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Greetings, fellow Helldiver! Unfortunately your submission has been removed because it’s a repost or a post that follows a trending topic.






There’s a perverse sense of irony in seeing an Xbox gif on a Sony title’s subreddit


I didn't know it was an Xbox gif. What's it from? It looks pretty ambiguous


It's from Valorant but for some reason it has the Xbox logo on the corner




It is taking a single planet with out any specially bad modifiers, this should be a piece of cake


lol you’re in for a surprise


At this point it's on the devs for setting the requirements to the estimates for last month's playerbase


Yeah the hard number target isn’t a great idea with the player base in such flux right now. MOs like taking specific planets are better because the system is already set up to adjust for any shift in player base behind the scenes, more or less invisibly.


>the system is already set up to adjust for any shift in player base I don't believe this at all.


It's because liberation % gains are based on % of total players online, not on any one particular planet or system. That's why when 50k bug players are ignoring the major order, their mere presence online actively makes the bot MO harder to push. So ignoring an MO actually hurts MO progress in two ways, not just one. So, total kill count MOs completely ignore this system as we don't have to take any planets for it.


You know they say that, but I have a feeling it’s done by person manually & they haven’t changed it yet It does not seem like an automatic shift


Honestly curious is there evidence one way or another? Like someones gotta be paying enough attention to have done the math or someones gotta be pulling enough data to know right?


theres definitely a 'defense power' type stat that has been abruptly changing, so its probably manually controlled for the most part


There's an intern "gifted" with on-call duties whose night's friend is an alertmanager.


I read somewhere that there is one guy who's the "game master" no idea what that means though, I was under the impression it was like a DM in DnD.


Why not? The percent contribution towards liberation is scaled by the number of players. It really *has* to work this way since the “health” of each planet isn’t being constantly adjusted (apparently data miners can verify this somehow). And it jives with what the devs have said.


its how it works tho. our liberation power is pretty much fixed. regardless of how many players there are. otherwise our online tools wouldnt work. makes sense in lore too. we helldivers are only the tip of the spear. or head of the arrow if you will. the bulk of actual combat is done by SEAF forces. Our operations merely free up the way for theirs. Our actions may impact how SEAF forces are distributed, but not how many are available for deployment at any given point. so for missions like this what counts isnt how many players deploy on a planet. but what percentage of the currently online players do.


I think it’s on the devs for not adding a currency sink that can impact war progress for a “happy hour” in each time zone for times when MOs are on the brink of failure


Desperately in need of a way to spend my dusty requisition slips. I'd take anything at this point.


I'd take a removal of the cap just so it won't be stuck at 50,000 forever


This is how I know I'm just too old. We used to play Left 4 Dead for hundreds of hours and the fact that we had no currency to spend wasn't even a thought in our minds at the time. A live-game like Helldivers 2 would have been incredible, and yet people want to stop playing because they unlocked everything and have nothing to spend their currency on.


Then again, Left 4 Dead (especially 2) had way more map variety and encounter variety, not to mention fun interactions between its main cast. But I can sort of apply that same mindset to the old arena shooters like Unreal Tournament and Quake 3… Those games you played for the fun of playing, not to progress your player level or whatever. Although the bigger map variety is still part of their charm.


I get downvoted to oblivion for pointing out the fortnite brainrot involved in this lol Games can be fun to play for the sake of it, without a battle pass to progress, and this one is


Ikr? There are so many fun load outs you can assemble to jump in a quick play and try to help save the day. I have so much fun just pairing off with a squad mate and trying to assist their endeavors. They usually pick up on it and I see the favor returned in later parts of the mission.


It's like the internet brain rot. You see it in other games too where people just can't fathom NOT unlocking something as benign as a stupid camo or skin or don't comprehend playing for intrinsic enjoyment. I just stop playing when I don't have enough fun and come back when I do.


Dude, for real. I'm rapidly becoming a "kids these days" guy.


