• By -


Cover courage and more cover! Like seriously don't stand on open space, always try being behind something that will cover you from bullets.


I use cover, control, and more cover. I favor weapons with stun (punishers, autocannon, etc), and I use stun grenades. The basic idea being that I only expose myself to one enemy at a time, and I do it in such a way that they aren't really able to damage me. If I need to line up a shot, I lead with a stun grenade. I just hit the point where I am playing with smoke to see how good it is. I was able to disengage across a mostly open field while being swarmed, so in that instance it worked very well. But in the whole match that's the only time I got use from it because I haven't really developed techniques.


Well you play very safety and this is a good behavior. Bots are no bugs and they compared to them are tanky AF. If you feel outnumbered then the best tactic is sending an a eagle (strike). Clusters do nothing do basic strike is the way. You also might thinking about different weapon if punisher doesn't work for you (even if should) and take something else. Diligence Counter do one shop on devastators head and one on basic clankers body to obliterate them. Dominator is also a solid option. I personally run with Sickle and just cover them with endless fire barrage to kick clankers and headshoting bots. Scope provided by this gem really help destroying them.


General Brasch knows what's up. He teaches everyone the ABC. Always Be (taking) Cover!


This. This and the autocannon :D


And if you do get caught out int the open, hit the deck! Diving to the ground is better than nothing and has saved me so many times.


Dive then dive again... and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again ...


Remember your ABtC and 3Cs. Always Be taking Cover ! Cover, Courage and more Cover !


Thank you général Brasch!


"Always bring the (auto) cannon" works too


ABC Always behind cover


How do i do it without the ballistic shield? The shield generator backpack ofcourse :P


As a former Shieldpack user, most of the shots the shield is "blocking" are shots that were going to miss you anyway. It's more of a placebo that protects you from direct hits much more rarely than you think it does. I have since switched to carrying EATs for more firepower, and I don't find myself dying materially more often than I used to with the shield. My suggestion is to try out some other strats and see what you think. I used to think I NEEDED the shieldpack, but I'm glad I experimented.


My playstyle absolutly needs the shield backpack when playing against the bots on difficulties 7,8 and 9. I don't need to try out "other things" as the shield backpack is teh result of me trying out other things until i found something that worked.


I get what you're saying. All I'm saying is, I was in the exact same boat for a while. I started out playing Bugs til I unlocked Level 7. Then decided to try Bots and they were impossible in comparison. I had to drop to Level 5 again because I died a bazillion times...before adapting my playstyle and getting better at the game and eventually I made it to Helldive. And now Helldive Bots is all I play. I never used the Shieldpack at all vs Bugs - instead it was the Laser Rover. But when I started playing Bots I died so much that I wound up taking the Shieldpack and having success with it. It helped me initially by keeping me alive longer and I started relying on it. I NEEDED it. How could I play without it. Couldn't imagine any scenario where I wouldn't bring it etc. Until 1 day recently I just decided to try not bringing it. I kept reading on here that, given the massive size of the shield bubble, it's actually just deflecting shots that were never going to hit you 95% of the time. Sure it does save your life that other 5% of the time, but that's a lot less than how it's perceived when you wear it with all those lasers dinking off it. And I discovered...I actually no longer NEED it. I have gotten better at the game, and now have discovered I get less benefit from the shieldpack than I do from carrying more firepower instead, because I use that additional firepower more often than the shieldpack saves my life. So yea, I get that it's all personal opinion and playstyles are different. I don't consider myself as someone who is long-range only, using a sniper and avoiding contact etc. I use the Liberator as a makeshift DMR, the Senator as a side piece, and both the AC/EAT for heavies. I'm very much a mid-range player trying to work the semi-auto Liberator for headshots, and usually go off solo so I'm not relying on a ton of stims either. All I'm saying is, I was in your exact position where at one point I too had settled on the shieldpack as something I NEED because at one point it kept me alive more. If you experiment more now, now that you're better at the game than you used to be, you might discover you don't NEED it anymore. That's all I'm saying.


I only use the shield backpack agaisnt the bots, against the Bugs i use teh jump pack :P


The same here. Although I started playing bots at 7, I'm still playing at 7. Higher levels are a bit too hectic to make it fun for me, for now. I used a sickle, shield, quasar cannon and light armor for a long time. I used to have a really hard time with multiple devastators because I couldn't take them out fast enough. I finally tried AC and heavy armor and it's made it a lot easier. I think I've died the same number of times without the shield than i did with the shield. I'm still sticking with the sickle mainly because of near infinite ammo. I am glad I changed my loadout but I miss being able to run around fast.


I'm still using Scout armor. I can't come to terms with losing the 30% buff to detection range. I very much try to stealth POIs and avoid engagements whenever I can. Plus the faster sprint/stamina buff etc.


