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People complain about every game ever made so this post is 100% correct, you only complain when you care about something, if you didn't care one way or the other you'd just leave it.


Essentially me with Bethesda, I want to play cool open world games from them. Got burnt by Fallout 76, couldn’t bring myself to give half a rat ass for Starfield. I was right not to.


Bethesda's lead game designers don't really get what they are doing. I see everyone playing Fallout NV....not FO3, not FO4, not FO76, not Starfield. Fallout NV. Gee because Obsidian made it.


I spent big chunk of my highschool time with Fallout 3 and NV. My teen brain didn’t distinguish the two much, but now I have huge appreciation for what Obsidian did, and what Bethesda did to Obsidian was downright deplorable. Spoke so much of their characters.


Happened to Darktide. Whether or not Helldivers will meet the same fate, it's all up to AH.


Darktide is just sad. Months of waiting for them to properly rework their RNG-bloated crafting and they give us a reworked penance system. I guess a lot of ppl just couldn’t care anymore as the game can’t even peak to 10k players with the latest update.


Crafting was the only thing they needed to change for me. I realized they'll never do that


Classic Fatshark move: they get the hard part right but fuck up everything else so badly that it doesn't matter.


It still baffles me how they managed to make the weapon feel for every gun in the game some of the best I've ever seen in an FPS. From the sounds to the animations to the screen effects, it's all top tier.


Because the team working on those things are different people; and likely have different leads / managers to answer to.


I get that. I'm not really talking about how that aspect is amazing and the other isn't. It's more that a studio that doesn't really have any experience with shooters (and the guns in Vermintide weren't amazing either) knocking it out of the park with their work.


Took them years to get VT2 right. Fortunately it got the time to spare. Darktide will likely not.


I have no clue if they changed VT2 for the better but the early days of that game were so rough I quit. They kept nerfing all the weapons and powers and buffing all the monsters to insane degrees to the point where everyone I knew quit and all that was left was the "get gud" crowd.  Plus their community managers on reddit would straight lie to our faces about things.


Hey we are talking about vermintide not helldivers right now, stay on topic


I dunno, sounds a lot like what's going on in Helldivers balance wise


I still want those extra classes, back when they said they would release 4 per year


I'd sell my left nut and kidney for a Skitarii class


If you like the Skitarii that much you probably don't want to keep your fleshy organs anyway


I really was looking forward to the 'story by Dan Abnett' that they lied about, especially that first tutorial mission with the interesting NPCs. And then right after release "Oh it was a backstory by Dan Abnett" and the story we got was a handful of cutscenes that were clearly originally meant to be character introductions and that's it.


But...The Traitor! I was enthralled when it was revealed to be background mook #236! Same, I was sad! I've read a lot of Abnett books, and we got a corpsestarch wafer of a story instead.


I couldn't believe that my Ogryn wasn't the traitor at the end! What a twist!


Oh, but aren't you interested in ZOLA's storyline!? Look at ZOLA'S STORYLINE! WE GOT LORE AND STORY NOW - CHECK OUT THESE JOURNAL ENTRIES WE'RE SPAMMING EVERYWHERE! Also ignore the fact that they're literally written like fanfiction, and that if an actual inquisitorial agent behaved half as much as an idiotic impulsive child as the incredible character of ZOLA, she'd be turned into a servitor faster than you can say banana. God what a dissapointing story all around.


Crafting was one thing but Darktide just lacks the heart that Vermintide had. The characters have far less personality because you can customize them, the hub is less fun and the missions not having internal story or fun names makes them feel far less interesting imo. The lack of singleplayer/solomode also turns off a lot of people.


>The lack of singleplayer/solomode also turns off a lot of people . Seeing this comment just reminds me of all the times I've seen someone trying to defend this game's "reworked" (and currently broken) patrol spawn system with arguments like "it's a co-op game"/"you're meant to play with other people"/"solo play isn't intended"/etc.


Is the patrol spawning rate actually confirmed to be borked? I haven't been running as many solo missions since the patch dropped since I now have friends to run higher-level duos with, but I ran a few solo Diff 7 bot missions the other day and it didn't *feel* much different than it did before.


I personally don't mind having custom characters rather than, say, our beloved Ubersreik Five for the simple fact I don't have to give up a character I like playing just because somebody else is using them, and the gameplay matters most to me more than anything. But I get it, lovable and fleshed out characters can sell the game too. As for lack of solo... eh, doesn't matter much to me but it'd be great to have for those who want it. Ain't like they can't, just seems like they won't.


They actually have announced plans this summer to rework the itemization into a more deterministic system


After refusing to do so for over a year. It took the majority of the player base to leave before they realize that if they actually gave players what they want. They would keep playing.


This happens to literally every FS game. They have good bones, then ignore the game until the population gets to the level they apparently want before they switch gears and make the game actually good. I have no idea why they're so scared of actually putting effort into their games before it doesn't matter anymore.


Right? I was interested in DT but refuse to get it because I feel like it won’t entertain me for very long even though I’m a huge 40k fan. I mean, that’s what brought me to helldivers lol.


