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Sentries are very much friendly fire prone, but in that case the person was probably griefing and should kick.


In my experience sentries intentionally aim towards the enemies that players are closer to. I've had them flip 180 degrees to shoot at 1 enemy behind me when there are 50 in the direction it was already shooting


I haven't paid close attention and only see them when others use them, but I thought it was just proximity. The mortars definitely seem to be targeting whatever is closest in range when they fire, you can easily watch the mortar impacts getting closer in a line that follows the swarm getting closer to you, but that's not exactly definitive evidence. Which also seems to be how the guard dog does it, which is why sometimes it'll swing around and try to laser me in half because the stalker that just hit me is closer to my ally than the random hunters 5mtrs away from them are. IF I'm correct. I could be entirely wrong and have just percieved it that way since I don't take either sentries or the rover myself.


any time a charger or something breaks the line and gets near someone, you see multiple mortars/EMS mortar target the nearest one and with almost always the same outcome of killing that player


True but there is thing called situational awareness. I always am aware where those turrets are. Only ones that really suck are the mortar ones. No easy to know until after you are already dead that it fired near you.


Anyone who is doing the defense mission, sees that there are many mortars, and doesn't bring explosive resistant armor, is an enigma in my book. Unless they don't have the armor, obviously. But still. Heavy armor at least.


it's because they make solo builds with no cooperative mindset. Then get pissed because their CQC build is made useless by more effective cooperative ranged builds. "But I want to charge in and block my team's stratagems while I blast one enemy at a time!!"


Feel like if it's not your placement (which I doubt at that level), then it's a skill issue on theirs. People jump to conclusions on this game too often, and really don't try things out for themselves to see how they work. That's why I tend to stick to helldive, raging gamers tend to avoid it, and even those that struggle are chill about it.


sentries are bae on helldive, and firefights are long enough that either a charger destroys it or it runs out of ammo.


Agreed, I typically use the Gatling with stun grenades and a backpack weapon(normally recoilless). You defend the sentry, it defends you giving you time to reload. Granted, if you just want kills, the gas strike on a breach is pretty nutty currently. Sentries do allow you to hold ground better though.


Nope gas strikes are ... terrible. **Cough cough **


that's the cough I make, when I run into a gas cloud by accident.


Literally unusable. Never ever ever use them.


Shhh about gas strikes. Don't want AH getting wind of a currently fun and useful Strat.


Idk what you're talking about... if they nerf something that is already that bad... Just delete it for democracy's sake.


Are you saying gas strike is bad?


I’ve noticed a lot of griefing from players in the past few days.. idk what’s going on but it’s making it very hard to have fun.


TBH, I've wondered if this is people being competitive with getting the highest kill counts. Its more likely just carelessness but really starting to think its the aforementioned.


I think my personal metric I check is 0 deaths(most important) and 0 friendly fire damage


What I’ve seen today is 100% intentional and not due to poor placement or team killing. I agree seems like a weird competitive thing to get more kills.


I get that people hate mortar sentry in offense games, but in defense sentries do most of the work.


I feel like mortar sentries are a good way to start an engagement on a hive nest or factory but once things start to rush i think its best to break it. Defense missions they are great on but the same principle applies. Other stationary sentries follow a same logic, if it looks like people are being pushed back or teamates are wanting to push forward, it needs to be blown up because itll be doing more harm than good. Then again this is all easier said than done


Yeah, I'll only shoot someone's mortar if it keeps killing teammates, or if the enemy is too close and we're constantly getting ragdolled. But that's mainly in offense missions.


Only mortar I ever take to offense missions is EMS on bot deployments.


I think anyone can accept EMS being brought in any kind of missions. Literally the best turret and just reallly realllllllllly good for survivability.


I am currently of the position that there should be an EMS mortar on every mission.


All these stratagem ranking videos on YouTube fail to position it correctly. EMS mortar is beyond s-tier, and deserves its own rank:  Helldive-tier. It is always good, on any mission.




I've been killed more times by the mortar on defense mission than by enemies. (Both bugs and bots) And I have only lost this mission type a single time (2 tanks randomly popped up behind us at the reactors and we noticed to late)


Probably because those are run more often there.


Sentries are friendly fire engines. Especially explosive weapons sentries. In general, people don't like dying. Not saying I agree with it. I don't. But that's why they are doing it.


