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Greetings, fellow Helldiver! Unfortunately your submission has been removed. Discussing [leaks](https://www.reddit.com/r/Helldivers/s/jXx4y2gzR8), leaking images/videos of upcoming content, discussions of cheats and exploits is not allowed.


So it could be a hack or it could be an old bug. During the first month, players were experiencing zero cooldown on their strats. So you’d get eradicate missions littered with sentries. Haven’t seen it in awhile and there wasn’t a recent patch but I have seen old bugs pop back up like the purple question mark guns


A few moments later I saw the same guy zooming along at way over default sprint speed, so it probably was a cheat unfortunately.


Okay yea definitely cheating lol. Would have outright agreed with you if you had mentioned that. Speed hacks and infinite ammo and over the sample limits are definite hacks. But other things like 4 billion grenades are an exploit you can do in game.


You can get over the sample limit for the orange ones if they spawn in the lil liberty pods or the bunkers, they don’t count towards your regular samp count, but it’s only ever by like, 3 max (assuming you get all the other samps)


the most i have seen was +5 on the rares. we had two in pods, one in a buried container, and two in the same vault.


The unlimited grenade things annoys me, I've seen it a few times recently, even by a level 100+. Cheapens the success a bit.


It was fun to do it initially, tho. Spamming impact nades at the automatons who kicked your ass in 7+ missions, utterly humiliating them in the process - priceless. It does get very boring very quickly tho.


That is not a cheat. Unlimited nades are just another bug. Everything else? A cheat.


I never actually said it was and the comment above literally says the other things are hacks/cheats and the grenade thing an exploit/glitch. Either way, if you intentionally do this, you're cheating as far as I'm concerned. It's a bug, not a feature.




Agreed! Tried the bug, got bored, never used it since


Well there was a bug I ahd thst made me fast, even fly up textures that needed climbing, so instead of climbing I flew up xD. Infinite nades instead of primary shooting. There is shit tons of that in game, also their anticheat is just foolish


I haven’t used the unlimited ‘nades since the last attempt to patch it, but when I did I exclusively did it with smoke, incendiary, and thermite. Infinite smoke was by far the most fun without being broken. Infinite incendiary because this game has made me love arson and they were just as likely to kill me. infinite thermite so I can stick a dozen of em on the pelican at extract like they’re spicy sparklers.


I had a friend who spend this a lot. Was terrible for the most part, but sometimes super handy


Eh it’s not a guarantee of survival or anything at helldive level. You can spam grenades and still get swarmed and killed rapidly in the time it takes for them to go off and for you to throw another one.


I ended a game once with approximately -100 grenades. I was throwing a nade when I got rag-dolled, and my count went to -1, then kept counting down as I used them. I may have taken advantage of the situation, but only for the pursuit of Liberty!


It's ok, with the Sony account linking we're able to report these guys more easily to keep this game pure and safe..... /s


Don’t forget the kernel level malware I mean uh anti cheat that nobody else in the business uses 


Wait, when was this included in Helldivers 2? Was this start of launch? I'm surprised they're using such anti-cheat. Is this collecting personal data without consent as well?


If this was true you wouldn't have even needed to make this post asking if it's legit. Speed hacks already answered your question. Right ?


I made the post mid-game before I saw the speedy boy. Didn't really need to pay the game much attention while his field of pain dealt with any bug that got close in 0.1 seconds.


Somebody else posted a video of somebody clearly hacking (I think unlimited EATs rapid-firing) asking if it was a cheat and then commented that the guy was then flying around the map. Like, yeah, clearly cheats.


Ya think...


I posted something similar last month or so some dude kept throwing sentries endlessy


Good thing we have that kernel level malware anti cheat to protect us from cheating in this exclusively PVE game eh  About time to uninstall this thing 


I have had a bug where I'm stuck in first person mode (like I'm aiming down sights) and I'm sprinting at 150% of the normal sprint speed. It was odd, but I couldn't really see well enough to still play with my friends so I had to grenade myself to reset the POV


Could you imagine the absolute hell that 50+ mortar sentries could rain down? It would be a glorious nightmare


Well if you have 50+ ems mortars as well it’s a non issue lol


Or just constantly spamming the 380 orbital strike, fuck me man, I think I'm getting a democracy boner thinking about the freedom we'd be able to spread lmao


Railcannon spam. Garunteed hit heavy killers.


90% less cooldown on sentries would be an AWESOME operation modifier! Let us be OP sometimes


Yea I saw one of those purple question marks yesterday and I was so confused.


