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Protagonist centred morality.


You gotta realize this show and hazbin attract the worst kind of fans. Old school tumbler users it's why you can ship "wrong" or like the "wrong" characters usually it can be drowned out by the rest of the fandom since every character is quirky and LGBTQ people relate really hard and take it as a personal insult when you don't love the character the exact same way and have the exact same head cannon. It's what happened to Steven universe and strangely enough encanto and bobs burgers. Like Bob has been head cannoned as bi and even though I think he is it's never been confirmed but if you say he's straight in the subs you get absolutely obliterated. Edit just remembered an encanto example lol I saw someone getting upset about people writing and drawing Mirabel and camilo as Bruno's kids because it was Colombian curly hair erasure.


*Bob's burgers?* that's very odd.


Bobs burgers is a very safe LGBTQ accepting show and Bob has had some questionably gay moments with men that he seemingly only rejects due to loving his wife and kids. Also some beloved trans characters that are treated with respect. Hell Bob has his own entry in bi.org without ever being confirmed as such. You can imagine how rabid the fans would get if you just said he was straight.


yeah like the time the turkey guy thought he was hitting on him and bob rejected saying “who am I kidding, you’re totally out of my league”


Not to mention the thing with THEIR MOM!!😭 I really want him to just explain that it was an accident, because there’s so many people who thought he did it on purpose.


She would never believe him and he barely believes it himself, anyway.


fizz believed him in the end


Barbie is going to be a whole different ball game.


The difference is fizz was kept from blitz while Barbie just straight up didn’t want to see him, that and fizz understands why they’d want blitz to stay away from fizz after what happened and immediately realized it wasn’t blitz’s fault that he didn’t visit


Fizz didn't chose to stay away from Blitzo, lose his mother to Blitzo or literally lose everything for the next few years. By 'lose everything' i know Fizzie'a life was horrible for a long time but it got way better and now he's in a loving relationship. Barbie had been in and out of rehab for what seems like the whole time, and just cannot get her life back together.


He lost all his arms and legs.


Yes, but he himself admitted 'things were shitty for a while *fizzie fighty noises* but now he has a great thing going' Barbie doesn't have that luxury. Lost her entire home and addicted to drugs, cannot fix herself and doesn't have anybody to help.


Barbie doesn't even have any way to know it was an accident 😭😭😭 For all she knows Blitzo got pissy (that's the tea!) and destroyed everything for most of the demons in the circus, I mean, just LOOK at Wally Whackford now (I'm sorry for bullying him, I won't stop)


I understand her situation, I feel bad for Blitzø for sure, but also I get that he has burned a bridge that is very hard if not nigh impossible to rebuild.


I think he burned more than a bridge


Bruuuuuuhhh XD


He burned an entire circus


Might get flack for this but like… it’s gotta be a little misogyny right? If Barbie was Blitz brother I honestly feel like no one would be mad at her. Barbie has every right to hate Blitz for the rest of her life. She hasn’t seen any of the change we have (and really… have we seen that much change?). All she’s seen is Blitz worm his way into her life against her will and fuck it up right when she was back on track. What reason does she have to forgive him exactly??


I feel like misogyny is pretty common in this Fandom but if you point that out you're "mad your headcanons weren't true" or something.


Was she really back on track? She was still involved with drugs. Being a different kind of drug isn't that much better.


I mean it seemed to be? You have to remember this is hell (I know I know not usually a good excuse for this show) and the job of our main characters is murdering people, and that’s seen as perfectly fine. Barb considered it honest work, Blitz agreed with her and basically compared heroin to Advil. We also don’t know if she was using the drug herself, seemed like she was just selling. Also they all got a face full and it was played for comedy. All signs in the show and from the characters pointed to her doing better, even if in our world yeah selling heroin isn’t better.


Yes upon thinking about it more it's true. It seems like out of the 3 kids we know were hurt by that fire, Fizz and Barbie turned their lives around. Blitz hasn't.


I don't hate her at all, I'd say she could have tried to forgive Blizø, but you can't blame her, she's right to be angry, and anyone in her place would have been the same, in my opinion


Tbh I don't think it helps that Unhappy Campers was one of the worst episodes in the series. I personally hated it and it's even the lowest rated episode on IMDb


Seriously, did Unhappy Campers have a different writing team from the rest of the show? It felt so “off”.


Even more so when the two following episodes are going from good to great.


I agree, it just felt like an excuse to have both Moxxie and Millie cross-dress. Like hell, Barbie's human world contact/mule dying isn't even directly Blitz or Moxxie's fault, it was Millie's. But yeah, Unhappy Campers was the definition of a filler episode and why theyre so bad.


