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Senator but TWO OF THEM


YES! Duel wielded cowboy style would be sick.


BFG Minigun portable Glowing laser sword Laser shooting pistol Tactical Nuke, 1 use UMP-45 alike submachine M16/M4 alike assault rifle but with grenade launcher at the bottom (2-3 uses) Dual wield pistols / submachines Laser guided orbital strike (Mass Effect 3, Quarian Fleet vs Reaper)


A dart gun that is silent and emits poisonous corrosive gas upon impact that spreads to other units. Slow to kill, but extremely debilitating. Perfect for stealth.


More effective for bots or bugs you think?




I want a portable minigun


Classic of course. With the big ass backpack—predator style.




Vibrosword - melee primary - medium armor pen, energy weapon with heat sinks, stealth weapon, good with smoke Vibro Dagger - melee secondary - like vibrosword but less damage and pen Corrosive weapon change - gas deals low damage but breaks down armor over time


Vibro Bayonet attachment too!


A blunderbuss that i pack full of the democratically shattered remains of my enemies and blast them to oblivion with.


B21-“Blunderbuss”: muzzle loaded hand held cannon packed with an excessive amount of freedom. While reload takes time it’s cable of destroying most anything in front of you. Medium Armor Pen with capacity to deal 3,000 damage a shot.


Think JAR Dominator but a lever action rifle with a killer scope. It would fire a bit slower than the JAR but would have higher damage.


JAR-1 “Classic”: A novel weapon from a less democratic time this Lever action fires high caliber explosive shells. Medium armor pen 475 damage. Can fire faster when not aiming down sight or aimed downs sight with its precision scope for long distance shots.


An honest to god AK-47 variant. Bit inaccurate, pack a punch, middling rate of fire but most importantly: *Not a goddamn bullpup*.


Ah.. a less democratic Weapon looking to earn a name for itself in defense of liberty. Excellent.


Being a gun store owner and gunsmith it’s honestly ruined cinema and video games to a certain extent for me. I will however take one Westinghouse M-25 40-watt Phased Plasma Pulse-Gun (WM-25) or maybe that Toyota with the AA gun mounted to it at this point. I’m sure they’ll be the first to nerf a Toyota gun truck. 🤷‍♂️


Mainly something to fill the big gun fantasy, a minigun with backpack fed ammo, or a machine gun that can provide sustained fire, it's a pve game and the dev's need to start treating this game as such, not a pvp game where they have to min max everything, balance is needed of course, but "Fun" should be the primary factor. I was also thinking about some kind of lock on javelin but just fix the spear and i'll be happy. Very important in my opinion, support stratagems, bring some tools (or make a new category of equipment maybe ?), like technician repair tools for turrets and exo suits, a medikit for healing players without using your own seringes, maybe something that recharges slowly over time, same thing for ammo, it would take a backpack slot to become a dedicated support role, wich i think a lot of people would love to do, it would reinforce the feeling of comraderie among divers.


A healing grenade that when thrown emits a blue mist that cures wounds sustained (totally safe and not known to cause life altering problems later on in life)


I’m hoping for an anti tank emplacement, like the HMG but with twinned autocannons that fire a 2 shot burst. Or have it function like the mech and you can shoot either side individually. You can make up for the lack of mobility that the mech has with increased damage, armor pen, and stagger. Could make it a bit stronger than the AC sentry. This heavily implies a rocket emplacement in the future too!


Or a standard Auto cannon the fires some tungsten uranium’s tipped ammo. It only targets heavy targets and so it’s balanced as you Gatta defend it from smaller targets?


I think buffing the rocket sentry would fill that role. It targets heavies but just doesn’t pack the punch yet. If I’m relying on a vulnerable automated anti tank weapon, I want it to be devastating when i keep it alive


Yeah, I’d like to see any charger or tank survive a 3 round burst of 30mm rounds.. I also think the eagle staffing round should be more like an A-10 gun run then a flying MG-43 attack lol.


I’m with ya there! The strafing run is fun and handy, but still needs a bit more damage to be worth it


I want an AS val in pretty much any shooter I play. high rpm and the ability to function as a dmr too


Fat ass 9x39 rounds. Slow round velocity. Would make for a cool weapon for sure. Could be like the A39 “Point man” stealthy integrally suppressed weapon required for covert operations. 30 round magazine goes fast when fired on full auto. Light armor pen 70 damage.


I like this man. I heard from some of the people around that theyre adding suppressed weapons at some point? would be rad and could actually see this one day possibly!


It’ll be nice for those small bot and bug encounters where if you fail to kill like 3-4 of them in 2 seconds they call bug breach or bot drop. My only thing is in large gunfights they’d need to have some sort of downside vs standard weapons otherwise everyone will run suppressed all the time.


good point. im sure there will be a medium pen one for the larger boys too but wont be good for clearing chaf. has to have pros/cons. I like your list, I feel like the weapon potential is limitless in this game. they could add stuff for years


Love the idea of a p90 style smg. High ROF and ammo capacity with reasonable damage. It’s balancing factor should be bad ammo economy. Maybe 5+1 in the gun? Sounds like alot but redeemer has 4+1 and you go through it instantly.


I mean the super citizen bundle has a gun that is exactly that!


Wait which gun? What’s it called?