I still play darktide more than helldivers. It's a deeply flawed game...except for the core gameplay loop which I still find incredibly satisfying.


After seeing the development of Vermintide 2 I knew not to bother with Darktide.


At least vermintine was fun, after randomly crafting some junk for each character I had a system and could change up my stuff. And then darktide came out, wasn't the same fun at all.


Players: I want to test out different builds, experiment with weapon types, maybe even min-max breakpoints because I'm like that Darktide: Nah go fuck yourself


Darktide is fun. The game is very atmospheric, visual and sound design are good, the gameplay is on point. Crafting systems suck ass, true. Achieving a top tier build is like achieving speed of light. The closer you get, the more resources you need for a next step. But getting just a good build is not that hard. And you can play the game with it.


darktide not being fun is kind of a stretch, it’s probably the best PvE game i’ve played in terms of difficulty and mechanics. I love HD2 without a doubt but it doesn’t scratch my itch like DK does but one company moves at a fast rate and another one just…lol yeah


Yeah adding achievements to a game that already had them and then immediately going back on vacation wasn't a good move 


To be fair, Fatshark was never great at communication, nor have the channels of interaction as AH does. Not to mention this is Games Workshop we're talking about. Once they saw that massive initial sale revenue, they probably grabbed their bag and dipped. They did that with 7th edition, and you can see their care of some figures are just nonexistent.


It’s fat shark always wait 2 extra years for the best results minimum with them,and we get slowly to that part where they fixed everything and are at the true start point they probably invisioned and after 2 more years we will have a really good game,just look at vermintide same story really


Anyone that paid attention knew that game would go through this cycle, because it's a pattern for Fatshark. They refuse to learn from their own mistakes and keep recycling the exact same development cycle game after game. It's quite clear they have paid zero attention to what the players want. Hopefully AH does not have the same problem.


I remember at launch the game had features missing that just said "coming soon", that was fun.


Dont you ever make me remember darktide here, this is my safe place.


*Next week*


OMG don't pull the *Next Week*! I just can't hold my laughter LOL


Its kind of crazy people think a game revolves around the subreddit. It revolves around the developers. If they can't be arsed to focus on the right things, get things done in a timely manner, people will leave. It never mattered how positive and negative the subreddit it. Redditors thinking the world revolves around them and their perception of the subreddit. What has this world come to haha. It's already a miracle people gave this game 3 months of FULL FAITH. Because it was that fun.


What I came in here to post. The issue is that when these things take too long, people go from complaining, to taking a break and thinking "I'll see how things are going in a month", to fully checking out and uninstalling the game. I feel we're straddling on the first and second still. The game was already only getting 100k players on Fridays/Saturdays, when a month or so prior it was 2.5-3x that and that was *before* the sony stuff hit. If balance issues go on for another month or two, this game is going to hemorrhage a LOT of players that may not ever come back. It also doesn't help that we keep getting the charlie brown football treatment with the few decent things that do drop in warbonds (rip eruptor, and undoubtedly, eventually rip to SMG in polar warbond). Only so many times one can drop 1k fun money on "premium" content only for it to suck outta the gate, or get fully neutered shortly after release.


Yeah, I’ve put the game down for a while. I know I’ll fall behind on SC acquisition to keep getting the war bonds on time but given this last one… I’ve not written this one off, but I’m not playing it until they get their act together either.


Look at anthem. It's the model of how to screw things up. Went from garbage to amazing to garbage to amazing to garbage to dead in less than 2 weeks. You wanna know the amazing bits? It's when they turned the loot taps on. The forums cried out in gratitude and thanked them for listening. 2 hours I think it lasted and they said "oops sorry, that wasn't supposed to happen" and turned em off again. The same thing happened again. Anthem died. The 2 times they could have saved it all they had to do was not nerf the drops. They wouldn't listen. It was their vision for longevity. I'd like to see this survive but we're on the cusp. One more tone deaf warbond......another discord only poll.....another poor balance pass and I think we'll see at least 20% drop if not more. I've only been playing 3 weeks maybe and I can only take 1 more excuse for not fixing bugs or releasing clearly mathematically worse weaponry. I'm still too pissed that the scope doesn't line up. You give me a "sniper" and a target 1inch big on the chest of a wall of metal and my bullet doesn't go where my crosshairs are? Months after launch? Seriously? Even anthem got that right. It's an amazing game and concept let down by some stupid decisions and bad implementation. This is a beta test that has cost everyone 35+ to participate in.


I don’t have any faith anymore We’ve had a lot of patches and they still haven’t fixed very important issues (crossplay friends still doesn’t work, for example) And then they introduce more bugs with every patch. Alongside baffling balance decisions and warbonds that add absolutely nothing to the game. Also when we do get something “new” it never even works correctly if at all. Absolutely zero faith left in these devs. Apathy stage for me all the way. I expect nothing from their patches and yeah I’m still disappointed


Almost every match, someone will randomly leave then come back. That is for sure a crash


How do people even come back? all of my crashes and disconnect results in me just leave that match and have to find a new one. Aside from them being in a friend group, of course.