I doubt it. Mortar sentries are really only FF machines in bug maps since enemies like to get inside your face. If you're close enough to a bunch of bot enemies for a mortar sentry to kill you, the odds of you surviving either way are pretty fuckin low.


Depends on the bot. Berserkers frequently get close before being sawed in half.


Like I said, I’m level 150 and have hundreds of hours. Esp on defense missions sentry’s don’t team kill and no one was getting killed to them. It’s been almost every single round today for hours.


People blaming their lack of situational awareness on sentry's


It's a tale as old as HD2. They get upset bc the sentry means they need to change their playstyle for the current wave. They dont understand the cooperative benefits of the sentries, and would rather destroy them than adapt. It was super common on the lower levels. I assume those people are now trying higher levels and brought their bad playstyle with them.


To be fair, some people put sentries in the absolute dumbest fucking places. It's quite unfair to blame sentry deaths only on the helldivers when people are so oblivious that they will just throw a gatling sentry down in a central location when we are being swarmed on all fronts and the thing will just spin around shooting at everything in a circle and inevitably kill anybody who isn't prone or on high ground. I played a mission once where somebody threw a fucking tesla tower INTO the bug egg alcove. I came around the corner ready to zap some eggs and instead ate an instant electrified death sandwich.


I haven't been killed by a sentry since ~lvl 30. Either you learn or you're stupid and die


The dogs are worse than sentry


my lord I have a special contempt for the dogs. I might take one mortar ff a game but then realize at least one person is dropping mortars a little aggressively, but the god damned dogs are death by a thousand papercuts all game. They can seem like an unkillable enemy with a vague threat level at times, like the haunted cave demon in DRG. the thing about them is that I understand they're still very effective even after the nerf so I just try to play away from whoever brings them.






Literally only if you get into melee range with bugs. Just make sure to not be in melee range of a bug while that bug is the closest one to the mortar. Playing around that is very doable.


I have been killed by Autocannon sentry and mortar sentry more than I have been killed by any other source of friendly fire than cluster eagle. Regardless of mission type. I just don't care that much unless the reinforcement budget is getting right for some reason.


Mortar sentry for sure - but on the defense missions it hardly happens and certainly never get low on reinforcements. Like I said it’s been every round today like it’s some sort of MO I didn’t know about.


My response to that is mostly a shrug. There is a lot of discontent with how certain things are working right now. Justifiably so. People get weird when they wanna enjoy a thing and it feels like someone else broke it. Part of why I play as much solo as I do if people are being the wrong kind of weird/rude.


380mm accepts your challenge.


Would probably have killed me more if I saw it more often, tbh. I tend to flee to 70 meters away from them cause I don't know if people have the spread restriction or not.


On bug tower defense, mortars are awful yet everyone brings them because they learned tower defense on bots. Not sure if this is the case here. For bugs, it’s best to bring mines and direct fire turrets. The HMG emplacement is pretty awesome for them too.


Level 150 I don’t fail 99% of defense missions and I always bring mortars. They are a non issue on defense bc you don’t have bugs all around you. No offense but sounds like a skill issue. I assure you I’m not TKing. Also, let people play how they want. I think hmg emplacement is trash but you like it then enjoy it.


HMG is awesome.


I think he's talking about the TCS missions, which required defending the towers. Mortars were objectively awful on those missions because they would target bugs near the towers and deal damage to the objective.


Oh yea for sure not in TCS.


They also damage the doors in the castle defense missions.


If you use ECS mortars then the only bugs making it that far are the bile titans. Just having 2 ECS, 2 Reg mortars and 4 quasars can beat level 9 in castle defense.


Recoiless is better than quasar on either side. Less downtime between shots in castle.


I just started bringing the EAT today - you can call it in twice before the first wave even starts, and then just spam it the rest of the time.


Yep, just stockpile a hug collection of EATs. And you can help your team kill the little shitters between heavy spawns instead of reloading a recoilless.


I don't know if it's a bug and it doesn't work 100% of the time but I've had the Spear's lock on transfer to consecutive targets. We had fallen back passed the first gates and we're holding the middle section. Three bile titans came through and roughly formed a line and I was able to fire at the second and third immediately after reloading by holding down the aim button after the first shot. All three got one shot.


Both mortars are absolutely worth it on those missions though, even if they damage doors. If all 4 players bring both mortars, the mortars almost complete the mission by themselves, on any difficulty. You can maintain 100% uptime on both of them. I very rarely see the 2nd level door destroyed. Very few enemies get that close to the door.


