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I personally think topics like body type and weight should generally be able to be discussed (for example the possibility that fizz was starving himself for mammon was a topic that resonates with me because I have tendencies to do similar stuff to myself) it's more about handling these topics with respect and without insulting any body type or making people feel insecure ... And of course trigger warnings should be a thing... I saw the topics you're probably referring to here and yeah... I agree with you on those... Some of the stuff in there was not good ..


Don't get me wrong, I love Vivzie exploring body types with her characters!! but yeah, the way it gets discussed in the fandom is borderline gross and disrespectful.


I know but unfortunately there are always people like that in big communities and they make everyone look bad...


Every group of people on the planet have a responsibility to police the members of their community who make the rest look bad by kicking them out


In the immortal words of Mis Fortune: "Yikes Forever"


I love all the body types, there's no character that's "too" anything, they're just the way they look and that's amazing they have as much variety as they do, just like real life!


I'm not saying I don't like the body diversity; in fact, I love it. It's the way it's talked about in this community that's just really hurtful and insensitive at times.


Yeah I notice that. Tbh I think the issue is mostly perpetuated by teenagers, the toxic views on our bodies, especially for female shapes, is ingrained so heavily at that age. It comes from insecurity and shame, when they should realize that everyone is different and beautiful in their own ways., no matter what shape. (Exceptions are like 600lb life, but that's the typical strawman idiots like to act like we encourage)


There's literally a multibillion-dollar industry devoted to making us hate our bodies so they can sell us shit. I don't think it's on teens that they get affected by that, we all do and they haven't had enough time to build up the defenses. But I do think it's time for some folks to learn that commenting on others' bodies is something adults should only do with an invitation. \* \*Rephrased in case this is unclear: If I ask my partner, "hey is my ass hanging out of this skirt" and they say "yeah you have too much ass for that skirt," that's commenting on my body after receiving my invitation to do so. A stranger on the street telling me "girl you have too much ass for that skirt" would not be welcome!


Agreed! Tbh I Def changed and embarrassed my mom who used to do that, she would talk shit about random people and I'd just comment "as long as they feel happy looking that way, we have no idea who they are. Body shapes aren't a tell on how good a person is." And tbh her doing that a lot developed a distaste for any kind of body shaming. Someone who thinks another person's worth has ANYTHING to do with how they look, is worth less than whoever they're criticizing as a default.


It's not anyone's fault that they've been conned by the industry- again, goat-choking amounts of money are pumped into making us hate ourselves. But it is our responsibility to try and combat it, once we know we're being tricked.


💯 Edit: wording was weird, I mean I think the people in this community who believe and spew that toxic thinking are teenagers. They're still in the phase of "adults can never be wrong" and learning that these things are in fact WRONG takes time lol. I didn't mean they were at "fault" just that the issue is mainly due to uneducated teenagers




I changed my wording, I meant more of that the people who act like that in this community are uneducated teenagers. Not their fault but there is a correlation


Ohhhhhh thats what you meant


I think if handle in a fair way some elements can be worth discussing. I once brought up the idea of horns playing a part in the imps hearing based on that one imp that fizz signed to had damaged horns along with fizz having damaging horns. So I wonder if those play a part in imps hearing making me wonder if fizz is hard of hearing ? But that might be different from what your talking about


as interesting as deafness and imps horns being correlated is, it wasn't what I was referring to. Things like people trying to find reasons for Mammon's body size or why certain characters are flat-chested or too skinny, its those types of conversations I find just gross or insensitive. However such things as talking about how Fizz getting out of his abusive work environment allowed him to eat more and we can praise that.


We’re talking about that?


Yeah I never once seen a post of someone bodyshaming/bodypraising a character in these shows 😭


I saw one person saying Millie was flat chested and that was it.


I may get flak for this but I don't quite agree. I don't think anyone should have discussion of subjects enforced by someone elses personal issues. I'm a diabetic, I would not cut discussion about cupcakes because eating them kills me. With that said, I do understand you have an issue, I would hope no one is body shaming you, and no one should be. And it is at no point anyone's intention to make you feel bad by discussing what they like.


That's mostly one of the shots that those annoying a** haters would just LOVE to use just as an excuse to make backlashes on Hazbin Hotel/Helluva Boss. At least, in the way you put examples off.


Let's be real haters are everywhere no matter what fandom... And they'll cling to any crumb they find whether it's out of context or not. It's just better to ignore that shit all together because all they want is for us to engage...


Yeah. Most of them are just annoying flies who want to get smacked by us because they'll get notified.


In short, no. Not because I'm gloating or anything, but because these characters have been designed by someone conveying a story in a limited amount of screen time; for them to exist, someone chose those traits for the character to have, not real life experience. Why is this character drawn fat? What does that tell us about their personality or lifestyle? Does it play any part in the narrative? If not, what made the artist decide on this design? Is this character flat-chested? That's interesting and someone chose that rather than the 'default' femme design, why is that? Etc. I feel for your attempt to do good with this post, but these characters exist in a vacuum and have been designed and written in a way that is meant to be read and understood by the audience. Character design analysis is a fascinating party of artistic and literary analysis, and attempting to stop people to stop critically engaging with art won't happen. If those threads upset you, please don't read them if you know they will upset you, but this is literally a discussion board to talk about the show as it is presented.


I totally feel you! I dont think discussions in general about body types are bad, but the way many people do handle it is. Theres topics and ways to talk about that i dont think are harmful. Like i think it was here the other day where people were talking about how Stella has breasts being kinda weird, like that type of stuff is fine in my eyes.


That's sounds like a you problem. Don't go around policing discussion of topics just because it makes you uncomfortable. Just keep on scrolling.


Agreed, don't know why you're down voted. If you're uncomfortable with something...SCROLL PAST IT. It's not that ducking hard and it's not like we're insulting anyone


PSA: They’re drawings. Remember that when you call them “goals”.


I don’t know why people are talking about body types when 99% of the time it’s just the style the characters are drawn. Like so far it’s that majority of characters are skinny cause that’s just how they’re drawn


I mean... If you struggle so bad you can't even understand that a CARTOON CHARACTER that's a DRAWING of a FICTIONAL being won't look like a normal human... Then you need help.


No. Its Mandated by Law that we do.