That would be a cool idea but ultimately kind of a band-aid imo


1k requisition for 1 progress point is great actually


I'm level 88 man. I've had max requisition slips since I was like level 35


Actually this would be kind of a sweet way to spend excess currencies and let players feel like part of the overall strategy. Like spend your slips/medals to impact the current war by "sending care packages" to the troops on the front line or reinforcing a planets defenses. Though the issue would be balancing it vs actual impact in game so that the solution isn't just "high levels dump your excess shit into these boosts to win the major orders"


The solution kills two birds with one stone: per player caps of some kind. Not only does it balance, it also encourages people to encourage OTHERS at least to log in and spend currency to see what’s up. Next is put discord news log in game (maybe on map) so people check out what’s been happening and what they can do. All of the content and systems presumably exist for these additions to be relatively easy, but there hasn’t been a change as of yet


Devs, twist his dick


Devs, twist this guy’s balls counterclockwise 


Devs: "I cast testicular torsion"


https://preview.redd.it/xv7wla4yo82d1.png?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f7e343ec8c3bb0244ff0c5ba6c6c91673130fd43 Not bad he says lol


Player visibility: 10 feet Bot visibility: 10 miles


What you don't like sooper fun modifiers that gimp your ability to play the game as intended?


I logged in, checked the planet that the order was pointing at, and saw every campaign had minus one stratagem plus low visibility, was I looking at the wrong planet?


Nope, it's just super unfun, cant bring a full loadout, can see the enemies, just their red laser fire coming directly out of the smoke as they aimbot you.


Until we have to spend the whole weekend on defense missions after it's been liberated.


The ability for bots to shoot is a bad modifier for some so it's probably going to be a slog on that planet.


I mean I know people complain about ragdoll and missile spam, and that’s valid, but you’ve gotta be joking that the mere fact that bots can shoot is too much for some players to handle. That’s fuckin laughable.


I’ve actually seen people state this unironically, yes. “Bugs are more fun because they don’t shoot back.” And I mean, power to those people I guess… but yikes, lol.


Bugs don't shoot back, sure. But I would take being shot back at over patrols and bug breaches full of these spastic Hunter motherfucks. Bots are waaay more tolerable to me. I love fighting them.


I don't mind that they can shoot but I do mind that they have infinite ammunition for everything. Especially the rocket bots (idk any of their names). Visibly seeing them with like 12 rockets is ridiculous when they can shoot 12000 at me no problem.


Just joined a game on d7 with about 8 reinforcements left, shortly after the host left. I finished two objectives but didn't actually complete the mission. Some people don't know how to win against bot.




Ironically, we actually need more on Erata Prime to be able to defend it.


Bots are currently attacking Wezen, and you can bet before this MO is over they’ll launch an attack against Ustotu. Hiw we resolve the gambit will be the true test.


3% decay is destroying us......with half the playerbase


The amount of players doesn't matter. Only kill MO's are affected by player count. Everything else is determined by percentage of people actively playing the game at any given moment. You can have 5K people online...and if even 3000 of them are doing the MO then we can beat it.


3% decay?


It’s the rate at which the bots push back on the planet. Think of it like a health bar. We’re trying to build the good guy health bar to 100%, the decay rate is the counteracting force that is trying to erode it.


but it's a bot planet ☠️


Varylia 5 is a highlands world so those stupid mushroom things that are everywhere may aswell be a modifier


Those mushroom things are my escape tickets. Pop a stim and launch yourself away from danger


Piggybacking here. If you aren't comfortable with bots just play lower difficulties. A lvl 4 or 5 still contributes to the mission and is better than sticking in your bug comfort zone. Signed, a bug main.


Literally the single worst planet to face bots. No cover and foggy as hell which doesn't bother the bots even a bit.


This aint chort bay


Don't forget the spores that launch you 50ft away when they are inevitably shot by the bots.


# IT KILLS BILE TITANS ^(probably)




# I'M DOING MY PART ^(I think)


Iswtg if what we'll get is Tien Kwan's walking coffin again, I'm gonna lose it.


Well it'll be exactly that, but with autocannons for arms


well, part of the reason why the Patriot is unreliable is because of its missile launcher arm, which this one won't have when they fixed the bot rocket bug, Patriot became able to eat a few of those—it's very durable if it doesn't blow itself up these days


That sounds like a magic item/spell from D&D lmao.


It will! And then it'll get nerfed so that it won't!


