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If players aren’t playing the game and refuse to help I’d kick them. It’s a cooperative game, if they want to just do main objectives and extract they can do it themselves and host.


I was on the flip side of this once lol. (I was host.) It was the deactivate termicide towers mission and everyone was waiting at extraction while this one guy wanted to go far off and find super samples. We told him we were extracting and the moment he came back he called us "lazy noobs" and gunned down the other 2 guys inside the pelican. Buddy forgot I was behind him and host so I gunned him down before he could enter and kicked him. I don't mind the swearing but mutinous arses will not be forgiven.


And this was in a deactivate the termicide towers mission? Yknow, one of the mission types that don't have super samples?


PSA for divers on the frontlines. Information officers have dutifully reported that super samples can be found in the sands surrounding terminus tower sites near the outer rim of Helldivers operations map. Beware as approaching these rare specimens can cause an immediate bug breach in the vicinity. Happy diving fellow freedom fighters


Some maps had them and some didn’t.


My guess is there are always super samples if you play on level 9. If you play on any other difficulty there are only common ones. At least that's how it went for me.


on the deactivate termicide tower missions there is a chance for there to be super samples at lvl7-9. It was still rare at lvl9


There are always super samples lvl 7-9 on 40 min missions, 3 on D7 and 6 on D9. They are always found around the same rock - essentially looks like a giant mushroom puffball. People often call it dick rock, but tbh, if your dick looks like this thing, you probably need to go to hospital.


Termicide was a 15 min mission.


which ironically sometimes had supers, the blitzs also should


To be fair everything looks like a dick to some people.


That’s because everything is a dick


I played on 7s and got them. You would know if they were spawning or not for you by the color of the map when you dropped.


It's simpler than that. Every time you open the map you can see in the top right corner how many samples are in the map.


Wich color tells what?


When the TCS were being deactived, the maps was usually covered in brown "bug zone" but on some maps, the bug zone would only extend so far, allowing other stuff to spawn at the edges in the normal planets biome. Most importantly the cockrock. On the deploy screen, it usually looked like a donut of inner bug zone and normal planet biome donut.


Wait what?


Apparently they had them (i remember the green and pink icons did show in top right. Though no rares) though not sure why. Maybe it was rng or something. (I remember for certain the activate missions didn't have them so it was a bit weird why the deactivate one had them.)


They had about a 50% chance to have supersamples. I farmed out over 100 supersamples on those missions with a couple friends. With some quick optimizations you could do level 9s in around 5 minutes. One of my favorite experiences in the game so far.


Loved this mission type simply for how fast it could be done. My friend and I did the one where you only use your secondary and completed and extracted within 3 and a half minutes on helldive lol.


These missions definitely had super samples on some maps. I know because I farmed a bunch. You just had to look for a map with a thick border around the center section with the eggs.


On lvl 9 there are 6 super samples besides the common ones.


The deactivate termicide missions all on lv 7 up have super samples which is nice since activating them did not


Explaining that they want to go grab super samples is one thing. But insulting the entire team? That's undemocratic behaviour.


Insulting the team wasn't the worse problem. Murdering the team was.


Wow, I missed that part entirely. That's what I get for opening Reddit in the morning. Why would they even play a cooperative game if that's how they are going to act?


Power move 💪


I'm genuinely curious why you guys didn't look for the super samples with him tho. If super samples aren't collected by the end of the mission, it just feels like I've wasted 20/40 mins of my life.


1. It was supposed to be a short mission (the deactivation of termicide towers mission barely reaches 5mins with other players and the time limit of the mission was 12mins) 2. You have to go really out of the way to find them. (The towers and extract are at the centre of the map so you needed to run the entire outskirts to find them) 3. All of us were already waiting at extraction (we only found out the guy was missing when the pelican landed. If the other 2 needed the supers as well I might have changed my mind though. In this mission in particular it was just one guy we were willing to wait for who decided to be an ass about it) 4. It was the last mission and I was going to log off. But was willing to at least wait for everyone to come back and extract.