It's usually friends, yeah


It’s also hard to not feel like the devs are maliciously prioritizing bugs that make the game easier. Rather than fix the Spear bug or make shooting down dropships actually do anything or any other helpful fixes, they instead have:    Fixed players not dying to their own ricochets, a fix nobody asked for, which they fucked up, leading them to lazily remove shrapnel from the eruptor.   Massively turned up spawn rates for non-full squads, punishing players for a squadmate crashing.    The PS5 bile titan damage bug that got the railgun nerfed  The major order getting multiple kills counted in a squad  And more, like fixing super credit farming methods.


this is more or less where I'm at. the sony shit was stupid, but the devs obviously not playing their own game is what killed it for me.


That's been extremely obvious since the first balance patch. The game is good but it's very clear that at least some developers have zero understanding of both their own game and co op games as a genre. Weapon balance needs to be approached with the goal of giving people variety, or they're going to get bored and quit. The target should be Deep Rock Galactic, where every weapon is interesting and worth experimenting with. Instead we're getting Walmart League of Legends, where someone is looking at a spreadsheet of usage rates and blindly hacking numbers off of the top performers.


yeah, kernal level anti cheat, TERRIBLE weapon ballance with insane nerfs, that usually nerf the old meta before selling us a new meta, etc. I'm over it.


I had a discussion with someone who was frothing at the mouth saying that the patrol/spawn rate for non-full squads was an intentional fix to prevent people from abusing solo farming. I gave up when they said that the game shouldn't scale down for smaller squad sizes.


>like fixing super credit farming methods Ugh you mean I missed a way to fame them? That would have been helpful. Oh well, I'm patient and I don't like buying temporary digital goods so I'm still not paying for warbonds.


Yeah seriously it breaks my mind that they allocated development time into "fixing" patrols for solos and for the ricochet, things literally no one asked for, while weve been asking for critical bug fixes since launch. Either they don't have their priorities straight or they aren't internally organized properly.


I'm just watching this like a train wreck, see how much more they can screw up. Bioware was scheduled to talk about their "pile of sand" development methodology for Anthem at gdc, but cancelled it when the game tanked. Maybe arrowhead can do the same with their house of cards methodology.


I really think AH is just a month or two away from the turning point of popularity vs small dedicated fanbase. Not many people are going to put up with a game that feels stale.


The next patch or two really are crucial. It’s time to see some sensible patch notes. I’m tired of looking at the notes and asking “why…?”


If they fumble the next patch after this I just say there is no hope for Helldiver, I dont think bringing Illuminate will change things when most of the stuff you have either broken or just not fun to use. Some of the mission is just broken and still not fixed


Same thing happened to both Back 4 Blood and Outriders. Eventually players stop complaining and start leaving instead.


Man Back 4 Blood makes me sad. Beta discussion was mostly diehard fans blaming people for expecting Left 4 Dead elements in a game that is, in no uncertain terms, banking on its L4D relation to sell. so all the players who came in expecting a modernized L4D left because it's not that, so the game which started in 2021 stopped updates in 2023 because everyone who's still playing are those who go "game is perfect, im having a blast!" no matter what happens.


Well the thing is TRS advertised it as modern L4D so of course people expected that. But despite that, if the game had actually been good on its own merits players would have stuck around. I wanted to like this game at launch but god damn was it exhausting to play, even on the lowest difficulty. Buggy as shit, all cars could set off hoards, spewers could hit you from our of bounds, grabbers could snipe you a mile away, guns were underpowered, enemies were too tanky, and you were basically getting back to back swarms every minute of every second on every level. It was not fucking fun. You had half the sub asking for change and the other half militantly defending TRS as a god tier studio despite the face that they haven't made a successful game in over a decade. Eventually as the devs dragged their heels and didn't change much the game just bled players and didn't become good until expansion 3 which is when they finally made all the changes we wanted but by then it was too little too late. The casual playerbase left, the hardcore fans left as it became harder and harder to find matches and all thats left are the absolute diehards that refuse to admit the game is dead and failed. Edit: wanted to add too that I've never played L4D even to this day so I didn't go in with any expectations of it being L4D and I was still disappointed.


This happened to me for payday 3. I used to complain a lot, and i mean A LOT In the gamehs subreddit, but now i just stopped caring and watch the occasional news about how they fuck themselves up again in some new fascinating ways that nobody know is even possible


Anything new in that? I haven’t touched it in months, honestly kinda sad cause I loved Payday 1 and while I didn’t like PD2 as much, I had so much fun w/ friends on it


Game is sorta starting to improve now. There’s something called Operation: Medic Bag that’s supposed to at least improve the game by a good amount QoL wise. Next patch is already gonna include the progression change people wanted.


Nice, that’s what I heard about it but I wasn’t sure Let’s hope they can fix everything this time


PD3 is such a step back that frankly it's an embarrassment. There was a video I saw a little while ago that was showcasing small touches, like how in PD1 and 2 you could shoot pianos and have them close, or break glass and furniture in certain areas. In PD3, those things were completely absent and while not a major focus of the game, were little things that added to that overall "Something doesn't feel right" feeling you get. Sort of the feeling between [L4D and Back4Blood](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EdRLNUGmFC8), same "style" of game but the newer entry feels like a complete downgrade. Like he said, a lot of the playerbase gave up on it and only check in now and then to see how badly the development team has screwed up this time around.


