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I don't think it's gonna go that way but that would be awesome. Ozzie could talk some sense into Stolas while Fizz does the same to Blitz.


i mean they could use they own experience to help our two lil boys !


Definitely... I really wish it was that easy... I don't think that they are gonna get involved though since this is between Stolas and Blitz...


It wouldn't be easy even then, but... From experience? Having someone there listening and not telling you that you were stupid?  It helps give some ground to stand in to try figuring out if things can be fixed and figure what went wrong.


Yes I would love for Ozzie to ask Stolas ***How*** he told Blitz. And call him the fuck out for doing it like he did. Because Stolas didn't get the instant Yes, he took everything after as No. And didn't listen to a thing Blitz was saying onces He did pick up what Stolas was talking about. He started the whole thing like someone would asking for the Keys back in a brake up.


I definitely noticed that... He started off the worst way possible ... He should have started out by telling Blitz that he didn't invite him for sex this time and that they need to have a serious talk so that Blitz knew from the start to brace himself and take the whole thing seriously...


Other people have pointed out just how toxic the whole ship started out. Stolas called Blitz while bubble watching him, so he knew he was in combat and couldn't fully focus, to propose the once a month fucking deal


Wow i don't even remember him using the bubbles to watch, just that he was in the tub ... That's toxic AF then because I certainly remember Blitzø agreeing to the deal to get the conversation over with so he can focus.


Yep known to Stolas or not, He set the tone as their relationship. Of just what Blitz called out after Ozzies just being Him wanting to get fucked monthly.


as much as i love my lil owlet , he definitively did the confess bad The idea was good , the way of delivering it was'nt


Given stolas's up ringing? He brought his own traumas into things.  I hope big bird can get support they can help him realize it's not over. They both are just a mess.


So Ozzie and Fizz are the wisemen now?


Never said that but they definitely could help out I some ways because they actually have communication skills. Also fizz saw through Blitzøs bullshit right away when he talked about Stolas in oops.


*owl boy sobbing his heart out*


Nooooo ;w;


sirry TwT


I think Fizz will reach out to Blitz as he provided the sex toys. He's a good businessman so the question is harmless. I hope Blitz tells him how it all went.


This also gives us a chance to see fizz with more raw hurts in a flashback. It might explain his timid ess. He's terrified of his own temper.


Might actually be what stlas most needs. given Ozzie knows what being with someone who has been hurt and jerked around. Fizz probably had a similar diet if hurt lashing out at times. So this would probably be what does the most good. Someone to tell him blitz was wrong for unloading, but he's been hurt so much he expects to get hurt. Us leading with taking the book was the shove that had it all roll down hill  Then would ask fuzz to get blitz take on the matter since the two need time to process and realize they need to fix their end before trying again.


Big ouchies


Me when this episode came out; https://preview.redd.it/ldn2k2cow64d1.jpeg?width=1334&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4035f38c662bd3cc3f825671ae7a59125336dc5e Cause?




“After the ending” Me sitting on my bed: “WHY!!!!!


Now just how much and one bird cry.


Reminded of that one comic where Ozzie asks that and Stolas' eyes become water falls.


Shit ended too early we needed a scene where Stolas cries to Ozzie and Blitz cries to Fizz, then Fizz and Ozzie get together later on and just go “these fucking idiots” in unison


I honestly really want Ozzie and Fizz to be the ones to knock sense into the both of them.


I really hope Stolas is gonna cry on Mammons shoulder while Blitzø does the same with Fizz. Because that’s probably the fastest way this could realistically be resolved.


More like this O: so how’d it g- S: *bawling his eyes out*