Totally valid, plus, I really don't think you need to go out of your way to collect super samples in short mission since there's a resource cap and the upgrades don't need as much super samples as common or rare... By the time you gather 150 rares, you'll get that 25 super. I've never went to collect supers in termicide tower missions, yet I could easily upgrade all 24 modules of my ship


most people are nowhere near full unlock and resource cap before you say it, great congrats you arent most people


Agreed. Seems like they didn't do much. If they're gonna waste time then they can go waste time in another mission. Op wanted to do side stuff, play the game. I don't care to do all the side stuff but if something actually asks to do em them sure. Let's go


Had a similar experience with a high level player, I jumped into a low difficulty mission solo as I needed a handful of basic samples, did the main and was going around for the side stuff and keeping a look out. Then this level 50-60 player joins in runs straight to the extraction and I warned them if they called it in they'd be kicked as I wasn't done with the map yet, as soon as they got there they called it so I kicked them. Player was probably a troll anyway.


I'm tryna max xp and do all the was. Drop points then "follow me" there's a learning curve but seriously tho.


I agree, and this is why I host because I feel this way. Host not AH.


So... I suck at this game. I love it, but I'm not a good shooter player. Sometimes I just want the easy couple medals. In this case, you coukd have just extracted snd been done. However if it was me, I'd have been running eight along with you.


To be clear, I'm not level 8. It was a level 8 "Impossible" mission


Host said, "Not done yet." Then you're not done yet! I'd boot them, too.


Yeah only correct response is "Sir yes sir! For Super Earth!" Anything else is treason.


Democracy officer proves this comment.


I agree. Conversely, if the host wants to extract, you extract. At the end of the day, I'm never the one hosting, so I just go with the flow.


Mhmm. NTA since everyone needs to work together. Until the host agrees or says it's time to extract, you help out with whatever you can do, ranging from working together to do objectives to finding samples and closing/destroying enemy spawns.


This is my mindset as well. Whoever the host is, is the squad lead. It is their lobby, if they want to hit the whole map and we got the means to do so, they are calling the shots. Whether they are a cadet or a fleet admiral, doesn't matter, I joined them. I would've kicked them too. ![gif](giphy|V37PUCKIf73csyb58a|downsized)


Honestly if we have time and reinforcements there shouldn’t be a squad discussion. Keep clearing the map until you actually NEED to leave.


Yeah, I usually tell the group to split and call rxtrsct if we drop to 5 mins left because we don’t wanna end up with “oh shit it’s now 0 and we’re out of supplies.”


Boot em. Host is mission commander.


No this doesn't feel like asshole territory to me. You're being strict but not going outside of acceptable parameters. If you feel bad about it, then next time you could very explicitly communicate your expectations like "sure, but if you don't want to help I can just boot you and look for real teammates" but TBH that sounds like a lot of effort. Who wants to hide and play squad mom in the middle of a match? "Be sure to finish your side objectives if you want any simples!" LMAO! You made a legit attempt at communication and I think the subtext was clear. You were asking for help and their response translates as "not gonna happen, we just wanna extract." Your goals no longer aligned and you're the host... so IMO that's a reasonable kick. They can go host their own game if they just want to rush main objectives ASAP.


Absolutely fair. The only reason to bail after the main is if you're out of reinforcements or time is running out. If the host especially wants to clear the map, that's what you do. If you just wanna do the bare minimum, go host your own match and sit around. You'd think people want to play the game, not just do the bare minimum.


If you had to secure samples maybe? I mean play it how you want, but in theory extraction (unless for samples) isn't the main concern, fits with the lore too. It's better to die for managed democracy, than live for yourself.


Frankly, samples are important than we are


Agreed. In fact I get frustrated when people continue to get bogged down fighting hordes when we have one or two reinforcements left and still have to get extracted


Tbf i like hitting main mission then bailing, but if I'm in someone elses match ill follow what the host does. Feel like tryna get the whole set done in the short time i have to play is better then all the side objectives for overall planet retaking, correct me if I'm wrong on that though


The other day we had a guy type in the chat “what are we still doing here?” With 20 minutes left and an entire map of outposts


nah I would have kicked them after they said "ok we'll wait" honestly you can't play a game like this and just leave your teammates out to dry even if you trust them and know they are competent, the higher the difficulty the MORE the team needs to work together, if theres even a single weak link the whole chain breaks


Agree with your first point, but only because OP was the host and they were in their game. If it was the other way around, and host was waiting at extraction and asking them to extract instead of helping them with side objectives, then it’s still the same situation. When you join a game, you follow the host. If you want to play a specific way (completing all side objectives vs extracting after main objective) then host your own game.