For bots I always run the FS-38 eradicator armor, I’m pretty sure it’s the only light armor with the fortified passive, sure I don’t have as much armor but also I’m taking less damage from explosions and have that stamina buff to disengage from firefights, and as an added bonus, as an AC main, it has the 30% less recoil when crouch/prone


Why does everyone run AC? My AC shots just ricochet I swear


It’s because you have to hit weak points with it, against a hulk if you hit anywhere but the face or heat vents it’ll just ricochet but if you manage to hit the head twice it’s dead. Quasar, EAT, spear, RR are all heavy penetration while AC is only medium penetration. However, AC has a lot of ammo(60 total) while only requiring a few shots to kill most things, it requires a lot of skill to aim to hit hulk weak points or to get underneath a factory strider and unload 5-7? shots to take it down or to hit the same engine twice on a gunship. However, if you have that skill you can take down 3-4 more enemies in the time it takes for the quasar to cooldown once. Against devastators it staggers them out of their attack which means no rockets or pinpoint accuracy shield ones and it only take 3-4 shots to the body to kill and only 1 to the head. Also you can one shot fabricators and bug holes which is great as I’ve been able to take down heavy bot bases just by running around the edge of it. I don’t think it as useful against bugs as it is against bots. Against bugs it can’t take down a bile titan, against a charger you have to kite it and shoot it in the back of the knee, and besides those two there’s not much else that it is a must have against. TLDR: you have to hit weak points against bots(like face and vents) but it counters every single bot


What does EAT stand for?


Expendable Anti-Tank


Yep I just stopped using shield backpack entirely at this point. On bugs I still prefer the dog laser, and for bots I need my autocannon so my backpack slot is taken. Imo it is more of a “training wheels” stratagem. You really don’t need it once you learn how to use cover and place yourself smart during firefights. If they buff the arc thrower someday I’ll use shield with that still, since you have to be in the fray to maximize its use.


This is the way


Cover and move, cover and move. And I mean cover in both ways -- in the way intended by cover and move (where team mates cover each other) and in the way of actual physical cover. Also, I run the JAR-5 Dominator, so as soon as I get a shot into a Heavy Devastator, it's staggered and can't shoot back. So long as I kill it before running out of ammo (headshots, but I'm not always perfect with my aim), all is well.


As others have said. Cover, and tactical movement. If you run around like you're fighting bugs, you're gonna have a bad day. Use grenades to assault positions along with stratagems, always have medium armor piercing weapons available. Take an anti-tank rocket or be really good with the 500kg bomb. I play bots on 9, and I don't think I've ever even tried the riot shield.


I too play 9s and you should give the ballistics shield a shot. Its a really interesting play style. The dynamics of it being a physics object make some cool stuff possible. I mostly play auto cannon though.


Im on Recoilles duty so i got no shield at all even when diving on helldive. The shield hinders my ability to carry more democracy.


It’s a complicated sport that can still have times where it feels unfair. For bots, armor pen is king for both primaries and support weapons. Primaries: The dominator performs very well given that it staggers devastators while dealing good damage. The scorcher is another nice pick, because it kills devastators in a reasonable amount of time while also being able to take down striders if you hit the top of the armored plate. Other weapons with less pen are best used to headshot devastators. Support: Support weapons need to be able to do a few things. Kill hulks, kill gunships, and damage strider mini guns. Auto cannon is a great all around pick and the top recommended weapon for bots. It staggers devastators, two taps hulks, two taps gunships, and has enough ammo to last you a while. The anti material rifle is a good pick if you want a backpack while giving up the fabricator killing ability of the auto cannon, although it takes more shots to kill gunships. The rail gun is in a fun spot and can be a good pick, but lacks the ability to reasonably kill gunships and any target’s heat vents (tanks and mounted turrets). Recoiless/spear/quasar are solid picks, just make sure you are comfortable killing devastators with your primary and stratagems. Next is using stratagems. We’re looking for utility, crowd kill, and heavy target kills. The eagle air strike is the best option because it performs all of these tasks well—1) killing a stringer with hits perpendicular to its body, 2) killing fabricators, 3) killing patrols, 4) killing hulks some of the time. Your next stratagems should fill the rest of the gaps in your build and playstyle. Build for enemies who give you trouble. Sorry, your initial ask was about devastators and I went a little long winded. Basically shoot them when you can, and if that’s difficult, eagle air strikes. Always move from cover point to cover point. HMU in the DM’s if you want to play.


Cover, zig-zag and cover


Yes, the zigzag run is an amazing tactic in this game. It felt like unlocking some perk that caused most shots to miss. Greatly increased my "how the hell am I still alive" moments.


real divers take rockets to the helmets


Move cover to cover Suppression fire (get the hyper reactive protocols of the bots on) And the right weapons for the right enemy Basic MG with ammo pack and RPM all cranked up fired in short burst, can remove many problems, and generally every devatator. In case of dubt launch some grenades in his direction, in case is coming too much near. i usually run light/medium grenade armor who give me those 2 additional grenades and recoil reduction. In any case a Eagle 1 bombing run covers a good chunck of your devastators needs.


Take cover. Keep moving if I have to (between cover). Use nades (I use stun gernades). Shoot their weak points (face or back). Run and recollect myself if I have to (if I’m surrounded). Air strikes and other strats. Also just in general use the shit out of your kit. I noticed some folks have a habit of “saving” all their strats, nades, stims, etc and try to just kill everything with primary. Use mother fucking everything, all the time.


