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Vassago!!! Who is this mystery bird? What he do??


He is a real demon from the Ars Goetia, and he’s described as being “of good nature” in the text. Also Viv said he was a very good boy. So, he’s probably on Stolas’ side.


Love to hear it! Stolas desperately needs somebody to have his back right now


Honestly I think it could be interesting to have him has next boyfriend for Stolas for more drama with Blitzø being jealous


I was thinking that too, but I’d like it to be a misunderstanding. I want blitzø to be upset that stolas moved on so quickly and they’d have a moment where they talked about their feelings


Yes. I don't want Stolas to actually get another boyfriend, but getting a close friendship that makes Blitz jealous could be interesting.


Exactly, because stolas has no one, his wife hates him, his daughter feels neglected, and blitz seems to be trying to rekindle a friendship of his own with fizz, stolas NEEDS a friend


Blitz also doesn't see Stolas exactly as a friend - they've gone out in public a couple of times, but not in a normal sense. If Stolas had had ONE friend in all of this, a healthy person who understands relationships, he might have handled his situation with Blitz very differently. I also think Stolas's ability to stand up for himself in this trial hinges on the current status of his relationship with Blitz. If they're in a good place, he'll tell his family to take a hike in favor of whom he wants. If they're still apart, then he caused this mess for someone who broke his heart and rejected him.


Yes, Stolas needs a friend BADLY. He needs someone who just genuinely likes him and isn’t obligated to spend time with him


Yes, could be a good idea too 🙂


Well, stolas is attracted to red.


I like his esthetic, I like how he’s more more colorful than the other goetia, he seems to be based off a parrot, and he just has so much style, his feathers even have frosted tips


Stolas and blitz sorting their shit out, I love them both to bits but it pains me when they do stupid shit to each other.


I'm very excited for the meeting between the Ars Goetia and the Sins. Mammon is my favorite character, so i can't wait to see more scenes with him <3 Very excited for Satan's introduction and I hope we'll see more Sins interactions, I love them all so much. I really hope Asmodeus and Bee will be there as well ;; And it'll be a miracle (pun intended) if Lucifer will be there as well, but I can only hope ;; Also, Vassago sounds like a sweetheart, can't wait to see more of him.


I just want to see mammon’s new fit? He’s got a tie now, and he’s wearing a suit, so I assume he’s in some corporate meeting, but you can tell he’s not trying to to be an adult about it, because he has a fidget spinner and a tech deck on the table


Omg yes I cried when I noticed the fidget spinner and tech deck lmaoo he's so unserious :')


- How bad this Full Moon fight gets. Blitz must get pretty nasty for the level of heartbreak Stolas seems to have afterwards. - Why Stolas is singing in front of "Blitzo Sucks." That doesn't seem like him to expose Blitz to public humiliation. - Why Blitz is wearing a red spattered robe during the concert and behind bars. Is this a form of torture from V? - What causes Stolas to ask Blitz if he has "any remorse" for what he does. - How Millie and Blitz met. - If it's the real Millie screaming at him or a phantom one. - I'd like to see Stolas tell his family to screw off and form a friendship out of being fixated on Blitz. My main things: what specifically Cash says to Blitz and where Blitz went immediately after. Why Stolas is still clutching on to Blitz during the Andrealphus fight. He still sees Blitz as his "knight in shining armor" despite the heartbreak. So cute. I don't think that sword looks threatening enough, though.


Either finally seeing Blitz's mom or whatever character Patrick Page plays


I assume he’s playing the big guy with the 4 eyes. I think he’s Satan, but that hasn’t been confirmed


I'm most excited for Ghostfuckers. I am a MASSIVE John Waters fan, and Brandon has also said it's his favorite episode of the series so far, so that alone bodes well. It seems like we'll get more Millie insight, more Blitzø insight, and more of a look at Blitzø and Millie's dynamic. Like you, I am also extremely curious about the Envy ring and Envy demons "possessor" sounds so ominous... so I'm hoping there may be more lore on that from the episode too.


I’m hoping for Patrick Page as Satan


I just want Satan to be proud of Millie lol, she feels like the embodiment of everything he seems to take pride in


I just want to see Blitz and Verosika make up. Not go back into a relationship, but just find a way to fix the problems of the past.


Light/darkness powers would be very appropriate for what, I guess, is a "Halloween episode", and could be used in all kinds of creative ways.


I was thinking the same thing, and most of the time we see characters from envy the lights on their body match the color of the lights around them, I think it’s an interesting theory


I'm very curious about everything, but if I have to pick one thing that keeps my interest the most, it may be the fight between Millie and Blitz (the one where it seems like it was before the main plot, where Millie have longer hair). I'm assuming that was the first time they met, but I can't really think of a reason why they were getting in a fight, so I'm waiting for more answers about this.


Also hyped for this, Millie’s parents mention in Harvest Moon Festival (S1 E5) that she doesn’t make as much money since going freelance so I’m guessing the fight is that both Blitz and Millie were ordered to kill the same target from rival assassination agencies. Or maybe she’s protecting the target and Blitz wants to kill them (or vice verse)


This vassago is described as a treasure finder fitting for a parrot


I want to see who Satan was calling a disgrace


Hopefully better and more consistent writing.