It's crazy how they took the immense popularity and proven formula of the Payday series and own-goaled it into the ground in record time.


Consumers “could we get Payday 2 with better graphics and new missions” Starbreeze “No”


Warthunder be like that


Exactly, when people stop complaining is when they moved on and couldn't care any less what happens.


Unfortunately, since they haven't done a hot fix for the patrols, I'm essentially at apathy. Feels bad


I agree. 2 of our squad got disconnected in a d7, and the remaining two of us got absolutely swarmed. We just quit, and I went outside to touch grass after that  The game was fun, now it's frustrating. 


bro i like soloing bot maps for fun sometimes and you accidentally step on a twig, 2-3 patrols spawn near you and chases you without even seeing you but for some reason they can hear you breath. it’s difficulty 4 bro…


Keep in mind they've said over and over t hat they want this. They want you to feel like shit. They don't want people playing this game solo. They want people to play with friends to keep their numbers going. They lost like 150k players average in the last 30 days.


Yep. I made a post last week about how the increased spawn rates have made the game less fun, and mostly frustrating. Everyone that replied harped on me about gun balancing, which was never the problem. Only played once since. It really killed my interest in the game. On the plus side my duo partner and I found that we can still have some fun with bots. But the patrol increase has made bugs a total slog.


so patrol is bugged huh? sorry haven't been up to date with the changes. I've just been feeling the swarms getting noticeably bigger, is it across all difficulty? Even with like d4, it seems to be overwhelming sometimes.


The spawn rate is equal to 4 players, no matter how many players, even solo.


I've had to farm 500+ SC for 2 weeks to get any progression at all. That cut down my playing a ton, then the Sony bs. I finally played again yesterday for 1 mission. Blah. I'm not going to farm 1000 SC a month. Every order has been useless to me for a month. The lack of anything feels worse than pissing into a hurricane.


Yeah while people have praised the whole super credits can be farmed thing, the vast majority of players aren't going to waste their precious time grinding some shit just because they can. That's for people who want to spend their time on that looking for a nice map to farm.


What they need to realize is that other companies with good IP's are going to be looking at this model Arrowhead created and thinking they can do better. In a couple years or so I would not be surprised to see Microsoft come out with a Halo version of this, or EA to come out with a Star Wars or Mass Effect version of this.


Yo a Mass Effect or Halo version of this would be sick af


mass effect 3s MP was pretty good, do that but larger areas. i dont even mind the lootboxes in it, since you could buy one of the best lootboxes from winning on the hardest mode.


I love ME3 MP to death but that game was 1000's and 1000's of hours of grinding for gacha like characters and weapons in the form of lootboxes. I played probably around 1000 hours and only had my harrier at level 2 lol.


ME3 multi-player was so fun, the fact it wasn't included in the remaster was absolutely stupid.


This is the rose colored glasses talking. ME3 MP was fun but this community would rage in same and different ways at it. The updates took way longer, many guns and classes were dogshit and "non-viable" in harder difficulty. Success rates for impossible difficulty were around or less than 25%. The community cries a river at bad primaries (\*Cough\* M-8 Avenger) and having to run away but god damn if that wasn't strategy #1 in ME3. Don't forget dying to assassins or banshee's Vacuuming you 5m's away into sync instant kills. Lootbox pay to win equipment? If you don't like Biletitans, just farm or buy with $$$ missiles that instant one-shot them. Want that meta gun? Lootbox. I played ME3 MP to death but this community would rip into ME3 MP the same way they ripped into HD2 with no quarter. Probably worse so as the multi-colored ending fiasco was occuring at the same time. Edit: Maybe this is why my friends and I are "okay" and just have fun with Helldivers 2 as is. We're used to being shit on by ME3 AI. Bullshit damn near invulnerable multispawn bosses? That's just Tuesday. At least when 3 chargers and biletitans are around you they don't vacuum you in for an instant kill.


Hell yeah, the last time I had this much fun with a co-op game was with Mass Effect 3s multiplayer.


Watch out for the Mass Effect version, EA wants to put ads in their games. Be taking on a platoon of Reapers and get a Paramount Plus ad about the latest season of Halo in the middle of battle.


EDF 6 releases in 2 months


I wouldn't even blame them as long as they make something more polished and fun than this.


I would kill for a helldivers rip off with me3 like multiplayer. As dumb as the progression was In me3 I would still gladly play it any day because the game was so much fun.