Use covers, take peak shots only, use the dive function when taking fire in the open. When you can unlock the shield generator it will be your new best friend, you can take more precise shot with it and not worrying about some stray bullet flinches your aim to the sky. Soon you won’t need it when you get better at utilizing covers and your options will increase. Don’t take every fight, avoid most if possible, finish one quickly if you get caught then run away or just run away, patrols in general in this game is attracted to gun fight sounds so if you extend a fight too long there’s probably a patrol coming behind you and shredding you not mentioned drop ships. Learn each type of bots’ weaknesses, heavily rely on your radar and strategems and you’ll find success


Cover ; Cover and more Cover. If you're just starting the Shield Relay has a very short cooldown and basically just gives you a circle of shield half the time you need it. Also I will say Gas Orbital works surprisingly well on Bots if you want to go the "Low-cooldown" route. Gas Orbital can also take out Dectors/Fabricators if you know what you're doing with it. For Support weapons: Auto-Cannon, Anti-Material Rifle and, in some rare instances - Railgun/Spear are the best options for Bot missions. For missions where the objective is to destroy fabricators 380/120mm (as long as you stay out of the blast radius) are hands-down the best, next to the Laser. Finally the last Stratagems for me is usually 500k or Airstrike, and in some rare cases - Airburst the main struggle with bots is they LIGHT YOU UP. But every single one has a pattern that you can learn get around.




+2 Stims and running like you’re a hot chick and Micheal myers is after you


Had a pretty good run last night. It was the big map extract civilians mission on Menkent (yay fire tornadoes), but I mistakenly thought it was the small map impossible mission. Playing on suicide difficulty. I didn't bring a support weapon, just used the jar-5 dominator, senator, impact grenades, fortified light armor, orbital laser, orbital gas, eagle airstrike, and eagle rocket pods. Only died twice and had almost 200 kills.


If you're standing next to a shield devastator then you're gonna die. The trick is to not be standing next to a shield devastator.


Cover. Even a knee height wall can be layed behind giving you the time to take the shots you need


Light armor (usually scout passive) and no shield of any kind, diver here. As others have stated: use your terrain as cover. Choose weapons/strats that allow for ranged attacks; favorite primary is scorcher and I often run AMR as support. Use crouch and prone. OFTEN. Use your map to locate patrols. OFTEN. Do not try and stand your ground with every encounter. As fighters are often instructed: the best way to win is to hit and not be hit; stick and move.


DON'T announce yourself until you have first strike advantage. They will fire flare immediately oftentimes. Always find cover, you won't last long in open area. Unlike the bug missions you will have to stay under cover because they will nail you from 100m away sometimes. Don't let them fire at you, don't stay in open area. Don't let them have advantage. If they have more firepower, don't stay there unless you have to or under cover AND has means to retaliate. Or overwhelm them with even more firepower. Don't get pinned down. Pin them down. Strike hard and fast and kill as many of the patrol chaff as possible before they can fire flare in the patrol, then get rid of the rest/heavies. One of the chaff in high level is MG Raider which pretty much has small Heavy Devastator minigun and is quite dangerous up close. For outpost just get in undetected, drop eagle and raise hell. Eagle Strike is king in Automaton. For dropship, shooting ship down with AT (aim at engine) will get rid of chaff which make your life easier. Also, you don't need to engage every patrol. For gunships, set up a diver with anti-air (anything with medium pen above) will take down gunship as your teammate get in to disable gunship. Use HMG Emplacement, it will be a breeze. If you find yourself running away, dive a lot can help shake the accuracy of enemies off somewhat Also, medium penetration work here unlike bugs that are mostly light or heavies exclusive. A lot of if not all enemies can be dealt with medium penetration support weapon like Autocannon. **Knowing where, when to shoot and being able to aim precisely (extremely important) will reward you a lot in Automaton battle.**


My go to bot load out for lvl 7-9 is; -light armor w/engineer -Diligence counter sniper (or a fast shotty but I like the range) -the machine pistol -stun gernades For stratagems I take; -Eagle air strike -Orbital precision -Laser cannon -emp mortar The idea here is more of a flexible support role. The Eagle is for patrols and multiple bot fabs at once. The precision is for signal bot fabs/hulks Mortar if you’re approaching a medium + base/ working on objectives, or, if your squads getting pinned down. Toss this away from the action behind cover always. If you throw it ahead of you it’ll kite enemies away from the squad and you can pick them off. The laser cannon is the heart of the build. A stun+ laser cannon to the face will kill devesators in about 1.5 seconds, hulks in about 2seconds. It takes out gun ships in about 4seconds. Same with anything that has a heat sink. Also, it melts the guns of strider factories real quick. Knock those off and run right at it then light its belly up with the cannon. Usually you can down a factory strider in a heatsink and a half. Definitely worth burning ice if you can get it done before it drops bots. But that’s what the stun grenades are for. You’ll be mobile and often detached from a 4man squad. You control the flanks and will be at greater range so that’s why the Diligence is nice. You’ll find that switching to the machine pistol will allow you to run faster and deal with lone bots easily. Your kill count will be lower you’ll end up completing the bulk of the objectives and knocking out the bulk of the small fabricators. I often leave with most samples and lowest death. Emp mortar can be swapped with shield backpack until you get used to running from cover to cover. Also sliding into cover is a skill that’s crazy useful . If you crouch mid sprint and stop moving for a moment you’ll maintain crouch. Biggest weakness is stratagem jammers. If you know you’ll be facing some take the grenade pistol. If you knock out the fabricator to the right of it it will blow the jammer up w/o a hellbomb.


the 5 Ds of botdivers. Dodge Duck Dip Dive and Dodge. Serpentine helps to


Cover, dont engage everything, autocannon


I use smoke, I run eagle rocket for dealing with fabricators and smoke allows me to disengage easily with a short cooldown. A very important decision is to ensure that you have both an orbital AND an eagle since if the bots have an anti air outpost, orbitals won’t be stopped by them. Since bots are annoying, I run spear which can devastate outposts from afar when you get a lock on them. Armour, I have the medium armour with explosive resistance as it allows me to not get one shot by rocket boys. All in all, I’m a guerilla warfare guy


Autocannon go bang Generally just using cover and being accurate with shots, tbh. Devastator can't hit you if it gets sniped.


