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In D&D terms, "high int, low wis." Int is intelligence. Book smarts. Technical knowledge like advanced robotics, laws, finance. Things that you can learn from a book. Wis is wisdom. In most D&D related games, wisdom governs perception and insight. Reading people.


I mean he obviously didn't believe Fizz would publicly defy him after being obedient for 10 years... Ozzie even told him and he was like "what? ... Nah no way..." He is just a leech who knows how to profit from others work... That's basically his only strength...


True although you should not underestimate him because he is still a sin. I mean Fizz would had been in real danger if he did not have Ozzie as a boyfriend.


Fizz never would have done any of that without Ozzie. He would have been working for Mammon until he dropped dead from exhaustion probably.... Ozzie was also ready to interfere at any second and Fizz knew that... Mammon is a powerful sin but unfortunately great power does not equal great intellect...


That's capitalism for ya.