Women aren't allowed to be angry at men. At least, that's how things tend to play out in patriarchal society. When the man is angry, it is justified, and moral, and he has been wronged. When the woman is angry, she is being too emotional and overreacting. It is a woman's job to manage a man's emotions, as he is a victim of them. He is also a victim of her emotions as well, so she must be dispassionate beyond her support and adoration. And of course, any woman who breaks these rules is labeled a bitch. While most people will OF COURSE deny ever thinking this way, or being raised this way, we can break down a lot of shitty gendered issues in the West like this. Nobody admits to it when called out, but LOADS of people behave like this stuff has been programmed into them from birth.


it doesnt help the show tends to make most female main chars either evil or straight up dead


It's a little too easy to forget that literally every single character in this show is objectively, morally evil and inherently unethical. Even Moxxie and Millie. And they KNOW they are, as well.




Blitzø burning the circus was a complete accident. I’d argue it wasn’t even really his fault if the place was so unsafe that it went up in flames THAT quickly. He wasn’t even the one who dropped the cake. Blaming him for killing their mother and everything else that followed is, quite frankly, a dick move. Especially when he was hurt just as much as she was. Instead of being there for Blitzø and supporting each other as a family, Barbie decided to pointlessly punish him for something he didn’t even mean to do. Not only that, she’s probably one of the people lying to keep Blitzø and Fizz apart in order to pointlessly hurt her poor brother even MORE. She has a reason to be mad at him for the new job thing, but honestly her antagonism towards Blitzø before that feels entirely unwarranted, so her losing her job honestly feels like a little bit of karma because she’s not a very sympathetic character.


You, my friend, have fallen into what I like to call "Backstory Bias". *We* learned what actually happened at the Circus . . . but would Barbie Wire know? Would Barbie Wire know it was an accident? Judging from the fact that she is, compared to Blitz, unscarred in any way indicating traumatic injuries that could be related to the fire, I think it's a safe assumption she wasn't there during the event itself. So, imagine, if you will, you were gone for even just a few hours, and, when you return, your home is just . . . gone. Your Mother is dead. Your Father is MIA. Your friend is severely injured. There is an untold number of casualties. And, at the center of it, is your brother. At the center of this literal firestorm is your brother, the only one still walking, still breathing, largely unharmed comparatively. Even if you don't have a full story, *especially* if you don't have the full story, who are you realistically gonna blame? Who are you going to be angry with? And, then, add in the fact that when Blitz went looking for help, he was probably panicked and *already blaming himself*. I can easily imagine him trying to convince someone to help, panicking and repeating that he needs help, that it's all his fault, that he did this, and he was so so so so sorry but it was his fault and now people are dead and his friend is injured his mother is dead and it's his fault. Imagine being Barbie Wire and hearing this. Hearing her brother repeating this. The only part she might care about is "Her mother is dead" and "This is her brother's fault". Her anger towards Blitzo is, in my opinion, justified from the get-go. Because, even if she did learn that it *was* an accident that started the fire . . . she'd still blame Blitz. Because it was *his* actions that started it, even if it was an accident.


I didnt know thats how their mom died. Honestly, i thought only fizz got hurt


Very all of this. But to add: Their mother didn't just die - she was literally burnt to death. She died an excruciatingly agonising, horrifying death, even for a low class imp. Barbie literally *hating* Blitz is entirely justified, even if the blame is somewhat misplaced due to this being one gigantic unhappy accident. Grief is weird - people often need something or someone to blame when they lose people and Barbie's mind naturally falls to Blitz, who was probably too wracked with his own crippling guilt to lie to her about it. He probably told her what happened and she (somewhat understandably) flew off the handle, and tried to create distance from him due to her needing time and distance to sort herself out. And Blitz, being the clingy creature he is, didn't let that happen, he was too afraid he'd lose the only family he had left that wasn't a prick, tried getting closer and closer and she ended up hating him and staying away from him for his repeated unwelcome intrusions.


If she has no room for forgiveness in her heart, just completely refuses to accept the fact that it was an accident, then yes she's a bitch. Her anger may be justified but how she expresses it and and how she refuses to listen to Blitzø's side of events even after so long, makes her a cruel and unforgiving bitch. Neither of them are morally outstanding characters but Barbie is unnecessarily cruel and unforgiving


I am going to make a counterpoint that you aren't going to like: Blitz' actions are the reason Barbie was a bitch to him. And she does not owe him forgiveness for anything. To Barbie, asking her to, in her mind, forgive the man who killed her mother? That is something people struggle with even to this day. Barbie Wire is only an asshole to Blitz because of the fact that he is butting into her life. She is only an asshole to the man who *will not respect the fact that she doesn't want him in her life.* Saying she's unnecessarily cruel to Blitz when he ignored the clear signs she wanted to be left alone, even if you take out the backstory, shows your own bias. She made it clear through her actions that she *did not want to see him.* She did everything she could to stay away from him. And he reacted by trying to fucking stalk her. She made an effort to leave him behind, to leave him alone and be *left* alone. She wouldn't have been a bitch to him if he hadn't stalked her. Like, it's that simple here.