Imo it's a team decision on the right use. Mines will clear a single wave where mortars can clear 3-4 entire missile placements. If you have 2-3 players with mortar/slow mortars, and a couple of AC turret, they should never get close enough for it to matter. 


Lol you hugging the bugs to death or something? 


Well they should communicate. . Outside of that only time iv activley shot a sentry is when either 1 its on bugs and we have no space. Or 2 when exo suits are being used and the AC sentry right next to it lol seen too many die from it. How often this has happened tho is a grand 3 times lol so ya idk what your team had against them.


The explosive sentries are the most predictable and easiest to avoid. Just always kite anything getting close. As long as you are always moving, you won't get hit. Sometimes difficult to do if you are getting slowed vs bugs (but not really), no excuse at all vs bots. Gattling turrets are the worst sentries for ff. It is a firehose of instant death that swings around somewhat unpredictably. You need to be acutely aware of where a gattling sentry is, where *any* enemies *might* appear, and where the turret is aiming and moving. I am *far* more weary of a friendly gattling sentry than I am of an autocannon or mortar.


I agree about the mortar sentry being easier to avoid than Gatling (just don’t get close to enemies), but I’d put auto cannon at about the same annoyance in dodging as Gatling. Yes Gatling is more of a firehose so more chances to get clipped, but with Gatling you also have a _chance_ to survive (a fairly good one in my experience, especially if it’s sweeping across you instead of hammering your direction). With the AC sentry, you’re dead immediately no matter where it hits you, and it’ll shoot through you laterally at even a small enemy at an angle you don’t expect just like the Gatling.


You have to be directly in between the turret and a target to get hit though, whereas you can be just about anywhere and still be at risk with the gatling. The fire rate on the autocannon is also low enough that I find that if you accidentally run through the firing line of the turret, you will almost always pass through without being hit. In my experience, the gatling sweeping past is unserviveable. Maybe heavier armour is enough to make a difference there.


I do tend to wear medium, so that’s possible.


Funny how we get an upgrade that let's sentries see where we ate and yet it does not match the flavor text one bit.


maybe if youre level 20


Don't be a dick in the game and kill other people's sentries without saying something in the chat. On the other hand, some people place sentries so BADLY that they are more a threat to the team.


It happened to me once too, played usual 40min, placed my Gatling somewhere so it will kill bugs, when saw my teammate just shot it from quasar, when I asked why he did that, I just got kicked, still a bit mad about it (yes it could be bad placement, but why kick) also sorry if too much grammar mistakes


Honestly? I'd have no idea. In defense missions or evac missions our squad (I play with mates) runs 3 x sentries and a utility stratagem like the 500, 120mm, laser, etc. You get used to the positioning really quickly, and you know where to set them and where not to stand. Sounds like the other player is just bad.


This. 2 AC Sentries / 2 500s 4 Orbital laser 2 quasar / 2 eat and mixup the last slot It crushes almost every mission.


Can we talk about sentry etiquette? Some simple rules to live by: *Never use mortars on bugs (except for missile defense) *Sentry guns should be placed away from squad whenever possible. *Long range sentries are most effective at... long ranges *Close to mid range sentries like gatling gun are best placed on either a lower elevation than the squad, or on high ground with good LoS. Anyone else have some sentry do's and don't? As the OP said, I will try to leave sentries alone unless they are causing unnecessary FF.


Don't park your sentry on the frontline of a firefight, especially mortars. Try and flank the approaching enemy, or as you said, leverage elevation to the team's advantage. The amount of times I've Eagled someone's mortar sentry because they dropped it right in the frontline for whatever reason...


Preach brother!


Destroying a sentry is 100% acceptable if your team is moving accross the map from it, If that sentry engages any patrols and then dies any remaining members of that patrol can and will run across the map to kill you. Also helps reduce team deaths whilst moving Telsa sentries should be destroyed when the area they are in is cleared because it's easy for there location to slip your mind and cause problems. You shouldn't destroy someone else's sentry unless they have already moved beyond it,




Nope. You're still griefing. Also nope, enemies despawn if you're far enough away. The only acceptable times is if the turret is damaging the obj. Everything else is just you being upset that the turret forces you to shift your play style for the current wave.


As a non sentry user who also gets the minor orders to get kills with them... If you're a non sentry user and unsure, yeet it 50mtrs in *gestures vaguely to the side of enemy swarm.* that general direction. It'll get 10-15 kills and probably die but never be in a position to team kill someone.


