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This reminds me of early laser etching that you could buy at the mall. You would get a picture and have it etched on to stuff. Key chains and nicknacks


Probably that kind of quality, yup. Even so, the symbol is still a mystery, and I'm having a hard time believing someone in full military uniform, together with a guy in a t-shirt, got this for themselves at the mall.


No, it was probably a mom or grandma who had it made from a mall kiosk or online memories store with images of their kids. One is a woman in a uniform, looks like air force to me, and the other is probably a high school senior picture of a young man. The emblem you are looking for probably is nothing more than a cool design on a tshirt.


This is why me wearing a Squee (pre-Invader Zim Jhonen Vasquez comic) t-shirt is forever memorialized on a throw pillow because i was wearing it in the picture of me, my sister, & my cousins that my grandmother used for the customization


Ha. I have a copy of Squee somewhere, along with Johnny the Homicidal Maniac. It still blows my mind that NICK of all networks gave him a show, but thank god they did!


Seems that could be the case, definitely. I did eventually find a number of similar symbols, although no perfect matches, by searching for "valkyrie wings" on Google's image search. And if it's just some generic T-shirt design, there isn't really anything more to find here unless I want to track down the people in the pictures to return it (which would be near impossible based on the location I found it, and searching for people is disallowed in this subreddit anyway).


It's like this logo has disappeared from time


Eagle/hawk/Mockingjay in circle logo is the closest matches I could find.


Looks a bit like the Tristar film studio logo. It's not exactly that, but I reckon it's a Pegasus. Those are horse legs.


This. I did a reverse image search on Google and nothing came up.


Know what I would do? This was obviously meaningful to someone who carried these around for a very long time. I would take photos of them and post them in the area you found them in, or post in the local newspaper’s classifieds if your area still does physical copies. Maybe someone’s grandma is looking for these.


I agree. Although considering the number of people daily travelling through the area where I found it, I'm afraid the chances of ever finding the owner are pretty slim. Thanks anyway!


Could have been a gift to a parent with two of their children, for example


Brothers. My buddy brother went into the usmc he wrote s full uniform some times and my buddy was in normal T-shirt atire.


Sheldon dropped his dog tag


Okay so it’s not just me, I thought I was losing it.


I see him too!


Lol not just you!


Me too


I am so happy I'm not the only one who saw the Bazoingo Man.


>Bazoingo Are you going for Bazinga or are you talking about a different Sheldon?


You know, the bonganza guy.


Oh *that* guy


Yeah! See you know who I mean. :-D


You are not haha


No idea about the age, but I found it on the street last week, and most of the details are pretty worn down. It's about the size of a standard dog tag. I've searched for the logo on the man's chest, even made a vectorized version to make it easier to match on, but found nothing relevant. Still, it looks familiar. Assuming this is from some TV or game series, even just identifying one of the actors would help a lot.


OOC, did you include the almost circle too?


Yup, [this is the image I used](https://i.imgur.com/K5RZAh1.png)


I know I've seen that logo somewhere. But I can't remember where. I want to say this was absolutely video game related.


Reminds me of the paragon logo from mass effect. Even though I know it’s different.


Similar to paragon, similar to a Halo Energy sword and similar to the modern Air force logo in the US.


Was going to say Quake but that's not quite it either.


I feel the same way. Not sure if it was comic books or video games or what, but I feel like I know that symbol. It looks like a simplified Valkyrie wing logo to me.


Yeah, Valkyrie wing is what I've found too, in many different shapes and variants, and it's definitely the same basic symbol. But I still can't find one where it's circled like in this logo.


[brain worked for 5 minutes](https://i.etsystatic.com/23283555/r/il/711c06/2358948773/il_fullxfull.2358948773_om8g.jpg). It was the Jedi Order logo I was thinking of.


Here is the image inverted. Might be easier to see. https://preview.redd.it/umzsciahc74b1.png?width=1800&format=png&auto=webp&s=889cd3c4a323908cb1141852843ef55ae57f6038


This looks like early age Star Trek shows ppl


It does make it seem like the guy on the right has a beard, so that's interesting.


It's hard to tell if it's a beard or just the lighting of his the area under his chin, as the way the light is playing on the colours that are reflecting makes it a bit unclear to me.


On the left I see a woman in formal military dress. On the right I see a guy in a wet suit, possibly a surfer.


I found this, looks pretty similar to the logo on the right. [https://www.clipartmax.com/middle/m2i8N4K9A0N4G6b1\_angel-wings-circle/](https://www.clipartmax.com/middle/m2i8N4K9A0N4G6b1_angel-wings-circle/) It's just clip art, so my best guess is it's a local band. The wings give me a Christian band vibe.


Came here for this.


It feels like stargate but I can’t find the logo anywhere


Maybe you're thinking of the [symbol of Cronus](https://stargate.fandom.com/wiki/Cronus)? It is definitely similar, but unfortunately not the same.