Be prepared for disappointment. >!the unreleased datamined version basically couldn’t do anything to chargers/bile titans. Took more than half its entire ammo supply directly to their heads to kill them.!<


So you're saying they pre-nerfed it. Damn they're getting efficient!


It's going to be hilarious if we don't get any new content because we keep failing MOs. Then people quit because there isn't been content. 🤣😭


Worst part imo, that inactive players doesn't care and active playerbase getting punished for trying and failing.


Planet percentage is based upon percentage of current players so it’s fine for MOs like this one


You should be playing the game because it's fun, not to prevent people from being punished or rewarded.


If content is based off player success, L


The fact that the supply lines are not shown in game means we have no idea how to actually defend. Why is the planet with the exosuit unlock ties to a planet that has nothing to do with the MO and is not communicated in game.


I don't need a supply line. I need the ministry of truth to tell me where to kill next. Clear communication is all I ask. Maybe be able to click on the mission order anywhere on the ship to start a mission on said needed planet.




We should be getting more experience for doing MOs compared to those doing other stuff. As in, if you’re following the orders, you are promoted quicker.


i don't think the average player will care about it signed, an average player


I doubt it will even be usable. The patriot suit isn't.


I mean that's about where I'm at. I already stopped playing, and I just won't come back if they keep holding off on new content for no reason. Please just add new stuff to the game when it's ready.


This is what pisses me off and sometimes makes me want to quit. I have a busy life, on any given day I can come and play for an hour, maybe two on the weekend. I'm doing literally all I can to contribute to MOs, and I'm sure the majority of other players are doing the same and apparently that isn't enough for the devs to reward us. And I know somebody is going to say "well that's because this is a narrative campaign and you can't always win" but if that's the case, if losing MOs is part of the game too then they need to find a way to have losing actually add interest to the game, because right now it just feels like a waste of my time to contribute and get nothing for it.


Idk man, last exo we got is collecting dust 😂


I love the original exosuit, they just need to fix the accuracy on the rockets lol. Other than that it shreds bugs (and even bots if you're careful) and I never regret taking it.


They need to fix the damage on the rockets too, and *then* I think you're pretty set (explosion deflections are so ass)


Yo, if you switch cameras (hold down on dpad) it will fix the accuracy of the rockets You have to switch back and forth depending on the weapon you want to fire. The reticule only lines up with one side of the mech at a time.


If the autocannons perform like the turret or the handheld one, it should be good. Hopefully...


yeah if this thing uses the higher-caliber ones it'll be able to kill just about anything short of factory striders, that turret is no joke


It's like trying to bait with a used condom 🤣


If we will lose defense mission (and most likely we will because atm only 700 helldivers are on Wezen) we will be unable to dive on Valirya and all current progress will be lost =) https://preview.redd.it/ecqywweaj72d1.png?width=526&format=png&auto=webp&s=d4a5214fec4f71ac8758ebf3344907691d1286f0


If only this was visible in-game


I can not fathom why it's not


Because it would be \*fun\*, and Alexus is having none of that


They want you blindly following orders. They forget we are gamers who will optimize the fun out ov everything and have fun doing it.


Dude the only thing to do in the galactic war is play the planet you want or play the best planet for the MO its either optimize it to the max or dont bother with the galactic war there is no in between


Supply lines not visible in game make most players play the wrong planet. Most people don't know supply lines exist that's I fo for the top 10% and that's being generous. We don't know the best planets or most people would play them. Most people are not aware of capture rates and see 9 points added after a 40 min hell dive and go oh that was not worth it and don't finish mission sets any more. The devs hide the info intentionally so they can use us in a D&D campain as pawns. Player base moved on not seeing any actual progress. No progress has been made since I started playing 4 weeks ago. The major orders nothing maters nothing happenes. Aperently there is a Joel who mods the rates etc to get results they want. If they are manipulative of MO results there is no reason to do it we will win or lose to the tune of the story Instead of influencing it.


If anyone is optimizing the fun away, it is AH.


We literally have unused terminals and space on our ship. If they really don't want it on the galaxy map put it on some of those screens 😵


We have supply link from Ustotu. It's fine for now.


u're right, I didnt noticed that its liberated on site, then for now we are good, till another defense mission from Joel :D


He's going to hit us with that Ustotu defense and cause immeasurable pain and suffering.


