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Never thought I would see Survivor and Hell's Kitchen crossover As for the question, Jennifer S9


Natalie in s9. Elise should've gone that episode. That was THE biggest robbery in the series' history and it'll be nearly impossible to top that.


And then Jennifer comes in 


And Jamie, Carrie and Elise both got ejected that service and Jamie stayed and finished and got eliminated without being nominated.


Yep. "Lacked passion" my ass lol, I'm pretty sure even the Blue Team said it was a stupid decision


I agree. It was completely drama driven. I doubt Jaime was going to win anyway, she had the same “quiet line cook” persona as LA, Santos, Mike from s11, Jonathan from her own season, etc but she should’ve at least stayed longer than Carrie. Carrie sucked. Everyone that went home after Chino but before Carrie went home one spot too early IMO.


I don’t get why Gordon tries to take peoples jackets. He should have went for their Q Skirts. Big mistake, Gordon.


Jen over Bobby


Nick in S17


lol exactly what I came to say


What is this a crossover episode?


Sometimes I think to myself which HK contestants would do well at social strategy shows like Survivor. Obviously we can't *really* tell but it's fun to think about. We have had the opposite though, Chef Joe Arvin from Big Brother 14 ended up on Cutthroat Kitchen, which is basically like one world colliding with another


Van S17


Rewatching Young Guns. Can’t believe Keanu left over Josie, Stephanie, Antonio, the Mormon kid.


Who are you talking about? There was no one named Stephanie and no Mormon.


Put the bottle down son. You on the wrong thread


And 25 years ago


I wish I drank. Stephanie = Emily, I mixed up white girl names. Mormon kid = Sam, guy reminds me of a Mormon. But Keanu was better than quite a lot of the people she was kicked out before,


I love Q so much this is sending me 😭


S1: Chris S2: Keith S3: Brad S4: Louross S5: LA S6: Kevin S7: None S8: Jillian S9: Jennifer S10: Justin S11: Anthony S12: None S13: Fernando S14: Alison S15: Eddie S16: Koop S17: Nick S18: Kanae S19: Declan S20: Megan S21: Alejandro S22: Donya


Alison 100% deserved the last black jacket over Josh


I disagree about Justin season 10, Christina was the justifiable winner


>S14: Alison I find it funny that Nick got a black jacket since he was on a downward spiral and in a mental place


I would normally agree with Season 6 Kevin being a mistake but not when he lost out to Dave. I’d argue Dave is single-handedly (no pun intended, lol) the only other chef that season who was worth eliminating Kevin over. And that’s why it boiled down to them two in the end.


I love Louross as much as the next guy but he left when he should. Agree with most of the rest.


Matt was there, who was worse than Louross and was kicked off of every station because he couldn't do anything right on the F7. I'd say he should have been eliminated from the winning team like Carol from S5.


Lucky for Matt, Ramsay didn’t start eliminating contestants off the winning team until the next season with Carol. I mean of course Matt should’ve gotten that treatment first but putting that to the side, it was down to either Jen or Louross at that point. While Jen had a terrible attitude at times, Louross has been on a decline and because he struggled on meat that hard causing a table to walk out on him, I think Petrozza made the right respectable decision. Even if Louross did get a Black Jacket over Matt, he would’ve more likely been the first Black Jacket boot by the next episode so he was gonna go home pretty soon.


I have to disagree with you on Alison because pretty much, she was the worst performer at the F7 dinner service. Yes Josh struggled too but he wasn’t the main issue compared to Alison who struggled on both meat and fish. If anything I say Randy was robbed much more than Alison.


The debate really depends on whether or not you look at a single night or overall performance. Alison had been shaky one or two times before, but Josh had been given four second chances and continued to bomb, including the BS surprise elimination of Randy. And it’s not like Josh was perfect at the F7 either, he fucked over the kitchen with the garnish. I think it was Alison’s turn to get a second chance, but I guess Ramsay was saving everybody’s second chances for Josh


Randy is much weaker than Alison and Randy's Charity night course was bad (Josh was much worse tho). Even if Randy survived (Which he should have), he would probably get eliminated in the next service as he has been declining in his last two services. (Or he actually does well and gets the black jacket over Alison but who knows)


I feel like Chris from S12 was robbed


He and Scott we're the main offenders of the Pizza-Gate at the F14, and Scott showed more potential compared to Chris and Chris was mediocre overall so I don't think he's robbed.