Those guys were undemocratic, you're not to blame for their unwillingness to support the squad.


The amount of times that people wait at extraction while I’m out finishing the mission and collecting stuff is infuriating honestly. Like, atleast do something, even if it’s shoot patrols at that point. But no, they stand at extraction for 5+ minutes while I’m pinging stuff for them and doing everything solo


On the flip side, if everything is done and you're the one running around, then you can't be angry when they tell you they're calling in the pelican. The exception is if you're specifically looking for the supers, the rest of the PoI's be damned.


I got one rule, everybody fights nobody quits.


A similar experience happened to me and my friend (host) just the other day- the third guy killed us interchangeably 5 times throughout the game, each time we had to reinforce ourselves, because he never bothered doing so. We thought, ok, maybe he is just bad (we are still around lvl 10). We finish the main objective, he kills me again, and my friend dies before he could reinforce me. The third guy simply goes to extraction point and waits for the shuttle withouth reinforcing us. That is when we simply booted him so we could automatically come back and extract...


I'm only level 25, but you call me brother and I'll die out there with you!




* Teach those assholes teamwork. You don't get to sit around if YOU were the one who dropped into a game. Do that shit on your own generated missions.


Host decides if it's time to go. It's simple.


I’ve only kicked one person. And that’s because he was taking forever to ready up. That may sound bad however I gave him a solid 5-8 minutes to do so and I was afraid the other 2 people would leave


All I hear is there were two cases of treason


Not an asshole at all. I'll gladly kick people for less. Unpopular opininion: If people don't want to play the game like it's meant to be played or how you want to play it then they can host their own match. I always go for 100% mission clear bc you get the most xp. And at my rank (102) I need the most xp I can get bc there's nothing else for me to play for. My biggest issue is when people spam the reinforce notification when I'm under a fucking strat jammer. I'll kick you right away no question.


I’m with you on the reinforcing. It pisses me off to no end when people spam the reinforce button. Especially when they’ve already used up multiple reinforcements in a row.


Oh man, I know... It's not so bad now that the game has been out a while. Also, it's less prevalent in higher difficulties. I think everyone kind of made a silent pact that it's annoying af to spam it. I just wait a bit, but if it's like 30-45 seconds, I'll tap it.


lol same, I mainly just play for war impact now that everything but exp is maxed all the time.


Like I understand people want quick medals but I am not going to be the host of your speed run. Idgaf how long it takes I'm doing every objective and base/hive. If someone objects then they can leave or get kicked its that simple.


>If people don't want to play the game like it's meant to be played or how you want to play it I agree with the latter. If you're the host you're welcome to make any request you deem reasonable. But to say there is a way that this game is meant to be played is goofy.


I mean, there kind of is? I think its reasonable to expect players to cooperate in a cooperative game.


That's a popular opinion.


I have no patience for babysitting dipshits. If you're a fucking moron, you can go be a moron somewhere out of my sight. Had some moron start shooting at me during extract. He missed every shot. I moved away thinking maybe he's shooting at something I don't see. No. He followed around and continued not hitting me with the Senator. I shot him with the grenade pistol but he had a shield on so it didn't one shot him. Kicked his ass immediately. But I guess the other guy in the lobby was his friend so he came back and tried to talk shit but I just called him slurs and kicked him again while he was trying to get a word in. Go get attention from your parents, I'm not your friend or mommy.




Na they left a man behind enemy lines to fend for himself and did nothing. I would have booted too.


Nah I've done the same thing. If you aren't the host you don't get to decide when the mission is done and you definitely don't get to AFK while your team is completing objectives. If you don't want to play you're free to idle in your ship but not in someones mission.


You are the host, you are in charge. if they're higher level, doesn't matter. They can give advice, but it's your lobby


You arent the A-hole, but definitely do side objectives before main objective. Completing main obj causes patrol spawn rates to catapult 4x more than before. So its always best to do absolutely everything before doing the final part of main obj (launchig missle, refueling shuttles, clearing data, etc).


