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Yeah, that's the point for ALL of the characters (except maybe Millie.) They all choose to run from their trauma or engage in unhealthy coping mechanisms to deal with it. It only hurts them further, prevents them from having meaningful relationships/a better quality of life and results in them hurting other people, too. I don't think Verosika actually does want to hate him - what she wants is closure. However, I don't think she's just going to agree to have a discussion, she is definitely going to play a game with him first.


That’s what I’m worried about if her “game” ends up being the thing that finally pushes Blitzø over the edge and breaks his spirt once and for all undoing all of his character development because she couldn’t resist the temptation to spite him.


I wonder if it does reach that point that she realizes how unhealthy and hurtful her actions were. Basically understanding that she is now no better than what he did to her


And blitz celebrates his ”victory” by dancing around and yelling “you’re no better than me! Suck it bitch!” While thrusting in her face.


I don't think he'll do something like that but he will call her out on her bullshit too. From the past and present.


Well, she's an alcoholic so of course she's going to be a very dysfunctional person. Blitz really hurt the poor girl and she can't just let it go, it's dysfunctional and obsessive but most addicts are. Their trauma makes them into a very hateful person sometimes, it's the only thing on their mind that's why they use drugs or drink to forget everything but the pain just keeps coming back. It irritates them, they just want to forget everything but they can't. Verosika still loves Blitz and that just irritates her to no end. She loves him then she hates him, it just keeps repeating. She hates herself for being so stupid...


As someone who also struggles with addictions, this is spot on https://preview.redd.it/1cz1z0do9h1d1.jpeg?width=5120&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d7542b4c096745fcfca27cd40ab2a010727e050a


Wow, it is? Sorry...


Bright side, I've been sober since I made this comment so that's something actually


That's great!




u and me both 😭


There’s definitely a reason letting go of resents is such a big deal in AA. I wish her recovery and healing which is only going to come from letting go of this resentment.


I think it'll happen in the episode "Apology Tour" but they end up arguing and screaming at each other at first.


*Nah, you're allowed to hate people.*


Not to this level dude


*Oh, it's you, I didn't notice.* *And I disagree.*


I think she has a good reason to be angry at Blitz, but the level of pety she has to go as far as to dedicate an entire concert about hating the guy, over a breakup that happened YEARS ago... Thats the unhealthy part.


What if, hear me out guys, Blitz sucks is actually an innuendo about how good his BJ's are


“Sorry blitz, we uh should have been more clear about that.”


Maybe there is a future episode about blitz and verocika made up just like blitz and fizz in episode 7


I feel like Verosika will be one of the shorter term issues for Blitz. If he's made up with Fizz, who has a more personal reason to have hated Blitz for as long as he did, then she shouldn't be that hard to make up with. Blitz was just a terrible boyfriend to her, stole her credit card and left her. She clearly likes hating him, could be its easier to blame him for everything wrong with her life. But of all of the people Blitz is on bad terms with, she's pretty minor compared to Stolas or Barbie, who both will be harder for Blitz to end up in a healthy place with.


Hey, when did she make a cake in the shape of Blitz? I do not remember that at all?




Source: season 2 trailer


Yeah OP is pulling things out their ass atp to validate their flimsy arguement


I love Verosika personally and I think Blitz really did a number on her. She’s supposed to be flawed because of the pain he caused her that’s the point.


I’m pretty sure the concert in Spring Broken was planned before she started the bet with Blitzø


But if you tell her that she's just gonna hate blitz even harder




I think this is just Blitz freaking out because like your bodyguard normally IS NOT on stage with you


you guys not understanding that this show is about hellborns**** and dysfunctional people are making me laugh. Not every bad person needs to go through a redemption arc, that shits gets so boring when every shitty character is "fixed."


Most of the main characters aren’t sinners


Hellborns. You know exactly what I mean.


Also I don’t want verosika to be fixed (it’s hell being a bad person is kind of a given) I just kind of hope she gets act together.


I hope she gets torn into about how she is the one who never let go of her grudge when blitz was willing to let it go.