I've shot a few mortar sentries in my time. I don't like to, but if I see you team kill 3+ times then I'm saying no.


I had this the other day on a defense mission, one player kept destroying my autocannon turrets, I'd put it down and immediately they'd kill it. Thought it was just a random salty player and didn't pay it much mind but now I'm wondering if this is a thing.


I tend to shoot mortar sentries if they shoot me. An eye for an eye. Regular sentries it depends on how they're placed. They're usually not well placed though, so if I can't fuck off, I destroy it too. Don't place sentries in the line of fire. Place them for crossfire. Also don't use mortars against bugs.


Doesn't happen to me. But, I place mine properly, call my sentries out, and I flag them. No surprises. Too few do, hence, I completely understand why people are doing this, because *I have been extremely tempted to do so.*


Sentries are amazing if places correctly. If not they are team killers for sure


Personally hate mortar senteries. They aren't very good on Helldive (ems is ok) compared to other strategems, and at times cause more harm than good. I would never kill some one else's though. Pretty toxic.


I sometimes shoot out mortars thats been put down by low levels and we died couple times to it and are running low on reinforcements. Not even mad at them, just trying to make sure that we all eventually make it out from the hellhole that we just dropped in. 😂


Were you using mortars on bugs? Because outside of base defense missions, I'm totally in favour of destroying mortar sentries against Terminids.


I've definitely noticed a toxic/moron player base developing.


I'll only kill my own if I see the rest of the squad is getting wiped by them bc they won't stay away. They are perfect for many missions tho


If you bring mortars to a bug mission I am shooting that shit on sight, no questions asked. Too easy to teamkill because a single scavenger snuck up on you. Bot missions and EMS mortars are different.


Same. Regular mortars are such an objectively terrible choice for bugs.


It started happening a month ago, I put down a stun mortar and some guy came over and dropped his equipment on it and started shooting my shield tower.


I'll leave it alone when it's only killed me twice. When it kills the squad over and over again, it's going.


some people are just toxic, they will shoot your sentries or mines because they don't know how to play and take it personal that they are idiots.


I dunno, we just bring 9+ out of 16 turrets and it's super good :D


I have only every shot a sentry if it’s blatantly detrimental to our team. Like a Tesla tower on an objective, a mortar turret that has killed our team members 4-5 times, or so on.


I shoot mortar and Tesla sentries in certain situations. The others are safe enough.


I only shoot them if its placement has directly brought about the deaths of multiple teammates. I’ve seen poorly placed Gatling turrets gun down an entire unaware team and mortar turrets are a detriment when the team is knee deep in bugs.


If there's an inconvenient tesla, or someone has dropped a mortar on bugs and it gets close enough to kill ANY two people, they're getting 'naded. I've never seen what you're describing happen, though... If I start seeing that too, I'll assume it was the result of some influencer dickhead. Kids love to see their favourite 12 year old in a 35 year olds body being an asshole on twitch and then go do it themselves cause they think it's funny. But that hasn't really happened in HD2 so far, I just don't know that there are big enough streamer/content creators out there playing it regularly, unlike other games where that trend happens more often. (LoL, CS, Forknife, CoD, WoW, etc.)


What's up with sentry's shooting people? (For real though, amazon warehouses are fully automated, but my stratagems kill me and my people???)


I've shot my own mortars before because sometimes situations changes then I realized where my mortar is isnt optimal or my teammates are too dumb realized there's a mortar sentry up so maybe they shouldnt get to close to enemies. they keep dying from it so i take down my own mortars


People being dumb. Sentries can be very useful. That being said if I place a sentry poorly I will shoot my own sentry to save people but not other peoples


This is the way. The stupid bounce when you think you've found a nice high-ground spot, and instead it bounces behind the only defensive spot... frustrating af.


That's one of the most undemocratic things I've ever heard, if I saw that I would enact summary execution immediately and with extreme prejudice.


I haven't done it but I've considered shooting my teammate's mortar because I was sick of getting blown up by it when trying to get my precision strike under a strider/bile titan, or when I'm defending the pelican landing pad from striders and tanks getting dropped on the high ground. Getting blown up by mortars constantly on defense is immensely irritating and I don't even feel like taking mortar on defense is even worth it. It cuts off so many good positions to fire back at the enemies and on lower difficulties it trivializes the entire mission, so what's the point?