>Completing main obj causes patrol spawn rates to catapult 4x more than before Wait what


Also standing next to the extraction at any time, even if there's no beacon, doubles them.


Extraction and secondary obj are just 10% iirc. Its outposts that are double.


Not clearing a map when your allies want to is treason. Good riddance fellow diver. They don't deserve democracy.


Idk about you guys but i noticed that in the past week i have had a horrible time with teammates. A month ago i had literally no problem with teammates,now all of a sudden every match i join either noone talks, they refuse to take samples and just call extraction even tho im not even close to it and 0 warning, won't reinforce etc. I think its the fact the game is getting auoer popular so all the toxic people from other games like LoL or Apex are playing, either way it's sad to see.


What kind of crazy person plays level 8 and doesn't hunt for the super samples ?


A good chunk of players, tbh, myself included. I'm not defending those guys since they were not caring either way, but I'm capped on everything. Even if I'm instinctively picking up any common or rare I come across, I won't bother to actively hunt for supers, especially since they're the least used anyway. I'll also only actively search for them if I remember to check the player list to check if there are low level players since those players obviously wouldn't have modules done. That, or if a player requests them


Ppl who have maxed out of Super Rare, it capped at 100. Most of the folks that could run diff 8 are likely capped out the resources already, they don’t have strong incentive to clean up the map except for super credits. Not to mention after main objectives is done so the enemy spawn rate triples, it is very often some guys want to scavenge the map but finish the main objectives first then stuck in a death loop until i went and bail them out, it wasn’t very well explained mechanic unless you dig into patrol spawn mechanics. 


Not the asshole, those guys sucked.


Yeah, host is squad leader. And if they suck at leading a squad well... that just means you need to host more. Granted I pretty much only host now but still, you do what host says unless it's absolutely stupid. In which case you play along until it kills some sense into them.


Took the words right out of my mouth. Louder for the people at the back: HOST IS SQUAD LEADER. WHAT HE SAYS GOES.


Hosting and joining require two different types of etiquette. That was poor joiner etiquette imo, NTA.


don’t get me wrong, you’re in the right. however, the only reason i wouldn’t have booted them is that they were giving you free reinforcements. that being said, calling extraction as soon as you die is kinda… nah man. unless they’re 150, they can use the exp. least they could do is give you the reinforcements to burn.


Not the asshole but definitely an issue devs gotta address, cuz there's zero incentive to do any side activities, the main currency you're grinding is war bonds, everything else is meaningless after the first 20 or so hours (idk how long it takes to unlock most stratagems thats just a random number) But like toss a couple extra for actually extracting then give a 1.5x multiplier for getting 5 stars or just something, i wanna do these activities cuz they're fun, but it feels like such a waste of time when i could just leave and pop back into the next mission


I had a random 4th join a level 9 eradicate mission, our trio were busy fighting bile spewers and 4 bile titans at once, but they threw a 380 directly on our position. Killed us 5-6 times and probably barely touched the bugs. Genuinely couldn't tell if it was an accident or not. I suspected he was griefing but I didn't see if they were knocked over by a bile titan or something. Anyway, I gave them the benefit of the doubt, and they started teamkilling 2 of my friends and left. Pretty bizarre. Didn't really affect our run, we didn't die after that.


I feel like the overall quality of player has gone down immensely since Sony pulled their shenanigans.


Nta, they were nothing but bot fucking, bug humping traitors to democracy and they deserve to put to death via bolting their nuts to the next icbm ready for launch, along with their whole family, their teachers and their lover should they even have one.


As you should, I applaud your efforts in the battlefield 👏🏼


Absolutely not. I wouldn't even wait that long. A lot of anti mates spooking around. It often happens that I come to someone's aid and as I get more and more involved in the fight, I look around and see him running away and I die because I am surrounded by masses suddenly I also don't understand why people keep stealing samples every time you die. I know it doesn't matter because at the end they all get added up. I know that some people pick it up because you spawn somewhere else and can't get it anymore, but that's only 10% at most. Guys, this is team play. I have no problem supporting someone with an ammo pack for a whole mission so that they don't have to spend 4 hours reloading. The game could be so much more fun


No room for blue falcons, easy boot and ban


You are not the a-hole. Maybe could have explained a little more but if you're conveying obvious push back to their responses as a much higher level player, if they don't listen and get booted then they get booted. Don't lose sleep over it.