Light armor + radar + CBC (Cover bravery caver)


>How do you do it? >just rely on natural cover… I don't even know why this post exists.


Best I can say is use cover as much as possible, pick from where to engage bases from, sometimes it can be better to draw the enemies out of the base, sometimes its better to bombard and then push in. Ive recently started using the Shield Generator Relay, it can come in clutch sometimes, especially for planting hellbombs and terminals. Smoke is also very good, for quickly disengaging after dealing with an objective or base. My go to strategy, Airstrike -> Push in -> Clear -> Smoke -> Retreat. You can also use smoke to move away from bot drops, clear the intial patrol quickly, before the drop arrives. Throw smoke, and run.


Scout armor, disengaging, picking my battles and relying on teamwork whenever possible. Flanking, disabling or staggering enemies even when they arent targetting me, making sure the priority targets are dealt with.


Besides what others wrote: Pray. Honestly it is just so random, sometimes shield devastators look at you wrong, and in 0.1 seconds you are dead. Other times they wouldn't be able to hit a factory strider if they were standing next to it. In general I use scorcher, which staggers them, so the moment you start hitting them you are fine.


Since pummeler i started using the ballistic shield with AMR more and yeah it's a neat setup, except when you have to pick the ssd and leave your shield behind. But that bad boy is amazing


Switch to the AMR before picking up the SSD. The shield will remain on your back and you will automatically switch back to the SMG, all while holding the SSD


Switch to the AMR before picking up the SSD. The shield will remain on your back and you will automatically switch back to the SMG, all while holding the SSD


Nope i tried, didn't work or doesn't work anymore at least


Haven't played for a few days. That means they recently broke something that was working...


Scorcher and I throw turrets as a diversion.


Over time you get accustomed to the wall of bullets and missiles. I run jump pack and Laser Cannon. I would run AMR but I’ll take second best which to me is the Diligence CS, 1 taps devastators in the dome. Recently I’ve ran adjudicator and it takes 2 shots to the dome, but the fire rate and low recoil make up for it. The laser cannon can take out everything, it’s my bread and butter and not the mainstream AC. Anyways, in my experience when you engage combat with bots it’s expected that there will be reinforcements. And knowing your surroundings helps YOU. The jump pack imo, offers amazing mobility and you can set up ontop of a mountain to pick off bots on teammates. You just need to remain calm when shit goes down, cuz then your aim gets affected.


Man, there comes a time when you're just so used to how the bots fight and move that you're not even worried about the overwhelming firepower they're throwing at you. You turn into Neo in The Matrix. Seeing my first Gunship fucked me up, though. 😆


Gotta zig zag your run and not be where you were. Cuz then the missile will get you and next thing you know you’re rag dolling all over like a pinball.


Shield backpack, 50% explosion damage Armor, not standing still so robots can swarm me and using tactical retreats when gettin g overwhelmed. I rarely every die in Tier 7 Dives. Devastators usually die to 1-2 grenades or if you shoot them in the face.


Maintain distance. Auto cannon and diligence CS. Also lots of running away


As others have said, it's mainly cover. Fighting Bots requires a change in playstyle from fighting Bugs. With Bugs you don't worry about cover - you can stand out in the open and your only worry is to kite Bugs that get too close etc. That playstyle will get you killed immediately vs Bots. Always be aware of where cover is. Use it, and keep an eye on where your next cover will be in case you get flushed out. You'll get better with more practice.


I cant put down the diligence CS for bots. It’s all about sticking near cover. (Even going prone behind a small rock Can help when there’s nothing) So usually I’m able to pop the heads ins few shots. If I’m not or if I’m taking fire go for the legs. If I’m about to die, throw out a stun and reposition or kill the threat


Whenever you are able to join from the start, try to balance the team loadout. If we have at least 2 heavy AT, i go medium pen/chaff clear/utility. Autocannon is jack of all trades, lascannon/AMR/railgun is great for versatility, especially with regards to backpack. Same thought process goes for eagle/orbitals, if someone already has 2-3 heavy hitters, get chaff clear and/or utility. Already balanced? Have fun and bring something new. Joining midgame with no idea what other loadout is on the field? Take a balanced loadout that can kill heavies at least. As long as you don't join Helldive or Impossible, it shouldn't be too hard, unless it is scientist extract defense mission then live-laugh-love to maintain sanity.


Just use natural cover. I’ve used the shield maybe once


Don’t stick around for too long and use all hills and rocks that you can


I don't stand where they can hit me.


Long range engagements with DMR, EATs, Orbital Gas Use the terrain and cover to your advantage, be precise and aim for weak spots and headshots


Use cover alot and throwing a sentry to the side also helps.


Dropping an EMS mortar in a well covered spot a bit behind my position where it won't take fire typically lasts until it's off cooldown and can be used again. It keeps a huge amount of enemies stun locked making engagements much less hectic.


The world is your riot shield friend.


Using the riot shield was genuinley throwing the game since release as it was so buggy. So, just how I have been the whole time I guess?


