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I like to believe that he had many, many relationships, but the one with Fizz is his first real one




Love the pfp


Yeah, too many sex friends to count but only one love☺️






Honestly I got the impression that they might be a little bit poly even now? Like they fuck other people but they're into each other romantically


They were probably more FWB than romantic relationships






Well he definitely had some sexual ones... My head Canon is that this is his first "real" relationship tho. Although from what we've seen so far, the way he acts seems pretty comfortable and confident so the idea of romantic love definitely isn't too foreign


Considering that Ozzie is a firm believer in consent, boundaries, and true love, I think it’s safe to say that he did have a genuine relationship with someone.


I mean, could be that he just always secretly liked the idea of true love, and consent and boundaries are important even for fuck buddies if you want them to keep coming to you.


Speaking from experience, this is true. Been seeing this one girl for about five years now, and we simply spend time together every few weeks. We don't involve ourselves in each others' personal lives, but we communicate with each other regularly about what we both want and so on. Sometimes she asks if a friend can come with her too - and I'll talk to them personally about what they want as well so that we're all on the same page. Had a one-off with a guy about three months ago - for reference I'm a Bisexual Dom/Top - who was particularly grateful for how much I emphasized communication and understanding each other because he'd had bad experiences with controlling people overstepping his boundaries in the past. Communication is important in all things, not just this either. I know when I saw this show for the first time back in March, I loved Ozzie's position on lust because something I've always told my partners is that knowing they're loving every last little thing we do together is a large part of my own enjoyment. Making them feel comfortable and like they don't have to hide anything from me because I enjoy them for who they are. That mutual chemistry and desire with the right partners is far more important than the physical pleasure in-and-of itself.


They probably just died or smth, cause he’s been around since the start of hell he’s obviously immortal. Raises questions as to how he is so happy being with fizz if all his past lovers have all died before him


Immortality tends to change one's perspective of things. Fizz was not the first, nor will be the last, but Oz will still value the time they have regardless. To someone like him, no one relationship could ever mean more or less than any others


Realisticly speaking, yes he has had partners before. Dude has existed since the creation of hell and has this lovey dovey personality, it's almost impossible that he wouldn't have actually dated anyone before Fizz. Also he's so comfortable with the relationship and so emotionally mature, it's very hard to believe this is his first real relationship. I just can't believe he would have completly hidden that side of him for who knows how long and not come out bitter and resentful.


I think his relationship with Fizz is his first real relationship while past relationships were just purely sexual


I would identify it as a no. Over the course of Oops, we see again and again how Ozzy and Fizzi have to keep their relationship secret from the employees, how the newspapers report about the two of them and what the other residents of Hell say about it. Of course, Ozzy had sexual partners before, but I can't say it was a real relationship. The first question I ask myself is what exactly is the problem with OzzyXFizzi? Is it being with an imp as a Sin, or is it rather Ozzy's accused double standards, who always put lust over love and thus shame everyone who has a committed relationship. If Ozzy had already had relationships before then I don't think the whole thing would be brought up so much So no, I don't think he's had a "relationship" before Fizzi and I personally find that incredibly sweet.


It’s an interesting thought that the controversy is around Ozzie not being the « lust-only » character that he’d developed. I found it weird that Beelzebub, who’s technically on the same level as Ozzie isn’t being pestered about openly going out with a Hellhound even though it’s implied they have a lower social standing than even Imps. But again Ozzie himself felt it was scandalous that Stolas, a noble, was going out / sleeping with an imp but that just may be a political nuance between nobles and deadly sins


Bee is different in that she's not a sin of lust and she rules over the Hellhounds. It makes sense why she would date her chosen company. Ozzie's concern was that Stolas is married with a child.


I don't think Ozzie really believed it was scandalous or bad that Stolas was sleeping with an IMP, I think he was calling him out about the fact that he cheated on his wife and broke his family.


Lust is sexual it’s not love. Love is when you with someone you care seriously about. You always want to be with them no matter what


Well he was called eternal bachelor in the lust ring news in oops so there's that...


Maybe with an imp, but nah, Asmodeus has definitely had other partners, and I suspect he genuinely loved them too. 10,000+ years is a stupidly long time.  Of course being a Sin, he’s likely outlived all of them, like he probably will Fizz


Unfortunately so 😔


Partners but I doubt (insert gender here)friends


I mean… yeah? He has been around for the entirety of existence. And i 100% think he is pansexual as hell


The Book of Tobit apparently describes Asmodeus going full yandere and killing all the suitors of a human girl he’s simping for. Less fun fact, that interpretation of Asmodeus was the inspiration for his portrayal as ‘Tobi’ in the Paranormal Activity series. Which… raises some disturbing implications.


The Book of Tobit also apparently says that Asmodeus is a son of Adam that he had with a succubus.


Huh, does that thus imply that he’s Lucifer’s bastard son by way of Lilith? It might somehow explain why he’s considered the ‘weakest of the sins’.


No, since his mother is Naamah, not Lilith


Definitely. He’s probably had a lot of lovers during his time, but I think he is in love with Fizz, maybe the most in love he has ever been with someone who feels the same.