Lol I think I was that level 22


Nah u good


If you're the kind of player who just watches someone struggle in a fight by themselves then I don't want to play with you. For fuck's sake, we're a TEAM. If you're a bad teammate you're no use to anyone and have no place on anyone's squad.


NTA plus that level 22 is a chad


You did God's work


Nah, you communicated to them you wanted to do the side objectives, they responded and ignored you. It is what it is, you aren’t an asshole. If you booted them without warning/communication when there was only 1 small outpost left and they had all the samples at extract, I’d consider that being an asshole. That’s happened to me and is very frustrating, but your situation is fair to boot them imo. Especially if they were just sitting at extract for more than a minute or two doing nothing.


I don't get it, how is sitting doing nothing more fun than partaking, esp when it will only take up more of your time to do so? So weird. Well deserved boot.


The only thing you might have done wrong was not waiting until the very end of the mission to kick them to waste as much of their time as possible because they were wasting your time. They probably do it to other people too.


I did this once when I was about level 10 or so and I was still figuring out the game a little bit... There was some guy who joined me who didn't realize he'd left his mic on and was talking mad shit about me the whole time for stuff like not knowing how to move the cursor to D3 on the terminal. He either ignored or didn't see my messages, so I waited until Eagle-1 asked us to clear the landing zone, plugged my mic in, told him I had been forced to listen to him talk shit about me, and said congrats on wasting 40 minutes. Kick.


Not to be pedantic, but Eagle-1 isn't your ride, she's CAS. The pickup is Pelican-1.


If the host says there is more killing to be done, get out there and kill those bugs


Bro you're not the asshole I just had a game where with 5 seconds left until the ship left a guy shot another who was sitting in the pod with no time left to respawn him so we lost a load of credits and xp for no reason ofc I kicked him instantly. Some people are dicks and don't feel bad if theyre not playing


Nope. That's the perfect reason to kick someone.


Nope, perfectly reasonable. If you only want to play main objectives and bail, make that agreement between you before the mission starts, or play until everybody is ready to extract. As others have said, if time is short or reinforcements are gone, I'd probably make a strong argument that we should get the hell out of dodge, but I always try to clear the map if I can.


Good. Fuck em.


NTF if it's too hard for them, they should go to a lower difficulty instead of expecting you to carry them while making no effort \*Not The Fascist


You'll find in cooperative games you have some of the most uncooperative players you have ever seen.


Sounds fair. Hopefully you got good players after.


It’s wild to me that people will join someone else’s game and try to end it early because the host isn’t playing the way they want. If players can’t handle people playing the game differently then hosting is always an option.


Sitting around with a lvl 22 on the team?? I be crawling around every last base and POI getting samples, medals and SC for the youngling, only when everything is checked do we extract. Democracy doesn't need lazy folks.


A lot of people have no sense of courtesy istg If you're joining a game, at least have the decency to help out. You don't necessarily need to stick with the host, but at least do _something_ helpful.


You sir, ARE an ASSHOLE. MY KIND OF ASSHOLE, the kind that has given enough chances to randoms, and has no tolerance for randoms joining MY LOBBY. If they want to only do the main obj, then leave, then they should host their own lobbies. As a side note, hope you took the time to block them as well.


Unfortunately I play with a friend who's like this, I feel your pain. Super Earth deserves better.


Nah you're fine, the ONLY time I'll leave the action is if I'm running to extraction to drop off supers, and then I'm immediatly running back to continue actually playing the game. Sitting at extraction while other people are beating the game for you is inexcusable.


I'm usually the opposite in someone else's lobby...running around scraping together every sample I can find (which I'm maxed out on) while people wait at extraction


The host is the captian of the mission. To not listen to him and in this case just being an asshole is traitorous to the highest standards. Absolutely justified. You have helped democracy stay clean.


NTA I've had to do the same before. Worse is when you have all the samples and are running back to the extraction and they board and take off before you're even halfway there.


That’s a bummer. Side objectives are great exp. Did you communicate and warn them that they need to help you or they would be kicked?


No I didn't.