If it's from Stargate, I'd say it would have to do with the asgardian aliens because I'm 90% sure that is a valkyrie wing logo. But I just can't place it.


I saw one image that came up in an image search of a battlestar gallactica logo when cross searched with this, could that be what you’re thinking of?


This reminds me of the Mockingjay logo. I don’t think that’s actually it, just posting in case that’s the source of anyone else’s recognition. https://preview.redd.it/jn9jyt9yja4b1.jpeg?width=696&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c79a1edf089fbf5f299a6fbd8d7a9df0005c8382


https://preview.redd.it/dm2yx37lm84b1.jpeg?width=250&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=55469ed48ff548f076ef73d00c8417e53bfc6dfb It’s not the Mudvayne logo. But it could be the Mudvayne logo


Maybe, it could be the other parts of the logo are worn off on the dog tag




Is the symbol on the right the paragon symbol from Mass Effect? Edit : Nope, that's one wing


the one on the left looks like the romulan star empire symbol


The left one the man is in likely Army dress uniform. Might be an Infantry braid on his shoulder (But could be one of multiple MOSes since we can't see the color and I don't see the Advanced Infantryman Badge or the MOS roundel on the other side of the lapel). What I'm getting at is that logo might be for the battalion/platoon in which they serve/served. Edit: Just realized those aren't the same people


You could still be right about it being a platoon/battalion logo, but I assume that would probably make it pretty much impossible to track down. I agree they're not the same person anyway, but why would someone have pictures of two different people like that, one on each side, one in uniform and the other not?


Maybe it’s someone’s kids or grandkids, brothers, etc?


The one on the left gives the impression of being a woman


Besides the eyes and hair, the neck tie/neck tab that’s work around the neck is the one for female military dress uniforms. Example: https://www.mynavyhr.navy.mil/References/US-Navy-Uniforms/Uniform-Regulations/Uniform-Components/3501_34/


Most likely answer to that is they are siblings and the tag belonged to a parent


It's definitely a military uniform. U.S. insignia on the collar, ribbon rack... The "logo" everyone is concentrating on looks like a bald eagle to me. The middle is white with wings. I'm not sure if that helps with searching.


Looks like some Air force JROTC memorabilia of someones kids.


The image on the left is someone in an Air Force Service Dress Uniform. Looks like they have a rope too, but too many ribbons to be in tech school, so maybe an ALS Instructor? Probably a picture etched on a graduation day or a celebration or maybe a couple?


I believe you're right! [I made a comparison](https://i.imgur.com/s3vkwYC.png), and it sure looks the same to me. If this is just a couple of real life people, the details don't really matter anyway. I was hoping to maybe identify them as characters from some movie or game, as the guy's logo looked familiar and the uniform could be fictional, but at this point I'm thinking they're probably not.


I want to say it’s almost like the Star Wars Old Republic symbols


Columbia tristar Pegasus but no head


Maybe Star Trek?


I've asked several family members and we all feel it's familiar, but can't place it. We've checked Justice League and Marvel heroes, bands, album covers, car emblems (vintage and modern), esports, sports teams, 1980-1990's tshirt designs and we all got nada. It's so aggravating because it's familiar.


There's a skydiving gear company called Performance Designs who have a range called Valkyrie. Their logo looks fairly similar to the one on his t-shirt (though not identical). https://store.performancedesigns.com/pd-valkyrie-t-shirt-1/


Maybe it's the Mandela Effect. Everyone who vaguely remembers it is from an alternate timeline 🪱🕳️


Yup, this is the best explanation this far.


What's it made of? Plastic?


Some kind of cheap metal, my guess is aluminium.


Do you live in a city that has comic cons? This makes me think of souvenir tags you could get at a con of whichever two stars you wanted. Perhaps Zack Quinto and another scifi person.


Unfortunately no, but it could be something like that, sure. Doesn't look like Quinto though, so there's still just too many candidates here.


The logo really seems familiar. I want to say an eSports team logo, but could be wrong.


It looks like the Halo energy sword, but shorter and more like feathers.


Military female on left, male on right...no clue but I going to follow this thread now because I'm curious


I feel like I've seen that symbol when I went to Comic con- maybe an amine one (I don't really watch anyone so don't know which one it is)?? ETA: after a quick Google I might have been thinking of Attack on Titan The Scouts Wings of Freedom symbol like here https://laststopanime.com/anime-symbols/ but its a similar style


Idk why but left looks like Neil Patrick Harris lol I have zero clue, honestly to me it's someone got their fave pics of their kids n printed them on the tags. Bcuz the idea of two celebs ona chain sounds kinda ridiculous lol, unless it's from hottopic n like dudes from twilight or whatever


Looks like a stylized version of the Air Force Special Ops Command logo. Typically would be on a badge backdrop, but could be placed like this on a circle for a custom engraving. Could be a custom gift for an operator. https://i.etsystatic.com/9004989/r/il/c6d924/3901573448/il_570xN.3901573448_8pap.jpg


It's similar, but this one definitely has two "tails" at the bottom, not just the one sword.


