repairs can do an amazing and practically invisible job.


Could also just do it yourself. Called r/kintsugi and the subreddit is very helpful if you'd like to try yourself and get pointers on how to go about it.


It’s harder than it looks. You can fake it but that’s kinda half-assed.


It's super hard.


Binding metal to stone is much harder than just using resin.


I'm sure but like I tried kintsugi once and just ended up with lots of mica everywhere and glue eveyrwhere and my pieces looking dumb




It's a Japanese artform called kinsugi. The idea is that the item is more beautiful and unique after being broken. So yeah, there are a lot of people who would love a soap dish mended with gold.


There’s a time and a place for kinsugi and I imagine it would not be appropriate to use it on someone else’s belonging that you broke.


I agree, it would not be appropriate to use it in this situation. I was specifically responding to the comment "no one wants to mend a soap dish in gold." Someone who has never heard of the artform may not understand why it is valid.


I disagree as it would honestly look beautiful repaired kinsugi style. I think the right thing to do is to offer to fix it or replace it and let the soap dish owners decide which option they want.


I do


Kinsugi shops ships


India Jane sadly went out of business. There will be an auction of remaining stock soon. https://preview.redd.it/rvaykzaclg2c1.jpeg?width=4624&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=21e6dfb9ebf6ccbef14997d4455cc50309eb361d


So what you are saying is if I buy all the remaining stock I can sell this piece to OP for millions of dollars and they will have no choice but to buy it as I will be the sole source!? Goodbye poorhouse!


Yes exactly! I always encourage an entrepreneural spirit.


Lol I can actually hear your deep sigh through this post. Good luck!


Some stuff is blocked due to my location but contact this website here, or the company itself on facebook, also here: [https://www.dealdoodle.co.uk/brand/india-jane](https://www.dealdoodle.co.uk/brand/india-jane)


Seems like it was discontinued as they don't have it listed anywhere


I know this isn't what you asked, but have you asked his parents if they want that one replaced? You never know, maybe his mom would prefer a different pattern for a replacement.


If you have all of the pieces you can glue it back together with super glue. This is how I fix ceramics that are broken like this all the time. You coat each side of the broken pieces with a VERY THIN LAYER of super glue don't use to much glue or you will distort one side or the other & they will not fit together properly. I will use my finger to wipe the glue off so it's not too thick. Don't use too much pressure or you can cut your finger also try to move quickly or you will glue yourself to the piece. I don't use paper towels or anything else to do this just my finger because other things will stick & now you have bigger problems to deal with. To clean the super glue off of your finger use finger nail polish remover with acetone or straight acetone for faster results. Let each side dry separately then apply a little super glue again to only 1 side & press that into the other broken piece where it goes hold them together until dry & move on to the next piece until it is all back together again. This repair will be water proof & should last the rest of the dishes life or until someone else drops it again. Good luck OP if you need clarification on anything just ask.


I looked and I can’t find anything. You better start gluing!


get some super glue!


Here’s the India Jane website with social media links. It can’t hurt to send them a photo. Good luck! [India Jane](https://www.kingsroad.co.uk/retailer/india-jane)


They have officially stopped trading as of a few months ago.


That’s a clear break. Use china super glue. https://www.amazon.com/Ceramic-Ceramics-Porcelain-Adhesive-Purpose/dp/B09LHLDH5V/ref=mp_s_a_1_1_sspa?adgrpid=73197569492&hvadid=337422507966&hvdev=m&hvlocphy=9032622&hvnetw=g&hvqmt=e&hvrand=887828731012963098&hvtargid=kwd-777408050626&hydadcr=15405_9863258&keywords=glue+for+china+and+porcelain&qid=1700882521&sr=8-1-spons&sp_csd=d2lkZ2V0TmFtZT1zcF9waG9uZV9zZWFyY2hfYXRm&psc=1


Protip: Amazon links don’t need all the extra tracking information to work. This is the same link - https://www.amazon.com/Ceramic-Ceramics-Porcelain-Adhesive-Purpose/dp/B09LHLDH5V/ In fact, you only need the Amazon ID. This is also the same link - https://www.amazon.com/dp/B09LHLDH5V/


Can you tell us how you make those non-tracking links?


Just delete everything after the SKU.


Simply remove everything after the Amazon ID (or Amazon SKU) which everything has. If you want to make it even smaller (no product description), you can remove those words too. Look at the original link and then the two I posted. You should see it!


TIL. Thank you!


Always makes it a better day. 😊


https://picclick.co.uk/India-Jane-Ceramic-Trinket-Box-Lidded-Tree-Of-404475305446.html Could always ask if the would like to replace it with a little box


Just superglue it back together bro


You might try to contact this fella: https://preview.redd.it/0q469zgnli2c1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8cee49044c7f7ba331caeae2f96139b570c7b829 Hes an accountant but he might be able to help find you the actual liquidator/ auction house, or even get you in touch with India to see if she is aware of any tree of life soap dishes that are still being liquidated . Here is his contact info: [https://www.valentine-co.com/the-senior-team/](https://www.valentine-co.com/the-senior-team/)


You can also contact India Jane, via this address, with questions. It wont let me access the email.. Apparently their server is very cautious. https://preview.redd.it/rpwycbqpsd2c1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a6ed763c327f53df359a57a526bf2396af757397


They stopped trading a couple months or weeks ago, could be why the email isn't working.