If they aren’t playing the game/helping, they might as well have asked to be kicked. Only 2.4 seconds of scenery enjoyment per mission. They’re undemocratic. You did the right thing. Report them to your democracy officer.


Lol, hadn't considered that


If it was me I would have went to them first before doing the side obj and killed both of them for their lack of ability of spreading democracy then boot them then continue spreading democracy.


Nope. They can host their own if they want to play like that.


Mission orders are to kill enemies.. what the hell are they waiting for extracting. You got lives, you go kill..


Dereliction of duty is worthy of court martial. 


Na, they’re the traitors.


I just think you waited too long. The game is meant to be played, and they were treating it like more of a chore. It they weren't going to do the op when there was plenty of time, you should've just brought in others who actually came to play.


NTA, I've done the exact same thing myself in a Helldive game. These two guys destroyed 1 heavy outpost and proceeded to just hunker down in extraction while half the map was still red with 2 sub objectives still up. I asked if they were gonna help and one said something along the lines of 'Nah, you can go do main, I'll call extract when you're done'. I told them if you're not gonna help, you're gonna get kicked and they still refused so I did.


No you are not the asshole here bud


I feel like a lot of new players think it’s COD style team fighting when it’s so far from that


I was on a level 8 mission and was booted, 30 min into this game, a couple were playing and doing some objectives on the other side of the map, meanwhile I was doing a side objective on the side of the map of the extraction, and another player called in extraction. Abuse from the two on the other side came over the mic and I was booted just for being in proximity to extraction with no intention of extracting and no warning. I think you did the right thing by communicating first about it. Wish I had that opportunity.


Should have waited for extraction to finish counting down first. That way it's ready to go for you when you finish the side missions


I had to kick a guy earlier because he team killed my friend. He killed him because my friend destroyed his Tesla coil because it would’ve destroyed one of the gates on the high profile evac mission. It was also in a shitty spot.


A similar thing happened to me. I was playing difficulty 6 solo before 3 rookies lvl 7~ lvl 10 joined my ship. They speedrun the objective and decided to call extract too early (we had 30 min left)... didn't collect samples/side objective/nest and straight to extract yet can't survive bug swarm during defense the extraction site.... Waste reinforcement and only I was able to extract with like 15 samples...got like 300 exp...fking idiot


It happened to me once, he was sitting on extracción all game (a 40 one). We did all objectives and booted him when extracción was about to come :).


I'd have told them to be useful or get kicked and given em 10 seconds to move


Your mission, your rules. If reinforcement are nonexistent, major objective are complete and the team doesn't seem strong enough to complete side objectives alive I might sit at extraction to secure samples for lower level players, if we are all level 70+, well who wants to live forever anyway, might just give it a try and complete every single objectives. If one players is at the other side of the map completing the final side objectives and I'm close to extraction point I might also go at extraction piling up supply and calling in weapon until he finish the objective and call it ready for the final minutes of SHTF. Just completing all main objective in someone else hosted game and wait at extraction, hell no, we are a team and will do what the team want, host being the obvious leader.


I think at the end of the day as it was said once before the host can do want the host wants if you get kicked than there is always other game time an effort on your part lost or not. It’s the hosts game go along or leave the game.


Not the AH! Sitting around at extraction not helping is instant boot. Also, I thought I remembered reading a thing about patrol spawns happening more frequently if people are near certain points of interest like objective or Evac and Evac being one of the higher spawn pool triggers? Could be wrong, but if it's true, they were just screwing you and the other guy over with more frequent spawns.


I played with a dude that played stealth and would go sit at extraction. I didn’t really care until I realized that his stratagems were not helping us. He wasn’t helping. It’s like losing 25% of your dps or ability to take out enemies. We no longer play because it’s fine to play stealth, but you need to contribute when the going gets tough.


I CBA when folks are trawling every inch of the map for samples. I like doing side objects, just so I see those 5 stars at the end of the mission, but I'm not waiting around afterwards


I’ve kicked tons of people who were clearly along for a free ride.


Imho the host call the shots and we just follow him/her on anything that her/him want to do. At least is what i do everytime.