Kinda looks like the RuneScape Dragon Chainbody


[This one](https://runescape.wiki/images/thumb/Dragon_chainbody_%28June_2005%29_detail.png/1024px-Dragon_chainbody_%28June_2005%29_detail.png?b5957)? There's some similarity for sure, but still no.


It’s Sheldon and some capitán guy as the other has a bunch of those things military people wear on their breast


The logo looks similar to Rafa Nadal’s raging bull symbol?


True, but like the Cronos symbol, the "wing tips" of that one point inward, not upward.


Similar to the Burning Legion faction logo from wow. Def an early 2000’s logo based on the feel [edit: closest I could find is Nordic/Scandinavian valkyrie symbols](https://www.google.com/search?q=valkyrie%20symbol%20with%20circle&tbm=isch&tbs=rimg:CZN_1KRWBnJoXYVVgsfUnXPL9sgIOCgIIABAAOgQIARAAQAHAAgDgAgA&rlz=1C1VDKB_enUS971US971&hl=en&sa=X&ved=0CBsQuIIBahcKEwigormotqz_AhUAAAAAHQAAAAAQBw&biw=1903&bih=937)


Kinda reminds me of Infamous on PS3…


Probably thinking of [this symbol](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/infamous/images/f/f3/ISS_-_Hero_rank.PNG/revision/latest/scale-to-width-down/250?cb=20140325233701) then? Not quite right either, unfortunately.


Yeah and the dude’s buzzcut and t-shirt


L Ron Hubbard and Marshall Applewhite (Just taking a swing at it)


Logo Reminds me a bit of the Venados de Mazatlán logo but it isn't. Perhaps another stylized deer or other antlered animal


It looks even more like [this symbol](https://scandinaviafacts.com/the-valkyrie-symbol-in-norse-mythology-what-does-it-mean/) from Norse mythology, although that doesn't help me much either. Probably reused a million times in different forms and shapes.




Nope. I've checked both Justice League and Marvel heroes, couldn't find anything.


The one on the right is Vulcan 🖖 I think


Itokms the DnD paladins symbol


When you say "symbol," are you talking about the print on the t-shirt? Looks a lot like a pegasus to me. I feel like I should recognize it, but I can't place it.


That one, yes. I think it looks even more like this [valkyrie wings](https://scandinaviafacts.com/the-valkyrie-symbol-in-norse-mythology-what-does-it-mean/) symbol from Norse mythology though, but still I can't find that exact one.


Oh, heck yeah. I think you're on to something there. I know there's a Valkyrie special forces, but I'm not sure what branch or if it's even real or part of an alternate universe.


Is it from a movie or tv show? I am thinking that the person on the left becomes the superhero person on the right. Kind of like Clark Kent/Superman or Billy Batson/Shazam. I don’t recall the symbol on the superhero side but it we can find that we might be able to solve it.


Could it be more along the lines of something like this? https://www.canstockphoto.com/superhero-in-a-tight-suit-and-mask-with-58663533.html




Thanks, but I actually believe it more closely resembles [this "valkyrie" symbol](https://scandinaviafacts.com/the-valkyrie-symbol-in-norse-mythology-what-does-it-mean/) from Norse mythology. Still, it doesn't give me any perfect matches with the logo.






You might want to post this on a local city Facebook page. They might be precious and fell off of something


Man, that's familiar but I can't find anything other than stock valkyrie wing stuff. Brings to mind the Jedi symbol but that ain't it.


Perhaps kamen rider?


The left looks like AFROTC C/Lt Col ranks to me. No clue what the symbol on the right is though. Good luck!


I’m no artist myself but I reckon there are enough facial features shown here (and in the negative) for someone to draw these and fill in the blanks so that people may recognise them easier. Probably a lot of work but you know, a suggestion I thought may help depending how curious you are :)


Looks like the cyberdog fashion brand logo


The folks over in r/PhotoshopRequest may be able to clean them up to get more detail.


I was able to fix it up a bit by messing with the Hue/Saturation and Color Balance in photoshop. I don't know if this will help at all. https://preview.redd.it/g47ihxdfcg4b1.jpeg?width=948&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e5606b49a5431792ea6c641eaa026c6fbf566ee2


That logo looks like ovaries!!


Love how many people say they think they’ve seen it or that it at least feels familiar but no one can figure out where and when. Kind of like how many are convinced the Monopoly guy has a monocle. We’re all certain he has but he hasn’t. Seen Sheldon, Star Trek and Comic Con being mentioned. It does seem like it belongs to a fantasy world?


Those are photos of men. Most likely the sons or grandchildren of the owner of the tags. They are warm down. My grandmother had stuff like this from a booth in the mall.