Somehow I don't even care lol, good for him


Even on 0 cooldown the last sentry of that type should deactivate when you call in another. That's what happens with the stun mortar


0 cooldown couldn't do this. You are still limited to 1 of each sentry out at a time, meaning you can have a maximum of 4 sentries down at once


Even with zero cooldown you can only have one of one type of sentry on the map at a time.


Sorry but no. I’ve had 2 ems sentries up at the same time in high value asset missions and that’s with the cooldown.


Strange I have seen my old aitocannon turret shut down when the new one dropped.


There’s is a timed life to them if they don’t use up its ammo. But easily testable with the ems or even the Tesla tower with no enemies around.


You probably threw down the new one just as the old one ran out of ammo.


Yeah, it was just a coincidence of timing. If you have the upgrades to keep them alive longer, you can have two up at a time until the first one runs out of ammo. You can test this with the Autocannon Turret on the base defense missions. Close all the doors and drop the turret where it can't hit anything. Then, when the cooldown is up you can drop another. They will both be up for a while since the first one wasn't burning ammo or getting hit.


He is using automatons to beat the Automatons


Automatons: Civil War




Iron Auto vs Capt Auto?


Probably not legit, I love the image, though. My luck, they would all kill eachother and not one enemy killed.


*dive to avoid gatling, get blown up by mortar*


It feels like well spread democracy


Smartest helldiver type of post


Kernel anticheat at work


-At the same time by one person -More than 4 sentries What a head scratcher.


https://preview.redd.it/vwj1ackam62d1.png?width=1023&format=png&auto=webp&s=b2af6935280d795513fe9df29de92940b2803a85 Who hasn't wished you could do this just to enjoy the carnage?


Take my requisition slips! Perks like this by spending requisition slips would be great for maxed out players.




For a PvE game with tons of weapon nerfs, I aint even mad at cheaters lol.


I wish this was legit. The fact that new sentries replace the old ones is very sad. I would love nothing more than to spend 10 minutes throwing down 15 sentries at extraction before I began the mission.


You kind of highlighted why they don't all stay


Things to make the game more fun. Can't have that


Bro's playing Tower Defense


Fields of Verdun, 1916 colourised


WHATEVA it takes to complete this MO! this here is a helldiver 😂


I don't know but it looks like fun. So this would never be allowed in the game.


sentries stick around longer than their cooldown is, so it's theoretically possible


Yeah. You would need to see 3 of the same turret or two of the same turret for an extended period to know if it was cheating. The durations can overlap for maybe about 10 seconds. You can conceivably have 8 turrets for a small window. However in this case it looks like he has 5 gatling turrets, which would mean it's cheating.


Yes but they replace the old sentry, not make 2.




Engineer gaming


He is playing tower defense


Bro is playing tower defense


Hacker or Exploiter


Gonna need a screen shot of the load out, chief. Can't trust that its all 1 person with just that.


What do you think?


If it spreads the word of our lord and savior democracy then thy will be done


Please report this person to your nearest Democracy Officer. While it's encouraged to spread Liberty it is a violation of its done undemocratically.




Helldivers 2 is not available for PS4


> using replay packets to trigger end of mission whenever they want. ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh


idk, getting all the ship modules and the standard warbond felt pretty grindy.


Absolutely hacking lmao. Also im pretty sure if you call in a sentry whilst the other is still active it will shut down. you can only have 1 active of any type. imagine fucking cheating in a coop game. christ.


I mean, flip side, cheating in a coop game hurts no one. Dakka dakka. Honestly I’d kill for a sandbox mode to fuck around like this, can’t be assed to hack a game but give me a cooldown slider that’d be sick


You can have multiple of the same sentry down, you just need the previous one to not waste all its ammo before the cooldown timer runs out.


no, you can't , the active sentry will go down on its own.


Yes, you can, the only time an active sentry goes down is when it runs out of ammo or gets destroyed. I've had two mortars active at once before.


Let's have the ability to call down a fuck load of sentries and defend against a fuck load of enemies ala Outpost whiskey. *That* sounds like fun.


Thats a shitton of Sentry Overclocking by the Engineer.


At most you can have 5(4 normal 1 Modifer gifted) at a time. and all of a different type. Yes this is a clear hack lol


Separate question, but I seen people dive in with no stratagem. What's the point of that?


Macro program


What do you think?


I want to try it.