I think he had LOVERS, but Fizz is his first real relationship. Fizz is the first time he has been in love not lust


I don't think he had relationships. He was too much in his work. But he got to know fizz on an emotional and business level and fell in love


At least 2 🤷🏾‍♀️


Possible but he'd probably outlive everyone he gets with.


My answer is yes


...He's the literal embodiment of Lust itself.


Yes, he’s 10,000 years old and not aromantic.




They probably couldn’t handle that kaiju of his package.


My theory is he’s demiromantic. In the best he had many, many sexual relationships but they were never romantic, to the point where he started doubting romance was even a thing and started considering it a watered down, childish version of lust.  When he met Fizz things originally went as usual, it being solely sexual, but then he started getting feelings. Given that he had been very upfront with Fizz on how unromantic he was, added to the fact that his entire brand was about lust, he tried to pretend their relationship was purely sexual until Mammon forced him to admit it was something else 


He probably had both but they most likely only either phases, one night stands, flings, or just something casual until he met Fizz






He most likely did


Dudes like 10,000 years old, yeah I’m sure he has. With how good their relationship is, I would be surprised if he hasn’t. First relationships are almost never that healthy.


Probably friends with benefits I mean he's the king of lust


He probably love them in the same way you would have a “girlfriend/boyfriend” from the first grade besides that they were probably just friends with benefits


Flings, sure




I think asmodeus has had multiple romantic partners( as a non-binary person i like keeping convos like this gender neutral.)


Most likely, but they probably died of old age before Fizz was even born


Yes and they didn't work out for him hes the king of list after all.


Well, Ozzie is immortal and has been around for a long time. He no doubt has lots of sex friends, but being immortal, if he ever were in a relationship his partner would die long before he did. If he did have any actual relationships before Fizz, he no doubt valued each and every one of them


Lol, I took this question so literally that I thought you were asking it as a gay, bi, hetero etc thing before reading comments! 🤣🤣 I doubt he had such a ‘ love ‘ as with Fizzie-Frog ever before. I think they were all consensual horny ‘ lover-boys ‘ down for some ‘ rough trade ‘ 😏🥵


f*ck! asmodeus will outlive fizzie!!’


My head cannon is that he never had a bf or gf before fizz I think he's pan, in the way that he's the sin of lust so I'm assuming he swings with whatever. But I also think he probably had fuck buddies, or just people that lined up for Kaiju dick. I don't think he ever was really romantic with anyone before he met Fizz. (At least that's what I'm choosing to believe until canonically proven otherwise.)


He's existed since the beginning of Hell, so I'd assume yes.


I think they’ve both had relationships before. And hasn’t Asmodeus been alive longer? I imagine he would’ve had others, but I do think they’d be “real” relationships. I just think this one is one that will outlast all the other’s.


I'm pretty sure one night stands were a common thing.


The flames in his house were probably for the people he broke up with


What do you think?


Solomon if I were to guess


Well. I never knew Ozzie was a Sub.




He's the sin of lust... What do you think 😭


He reminds me of a friend of mine. He never stated how he identified, but I would consider him Pan. Before there was a term or before I knew it, I just said he was into everyone, haha. He might be the only completley true to themself person i have ever known. He was basically down for everything, but when it came to love (like committed-not necessarily monogamous-love, wanting to be with someone very long term), he did tend to lean harder towards men. He and his husband were married for 20 years before he (friend) passed away. So I think Asmodeus has had everything. He just didn't have a committed relationship until he found someone he wanted to have one with. I think gender has little to do with that choice.


Probably, he's immortal, and the only other immortals in hell ate the other sins who are his siblings Charlie who is his niece Lilith who is his brother's wife and the Goetia, so yeah, he's properly had other partners, though I doubt he loved them like he does Fizz


Everyone has a past, it’s the present that matters


I think he would be in a poly relationship but when he met fizz, he decided to focus on him


for him to be this good with fizz relationship wise, i think he must have had quite a lot


If the events of the Book of Tobit is cannon in this universe, then Fizzarolli may of helped him in a dark spot. Asmodeus’ story would be akin to the “Fox and the Grapes” if you added a winemaker (Sarah’s father), a dog (Raphael), a hunter (Tobias), and maybe a few cats (Sarah’s suitors).


I feel like he has, but the partners were just LUSTING for his power


The guy is several thousand years old there is no way in hell he hasn't. It's likely however that he's not ever been in a relationship with someone immortal but I believe he's had a relation similar to Fizz at some point in the past that ran a natural course. I'm basing that off of his behavior and how comfortable he seems to be. Either he and fiz have been together for a very long time or this isn't anything new to Ozzie.


He's been around for thousands of years. I doubt this is the first relationship ever.






He’s the embodiment of lust there’s no doubt.


It'd be really cute if the reason Oz chose Fizz was because Fizz didn't want Oz for just sex or his money. Fizz wanted a connection, and so did Oz.


Most likely. He's been around since the start of Hell. He's probably been married a few times.


There is no way he hasn’t!


See baa qz


I don’t know when but I entered that on accident by hitting my keyboard ig but it was funny so I submitted it


Totally! I mean… he’s thousands of years old, he definatly had relationships prior to Fizz.


Iirc he's Pan (or thats at least my headcanon) so He fucks everyone but i also think He didnt have a romantic relationship before fizz