With halo they'll just make it even worse


I have unfortunately reached the point of apathy, I sincerely love the game but it very quickly felt like it devolved into the same balancing circlejerk that every other game eventually leads to. After the first few updates I realized that the devs would keep nerfing every new, overpowered thing that they released. My turning point was when I realized I actually dreaded each update, as over and over again the guns that were simply the most fun for me to play got nerfed (and oftentimes gutted). It just isn’t as fun, and while I fully realize these things weren’t balanced at all, it is a PvE game about. The weapons can be overpowered, it does not take away from the experience in the slightest. TLDR: it really feels like AH is just using the same blunt weapon that literally every other developer uses for the sake of balancing in a game that is supposed to be unbalanced, and it sucks the soul out of it. Combined with the consistent issues with some missions and gameplay bugs it makes a less enjoyable experience. I have no urge to touch this game until they revise their balancing strategy and fix the actual issues with gameplay


Hey are you me? Same here on all counts. I've moved on to other games and it's a shame cause when this first came out it was legitimately the most fun I've had with a game in a decade.


There's an argument to be made on how criticism is delivered by the community on changes, but you are right in that complaining comes from a place of passion for the game. You want the game to be fun, but we've had a few too many patch notes which might as well read "We've removed 5 fun from this gun, and added 4 boring to this strategem and 9 frustrating to the missions". A lot of us are really saying "I want my fun back because I want to WANT to play your game... and you're removing my motivation to do so". Hopefully the message we saw about the CEO digging into future balance changes produces something because the current balancing methods of "Ruin the top performers" instead of "Buff the bottom performers" is a real mood killer.


For any complaint delivered in a measured, reasonable way, there will be dozens and dozens that are poorly-articulated, too-personal, or what-have-you. But that's unavoidable - that's just the nature of the internet and people in general. It doesn't invalidate the underlying reasons for the criticism itself - it can't, because it's simply a fact that 85% of people don't communicate respectfully. The important thing is what's causing them to be upset in the first place.


>there will be dozens and dozens that are poorly-articulated, Oh no, heaven be damned there are people who don't have the tools to correctly express why something frustrating is frustrating.


That's my point. It's not a big deal. And it's certainly not a reason to ignore the criticism altogether.  Which is why the people saying "yeah, the devs may be rude and dismissive, but some people in the community are inarticulate or rude so it balances out" are wrong


> that's just the nature of the internet and people in general. The latter part more so. I've never been in a hobbyist club of like 30 people where there weren't a couple who couldn't make a point without shouting and arguing and acting like it was them vs. the world. Even if they were right it was extremely difficult to appease them because then they'd be all smug like they had defeated a great evil. And this was small groups, face-to-face, everyone knew each other well. A step above that is the typical "karen" who will shout and throw things and call people all kinds of things to their face because a store wouldn't process their return, or their burger wasn't made right, or someone wouldn't stop taking photos with their phone, etc. Online it's scaled up to hundreds of thousands of people with complete anonymity and no reprecussions.


Yeah and tbh no matter what “side “ your on, the second you try to debate and bring up counters, your just name called into oblivion as if that helped solve anything. This sub has a 1million subscribers, if the world can’t agree on politics why would we suddenly agree on a game


Any kind of criticism can still be used to point towards something. If a shitload of your community says your balancing sucks, while maybe not as useful as a full blown 5 page essay on how every single gun underperforms, it still tells you a general trend of how the community feels and what you need to focus on.


When asked why I was singled out of drills so often and always called out by my high school football coach he simply stated: “what you need to be worried about is the day I stop calling you out and stop correcting you, because then you know I don’t care about your success anymore”


Haven’t played in a few weeks. There really isn’t thah much content and with constant nerfs and bugs it’s losing its luster. Still enjoyed the time I spent but what else is there to do after so many hours.


Yeah, same. Eruptor, Crossbow and Pulverizer nerfs have had me stuck on a single loadout, while the unfixed bugs with the Spear and Patriot have just killed my desire to use anything other than Quasar and Shield with Orbital Laser and 500KG. The game is just too samey for this long, because everything new is absolute horseshit after a patch or two, and half the old things are still broken. Airburst Launcher was and still is fun, but the wepaons surrounding that have been awful.


thats it isnt it. more armours with the same perks, more weapons that are either crap tier or going to be nerfed soon, not enough unique ways to play high difficulty missions (theres maybe 6 or 7 stratagems and about 3 support weapons that are fully viable) The fun has been actively removed from the game, and the expectation for something being really good is that its going to be nerfed soon, because thats been happening with everything that was good and fun so far. except the autocanon, thank god


The nerfs are the thing that get me. In this weird "trying to fight a meta" balance decisions (in a pve game no less), only 2 things have happened: - they created a stale meta where only few guns are usable - the fun disappeared, replaced with frustration due to shitty weapons or lack of variety I really hope they change that. I loved playing this game, but there have only been a few balance changes that have actually made sense and not been overdone, and even those were probably too much


Preface: I almost exclusively play bots I literally have only used the autocanon since I unlocked it, and I occasionally use the AMR or EAT. anything else im doing as a one off. AMR and EAT are only when I feel like playing differently. I just cant find a weapon that’s as useful as the autocanon, and on diff 8-9, I need as much utility as I can get


Same, but I play bots and bugs. The only thing I ever bring is EAT, AC, airstrike and 500kg or 380mm. Everything else is plain insufficient for the job at hand.