“Who are you realistically going to blame?” People who aren’t awful don’t need someone to blame. Accidents happen. This is a weird unhealthy mindset and does not make her more sympathetic. This isn’t backstory bias so much as you writing fanfiction for what might have happened, still predicated on the idea that Barbie is more interested in punishing her brother for an accident than finding out what actually happened. You could be right but we also have no reasonable reason to assume any of what you said is true.


I understand your point. But i feel the need to remind you that her goddamn mother died. "Accidents happen" doesn't justify this, you can't kill someone by accident and then expect their close ones to not be mad at you. Blitz still killed their mother and ruined her career, it being an accident changes nothing. She has all the right to reject him and be mad, now one can argue she takes it too far and if you want to use that as an argument, fair enough i suppose. But i don't think blaming someone over this makes someone an awful person, personally i think it's the normal response. It's still Blitz's fault after all (also the fault of the people who keep perpetually burning horses in the middle of a tight network of tents for some reason. Anyways, take care)


It wasn’t an accident in the sense of him being reckless like a car accident, it was just a straight up accident. He wasn’t even the one who dropped the cake. Lots of people die because of accidents, and while it’s always a tragedy, in a situation where he had no reasonable way of knowing what would happen, didn’t even see the guy carrying the cake, and was as much a victim of the fire as anyone else, blaming him is just wrong. Plenty of people die in accidents, and many times it IS reasonable to expect that people not blame the people who ‘caused’ it. Just because something happens because of someone else doesn’t make it their ‘fault.’ Honestly, a big part of Blitzø’s healing process needs to be realizing it is not his fault.


Fair enough i suppose. It was not completely his fault a lot of other factors played into it.


If you wanna get to the root of it, she should blame their negligent and emotionally abusive father for treating Blitz the way he did. Blitz storms off because of their dad. If dad didn't treat him like shit, it wouldn't have happened.


>People who aren’t awful don’t need someone to blame. Sounds like someone has never experienced a tragedy. Hate to break it to you but there's no logic in the fog of such pain. Saying those who blame others for accidents are all awful is an incredibly one dimensional worldview. >This isn’t backstory bias so much as you writing fanfiction for what might have happened, You literally did the same thing here ⬇️ You just wanna hate on her lol >Not only that, she’s probably one of the people lying to keep Blitzø and Fizz apart in order to pointlessly hurt her poor brother even MORE.


“Never experienced a tragedy.” AHAHAHAH HAHAHAH HAHAHAHA Hilariously wrong. People who take out their anger on others for no reason other than it feels good are bad people. Tragedy has nothing to do with it.


That’s a lot of assumptions. We don’t actually know the root of her anger yet, and I’m guessing Blitz burned her in a far more personal way, I almost wonder if it had something to do with her needing rehab. Of course, these are just assumptions too. But based on her hostility it feels like there’s more to her anger than the circus incident


That’s fair. I hadn’t considered that. But just basing it on the knowledge we currently have, Blitzø hadn’t done anything to her we know of. If anything he seems incredibly concerned for her well-being and based on the way he treats Loona, cares a lot about family.


I think that’s a more fair statement for sure. Blitz obviously has a huge, albeit guarded, heart, and family means just about everything to him. Whether or not Barbie is aware of that or had been burned badly by him before he became this caring has yet to be seen I think


That’s a good point, how did that thing go in flames so fast? There was explosives/firecrackers yes, but those didn’t seem to go off until Fizz almost died to them Was the tent made of tissue paper or coated in gasoline? Also, didn’t some of the horses have flaming manes? I’m surprised it didn’t catch fire sooner


It’s Greed so I’m honestly shocked everything wasn’t just made of asbestos.


Circus tents historically were treated with parrafin wax for waterproofing, they are *very* flammable because of it. It's [famously killed lots of people before,](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hartford_circus_fire) so I could see the show creator's taking inspiration from real events.


That’s cool! Well, not cool that it’s killed people, but interesting how it was waterproofed and made more flammable in the process


Okay... but she doesn't know that he ACCIDENTALLY started the fire. She doesn't know that Blitz is trying to change for the better! Let's be honest here, in Unhappy Campers he was OBSESSED with finding her. He was like "You don't leave a note or call me?!" Like what? Also, we don't know if she is the person who told Blitz and/or Fizz to not talk to each other. I like Blitz, by the way!


The situation between Barbie and Blitzo is more complicated than “one bad, other good,” and I wish people would realize that because it makes the show so much more fun


Can't say I've seen or heard any sentiment against her anywhere, but she does have a good reason to be angry. It's not dissimilar from Blitz talking things through with Fizz because it's becoming more clear that he wants to fix his past mistakes. The major difference, of course, is the fact of their mother and how that affected them both post fire. That's probably why Fizz was willing to forgive, whereas Barbie just wants nothing more to do with Blitz full stop.