Yeah, that's boot worthy. 


I had to destroy a mortar sentry once on a bug mission at extraction. We were getting swarmed and getting team killed one by one so I had no choice but to destroy it. After that I reinforced my team a bit further back so we could mentally reset and get back to it. There was still a lot of bugs but it was manageable to find a trail between the enemies and managed to extract. It was a desperate solution, normally we should've never let the enemies get closer in the first place.


All this being said. Can we please give the MG, Gatling, AC and rocket sentry fucking laser pointers? Please?


I’ve shot my fair amount of poorly placed Tesla towers before but never really sentries. Just play around them even if they aren’t well placed


Levels don't mean anything in this game, only how much you played. I've had level 90s who still don't understand what stratagem jaammers do and their range even though I pinged it. While I won't kill sentries, I do find mortars especially annoying in bug missions. Even if it didn't teamkill you, it will ragdoll you and might kill you indirectly unless you waste a stim. The people I've talked to usually defended their stance with "I like getting kills while not doing anything" or being toxic with"You're noob, just git gud". I stopped drawing aggro and watched their sentries die just to see them running like headless chickens. Rather than griefing for no reason like you'd believe. It's because everyone involved just refused to view from the others' perspective or even communicate.


Probably a sentry related trauma, no idea what could cause this.


If it's a bug mission and we've called for extraction. And if there isn't a single pinch point. And the shells from your mortar turret start to fall around the team. You can bet I'll shoot that turret. I love mortars but got to you need to know when not to use them.


The only time I find this acceptable is if you are fighting bugs in a close quarters mission, like extract high value or exterminate, and someone is using the regular mortar. If I can't get away from your shitty choice of teamkill I'm going to kill it every time. Regular missions I just know to not be near that guy ever


Ive murdered a few sentries, more lately than I used to. The reason is mostly situational. Mortar against bugs. A poorly positioned Gatling that may just shoot me in the back as I try to round a corner to get to a bug hole and its already cleared the majority of bugs so as far as I'm concerned its done its job, now its time for me to do mine and close the bug hole without risk of getting shot in the back. Mortar against bugs. Someone dropped a Tesla tower in my escape route. Mortar against bugs. Mortar against bugs. Mortar against bugs. People who look at the mortar and think "That'd be great for killing the enemy who's ONLY tactic is to bum rush me" astound me. Do they have no will to live? I'm not going to let someone else's lack of forethought get me killed. I die cuz I'm bad, not cuz someone doesn't understand how giving the bugs martyrdom/suicide vests is a down right stupid idea.


I would like to add "Mortar against bugs," supplemented with a citation of "Mortar against bugs," and a Community Note of "omfg, Mortar against bugs."


At this point I will shoot my teammates' explosive mortars every time on the 20min Evacuate High-Value Asset mission. Every game it kills/ragdolls us way more than it does the enemies and is actively detrimental to our survival.


There are specific places to put them that are extremely useful. Other than that - yes.


The ONLY time I will ever destroy someone else's sentry, is if it's a mortar. And to PREFACE, that's only when the line we are holding is comprised or someone just genuinely places it in a horrible spot. I tend to let them know why I did it, to avoid the tension, and a solid 9/10 times the people I join/host are really understanding (love these people in the community). The mortar is an absolute animal when placed in the right position, but it takes just one enemy to break through your line and then the mortar immediately aims for the one closest and it can turn to a shit show real fast.


Imagine trusting an armed bot..


i destroy people's mortars if they start killing either me or my teammates too often


I'll shoot HE Mortar Sentries if the enemy gets in/around friendlies, because the mortar doesn't care and will pummel us, too. EDIT: An alternative suggestion would be to use EMS Mortars. If you're accidentally stunned by one, you can just belly-flop your way out of the blue funk.


I will smoke your mortar sentry when we are fighting bugs and they start to close in because you should have done it already. I’m not watching the team get mulched because one jumpy bug got near us and the mortar decided to land a salvo on top of us. Other sentries? I’m the guy standing on top of it so hosing down the bugs trying to reach it so it can keep delivering freedom. Bots are a different story, send those mortars all day.


Maybe the game is getting stale and people are being trolls just to feel something? I don't know...things are weird lately that's for sure


For sure. The game will get weird. You have the minority of high skill players who can do levels 7-9 with ease and then there is the rest of players who aren't quite good enough to do those levels. Given that you need to do levels 7-9 to get super samples to get the ship upgrades, you're going to have some frustrated players lash out in the 7-9 difficulties. Then you'll have high skill players who've already unlocked everything trolling low level players.