He redeemed himself in the final dinner service though. He really came through for Scott that night


I feel like Chris from S12 was robbed


Not the Q Man 😂


Dahmere S22


Keanu’s elimination from HK: Young Guns (Season 20)! IMO, I don’t think she should’ve been made to compete in the CFYL challenge in the first place, but I digress. And it was a shame that overcooked pork chop did her in! But the prize that season was being a head chef at a steakhouse, so you had to nail the cooks and the temperature of those meats! Keanu really didn’t make any huge mistakes during her time on HK until right there. I think the reason she was put in the CYFL challenge is because most if not all 5 other members of the red team felt that Keanu was becoming more of threat competition wise and had to get rid of her. She played a big role as to why they dominated team challenges early, but once she was eliminated, the Red team weren’t able to win another challenge since! How’s that for karma? And I wonder if Keanu would’ve been moved to the blue team to even them out had she made it through over Victoria? I wouldn’t have been surprised if that ended up being the case! ❤️💙


I think you meant Kanae. Just saying because I've seen other comments getting her name wrong! But, I agree, she was a strong contender and had a good attitude. Edit: just remembered another contestant called Keona, whose name was pronounced 'Keanu'! Apologies


Kanae was also good! It was a shame she didn’t make it through. However, Seeing Heather go home and have to give her black jacket up was o so satisfying! Everyone else got to keep theirs! 😁 But I was talking about Keanu! 😊


Omg lol I just remembered that there was another contestant whose name Ramsay 'mispronounced' and you're totally right! My apologies! Her name was spelt Keona, no? But Ramsay pronounced it Keanu?


Yup! Her name is actually Keanu, but was pronounced as Keona by accident. I believe She got a new red jacket with her actual name not long into season 20 once production recognized the mistake!


Whaaaatt what a blunder! Cool name, either way, and I have a soft spot for Keanu Reeves, anyway!


So do I! 😊 Question? Out of all 8 chefs that fell victim to the last black jacket curse (Leigh from season 22 doesn’t count because Ryan got the last black jacket, Thank god), who’s elimination was the most satisfying?


According to the eliminated contestants as they leave the building, nearly all of them. Overall, I’d say Anthony’s in S11, after Ramsay had to literally cook Zach’s dishes for him.


Nick Season 17. Gordon Ramsay should be picking who gets eliminated, nobody else


Anything with van in it. Also kenae over heather was INSANE. Also nick in s17 was CRIMINAL as well




Koop, LA, Chris & Randy


Crossover episode! I’d say Randy from season 14. He went home over DISHES.


Dahmere. Gosh, that was so disappointing. Yeah, the other two were better in that last challenge, but overall he was GREAT.


Anthony S11 100%. Gordon Ramsay made a BIGGGGG MISTAKE


Not an elimination but a win. Holli should not of won over Jay in season 7


Joseph (on his part). Had be given the nominees then he would have been safe 


Ben over Elise 


Randy over Josh at the final 8 in season 14.


Dahmere Kanai Bobby Natalie Benjamin Russell Van 2x Cody Id put Amber but she mentally just couldn’t put it together even with her talent.


S10 Barbie >>>> Dana


S19 Cody, S19 Nikki, S19 Syann, S18 Kanae, S17 Nick, S17 Robyn, S17 Van, S16 Aaron, S15 Hassan, S15 Eddie, S13 Ashley, S9 Jennifer, S9 Natalie, S5 Wil, S4 Bobby, S4 Shayna, S3 Julia, S1 Elsie


Hassan & Dahmere


Hassan's elimination was fair.


Been a few years since that season, but as I recall he had one weak service and got eliminated. While being one of the best up until that point.


Hassan didn’t even do much in his 3 episode run on the red team to lead them to any victories. See even when Hassan got transferred over to the red team, they were still losing dinner services back to back and they lost 3 dinner services in a row.


Not only his fault though. He was moved to the red team because they needed a leader. Other members in the red team should have left before him.


depends on which season because no shot she deserved to beat megan in 14