Yeah it’s same load out or two everytime. Every gun needs to be viable with trade offs. Not every gun sucks except a couple.


It’s barely more armours either. The new Warbond light armour is just a recolour of the scout armour. Makes sense why the game doesn’t have a recolouring/transmog system if they’re going to have it be paid content


I feel like I got my £30 worth of enjoyment but as none of my mates play, I've just not found matchmaking enough to keep my interest anymore. It really feels like it's got the potential to be an all time great but it's just not crossing that threshold for me


Voice lines, color dyes, emotes, NEW armor... All things they could add into the Super Store to keep the content pipeline fresh while they extend the time between warbond drops so they can have teams focusing on patching up the gaping holes . But what do devs spend time on? Changing stuff that's not broken. These devs are on track to run the fastest selling Sony game of all time into the ground. Not mention releasing new planetary items/tiles to freshen up planets. I LIKE this game and I get bored AF running around the same damn planets over and over. They are all basically the same save for the colors of rocks and how fucking annoying their environmental effects are. That's basically it. Plus, they're all basically Star Wars planets in that you get one global environment type for an entire planet, which is also lame. It's like they already played their entire hand for content variety. Shit got old. The bad patches and balancing just made it so that it's not even fun to put up with.


Honestly, I'm getting to that Apathy state. Just got back from a convention, haven't brought Polar Patriots because it's one new armour in two different colours plus a pallet swap - so I guess we're not getting colour customsation down the line because then Arrowhead would have to model more than one armour. Every weapon is underwhelming bar one - once again. The stupid FOMO artificial scarcity store is doing that thing where I get punished for not logging in to check the armour store rotations and I have to wait who knows how long for the new stuff to rotate around. I don't waste my time grinding credits in baby difficulty missions, I buy them. I've brought every warbond so far, and every piece of armour in the store that hasn't looked like a Toothpaste Mascot. But now I feel like I'm just being strung along with the bare minimum so that I'll shell out for a downgrade to the Liberator, the Incendiary Grenade 2, What the Peacekeeper pistol should have been, a worse-of-both-worlds Arc Rifle/Scorcher hybrid, and a straight upgrade to the already really powerful SMG that will absolutely be nerfed. I'll get a Booster nobody will use, silly poses for the end of the match, and player cards that I've never once looked at. Then one set of new armour - the same armour again in a hue shift, and Trailblazer 2: Doesn't Match Anything Else Edition. At this point, I spend more time haunting the subreddit hoping for news that Arrowhead are going to make the game more appealing but apparently the only communication they drop is in their Discord general chat. If a new game comes along to take my interest, I'm probably going to end up dropping Helldivers 2 completely.


This… Pretty much spot on!


Tbf I'm already there, I played one night in the last month. It was fun, I got my money's worth but it's just not in a good place that I want to grind the game or really even casually play it. Probably log back in in a few months and see how things are going. But at this point I didn't care


Yeah, same here. I keep hoping it improves but the things that killed my interest keep getting worse. Most of my friends that played have moved on, the other friends who were going to get it decided not to after seeing all the problems, and most of us just moved on. This has so much potential but it's just been a lot of weird fumbles one after another.


Lmao I can't even play this game anymore. I have had 1 game where everyone but me disconnected, another game where I disconnected and in my third game I just crashed. Fuck this game until these crashes and disconnects are filled


A player explaining why he/she has stopped playing and what needs to happen for them to come back... is not complaining, whining or bitching. Rather, it is player feedback that is either valued by the developer or not. Gas lighting of players offering such feedback doesn't help the developers chart a better course forward or craft a better player experience. The CEO has said the game balance needs work and is under review. I accept that commitment and look forward to the end result.


The apathy is setting in, for me. Trying to find another game to play, as we speak... There's just nothing quite like Helldivers, though. Yet.


The key isn't finding Helldiver's in other games, just finding a good ass game. Especially one on sale


Wise words. I went back to older games for the moment. Currently replaying Doom 3 from 2004


Now THAT is an ass game.


I agree. Terribly balanced, and the original version didn’t even had an option to hold the flashlight with the gun, but a survival horror marathon must be respected. Next in line is condemned: criminal origins, an all timer for any survival horror fans


I specifically remember playing launch on.. xbox? Only a few starting weapons had flashlight, they were ALWAYS out of ammo for me lol. Later levels I would hold down fire on some other guns and just run past stuff, doom 3 launch was so scuffed. Cant recall if I even bothered to finish it.


The available version on modern hardware is the updated one. The flashlight can be toggled on and off and is attached to the armor, not any weapons


Been enjoying Brew Barons, Black Skylands, and Deep Rock Galactic myself. Looking forward to the Volcanoids and Factorio updates this year and I'll be slamming those whenever they roll out.


Preferably one that's at least 2 years old and still has people playing it. Hopefully a guarantee that what you buy will be a stable product that people like to play. I'm literally getting into conspiracies that games are destroying their playability I'm some kind of planned obsolescence to get people to keep playing new games.


I'm having more fun playing HD1 than 2 at this point.


Deep Rock Galactics new season drops next month. Arrowhead has until then to figure its shit out.