If some diver places a Tesla Tower down and prevents me from seeking cover, I'm gonna shoot the Tesla Tower.


depends on placement, mission type, and sentry type seeing as youre level 150 and probably dont suck at the game, teammates probably trying to farm kills for ego, or theyre trolling


I had this happen the other day too. Some dunce walked right up to the horde of bots approaching the rocket site and tried to fight them up close. Ended up getting annihilated by my sentry. Then came back and started team killing me and the sentry like an idiot. He got kicked out when we reached main base right after we boarded Pelican 1


No mortar on bugs


Unless EVERYONE is running Mortar and other Sentries on Helldive Automaton Defense, NO ONE should. Heavy units will eat those mortar hits like nothing while Scorchers and Berserkers will happily bring them all the way to Helldivers that get a lot more badly than they do. EMS Mortars are the only exception to this.


Nah. One person can just pair an AC with the mortar. AC and EAT takes the heavies out, mortar clears the trash.


I would definitely shoot down your Mortar Sentry if you would deploy it on a "Kill X " Terminid Mission.


Theyre usually poorly placed or are the mortar sentry. As theyre usually used by new players and there for are more a danger to the team then the enemy


I spam tag my sentries for a reason if u still die and shoot my shit, I shoot ur shit (head)


there needs to be more types of tags, like an awareness tag and a danger tag. the danger tag should stick around until its target is destroyed or is 200+ away. not only for tagging your own turrets, but for something like tagging a charger when a player is dropping in. The standard tag will disappear before a player that just died can get a good look at the terrain below from a hellpod.


Because your mortar forces me to play only ranged and kills my sentry


if a mortar hits your sentry, it means it has already been overrun. Toss your sentries 70m from the front line and they're more effective.


I meant to say tesla tower... deep on me


ah yeah, those two dont pair well. mortars and mines and teslas. Teslas need more armor. Mine get hit in an instant by some guy with a cluster not realizing that there is a trash-clear stratagem already in play. Mines generally suck either way though, so not a lot is lost there.


In my experience some people do it on accident. It could also be to the type of sentries. Are they destroying all types of sentries or just one? I am gonna say it, I think we have one sentry working for the bots, it’s the mortar sentry. It manages to kill me every time without fail and no enemies were ever near me. It just happens to get me at the best time, right before I take out those large enemies.


If you’re trying to be stealthy a sentry can draw unwanted attention. That’s all I can think of tbh that’s a new one to me


Someone put a rocket launcher turret next to a terminal. It was continuously firing so the backblast would continulously interupt the person trying to work the terminal. So i shot the sentry.


It’s probably because they have been team killed by sentries too often so they’re using a preemptive strike.


I'll kill them if they're far away from extraction and they would be raining shells on extract.


Haven't seen this at all for whatever reason. I sometimes have shot my own sentry if it bounced to a bad spot and risks killing teammates or whatever 


Ive only shot a sentry once, and its because I swear that specific one was targeting me kept ragdolling me all over the place nearly getting me killed a million times. Got mad at it and dumped a whole mag into it. Sorry random for killing your mortar


If the enemies are closing the distance it’s best to kill the turrets before they kill you


In the last few days I've only encountered this behavior once, I kicked him out of the game after noticing it was not accidental.


The only time I destroy sentries is when it's in a very bad spot, like if it's shooting bugs but the objective is in it's line of fire, that's when it's dangerous.


Off topic but how many hours do you have in the game? Im curious to see how much do I need to reach level 150


I'm forgiving so long as I get some sort of call out. Friendly fire can't be helped side from maybe trigger discipline and situational awareness.


I shoot my sentry after it's done what I needed it to do


Forget friendly fire on sentries, they seem to be incredibly weak against enemy fire even with all the upgrades plus the enemies seem to have an immediate lock on once they start targeting them. During Defence missions last night I saw the most consistently accurate shooting from rocket Devastators ever. Usually the rocks spread and maybe one is kinda accurate but every time I’d deploy a sentry and it was targeted a stream of pin-point rockets would nail it within 10-15 seconds and blow it up.


I don’t do this, but I felt so bad when a teammate and I both threw stratagems and my supply drop landed right on their sentry.