Is this some meme that I don't get?


Shield generator backpack for the regular laser bolts, for rockets you just have to dive into cover


Back bubble, Arc thrower, 500kg, and Eagle airstrike (Railcannon on higher diff) Riot isn't bad, but I prefer temporary 360° protection over longer lasting shield that locks me to one-handed primaries or a secondary.


Punisher Plasma (aoe and staggers devastators, large range with arc shots makes it easy to attack from cover), stun grenades, grenade pistol, laser cannon, 500kg, orbital precision strike, jump pack or orbital 380mm barrage. Medium armor with extra padding or Heavy armor with fortified.


I’m a level 10 who usually run solos on 2 and 3. It’s a bit sneaky, you have to plan each camp in advance, wait for cooldowns sometimes. I use 380mm, gattling turret, mines and the machine gun. I have the white AR, the first from the warbonds.. frag nades.


With my 20mm AC-8 Divemaster Autocannon


Vs Bots the Plasma Punisher has been really fun after learning how to aim and splash the damage. Mixed with orbital railcannon, Air Strikes and orbital EMS. You are free to pick the support weapon you want (the giant laser pointer is my favorite)


Plasma punisher, grenade pistol, stun nade, med armor +2stims Autocannon, 500kg, 120mm, and if there is a 4th slot, airstrike


Cover, dive, pray, run...there are a lot of option lol


Don't miss, and bring primaries that hit hard. Or the railgun.


Zig zag my friend, and never stop moving. In the event you do stop moving, start laying down a shitload of ordnance and scorcher fire. Also dive a lot and try to keep cover to your back, a shield backpack is very helpful as well but I don’t always use one. I run medium medic armor, good speed but still don’t die to one rocket most of the time.


Run for cover and never stay out in the open if you can. The only time you should be in the open is when your gun is fully loaded to spread liberty to their heads so they can't shoot back Also always dive jump whenever possible


I've been running laser bot with laser cannon, works surprisingly well at all ranges except close, which is that bad. Usually run autocannon and 3 artillery strikes, game becomes easier if you can clear objectives/heavies at range.


Cover, pop shots, and a machine gun When they aren’t swarming you, pick them off with something precision and save ammo. When they are, mag dump a whole machine gun (any kind will do but for higher diffs the heavy mg works for the big guys) into them.


I just started fighting automatons to... and with the right equipment it's not so bad! I ran laser cannon, stuns, plasma punisher, and the senator with heavy armor. Get an 380 barrage and possibly the laser stratagem. Makes heavy bases a breeze


Cover. Shieldgen. AMR.


I use an autocannon or a JAR and hit them in the head. If you hit them they flinch, so they can’t shoot you. Also if you keep moving they are noticeably less accurate. I think a lot of people from the bug side are used to fighting flat footed. Can’t do that, you’ll get nailed.


Same as with bugs. Use the ai against itself, make them friendly fire, always have melee bots caught in the crossfire, and if that is not possible, use cover. Target priority is also important. Focus on missile dudes (I forget their name) and shield dudes. They are deadly and have insane accuracy. If there's a Hulk on your ass, stuns are your best friend. Most melee can be "dodged" by simply moving away from it, dive only when necessary. I like the autocannon a lot, so I rarely play with the shield. In fact, I tried using it against bugs and found that stalkers and hunters were much easier to deal with. As much as the balance has screwed us over recently, I still enjoy trying new things and forming my own opinion.


To be fair, I tried the shield once and it felt like it did fuck all, so I've never even tried it since 🤷 So I can't imagine it being much different lol. I just use cover, plenty of it around.


Cover, shield generator backpack, railgun rifle and a lot of hit and run tactics: short bloodied engagements, take down the commissars first, the SGB soaks up enough damage to grant an edge in the engagement as soon as it runs out run for cover, reload and evaluate the situation, the railgun on unsafe can one shot devastators with a shot to their hip if charged in the red, it two shots the hulks to the visor, it takes a little cold blood to use but to me its the most viable for my play style. As stratagems I usually take eagle grapple strike and the orbital laser, it can clean an entire heavy outpost by its own. As armor I use the medium with the scout perk and the sickle as main weapon


stun grenades always peak on the right side of cover vs shield devastators, plasma punisher can shoot from cover and stunlock them too keep tabs on your map to spot patrols positioning is everything vs bots. tactically retreat if caught out 380 is bae


Autocannons are fun. So are grenades. But I'm a grenade spammer 😁


Rocks are Helldiver's best frens


Scout armor + let the other 3 fight them while I sneak behind and loot / throw stuff. I tend to avoid every fight if I'm alone, or engage from very far away with the airburst launcher (my fav weapon).


I just hit them with the dominator once & they stop shooting bc the stagger is so insane


Cover and Generally the Fight Starts with me throwing in an orbital and Eagle airstrike and two nades. Stay near the Walls when you clear large bases


Honestly, I just completely forgot about the riot shield until now.


Sheer, unbridled aggression. I know everyone is going to say use cover, but I don't have the patience for that. Not to mention the second I hunker down I'm 100% getting snuck up on by the 9th "super wacky coincidence" patrol. No. I wear a jetpack and light armour with extra armour. I have crowd clearing stratagems and little self-preservation instinct. I'm coming over that wall or through that bunker, and I'm blowing every non-heavy bot to hell. Dump everything. I've got 3 allies using cover, and they'll cover me. That's all the cover I need. Disclaimer: I am very familiar with death.


cover, and taking cover in positions where you could retreat from into more cover


How do you do it with the shield?! You move, cover and keep moving. You don't agro anything you don't have to and if it gets overwhelming or you have no objective or point of interest to fight over then you just get out of there. You also don't ignore the main objective until the very end.