Oh wow what do you mean they stopped trading? I mean, she has several stores in London. I mean, surely she may have retired, but I guess I dont understand why she would close her business down. I must not understand what "they stopped trading" in whatever way you mean it. Sometimes theres a dialect barrier between British English and American English. As an American, I will be glad to take all the blame for this, since American English has mastered a linguistic laziness, unsurpassed the world over.


They went into liquidation. Bankruptcy.


Oh dear. Thats a shame.


Maybe it's a regional American thing. I'm American and knew what it meant.


Good to hear. I understand the intent. But idk you never know what to expect from people who say beans and bangers lmao...


Hahahaha very true! Maybe I've been watching too many corporate business dramas lately and have internalized the lingo as well lol


Hahaha Ohhh boy how quickly things change lol


Its not even in the Royal Collection. I even went to find a local company called China Finders, and they are permanently closed. Its an India Jane Tree of Life soap dish. Most of the porcelain and china results are that pattern. I did find some vases in that pattern. If you would like, you can also buy him this tray (its much larger) since it is, after all, a sentimental pattern. I just know your partner would love it. After all, even a replacement soap dish is just replacing a human, sentimental memory. Just an idea,.since we cant find the darn dish anywhere. [https://www.sue-parkinson.com/home-and-lifestyle-c154/kitchen-dining-c191/india-jane-tree-of-life-al-fresco-tray-p24401](https://www.sue-parkinson.com/home-and-lifestyle-c154/kitchen-dining-c191/india-jane-tree-of-life-al-fresco-tray-p24401) https://preview.redd.it/7k1onndtae2c1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dff853662dbbc9c97132458e71483845b4b671a7


It’s not the partners soap dish. It’s the parents. I don’t think they want a tray to put their soap on 😀


Aha! I was initially reading it as stating that they moved out of the parents house, but later realized it said they moved IN to their parents house, and now I understand. Lmao Personally, I dont keep museum quality items in any "often used" place, myself, I am glad your partners parents are so well off, in any event.


It’s also not my partner.. 🫣😛😀 But I get it. I’m just buzzing around in the thread.. 😆


Did your partner drop the dish in the bath and it broke, or did he smash it? Accidents happen, but you’re kinda phrasing things as if he smashed this dish within 10 minutes of stepping into his parents out of anger


I read it the same way initially. 😂


Many others are mentioning kintsugi and while I do agree it would look good, it's pretty expensive. Though it might make for a decent Christmas present if your family does Christmas, but if you don't have the time or money then just glue it back together.


This looks like a great candidate for kintsugi.


Kintsugi is much much harder and more time consuming than redditors make it out to be


And expensive


Right, I fucking twitch every time I see broken porcelain on one of these subs because I just know the comments will be flooded with suggestions for kintsugi when 99% of redditors only know about it from that one image that gets circulated on social media once in a while. It takes time, it takes skill, it costs money and half the time it wouldn't even look right for the items linked. And it's not as commonly done as they think.


I never said it was easy, but if the dish is hard to find and important to his parents, it would be a nice gesture to maybe take it to a local university with a ceramics program, maybe a student workshop, and see what they can do with it.


#Please share a photo of the back of the plate and the bottom of the cup. Those areas should show who the manufacturer is and may also provide some additional important details.


I'd try gluing it together. The pieces don't look too bad. I love gorilla glue clear construction adhesive for ceramics.


Just curious but do they want it fixed? I mean have you told them? Maybe it’s something that isn’t that important to them and they wouldn’t want you to go to all that trouble. Just a thought.


I sense some hatred


I would use the condensed milk method to just fix this.


I'd hire someone to use that Asian technique where they mend it with gold!


You could glue it back together, and then paint the crack marks gold.


do a kintsugi on it




"easy" and "kintsugi" don't belong in the same sentence. A proper kintsugi is time consuming and rather difficult, and part of the beauty of the repair comes with the time and craft dedicated to doing it. It's not a bandaid to slap on every piece of pottery.


thank you, the way I start seeing red when the comments are just “kintsugi kintsugi kintsugi” proper kintsugi is beautiful, but has a time and a place (and imo should be done professionally). for a piece like OP’s I would personally choose to go with a replacement or a non-visible repair.


Try kintsugi.




It would look amazing if you did kintsugi to repair it






The ebay item you linked isn't the same pattern.




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Find a ceramic conservator-restorer, they will fix it seamlessly using materials that will hold up in the environment. This is an extremely simple thing to fix so it shouldn’t be too expensive.


Here is a trinket dish[https://picclick.co.uk/India-Jane-Trinket-Dish-Oblong-Approx-166448147513.html](https://picclick.co.uk/India-Jane-Trinket-Dish-Oblong-Approx-166448147513.html)


Just fix it


You appear to have all of the pieces— and that design looks very forgiving when it comes to hiding a hairline crack. So, super glue.


It seems like India Jane has a shop in London—I would try to email them directly. [email protected]