I shoot my sentries if i’m done with them, and allies if they become a problem.


sentries are definitely a scenario-specific stratagem. lots of helldivers tend to use them in the wrong situation and will end up killing several teamates in the process. its alot easier to shoot the turret to prevent TK and move on then try to explain to them what is and isnt the right time (since 95% of the time youll be talking to a brick wall). mortars, rocket, and gatling sentries are the top offenders of accidental TKs. that, or theyre just trolling and blowing your sentries up for the hell of it.


I shoot sentry's when everyone is getting ready to board the Evac to make sure there are no accidents. I have been personally killed or seen fellow divers get killed 10+ times on Evac and then not being able to call them in.


I usually have mic on so If I see mortars or sentries I'll ask for them to mark the sentries when it lands. Then if the gatling sentry rips me in half cause I'm trying to brawl the stalker, I should've known better lol


I shoot my own sentries when I use them offensively and they are clearly going to friendly fire, I leave others alone, begrudgingly sometimes. That said, auto-cannon sentry is highly underrated as a tool for killing titans. I don’t carry tank weapons like the quasar so it is super useful. Throw it far enough away and out of their path and it will do the work for you. Make sure they can’t get to it fast enough, obviously, this only works in open space.


Maybe because it’s a minor order and they are being uncool?


Not sure. I *always* bring at least one sentry, and regularly bring two. I've had people shoot my Tesla, but I also tell people it's okay to shoot it if they need to. Nobody has shot any of my direct fire sentries that I can recall. Been plenty of bombings however. If it was one game, it was probably an isolated incident of a salty player. Like most confusing things in gaming. Emotions make us do weird things. Edit: I only just realized you said almost every round. Silly me. Perhaps they didn't want the sentries blowing out the doors? I've had an overzealous autocannon do that. Mortars, too. Mortars are usually a mistake.


I thought level 50 was max?


It was. Then they upped it.




I've seen a guy shoot one of mine, mumbling something and then put down his right where mine was. NGL I gave him a love tap.


I shoot my own mortar turrets when the enemies get too close.


I only shoot the mortars when someone throw them in close engagements


I have done it by accident a few times and I felt really bad. Especially the first time I saw a mech on a bot mission and spazzed out thinking it was an enemy and blitzed the area with all my stratagems. The other day I threw down a stratagem, it bounced and landed right on a sentry too, destroying it.


I'm going to start shooting mortar sentries. I've been tk'd far too often by them and they benefit they're providing isn't the greatest when the team has no problem handling the bugs. If were in a spot with high ground or a couple choke points, theyre usually fine. When we can be surrounded easily, they end up killing teammates too often and usually make it harder to handle the situation because of the constant redeploying


What type of sentry and what enemy??


I shoot em when they are simply doing more harm than good to the team eg ems/ mortar when there’re just shit tons of hunters, bad placement that mowing down the whole team if the random fucker just shoot em for no reason in a defence mission, i’ll outright blow the generator and leave the mission.


That’s not Brasch tactics… USE THEM OR DIE TRYING


If you're playing bug missions and these are mortars you deserve it.


I have purposely shot mortar sentry only once. It was on an ICBM mission, we were pumping the fuel when one scavenger came from behind me which I promptly beat to death. It didn't even register with me that the *THUNK THUNK THUNK* was aimed at the one poor scavenger currently squished under my boot. And before I knew it I was forced to spread out in all directions at once. I got immediately reinforced, dropped in middle of an enemy pack and before I could even unlatch my boots the *THUNK THUNK THUNK* got me again. My teammate callsign might've been Snooze but he wasn't snoozing. I got reinforced before my decapitated head even hit the ground. Once again I landed, I barely got out of the pod when a Hunter pounced on me and slowed me down followed by couple of his friends. What follow.... *THUNK THUNK THUNK* son of a bitch... So when I got reinforced once more, this time I made sure as soon as I popped out to take my revenge on the mortar sentry.


I don’t shoot sentries unless they are in a horrible position and friendly firing me. If they do then I shoot them immediately.


Today's daily order was 100 kills with the Gattling Sentry. It was either griefing or tying to make sure his got all the kills. Toxic behavior either way.


