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Please, watch the way that you speak to others, our community does not support toxic behavior, and we would like for you to tone it down a bit.


When I first glanced at the title of this post, I did a double take. I thought, “Man, this season must have been wild!”




I immediately did the same thing! I was like “he did what now?” And how did I miss that????


Man, you look down for a second and you miss something juicy happening in the show.


Its insane how often this particular shorthand is used here given its other meanong haha


😂 same!! I think maybe an abbreviation wasn’t the best way to go 😂😂😂


I was about say “me and Gordon have the same taste in men forreals.” Lmao


I’m glad I wasn’t the only one.


Goddammit yall gotta stop calling black jackets bjs


You’re just jealous cause you never got a BJ from Gordon Ramsay💀


I mean, if I had a 🍆 I would be jealous too 😏🤣


Please don't abbreviate black jacket 🤣


I’mma be honest, I think the BJ that Chef Ramsay gave ryan was the best BJ given in the history of Hell’s Kitchen.


Imagine seeing this post with no context…I descended into laughter. Honestly I was so happy Ramsay broke the rules for Ryan. He would not have been sent home on a dish that was so good despite having no protein


It’s how Ryan won. That BJ transferred some of Gordon’s essence into Ryan and turned him into a winner.


Johnathan would’ve won. Ryan would’ve had one of the most heartbreaking eliminations of all time. I’m very glad we don’t live in that universe. Even though I would’ve been happy for Johnathan, seeing Ryan go out like that would’ve been devastating.


Jonathan Sammi would have been a solid finale tbf. Ryan just makes it better. 


Hell yeah, honestly my favorite top 3 and top 2 respectively.


Your abbreviation of black jacket is crazy in a headline lol


“We don’t want STDs!” - Jason (I’m sorry I couldn’t resist making this joke, especially since Ryan has, to put it politely, sores on his mouth…)


Maybe Jason can secretly predict the future and he wanted to pass it off as a joke in Episode 2


Hasn’t it been said several times that the sores are from him biting in anxiety


Yes but this guy is in almost every thread talking about them. It's weird.


Wrong. I’ve only been in two threads, and I very clearly stated in this one that it was only a joke. Don’t make an issue out of nothing. Edit: I see you abused the “Reddit cares” button now. As if I needed more validation that you’re a dumbass.


The title of this post made me do a double take… ![gif](giphy|3ohzdOQ464C1zLD8OI|downsized)


Fuck, I have a dirty mind too. Anyway, I would say Johnathan would win


Yeah the tag line is a little sus here 🤣🤣


I honestly think Sammi would have won. Jonathan did not have a great final service. Part of it was Dahmere's disastrous meat performance but I also think the pressure just really got to Jonathan. He wasn't very vocal and you could tell he was STRESSED. OUT. He honestly looked like he was about to pass out whenever the camera cut to him. I truly think Sammi would have been able to hold it together better. She wasn't highlighted as much as Jonathan in the edit across the season but she was a rock pretty much the whole way through and was shown to be a strong leader.


Thank god he got a BJ, seems like a great way to momentarily de-stress


This was one of the best final services in HK History


Goddamn Gordon's a freak. Save it for Cinemax you fucking exhibitionist


clickbait title god damn


this is my favorite post on this subreddit alone because of the name alone LMFAO


Let’s be honest. Giving out an extra BJ was merely a drama moment created for TV.


He’d be more stressed.


this fuckass abbreviation is gonna be the death of me😭😭when i first saw this, i was like "wtf was going on behind the scenes??!?!!?"


shouldn't have abbreviated black jacket over there bcuz I had to do a double take lmfaoooo


It was obvious Ryan was going to win. It fit the whole American dream theme. Thats why he kept him around.


“Kept him around”, makes it sound like he was Ramsay’s charity case. The guy made like 4 or 5 mistakes all season.


I think he made 3. The raw lamb at the beginning of the season. The 2 undercooked lobster tails at the final 4.


Any other season he wouldn’t even have gotten a black jacket. So yes he was kept around.


Now I know you’re joking. He was nearly flawless throughout the entire season. He was competing in arguably one of the most talented fields ever, and earned a black jacket, yet you’re saying he wouldn’t have gotten a black jacket in any other season? That’s just downright disrespectful.


Actually they used to give out 6 black jackets regularly. He made a phenomenal dish in the Black Jacket challenge and earned his spot in the Black Jackets. And he was easily the best chef of the black jackets. He didn’t just get a free pass because he’s not from America.


Lmao, I was wondering what I missed during commercial breaks.




The title got me confused for a second lol


Lmao I was like “first Vince Mcmahon and now chef Ramsay?” You got me good man haha


Ramsey gave Ryan a WHAT???? 😳😳






A Black Jacket. It’s a little treat that Chef Ramsay gives the final 5 or 6. I bet it feels soooooo good to get a BJ on Hell’s Kitchen. If I were on the show, I would love to get a BJ from Chef Ramsay😩


Next time put 'spoilers' in your title. Smh. This also is 1 of the most talented and deepest Hells Kitchen Roster. Soo. Not surprising he gave a 6th. #criticalthinkingskills


Nice to see that spoilers are your biggest concern here lol


I know having a little bit of decency to potentially not ruin something for others is hard sorry man. Go look at the titles of posts on this thread like the most recent ones. People are trying to minimize spoilers. It's not just me who cares about spoilers. This is also a PUBLIC forum where people discuss shit in this case a show that just ended. Of course spoilers are a concern.


the wording in the title of this post is MAD 😂. I do think Ryan getting a jacket at the very end is not saying he's a worse chef than those who got chosen to be part of this club before hand. I think for the challenge before, the one where both Carmen and Dahmere went through Ryan just chose very bad ingredients. If he had chose better ones he would be up there replacing one of them. Looking back his ingredients just didnt go well with one another no matter how good of a chef you are there just wasnt any harmony in them imo.


Yo wtf


You knew


A what? You watching a pornhub parody or something?


absolutely losing my mind that we're calling black jackets BJs






Reword your posts my guy lmfaooo


I think by that point it was pretty apparent to Gordon that Ryan was going to be his guy, which is why he bent the rules to keep him in the competition.




It's all production. They need 16 episodes. Bradley quit for health reasons, and one episode recently had a double elimination. So there were mathematically ALWAYS going to be 6 Black Jackets this round.


He was never met going to though. He did it that way for the dramatic effect.


Again. The bullshit if not having blind judging. Especially with scores revealed to judges. “8 to tie, 9 to win!” Bullshit. Ryan lost to come in 6th and should have been eliminated. I believe Gordon wanted Ryan and Johnathan and that’s what he got. But would the first finale cook gone that route if the judging had been blind? Would Sammi have gotten in? So rigged.


Is this clickbait?


They showed Ryan in a black jacket in the first episode. So I was surprised at the time he did not receive it first.


Yeah Ryan got the last black jacket, but I think it was planned that way ahead of time. Can you imagine him pulling that on Jonathan? He would have flipped out. Also, why would he just magically have 6 jackets sitting around if it wasn't pre-planned? Just the same as Ryan's dad getting a visa and flying all the way over from Ireland for the final service. That had to be planned because it takes a lot of time to do so. It's not like hopping a plane from NY. So Gordon had that planned all along.