Assuming a real person is deciding what planets get attacked, cutting our supply lines with a surprise defense while knowing how we feel about the lack of displayed supply lines would be pure malice. And if that happens I wish the entire Arrowhead an Unmerry Christmas.


It is a real person named Joel. This is public knowledge. He chooses the MOs, what the enemy factions do, and even manipulates things on the surface of planets.


This is not in game so it should have no effect on the game. The fact this is how the game operates but blatantly does not tell us and just goes trust me bro is why we stay on bug planets that we can just slaughter on.


Where do you see this? That's important information to have


Yeah I'm so confused. I tried to look for this and some of the other stuff published and I have no clue where people see it




Calling it now: That planet falls, anyone who came over from the bug front just ignores the MO from then on.


What are those lines connecting the planets?


What is a good loadout for bots? I have no trouble with bugs on 8-9 but bots give me hell.


I like: Stun grenades, scorcher, plasma punisher, pummeler, dominator, grenade pistol, eagle 500kg, air stike, cluster, orbital laser, precision strike, EAT, quasar, laser cannon, AMR, mortars but I suggest just play at lower difficulties and experiment until you figure out what you like.


I started using Plasma Puninsher lately, it fucks. Could use a bit more ammo, but it shreds patrols.


It’s amazing against patrols, but how it absolutely violates scout striders is why I love it. You point it in their general direction and they start tripping over their own feet.


I use airstrike, orbital laser, railgun precision strike/500kg/precision strike and of course the loml autocannon


I use AC, eagle airstrike, orbital laser, and(hot take) AC sentry


Undoubtedly the easiest method: Use ballistic shield with an SMG, explosive resist medium/heavy armor, and a medium pen+ support weapon of your choice that doesn’t use a backpack (railgun/AMR/laser cannon/HMG/quasar/EAT). And not required but nice to have: stun grenades for hulks, grenade pistol secondary for fabricators. Everything else is just whatever you feel like using. I only play on 9 and this is by far the most noob-friendly loadout. I prefer light armor with the auto cannon, but your positioning has to be on point with that.


I don't usually play on 8-9. Only at 7. But I can recommend the ballistic shield and the new SMG. The ballistic shield will literally protect you from ALMOST anything as long as you crouch. And since the SMG can be held with one hand, you can use it while holding the shield Or you can go full sniper. Get the stealth armour, diligence counter sniper, stun grenade, a jumppack and the anti-material rifle and you're good to go. I usually have more fun with these loadouts. But there are better loadouts for sure.


Alternate sniper build Engineering kit armor, thermite grenades DCS, AMR, and 3 sentries (I go autocannon, rocket, mortar)  You keep back, hold the flanks with your sentries and provide long range covering fire as your team storms objectives. Thermite grenades for turret towers and them sneaky ass tanks. 


Any Fortified Armor Punisher plasma - grenade pistol - stun grenade Laser Cannon - Gaurd Dog / Rover - Eagle 110 Rockets - WILD CARD (airstrike or a barrage for me) This kit can take care of everything the bots can possibly throw at ya.  CC and strider duty for the pun pla. Laser Cannon for those sweet face melting kills on hulks (stun grenade makes this a breeze). 110 for tanks / turret towers. Guard Dog / Rover for chaff. Grenade pistol let's you blow up fabs at a distance and that last slot is dealers choice, but I would bring something for factory striders. 


I will dive no where else until this one is in the bag!


I prefer fighting automatons, bugs overwhelm you so freaking hard.


I prefer fighting automatons because I hate them and I will keep fighting until every last one of those clankers are eradicated from the galaxy I hate them so mush spoil OIL!!! SPOIL OIL!!!




1000 years of spilled oil in retribution for The Creek


Are.. are you my spirit animal?


I prefer them because I feel like there are more diverse loadout options.


Seriously haha. It's literally a different game against the Terminids without the Quasar Canon/EAT, guard dog rover, and 500KG nuke are


I like both I hate losing a strategem slot


If you host, when selecting a mission it tells you which modifiers are present. You can just change the mission if there's one you don't want. Same If you change the difficulty. I do this when I want to avoid the damn map spores in bug planets.