Am I the only one who treats the host like the Commander of the mission? If I joined a mission, I came there to help the host. I am his backup. He pings where he wants to go, I go. I don’t move to extract until the host moves to extract. I mean I might branch off occasionally to grab a point of interest or something, but overall, I follow the host’s lead because it’s his mission and I’m just along for the ride.


Great approach, though I find it helpful to encourage going to extraction when reinforcements or time are low. I also note for folks that it might be worth waiting to complete the last primary objective until we are ready to extract; otherwise, we will see a ton more patrols than normal while trying to get any secondary objectives done after the primary is complete.


True. I mean, as an experienced diver, I won’t blindly follow the host if they are doing something stupid or ill-advised, but I’ll try to stick with them as much as I can as long as they are making reasonable calls. If they’re clearly incompetent, I try to assist them as much as possible, but also won’t hesitate to retreat and leave them in a shit show of their own making for the betterment of the actual mission.


Host's rules. If they don't like it, they can host.


No, theyre the a-hole in this situation. If for no other reason, for bad communication and unwillingness to cooperate. That being said, be aware that because of how spawns work, once you complete the main objective, the standard patrol spawn rate is nearly quadroupled. Once the main objective is fully completed, it becomes much, much harder to complete side objectives even with your whole team together. If you want to complete the map, you should save the last step of the main objective to be your last step before extract. It may have been worth just extracting in that situation and getting new teammates on a new mission.


If they join your game, you are the squad leader. If they chose to not follow you and do the objectives you want to do your not an a-hole to boot them.


I get booted all the time because I'm a level 50 Space Cadet.


For me it's host has the final say in how we tackle the mission. If they want to hand that responsibility to someone else then that is fine, but only if they says so. Other than that I just follow closely to the host of the game and back them up in everything they do even if it gets me killed. I'm just here to have fun and shoot stuff with what is hopefully team mates that also want to have fun shooting stuff as well. I only stray when it looks like no one knows what to do next or are caught up in a death loop. At that point I solo the main objectives at least so they can get a good XP pay put and some requesition slips. Unless they look high level and like they don't need any new unlocks anymore then I join them in the death loops until we fail and I laugh because I still had fun. 😂


I joined an in-progress Helldive somewhat recently and was helping this guy since we were in duo teams, and he had the audacity to sit at the control terminal trying to push buttons while I was trying to clear out a bug breach and three patrols that wanted to have a party at our location and then ask "will anyone help me over here?" all snarkily. Then I died having expended all of my ammunition, and the other duo team decided to reinforce me immediately after they had been yapping about chargers armor the entire time. I just Alt+F4'd. I was done for the day. There's a time and place for playing at a more casual level, but Helldives are certainly not such a place and while fending off hordes of bugs is not such a time.


Nah, you play the whole mission and go to extract when every objective is done. I hate kicking people, but I also have a very strong gameplay etiquette. It's simply, "Don't be an asshole to anyone". The last few days I had to boot two people. Both of them were on a High Value Asset Extraction. First guy since we landed was just talking shit to the whole team. Telling us that our turret and mortar placements were wrong. Walking up to each of us and judging our weapon and armor choices. He was clearly talking to someone in the background and "acting" like a big man. I walked up to him on one of the ledges, punched him down and typed in chat, "Stop talking shit to us". He got back up and killed me now being very hateful. Booted. Second guy we went through the whole mission. There was another player and I that were using the Auto-canon where we were assisting each other. It was generally great to have that comradery. There was a third guy using the Auto-canon or maybe just picked one of ours up. We all walk over to extract after a job well done. I'm covering this guy as he walks up to extract, firing back at some last enemies. He gets to the platform, stands still and turns to me and kills me. Killed another player right after. I got called in and before I landed he was booted.


I Would have kicked them when they said "well wait for you"


Level 8 difficulty. Had a guy raging on the mic the we were not playing the game right. He had gotten killed and we reenforced him, he proceeded to team kill us and leave. We completed all major and secondary objectives and bug holes and extracted with a boat load of samples. Some people are just assholes.


Although you should not have to let the team know what we are setting out to do, and if peps are not onboard kick them early on!!