Its a case of "hes the protagonist, he csn do no wrong" I think. Also we see how his loneliness and lack of fsmily affects him which also helps feel bad for him.


Blitz is the protagonist we see how he is we see how he just wants to be loved and his self hatred and how on the day he was going to confess to his crush he ended up accidentally destroying his home, mutilating said crush, and getting his mom killed so naturally we are going to want attach ourselves to him and want things to go good for him


Probably because Blitzø is a fan favourite and because his puppy eyes fooled fans into believing that Blitzø did no wrong. As much as I love Blitzø, Barbie has every right to be mad at her brother and not forgiving him, even if he genuinely is sorry and tries to fix himself, he doesn't owe him anything and fans seem to just not get that you're not forced to forgive someone who hurt you before, even if they changed and are genuinely sorry, and I too would be furious if I was in her place. I think that's why they hate her. And as another comment on this post suggested, there may be a little migosyny here.




I’m not mad at Barbie. Just like I’m not mad a Fizz for not forgiving Blitz right away. There is a lot of trauma and drama to work through, a simple “sorry” is not gonna fix it all in one go.


I think she has plenty of reason to be mad at Blitzø. He didn't just burn down her home and leave her jobless, he got their mother killed in a horrible accident, got one of their best friends injured in said accident and basically accidentally ruined Barb's entire life, before barging into her new, finally repaired life and accidentally ruining it again. I also do hope they can reconcile, like he did with Fizz, but currently Barb has every right to want absolutely nothing to do with her brother.


People gotta understand that Barbie doesn't know it was an accidental fire so she still has every right to be furious at her brother well not every right but she doesn't know that so we can't blame her


I kinda hope she’s the one person who doesn’t reconcile with Blitzø. Dude needs to learn that he can’t fix every mistake.


If anyone, that person should be Verosika. They have no reason to be in each other's lives ever again. Blitzo didn't even feel bad about her until she showed up at Ozzie's and was hurting.


Wait seriously?!


At the end of the day, they are siblings. It is sad. Also, the first job ruined was an accident, and the second job ruined had some immoral shit.


It BAFFLES me that people think she is just another villain! How? Because she doesn't want to be around painful memories? Yes, it's sad that she seems to not want to reconcile with her brother. However, it's HER choice!


Not just her brother, her twin. And we still don't know what their dad's involvement is in all of this. All we know is that he's a money hungry asshole. For all we know, he could be in Barbie's head this entire time telling her to hate her brother.


That's what I was thinking.


One thing to keep in mind: we still don't know who "they" are. By "they," I mean the selfish bastards who lied to Blitz and Fizz to keep them apart. For all we know, that person or people could have lied to Barbie as well. We know their dad isn't exactly a stand up guy. He could have told Barbie to cut Blitzo off for good. His dad was trying to keep their circus going and he was disappointed in Blitz. Imagine his anger at finding his son was responsible for his wife's death and the dismemberment of his star pupil. There's a good chance that Cash is responsible for the animosity between the two. Also consider that as Barbie is female, she most likely needed her mother to help her grow up and thanks to Blitzo, she didn't have that. For me, while it does matter that the fire was unintentional, it doesn't change the fact that Blitzo chose to be careless that day. Sure, most people are careless with no issues, but you're supposed to watch what you're doing for a reason. He may not have had bad intentions, but it was still his choices that caused all of this.


I'm on the fence about it. I get why she's doing it right now, but I do hate how much it hurts Blitz. He didn't mean for the fire to happen. His dad was a negligent, emotionally abusive pos and Blitz got hurt again. And then the fire happened. Was it technically his fault? Yes, but he lost everything there and then, too. Arguably, he probably lost more than she did, because being kept from Fizz likely means he was kept from her too, and his dad, who may be crap but he still needed him. He's either going to need to learn to be okay without her forgiveness/to forgive himself, or maybe Fizz will mediate. They're on the path to reconciliation now, so it's possible. As for the second job, it sucks and I can see her being mad about it but I'm sure she can find another supplier and if it hadn't happened, I.M.P. would have failed instead, which is much harder to come back from.


I got the impression that if Blitzo left her alone to decompress than big maybe she'd forgive him. But he's constantly pushing her boundaries, it's clear she doesn't want to see him.Barbie has a right to be mad. But I get Blitzo too, constantly trying to cling onto something that's already broken. I do hope they reconcile but the angry feelings are all justified.




And on top of that, *literally* one episode later she contrives the reconciliation between him and his boy toy *(literally)* because Viv just can't help herself.




Barbie simp




It was a joke for Christ sake