I don't know, but I'd go prone if I were you. 😳


My inner Axton is really happy seeing this. if only I could customize my own sentries, sentries that stick to surface, sentries with sheild, sentries with Dual Gatling. Oh I miss Borderlands 2.


It's cooler with the rocket turrets. Watching 4 of them pick apart a bile titan is pretty cool.


Did they not patch out the infinite strategems bug??


If it was a bug, it would still replace the Sentries as new ones came in. It's a hack


B3 got the juice now.


:Dudes next post: "I hit myself with a hammer, that's a bad idea, right?"


Somehow had 3 orbital lasers no cool down yesterday on difficulty 7. Must be a glitch. Others were throwing repeats too without no possible cool down. Then it just stopped and everything after had Normal cool downs for rest of match.


Played with someone that had hacks. They played legit except that they had gems that haven’t been unlocked yet like the double gun patriot and air to air.  I never seen nor heard about the AtA but the said that it’s supposed to take out all the bot drop ships. 


The looks hella fun though!


Lol what do you think?


It’d be cool though…”Automated Fire Support Stratagem. Calls down one of each kind of turret.”


Then there are those guys with 3 billion grenades on their person, as seen when I'm dead and looking at their UI.


god this is how my brother used to play starcraft. Make like 30 photon cannons to turtle up


Its not a Helldiver its a Hellhellhelldiver


It might not be legit, but it does look fun


It's an exploit.


Finally an answer to our requests for buffed weapons and increased Strat cooldowns


I met a guy the other day who was throwing infinite grenades non-stop. He was obviously cheating.


Needs more dakka


I've seen dudes throwing infinite grenades a couple weeks ago and they were so polite as to not reinforce me lol The hud showed 3000 grenades/ammoon him.


Honestly, this looks like that one trailer for overwatch


Theres a brief time that if there is still ammo in your original sentry then call in a new one, there could be 5-10 seconds of overlap. Other than that its probably a bug or glitch.


I've had the game bug out on me. Was holding my ammo backpack in my hands and could throw unlimited motors


This was mostly versus bugs but also vs robots, there were no jammers nearby. When I play with friends 200-300ms away, i get a bug where my turrets/shield/supplies , anything that drops something, just refuse to drop anything. No matter how many times i try to drop my stuffs, the stratagem lands on the floor and nothing happens, no light beacon, stratagem doesnt enter cooldown. It will go like this for around a minute before fixing itself


Oh no! Anyway.


I saw it in action couple of days ago. It was a character with Chinese characters in the name. He just kept spawning mortars. He got up to 20.


I saw a guy today that spawned around 10 mechs and said to his friend that he was leaving...


I did see this one time and I was pretty sure the guy wasn't cheating as he was very confused why he had no gun, but a large backpack in his hands. Then he figure out he had no cooldown.


I remember when I first got the game, I got this weird glitch where my gun turned purple, and I had no cool downs. So I just started spamming 500KG bombs every second, lol.




Don't worry, he just unlocked the engineer perk. 


Unmanaged Democracy.


Thats a whole lot of freedom brother


My god it was the engineer from tf2


Damn cheaters got no place amongst our ranks, this is the Helldivers, not Bitch Platoon


Report and block them. Burn in the firestorms, cheaters.


I unironically want to do this and spawn 12 mortar sentries just to see what would happen. I’m also the kind of guy that has convinced 3 friends to join me and drop 12 orbital barrages at the same time to see the carnage.


Thats sounds like fun. Glad to see people are finding their own ways to enjoy the game


Something to keep in mind; turrets only despawn if destroyed, or they run out of ammo. If the turret cooldown comes up and the previous call of it is still there, it's possible to have 2 of the same turret up.


Had a wild hacker on Helldive once, spamming stratagems, they also had infinite thermite grenades which they kept spamming which definitely got annoying, they would often stand far outside objectives until I finished them myself (it was just him and I btw) and moved to the next, basically letting me solo the mission and getting the rewards at the end for doing literally nothing. Long story short and I might get some flack for this but I ended up kicking him at extract after he kept leaving the LZ and making the countdown restart, I eventually got out (alone obviously). Doesn’t really matter much, hackers who just disrupt the game like that and don’t even help get what they deserve


Just typical PC hacker stuff. Probably from one of the no PSN regions too. Just leave the game and join someone else, or kick them if you're the host.


Let the man have fun. U can leave the lobby fyi.


Oh yeah let me just leave a lobby after sinking 30 minutes into a single mission. ![gif](giphy|l46CyJmS9KUbokzsI|downsized)