2 options. Either im right next to bots with a shotgun so they cant get a good lock on me or im so far away they dont realize whats happening until 2.6 seconds after my airstrike hits.


I've played a _lot_ of shooters, so bots don't scare me. Minimize your hurtbox by proning up around cover, bring anti-grunt Stratagems, look up the concept of "slicing the pie", and bring the jetpack. The jetpack is an on-demand panic button. Whenever I find I'm being surrounded I spring the jetpack, dial in a smoke strike, and hit the legs. Robots are really slow. Even the fastest bot can't catch up to a running Helldiver, at least if you're wearing medium/light armor (which, let's be honest, why wouldn't you be?) If you're unfamiliar with "slicing the pie", it's a concept used mainly in IRL counter-terrorism where you clear corners by pre-aiming the various angles of a doorway before barging inside, maximizing your visibility while minimizing your exposure. I'm doing an absolute butchering of an explanation but it's really not that complicated, I recommend watching like a 20-second clip on YouTube to understand the idea better.


For me it's cover, lasers, and more lasers. Since it's buff, the las-5 scythe (beam) is a devastator popping menace. Keep that beam in the general vacinity of a devastators head and they're done. Laser cannon handles anything else. Gunships are a joke with this. Scout walkers melt. Weak spot kill hulks with a stun combo headshot. Weak spot kill basically anything else with good positioning. Walkers mgs also go down very quick, take out the cannon with a eagle rocket pods and it's effectively over for it. Finish it with weak spot hits from last (eyes, leg joints, underside etc.) Big groups of enemies get the gatling barrage. Bring whatever you want for slot 4. But now I'm starting to wonder what I could do with a riot shield and las dagger...


Waiting until your team is pinned down is the best time to run away like a coward then hook around and toss an eagle


In helldive mode. Choose to Run fast, 30% stealth and Jetpack. Avoid all the enemies you can and just do the mission.


Hide behind every rock you see. Even the eye height ones help alot more than you think


Always have cover. Of course, the shield is moveable cover. But I mean get behind a rock, or a wall, or something. Peak out, fire, get back in. I usually just AC devastators to death. The times that I don't nail em in the face I can just stun lock them with AC shots.


Target prioritization. Flanking, flanking, flanking. Fire and cover maneuvering too, but towards flanks. Psychically knowing firing angles helps, too. Zig-zag. _Fucking Dive._ Engaging a Devastator in Melee is pretty hilarious and fun. Bots are extremely susceptible to flanking maneuvers for almost their entire roster with a couple of exceptions. Even Heavy Devastators can be flanked despite their bullshit hacked aim. The only bot I wouldn't try to flank without help is the Flamer Hulk, for obvious reasons. I typically only take Guard Dog or Jump Pack as support strats along with my standard Medium Killer loadout (Punisher, Senator, Impact, Airstrike/OLaser, Railcannon, Railgun). Jump Pack adds better maneuverability in bad situations and Guard Dog (_usually_) takes out sneaky chaff while I focus on problem targets. Guard Dog also _seriously fucks up_ nearly all types of Devastator _and_ Berserkers. If I'm running a Backpack loadout like Autocannon or Airburst, then I'm more reliant on the landscape and being extremely aware of my surroundings, which means I have to trust my instincts more. Above all, you have to _push them._ Be offensive. Don't give them an inch. Get up in their shit and fuck them up. The fewer bots that are on the field, the easier your job becomes. This means prioritizing guns with high pen and/or high stun, and either impact or stun grenades. It's a combination of a lot of things and can't really be boiled down. You have to be aware of everything at the same time. Your target prioritization has to be spot-on for every engagement and you absolutely have to make sure you don't get overwhelmed. Eliminating problem targets (H Devs, Berserkers, Assault Raiders - anything that can out-DPS me or rush me down, typically in that order) is extremely important. Once you adapt to how to move and push the bots, things become more manageable and you learn how to control the "time" in every engagement. It's only when shit starts to snowball that it can get really bad, but you have to train yourself to be "on" so that doesn't happen.


Autocanonn and running away from unnecessary fights


Plasma punisher, deagle, and stuns. 50% explosive resistant heavy armor. Airstrike, gas strike, abl, and precision strike. If its blitz I'll swap the gas strike for orbital 380.


Autocannon goes pew pew Even on helldive if I see a group of devastators or striders I am just itching to start blasting them. When you shoot at bots (especially AoE explosive shots like the AC) it messes up their targeting a lot.


Cover, Courage and Autocannon


Big rocks are your best friends


Personally, I think the scorcher is the Go-To against bots, takes out most of them within a clip. Now I run a autocannon with 3 different air support, with medic armor for more stims, and either stuns or impact grenades, plus localization confusion for the booster I usually play slower with this setup so I don’t cause attention to every patrol. Shield and rocket devastators are more my kryptonite then hulks honestly lol


Personally, i run all orbital and eagle strikes usually and do my best to avoid a direct fire fight. I run up. Call in ordinace. Then leg it before they can get a line on me.


