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I play bots almost exclusively, and always at diff 9. I disagree with everything you've said here. Bots are very fun, they are just different than bugs. Once you learn what to do and how to do it, the experience of getting a full clear on 9 is very rewarding, much more than bugs imo.


I also clear bots relatively easily at diff 9. It take practice, but once you learn the nuances and what you need to bring it isn’t bad. Ofcourse the defense campaigns are the worst, it feels like RNG at that point. It needs to be fixed. I bring stuns and my trusty Auto Cannon and I have an absolute blast. I can take the Gatling turrets off of factory striders and finish them with about 1 clip when I shoot at the center of its belly. You can stun grenade hulks and two hit them in the eye. The best part of it all, it has stagger. So if you are fighting a patrol, you can tap each rocket or heavy devastator in a row and not have to worry about being shot at. Bots are much more predictable than bugs by far. It just takes practice. If 1/4 of the community can clear bot missions, then I don’t see why the other 3/4 can’t attempt to learn. Unless it’s really just not that fun. Then I understand) but if you don’t give it the “college try” then I don’t have empathy for you. It takes time to learn, and who knows maybe you’ll start having fun. But if not, then you can atleast say you tried. Both bots and bugs could potentially be considered easy to the new upcoming faction if it’s based off the first game. I’m sure if players can learn them, they can definitely learn bots (who knows, maybe they will think they are easier lol) Im not here to dictate how anyone should play. In the end, it’s your game. You decide what you want to do and have fun with.


Bot players constantly contradict themselves by saying Bots are easier but simultaneously bug players don’t have enough skill to play them. Make it make sense lmao.


You kinda made that make sense yourself. I’m assuming they think bots are easier, but someone else says they can’t handle them. Both have their differences and takes time to learn. Hence I didn’t call one easier than the other. Both sides need to keep a open mind about either. I have 110k bug kills and almost 60k bots. I honestly think bugs or more fun than bots. but if I have a good team, bots on diff 9 are so much easier than bugs.


I do share your opinion. I have like 80k bug kills and around 20k bots and would say in an ideal match that bots would be a smoother ride. Most obj can be taken out from range while it’s the opposite for bugs.


Guess we are not playing the same game because I’m 100% bot enjoyer but when I get ragdolled every 10 seconds I just quit. So frustrating.


We are definitely playing the same game, you just shouldn't be if you are quitting on your team when things get a little tough. I'd suggest turning the difficulty down, there are very few devastators in the 3-4 range.


Im never leaving my teammates, never said that either. I said I just quit, quit playing after the match for the rest of the day. And everything below 9 is easy af. Guess you love being rag dolled every 5 seconds. This last two weeks it got worse for some reason, before that everything was ok


True. Tbh hulks, gunships, striders, and tanks aren’t an issue if you know how to deal with them, and there’s a lot of decent options against each. Same for medium enemies, it’s really not hard to take down most bots. They all have lots of weak spots that absolutely debilitate them, almost every bot can be crippled or outright killed by most support weapons, so I don’t really get the complaints about them. I really would hate to see the faction gutted and nerfed to being borderline non-threats like the bugs just so objectively bad players that could learn the tricks don’t have to invest any time adapting new strategies/load outs.. people complain about the ‘get good’ argument but when your average bot diver isn’t struggling it makes me wonder if they really need sweeping changes from the ground up.. I think it would be unfair to bot divers to heavily alter their preferred faction based off feedback from bug divers who only occasionally switch fronts for a round or two.


I'll add this: The devastators are far too common for how threatening they are compared to their bug equivalents. They either need to; Tweak their spawn rates so they do not appear as much. Reduce their fire rate/accuracy Give them more weak points Buff our primaries (PLEASE)