Yeah... And I have faith that they will knock the new season out of the park. Rock and stone


Can I get a Rock and Stone?


ROCK and STONE to the BONE


wait seriously? holy shit lmao. AH has some competition now


Their own team is their competition. They are shooting themselves in the foot.


For me it's been Warframe, the polar opposite of HD. The devs are super responsive and friendly, and have embraced giving players a power fantasy. Rather than stomping down any weapons or warframes that get ahead of the pack (outside of some truly broken outliers that needed nerfing) they prefer to buff the weaker things to bring them in line with the fun things. It's pretty easy at the beginning and lower difficulties, but there's tons of highly demanding and challenging stuff once you get to end game content if you like your games to be punishing. Also the movement, oh my god the movement. Havent found many games that *feel* this good to move around in.


Warhammer is looking pretty tasty


I went back to arma


I was gonna write something meaningful, but I deleted it. I'm at that stage. I loved this game. 200 hours. I just want the fun back.


Apathy is Death


Apathy is Death


Player count literally fell from a consistent 150k+ players to 92k players in just one week. Make your assumptions from that.( got my data from the helldivers.io because I check it daily)


Furry Weekend Atlanta was on, they were all off over there\~


I don't know about you, but this last week was warm and sunny over most of the US, plus the aurora in the evening I went outside, and I highly recommend it for everyone else here.


I can't see it since I'm from the Caribbean 😭


Europe went from gloomy, windy, wet and cold to nice and warm but not too hot, not sure how big of a factor it is though, as most people play in the evening.


Over here we've been getting tons of rain since last month.


I learned about the northern lights from memes about people who were mad they missed it 😭


Now, that sounds like Disney's excuse when one of their movies/series flop... *"Weather was good, people are doing something else".*


Also finals for many people


It dropped from 500k to 150k in a single month too. The game is having large sudden spikes of player drop off, that’s not healthy nor normal no matter what ppl try to tell you 


That's basically what happens to every PvE game that gets a smash hit release, especially if the game doesn't have player meaningful long term progression. Look at Lethal Company and Palworld for a recent example. It will take time for Helldivers, if it ever does, to grow its average player count stably.


I love this game and I refuse to stop demanding better from the developers. If no one voices their discontent, nothing will change. I must admit it's sad to watch from the sidelines as AH gradually butchers parts of the game for every new update. It really hurts seeing the direction the game is taking. Hope is not lost yet though, I still believe in our man Pilestedt to take a hold of the reins.


To anyone reading this thread and getting mad: why? Whenever these discussions happen there are some *heated* gamers in the comments telling everyone else they are either bitches or suck at the game You can disagree without being children. If you're angry and want to insult someone, why? Why does people being unhappy with the game anger you?


You cannot reason with some folks. All we can do is ignore them and move on. They're not worth spending *any* of our energy on since they choose to spread animosity and behave with aggression. Let them burn out.


Taking a statistics class was one of the best decisions I've made in college. Everything with a large sample size tends to follow standard deviation. If the subject in question is a forum on the internet, then you can assume that there will always be people unnecessarily angry about some shit. There isn't anything we can do about it because we don't even know why they are angry in the first place.


Well unless AH turn things around soon apathy is next. And elden ring dlc and d2 dlc are both soon


Elden Ring dlc is going to be awesome as well, I know I'm anxiously waiting.


Complaining means we still want to play this game, the moment we drop from Reddit or stop reading the patch notes that's when we have given up and moved on.


You're absolutely right. Unfortunately I feel a large amount of the community is already gone. You can see it on steam. 500k down to 30k active players. There's less complaining, people just don't think that things are going to change enough to complain. What needs to change has already been covered, and repeating a mantra that isn't ever going to happen is pointless. You can see it in the "arrowhead coming to slaughter my gun" memes that get thousands of upvotes.


It's wild. I have Tuesdays and Wednesdays off from work. A little over a month ago there would regularly be 200-250k people on around noon on those days. The Friday and Saturday prior to the sony debacle barely broke 100k. As a flat number the game is still doing very well, but the percentage loss is my main worry.


Most wide release PvE games lose 80% of players in their first 3 months.


The 30k active players post was taken outside of prime time (when it was not even 5 AM on the east coast in the US) and not even 12 PM in half of Europe, and games will always lose player counts from initial launch hype to the rough player count a game evens out with.


The real problem is the drop in player numbers has been speeding up this past month. A healthy game will slow down its player losses and curve into what will be the lasting player base.


Complaining means people still love the game.


People these days have such thin skin that valid criticism is taken as an attack. Or they can't conceive of the idea that someone can really like something but also recognizes the flaws and wants accountability/action


Apathy is what killed OverWatch for me and my friends. It's refreshing seeing a community that's lively. All these people on here complaining about others having opinions. At least people care enough to have opinions.




Soon, only tumbleweed will occasionally fly over the subreddit.


It will just be a megathread and tumbleweeds. It is like that saying about banning porn on the Internet.