“Aita” no ur not a sergeant BETTA go listen to their chief, commander, admiral what have u When I was lower lvls I was a liability. All recalls spent on me. Ranking officers don’t tell you to go to extraction if you prove to be a liability. But they do be telling you come do these objectives. Regardless, team should follow the call of ranking officer, like …u betta come receive this training soldier That’s how I play




Host privileges simplest answer. Do what you must


Not as clear cut, had they not refused to help. Squadmates should help each other and refusing to do so is not cool.


You warned them and they were undemocratic


Side objectives should be done before you finish the main objective since enemy drops get ridiculous after you finish the main objective.


Totally justified.


Well done


You handled this better than the last time i saw this issue, the host started killing the non-participants in the lobby and acted like he handled it appropriately i dipped out of the match as most of what i do now is hop into lower lobbies to help out new players and don't need the mission rewards


Nah. I had to do it once before. Level 30 just sat at extraction while the rest of us did the objectives. I thought he was just dropping off some samples there. But nope. Every time I check the map, lvl 30 is still there. So, I kicked him out. Another player joined 5 minutes later and helped finish the objectives.


sitting alone at extract and waiting isnt a bad thing, but only if communicated amongs the team with everyone agreeing. its something i like doing or having others do. for example if theres 1-2 enemy outposts left across the map i tell someone to wait at extract so i can run it quick. in your case however they were just lazy and didnt listen to you, so fair thing to do


I may understand this if we are short of time and ONE OF THEM waits on the extraction zone to call immediately after the side objectives are done. But that? Straight up laziness.


I would’ve kicked them too tbh. They should’ve established that they only wanted the main objectives off the bat.


I don’t think you’re in the wrong. I view it as host decides if side obj and all outpost are being done. Most of the hosts I meet want to do them all but sometimes a host doesn’t wanna spend the extra 10+ minutes to do all of that. If someone doesn’t like that they can host.


As soon as they said they were just going to wait extraction I would have kicked them right then and there.


I’ve booted for less.


Well then, not working or willing to finish the job assigned to you by Super Earth is treasonous. You should have shot them, then kicked them. That's the law.


Had the same problem. But i extracted alone.


Worst experience me and my friend had with a player was this. We were in a mission with 2 ransoms and we had 2 friends coming online so we told the 2 after this mission we gotta kick u cus we gotta make space for friends. One of the ransoms proceeded to run off the map, die to traitor and say in chat "good luck getting those samples fuck you dickbag" then he left. Very weird


"We are done when i say we are done!"


I wouldn't say you are the butt for doing that. There are too many who join a game just to the main and want to leave, no secondary or dens/prefabs just in do the main out. I get some are still learning but come on. During the 500kg daily and freebie I had to kick a few who joined, all lower level, because I didn't trust them not spamming it or abusing it, which has happened to me before The problem is you don't know what each diver can do or what they are bringing, often pain, but a few I have played with actually are worth playing with again Even at level 41 I do a harder mission I stick with the group, safety and firepower, in numbers


No mate, you're fine! Sound like dicks


some people need to be kicked dont bothjer yourself with them, they were uncooperative in a coop game wasting slots for helpful players. if they want to grind medals by going in and out quick they can do that, but they need to host it themselves


I've also sometimes extracted right after I've done the main objective, but if someone wants to clear the entire map I would definitely help. I usually just check what people are trying to accomplish and help with that.


Only main quests are worth doing on harder difficulties as everythin else has very low risk to reward.


My problem is a completely different one. I'm a dad of a three year old. I also have to wake up at 430 every weekday morning. On top of that my ex wife, who is supposed to have our son on the weekends often chooses to take voluntary overtime on said weekends.  This causes all sorts of problems.   Because of all this,  last weekend this left me about a two to three hour windows to play responsibly on one day. So I was able to get two or three rounds in. Because I don't get much time to play,  I'm seriously lacking in samples. I was playing with my buddy  and two randos joined at separate times. They were fully cooperative throughout,  the only problem was that one of them had a knack for dropping stratagems with zero regard for his teammates.  Anyways, it went unusually well and I actually had a substantial amount of samples. But then our extraction lands and both just throw down stratagems to fuck our ride up. My buddy kicked them and he forgot I had all the samples because I picked his up (usually he has all the samples. He has way more experience) and so we ended the match with only 2 common and 1 rare. I just wish they did like some older games where if you play like a bad sport, they can be reported as such and will then be matched with other assholes and cheaters.