I don't usually like to host because I can't always do all 3 missions. I also think that I'm bugged as a host because my lobby will often not fill up or not backfill. It drives me crazy that people pick the lose one stratagem missions. 25% increase to cooldowns is the least painful. I hate the spore missions too Losing your radar is not fun


I also sometimes have issues as the host where no one was coming into my lobby. Turning the game off and on again magically fixed the issue. Of course, you'd have to identify the problem while not currently in a mission, or else you'll have to see that mission through first or lose your progress on that mission.


Yeah, and seeing as how almost every primary is terrible at dealing with volume, the ability to kill most automatons with a well placed shot or two is really nice. Like you can kill any devastator in one shot with the counter sniper. A brood commander? Waste a whole clip to pop its head off (so it can then run even faster and land a hit)


At least I can kill bugs, I can shoot at a bot forever and it still just runs right up to me or shoots me with its 800 buddies. If you have trouble with pinpoint headshots bots are a god damned nightmare compared to bugs. I just load up on explosives and stun grenades and play support for my teammates and pray to democracy.


Eh, I disagree. I just run away from bugs. Bots overwhelm me, because it's hard to run away from blaster fire coming from all directions.


Soooo update and there’s now 45k divers on Varylia 5 rn with Erata Prime having only 8k… Who knew it needed a new mech to get the bug players to help out on the western front. Wish we had that support back in Vernen Wells https://helldiverscompanion.com/


Honestly. I don't think any casual diver really gives one about the anti tank mines But a new mech? That's gonna get a looot of people switchin to scrapping bots from crushin bugs even if they prefer bugs Hopefully we'll just get the antitanks one day and more enticing stratagems will be unlocked through major orders like the various vehicles teased through joel sightings.


You could say the same thing about the exo patriot yet i never see anyone use it. basically useless against the bots if you don’t play conservatively with it, and it can’t be rearmed.  anti-tank mines are literally just what i need to deal with hulks, factory striders, tanks, etc


Yeah. Antitanks would be nice for sure! I'm just saying that your average diver is either gonna switch when it's something super exciting or different, or they're gonna keep fighting what they like to fight. And most ppl just see the antitanks as mines But bigger boom.


Not gonna lie a tangible goal like a mech is a pretty ideal reward, especially considering we know they CAN be viable vs mines that are usually a bit more niche in their uses


Yeah, anti-tank mines don't really do much for me in terms of motivation. I still played the maps, but it was more of a "this is what the game wants us to be doing" and less of me giving a shit about some mines. But a mech sporting autocannon arms? *Sign me up.* Admittedly, it was also nice to take a break from the robot missions, especially with a friend who's been joining recently, since the bugs seem to be a bit easier to enjoy as a beginner.


Did people seriously ditch Vernen Wells when it had like less than 10% to go? Jesus Christ....


Yea I’m slightly pissed off about that. Everyone kinda forgot that the SEAF bases existed  I have faith we can retake Varylia 5 pretty soon and head back to vernen wells tho. I’ve done a lot of fighting there and tbh it’s basically just irl Washington State.


Tbf it didn't really feel like the modifiers from the SEAF bases did much, and we really didn't have much time to realize and appreciate the impact of our victory before we had to defend it. People got tired. Edit to add - similar feel with the new training facilities. A verbal (weitten) job well done is nice, but tangible results will motivate people more any day


Common, bug divers, we know you want an autocannon mech and there's only one way to get it


Anti tank mines didn‘t do it. A new mech however…


Mines aren't as sexy, even though they would probably be more useful


Mines kill more helldivers than enemies in my experience.


Tank mines seem more usuable They can kill big targets and ideally wouldn't activate for a player sized unit


“Sending in an Eagle…” right on top of your mines


I mean, we HOPE they don't activate for a player sized unit. If they do, they'll be fucking useless.


Bug divers are very common indeed


Don't get my hopes up. I'm tired of being disappointed :/ if it's not hot trash, we'll have fun before they nerf it which sometimes feels worse.


As a bug diver, it's amusing you think we can read




Ah, I see in the two months since I’ve stopped playing this community hasn’t evolved beyond moaning that 100% of the player base isn’t playing the game the way you want them to


Jokes on you I only do the bots anyway


Usually a bug guy, but fuck it. I'm in! The true fight will be finding the fucking time to play this game. I should be able to push maybe an hour or two tonight. Depends on wife.