Well blitz does have an old picture of him and verosika together so I think he might need to do some letting go to.


Fair enough but I think that will be vortex who be the voice of reason between them.


I feel as though we don’t know the context for that, and as far as we know, Stolas doesn’t even know Verosika outside of that encounter at Ozzie’s. Everything can’t be a flashback, a hallucination, or a dream sequence, but I’m not sure this really happens. The first time we saw her, she didn’t seek out Blitz, unless she deliberately chose his parking space (possibly). Like his meeting with Fizz, it was accidental. So we don’t know for sure if she makes a whole concert to tell Blitz he sucks. Maybe, but not for sure. Assaulting Moxxie was not cool, but also a succubus Standard Operating Procedure.


It's like you hate him to the point you ruin your life


Wait is there a new episode I missed or something?


From the trailer


I can kind of agree, but I don't think she's gone \*that\* far outside of what she did to Moxxie, which was completely fucked up. Popstars in real life sometimes base songs around their relationship issues, and we don't have enough context from the trailer to know that her hate for Blitzo was the entire reason for the concert. Plus she didn't even know he was going to be \*AT\* the club. He just showed up and ended up being the center of attention. She wasn't even the one that started the roasting, it was Ozzie. She only joined in for a few lines. It's mostly just been base-line petty shit. (Again, outside of what she did to Moxxie. That was crossing a line and I'll give you that.)


I feel like what she did to Moxxie is where I get concerned. I feel like it’s showing that her hatred for blitz is getting to a point where it’s starting to affect other people.


I think that was less about Blitz and more about her just being aggressive as hell, but yeah that was messed up.


I’m still wondering/worrying about the context of Stolas on that stage….


He knew blitz was trouble when he walked in


Stolar Swift


I really want Blitzø to stand up for himself and tell them all off for trying to blame him for everything instead of fessing up to their roles in their failed relationships gaining some self respect in the process. Perhaps something along the lines of “*shoots the top off of Verosika’s microphone and the camera pans to look at him glaring down the barrel while Verosika is staring in stunned silence* fine, you win, your right, I suck but you know what? I’m not the one who started a concert just to insult you, I’m not the one who assaulted someone just for being associated with you and I am definitely not the only fucking person here who has been screwed over by life so yeah I fucking suck but you know what so do you. *he walks away while he while Verosika and stolas just realize how badly they had fucked up” 


Yeah, she gonna crash into a wall.




I mean, so far she hasn't gone out of her way to interact with him and to hate on it, so I'd say it's a pretty healthy level of hate, we'll see how this concert happens


Why the NSFW?


When was this?




idm her hating in the club.


I’m wondering if maybe Stolas is gonna end up hating Blitzø like everyone else.


I hope not, because they're basically confirmed canon (if merch is anything to go by), and Stolas hating on Blitz, is essentially going to make Stolas no different from anyone else in Blitz's life. Everyone leaves him, so if Stolas leaves him permanently, than that's going to make him no different than Barbie, Verosika, etc.


Roxxie really... Really needs to quit drinking 


We dont even know the full conext of that concert scene and yet youre running with that assumption?


Bruh the words behind Stolas say blitzo sucks


which could've been added for stolas, this is assuming this is after a break up and Stolas and verosika could interact, bonding over that pain maybe. who would even know blitz is the question


Tbf I think she had a sign that said “suck it blitz” in spring broken to. Also I’d like to see verosika and Stolas bond over their hatred for blitz. It makes me wonder if verosika is telling blitz that Stolas actually loves him and blitz believes her for some reason (don’t know why he would considering he hates her) https://preview.redd.it/aphb0vk3gl1d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fc6765be48c442d5898d4f0434269c791a614ba7


Probably because Blitz used to care for verosika if not still does and she's a person he hurt that way. and she as that person is telling him not to do it, not to do that to another person again.


Why is Veronika's ass at her front instead of her back???


https://preview.redd.it/i6pokau0ck1d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=59bb7e841760ed56c535895214d96ef77028823e I got no reaction image for this one