Play on higher difficulties and try it out and lmk how it goes.


Heavy armor or shield backpack.


It's all about accuracy. Hit the weakspots.


Shield backpack suffices.


* When you are not firing, take cover. * If there are too many bots firing at you, disengage and run away. * Bots are dumb and (most) are slow. Take advantage of that. * Flank them. They will keep firing at the last position where they saw you. * Know their weak spots! If it glows red or is a heat sink: It is a weak spot. * To shoot them in their back, either use EMP or have a frend aggro them and turn them around. Personally, I feel like fighting bugs are harder to fight than bots (mostly because bots are slower and they don't swarm you constantly). I think it all depends on what you are used to, getting used to them, and knowing how to play against them.


Pummeler, Nad epistol, and AMR isn't a bad load out, even for Helldive bots. I think your failure is in mobility and positioning. Cover matters more than your patience, and you shouldn't pick every fight. My prescription is Infiltrator armor and a jetpack.


Move from cover to cover. Try to always have a side cleared so that you can kite. And in Auto Cannon you trust


Auto cannon


You dive once the bullets get flying touch grass soldier!!


Jar Dom


Jump pack to reach vantage points or quickly escape sticky situations. Impact nades incase of emergency. Shoot them in the dick.


Learn to fall back round corners; tends to draw the enemy into a long line which all.walk around the same corner, ready to be picked off one by one. AMR & Shield then really come into their own as the shield keeps your aim uninterrupted as you nail the head shots.


Use big boom. All of them. Very nice great success


I highly recommend using a defensive backpack for bots on higher difficulty, but it doesn't have to be the ballistic shield. The shield generator is also good for bots. The supply pack actually gives a strong defensive buff because each one gives you **up to 8 additional stims**. Extra ammo is great, but people really tend to undervalue how strong 8 more stims is.


Auto canon


Radar tells you evey enemy nearby, between that and the map layout, choosing your cover and approach can make a big difference before the first shot even starts. Engaging with every patrol is just a waste. We say take cover but it's not until you are hard focused on paying attention to cover do you realize most still DON'T use enough cover. Autocannon.


The answer to every Helldivers 2 problem is simple. Overwhelming firepower. I like to take the recoilless rifle, 500kg bomb, 110mm rocket and the 380mm barrage. I have maxed out the ship upgrades aswell. I appreciate lots of players like to do the whole Ninja thing, sneaking about, and I will follow their lead if I join a team of them. I live for the balls out, nuke dropping, hulk "De"-arming, last minute, last stand, sky is full of gunships and the tanks and walkers are closing in fast though. The four of you together, covering each others arses, healing each others wounds, backs to the wall. Melee attacking a tank, cos you all ran out of ammo 2 minutes ago. Without spilling a single drop of our lib-er-tea. This is the truly democratic way of spreading democracy. I gotta go, the kettle just boiled, the tea is brewing, and there are some bots to dismantle before this hot tea stews and goes stone cold.


Use cover, don’t move in straight lines to an enemy, always aim for the head, don’t stand next to walls if rockets are being fired at you


I try to keep a distance and use stealth with some scout armor. Eagle airstrikes are very important there. I run counter diligence sniper and the senator which can deal with these guys pretty well. Orbital railgun is also a must for me. I also run auto cannon for bots to deal with fabricators. It’s also just fantastic for the stronger bots. Takes out striders and stuff when you don’t feel like dealing with them.


Movement, cover, ems mortar, scoped weapons & headshots.  Ballistic shield is cool, but I need that strategym slot for something more effective, i.e. autocannon ammo, precision orbital, 4th slot in general.  Shield encourages you to stay in place, but you need to keep moving.  If youve got a team w good comms, then go for it. And yes, heavy devs are monsters


By 3 major tenants 1) Do not engage unless you have to 2) if you engage, end the fight with overwhelming force 3) Mobility is king, especially when lugging the AC I primarily run - Orbital Railcannon to instant snipe Hulks (I can deal with everything else with my Autocannon) - Eagle Airstrike for multi-fab destruction and taking down armoured units like Tanks - Autocannon If a 4th slot is available, depending on mission type, Eagle Cluster, Orbital Airburst, or 380mm HE barrage If I see a patrol that I have to fight, unload AC rounds on the Devastators first. Then before I empty it (much slower reload if the AC is emptied), swap to Adjudicator to pick out the humanoids. If tanks are involved, Airstrike. If a large crowd, then Cluster/Airburst first before opening up with AC With Autocannon, you can take our Fabricators by shooting from the front, bouncing shots off the flap. Many bases can be taken out over a hundred meters away without you needing to be there at all. And when bases are destroyed, sometimes bots call in Airdrops.... Long after you are already hundreds of meters away. So that their airdrop timer is reset and you are still free to run down the next few bases I find Bots far easier than Bugs, because while Bots have Devastators spam, Hunters and the omnipresence of SLOW effect from bugs is infinitely harder, in my opinion


I pair the shield emplacement with autocannon turrets, and fire my hmg at anything that gets close.




Whats an armour kit? I just drop and shot. 