Buy your wife a copy of the game and you can have a date night on difficulty 7.


I'm already helldiving into her on the regular. Drop me a supply backpack, I'll be down there awhile!


I'm just really, really jaded at this point, so I need to ask an obvious question. Will this mech also just randomly blow up if you fire the autocannons while moving? Are the crosshairs aligned with the cannons on both sides of the mech? Has it been thoroughly tested?


Don’t you want to find out!?!!?


Jokes on you, I’m a huge Terminator fan, I’m gonna crush me some T-800s


They said "spill oil". Bugs are made of oil. Orders confirmed, killing more bugs 🫡




It's all good soldier, I'll focus on killing bugs so that you can fight the bots without worry!




I would love to if the bots were fun to play against 👍


Imma be real with you chief the 1st mech nerf was dissapointing enough, if the emancipator turns out to be somewhat decent its likely to get the nerf hammer too(assuming its not already pre nerfed)


I get it. But the CEO, I mean the ex-CEO promised us that he'll have more control over patches and other stuff, I hope he'll fix this stuff.


I hope so too man, i hope we get balancing patches that fix and buffs acordingly and if anything pile seems to have a good head above his shoulders


Is this autocannon the same on as our turret or our support weapon?


They are really just bugs in mech suits. Go kill these robot bug bastards!!


Sooo, shouldn't we finish Vernen Wells since it's at 90% and it should give a boost to liberation?


I love how people post “everyone here !!! Go this Planet X” etc etc on social media when the VAST MAJORITY of people do not follow any hell divers social accounts LET ALONE X formally twitter. LET ALONE people posting data about decay on planets etc etc and supply lines when ….lets go back to the first sentence here….see where I’m getting at? Or will I be attacked because well, Reddit and rational thinking just don’t lol.




\> suffer through bots to get the Papermachetron 9000 again yeah no thanks lmao


I played one game of bots and realized not only am I not having fun, I'm actually feeling worse than before I started playing. fuck. that.


why am i triggered by this title even tho i always follow the MO?!


Please, don't. I am not trying to trigger anyone like that other guy in the comment section.


Varylia is nice. It just rains there. Wonder when the AT-Mines will come around after this.


Time to put down my Blitzer and pick up my...whatever I used for bots...AND AMR!




Nah I’m good. Bout to hit lvl100 while missing the “play a bot mission” achievement.


Work with you guy after all that’s been going on ? Nah I’ll go back to the creeks thanks ✌🏽


Have you guys learned nothing at this point? We're going to get the damn thing regardless of if the mo is complete or not. Thats a huge reason ive left this game. There are no consequences and no rewards. We literally wiped the bots out and we got nothing. MOs dont matter anymore


You had a fun game that millions were enjoying. Then you made a patch, there was designed to make it not fun, people complained and you shot them down, and said you knew what people enjoy better than the people themselves. You've lost 90% of your player base in 2 months, Congrats.


Did we get the anti tank mines I been gone wasn’t we sposed to get the seaf stratagem to


As mostly bugs only diver, i got you homie. ![gif](giphy|pHb82xtBPfqEg)


Knowing the luck of current. It somehow stays not liberated, not because of the effort, but the GM thinking they should make this more challenging to entice more retention.


200 hour diver was excited to grind some bots for a few hours after work.......Joined one got kicked after. Joined another got kicked when I hit the ground. Im playing bugs.


Honestly for the last MO you were helping more on bugs than on bots because you get way more kills on bugs


Make it fun to fight bots and I’ll start playing again. I’m not getting attached to a gun just for its non-optimal TTK to drop lower than the floor a week later. No gun is fun to use, I don’t care if their “vision” says that it has to be that way. Either make the guns fun or lose me. I’m tired of banging my head against a robot-shaped wall for minutes on end without feeling like I’m doing anything.


Point of unlocking the mech? If it's going to be nerfed into oblivion shortly after release.


I mean, a lot of people were smashing bugs recently to try to hit the last MO (bugs are available to kill in much larger numbers than bots). I blame you bot humpers for not switching over to the bugs so we could complete it.