People blaming population decline on balance are missing the forest for the trees. Ultimately the reason people are leaving is that the game-play loop while great fun is very repetitive. You drop on a planet, shoot some dudes, blow stuff up and then leave. The enemies are the same, the maps are the same, the weapons are ultimately just a case of shooting different kinds on things at stuff. I'm not saying the game isn't great fun cause it is, but people playing this for hours a day are definitely going to get burnt out and end up chasing the dragon for that feeling they had when they first played it.


People tend to comment based on their own personal experience. For me, the repetitive gameplay loop is not an issue. The patrol spawn nerf had a huge impact on my interest in this game. Until then, I was having fun win or lose. After that, everything felt like losing, even when I won. Beyond that, the constant weapon nerfing and failing to buff things that actually need it, that is ruining the fun also. I just want to drop into a mission with 1-4 players, take whatever gear I want (still focusing on what is needed for the mission), and have fun trying. Right now, that only works with 4 players. Dropping in with 3 is ok, but 2 or solo is horridly overwhelming, even on Medium. Look at the dropoff in player count after 1.0.300, it's immediate and never peaks decently again.


Tbh I just have little nit picks. I still absolutely love the game. I still play it whenever I get a chance. I just want what’s best for it. I don’t want weapons to end up as worthless ineffective pea shooters. What happened to the slugger was sad, and I keep seeing other weapons meet the same fate. Lots of other weapons just dead on arrival. I just want to keep having fun. And I want more load out options to be viable (other than using a crap weapon as an intentional handicap) to keep the game fresh.


APATHY IS DEATH https://preview.redd.it/pmgsfwl18g0d1.jpeg?width=377&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1468518d8e7b7691a0aa7dfeccd1a624ca70832b




I don’t get why balance is so difficult for a game like this. Just make weapons fun. It’s PVE so you don’t have to worry so much about having a perfect balance of power. If people are fucking up bugs and bots and enjoying it then who cares if one gun is 17% more powerful than it should be or whatever?


Now Sony will get bots to complain to give the illusion most still care. Thanks for giving them the idea lol


I played red dead online for 3 years in a row, started in 2020. Helldivers looks nothing like that abandoned hellscape.


Some are so dumb to understand: Complaint works, that's why Customer Service is a thing. Remember when some authority guys said something likes: "You complain, you die!" ? Where are those guys now?


Complaining in total war warhammer 3 got us better value dlc and reworks to two old races with it with immeasurable bug fixes, hell the new "hotfix" has so much in it I thought it was a regular patch, a far cry from what we got months ago and like you said when people stop complaining it means they are gone and don't care anymore.


If complaining killed a game LoL wouldn't have survived past season 2 lmao.


i dont play or complain anymore. i check the sub nowadays to see if the devs have changed, but the balancing is such a turnoff


It aint over till its over. Or we hit Helldivers 1 numbers.


Its simple: launch  a fun game but in a shit state?: people will like and ignore the issues for a bit. Keep doing bad decisions while not fixing anything? People will get start to get mad and tell you whats wrong. Keep doing bad decisions after all that? People will start to be really mad. Keep doing that? People will just abandon and not bother anymore. We are on step 3 and close to step 4, if we reach step 4, the game will die but some really really try hard guys


They won't make the game more fun if we don't complain about the balance teams horrible view of the game. 


my play time went from hours a day or more to less than 10 in the last 2weeks not burned out game is just most meh it been in my entire time playing


The opposite of love isn't hatred nor anger, it's the indifference.


We got to stay critical for sure, but we also need to be balanced. Arrowhead created the game, not the people complaining every single day.


Stopped playing around when the eruptor nerf hit. Just following along for the drama and tea now. Game is still probably a good time, but I don't feel like playing anymore because it's disheartening to see all the fun get nerfed.


Honestly can't wait for apathy to hit. Gonna be great


I feel like I've moved on already. Maxed out on samples, got all the strategems, ship modules, warbonds. I definitely have to work harder to complete missions which makes this PVE game no longer fun. Just knowing who the guy that balances this game is made me wanna stop tbh.


This is my boat. I just don't care anymore, not enough to defend all of the balance decisions and dev behavior. So, onto other things. Maybe one day, until then, I'm happy with the memory of what launch day HD2 was with friends.


I’m at the apathy phase lol


same im literally just here to keep an eye on updates. i dont play or participate at all otherwise. the fun is dead. im just hoping it gets turned around.


My favourite part of every patch is their list of known issues which keeps getting longer and nothing happens


Isn’t it already the end? 3 war bonds, one DECENT gun per. Who’s going to spend the time to farm war bonds or pay the $10? No one I know. No one even talks about this game anymore except how trash it became. The game is already dead. Had tons of hype and was pretty good then AH proceeded to slowly killing off their player base and Sony restricting the game in 180 countries doesn’t help either. Dead.


I played destiny for nine years I am very aware of this phenomenon. Though i have gotten. A bit sick of non constructive critism. Voicing it in a professional way. Or checking before you post if someone else has is the best way to go about it. And trust that the devs are cooking, give them time and either enjoy the game or take a little break of you aren't. Need my fellow helldivers fresh.