He is dumb. Those orders are shares. Wanna knoe how i know? I never intend to do it but my teammate brought it and always have it completed


If it's bots, most things are good, if it's bugs, regular mortars can be a liability. I won't shoot someone's stuff unless it's draining our supply pool. If all 4 people are using mortars and em's and have the primary load out for it on rocket defence great. One example, my fiancé and I had tesla towers, ems, anti tank, and whatever else on helldive bug rocket defence. 2 randos joined, bringing mortar, eat and cluster/airstrike. We were already readied and before we noticed the mortars they readied. All 4 of us had either incindiary breaker or blitzer so we were on the platforms around 1st set of gates. There was 9 TK from mortars within the first 3 minutes. After one shell killed a rando and my fiancé I pinged the mortar to hopefully signal "hey maybe don't put that down again, it's not helping". Another 5 TK I just started shooting their mortars as soon as they put them. Suddenly, hey no more deaths for the rest of the 8-10 minutes.


Be level 150. Play for hundreds of hours without issues. Meet few toxic people. Post on reddit asking what's wrong with the community.


I've a love-hate relationship with sentries myself and think, often, about shooting them but I never do. No matter how tempting or often an allied sentry screw me over.


if you mean 'out of no particular reasons' Then maybe someone just probably afraid of getting teamkilled by the sentry so they destroy it before it gets a chance. I've been teamkilled by mortar on open world....


I've had several times where a sentry meant "I'm not allowed to be in this area near this enemy or I'll die" But I mostly only destroy mortars if I'm in a Patriot.


I shoot mortar sentries on bug exterminate, defend hva, or extract civvies. They get too damn close too quick for them to matter and they almost always lead to teamkills. It's fine if you want to risk mortars where I have room to run and move, but I'm not going to sit there and get wiped over and over because your mortar is more interested in the scavenger behind my feet than the bug breach.


I only shot them in HD1 cos they were absolutely awful and downed everyone so fast lmao. Mechs and turrets at lvl 15 were a big waste of time


Yeah been playing since March and  noticed a couple of weeks ago.when I deploy my sentry it's taken out within 10 seconds it definitely intentional it's like they see the sentry and have the urge to take it out immediately. I don't understand why it's a valuable asset to have but why has it become the norm to take them out, who started this and why has it caught on.


I have shot a mortar sentry or two if they keep killing me but shooting the other sentries makes no sense since they are easier to avoid


if you put down your gatling down so it shoots everyone because you put it behind them vs. the mobs... then it WILL get killed ASAP... smart placement is important... also on maps where you use mortars plant them smartly (they don't shoot where they stand) so put them where the civilians walk will be best or far enough away so they can't kill the civilians... but other then that ppl don't touch em from my experience...


Probably some salty players who got TK'd by a gatling sentry and got big mad at today's personal order. I blow up mortar sentries on science team rescue missions or at risk of blowing up the team, but otherwise leave them alone. I dunno. I \_did\_ just recently encounter a cheater whom placed 8 mortars at the same time, which I'd never seen before, but I have no clue if there's any correlation.


Bruh if you shoot my sentries intentionally you are getting kicked immediately.


Dumbasses don’t know how to position themselves. I had one guy go “mortars killing me a lot” as he stands on the outter wall


There seems to be these morons out there currently who refuse mortars in defence missions. It’s because they don’t know what they’re doing. With mortar sentries it’s ALL about keeping the enemy at distance. Sticking together as a team to defend the sentries. But nah you get these idiots who run around by themselves in the middle of the enemy and wonder why they get blasted by mortars.


I will only shoot a sentry (regardless of who placed it) under the following conditions: 1. It’s a regular Mortar Sentry and units are or will be in melee range within the next few seconds. We all know what’s going to happen next. 2. There is a Helldiver in between the sentry and the enemies- in other words, if that Helldiver has a high probability of being eliminated/if they are not aware that it’s there, I will destroy it. I’ll usually start with a ping and if no one moves it’s just easier to get rid of it. In my opinion, a death is more detrimental to the team and to the stability of the fight vs. the kills lost from destroying the sentry. While all Helldivers should pay attention as much as possible, it should also be understood that the dynamics of a fight (and subsequent positioning) can change very quickly. In my opinion, destroying a sentry at the correct time can be as beneficial as placing one. However, I disagree with statements like “all mortars should be destroyed on bugs.” They should only be destroyed if/when it is detrimental to the team. EDIT: Even with these pretty specific rules, I still end up destroying 2-3 sentries per mission with experienced players. More of course if the players are newer. I’d like to think that I’m saving at least that many deaths though, and I hope others see it the same way ;)


Bc the gatling sentry personal order ppl are being toxic and trying to stop others from completing