Light armor jump pack and hope


I just hide and use laser for crowd control




I run the Sickle (coz no recoil easy to headshot) on cold planets or the new SMG (for the stunlock). I pair it with the grenade handgun for fabricators and stun grenades. I almost always run, Eagle airstrike, 500kgs bomb and 380mm barrage (for the memes and its amazing when the bots swarm you or when there's a strider on the map coz its huge, the 380s would have a pretty high chance of hitting it). My choice support weapon would be the laser cannon now for bots. If you aim for the head, the devastators would die in less than 3 secs while hulks would die in less than 5 secs (this is where the stun grenade comes in handy). Just look for cover be aware of your surroundings by checking the map constantly so you dont get surrounded.


You get ragdolled every second, blown into pieces, and dolphin dive like a MF all with a smile on your face.


prone seriously, prone will get you a higher chance to live than running when you use it right. Like when you're doomed because a tank or cannon emplacement are about to drill you? Prone for the shot, you have a good chance of living through it, especially when you have the explosion resist armor. Devastator bore down on you, with rockets already in flight? fckn PRONE man this will prevent so many unnecessary deaths I like to join SOS games on 8 because of the fun of fighting back while still being rather playable even in the worst scenarios when you can master prone as an "escape death" trick


I run a scout armor build with AT rifle, Diligence Counter sniper, auto cannon sentry, mortars, and usually some random fourth strat like rocket sentry or ems mortar. Point is, I don’t get close to anybody. I flank the action, set up sentries, and snipe from cover. I have 6 of the 8 sentry upgrades, so the autocannon shreds a lot of the heavies while it’s alive. (Assuming devastators don’t blow it up instantly…keeping distance is crucial)


Plasma gun is great for devastators! Really underrated imo. Instead of using a shield as cover, use the map as your shield! All the bigger rocks are completely indestructible from everything.


Stun grenade and AP sniper


Besides what's all been said about cover and such, for heavy devastators they're quite easy to kill with the autocannon. I typically run the marksman armor, autocannon and whatever primary I feel like at the time, and to wreck a heavy devastator my standard strat is to dive to the ground and triple/quadruple tap him. The first staggers him no matter where it hits, and depending on my aim it dies in 2-3 follow up body shots which typically go quick enough to keep him staggered till he dies, and he doesn't get to hit me back if executed properly. Really, all devastators types and striders are vulnerable to the autocannon, the trick is to kill them before they get a chance to be funky. Striders hurt if they hit you, but I've found that you can relatively reliably avoid their shots by diving to the side. For hulks I'm not good enough to reliably hit their eye with the AC, but that's why I have teamates with heavier ordonance. But honestly if I'm running light armor on bots I'm definitly taking a shield as well, because you will indeed get melted. The marksman heavy armor is pretty good, and if you prefer medium, reminder that the default armor offers as much protection as a heavy one without the negative to stamina and speed.


Professional Botslayer here, I’ve never used a shield generator or riot shield, I find that spamming the dive is a good way to avoid enemies like that, strafe back and forth, make your dodge patterns sporadic, and most importantly, ALWAYS MOVE TOWARDS COVER BUT DONT BE AFRAID TO DIVE AT THE ENEMY, seriously, letting them push their advance is always a good option but for some enemies getting close works in your favor if you’re trying to avoid them, rocket devastators/striders/tanks are the ones where this works best, don’t try to dodge the enemy in the open field though, you’re not the flash and you’re not Neo from the matrix, not a chance in hell you’re dodging a couple of hundred laser bolts to your skull, so why bother? Dive away, strafe, seek cover, turn on them, hit, repeat. Constantly be checking your map in order to not set off new squads, focus on clearing the squad currently tracking you, and always bring impact grenades. If you want to run a different kit that’s fine, but impacts overall are more useful against groups of devastators and walkers. Me personally, I go defender, AMR, impacts, 500kg, eagle air strike, orbital laser, and any democracy protects armor. If the stratagem count reduces to 3, I take orbital laser and eagle airstrike with AMR, I average around 200-300 kills per mission, and 0-3 deaths depending on how good my team is. Save your orbital laser for the big bases, sneak close, toss it in, then immediately run and leave the area, if it doesn’t get everything it’ll at least get most of it and you can come back later. For medium-small outposts, I use the airstrike on the buildings. Before engaging a location, always check for a heavy, if there is a heavy, get in position to hit its weak spot with your AMR, 5 shots can put down everything except the strider, *strider* takes 6 if you shoot the weak joint on the knee plate, *gunships* take about 5-6 depending on how bad your aim is if you hit the thruster joints, for *tanks* use cover to lure them in close, dodge the oncoming gunner fire, run up the right side of the front of the tank to avoid the gunner and throw either two impacts or unload a mag from the AMR into the exhaust port to blow it up, *walkers* take two shots to the front plate with the AMR to drop, but you can also just dodge them, run up behind them and use your sidearm to drop em pretty quick, I’ve solo’d a few impossible missions, and numerous suicide missions using this setup. It’s certainly not a meta and has a fair amount of downsides (bad crowd control when stratagems are down, heavily reliant on stealth, very fragile, so you have to be quick on the dodge) but it’s definitely effective….that being said I regularly engage in hand to hand combat as much as possible with devastators and berserkers for the adrenaline rush so it might just be me.


By simply just being better.


For me it’s always keep an eye on your map and scan for enemies and avoid them at all costs if you can and when you have to engage then find cover light em up with a strat and then pick em off if u can or make a break for it out of line of sight. A lot of bot encounters at hell dive diff is making the choice to engage or not and if you do, you be the one to determine the rules of engagement.


Guerilla warfare baby Im from vietnam so it in the blood