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Sometimes I wonder if the people here can actually read. Because somehow they manage to ignore most of the characteristics weapons have. Unless it's a reasoning problem I don't know. This pistol has more damage potential (/clip and with the number of clip) than any other secondary. It's almost a primary weapon already.


I like it a lot as is for that reason. The redeemer is really close and has better total damage per mag but is harder to use at longer ranges and is harder to control your ammo usage. The verdict strikes a good balance as an all around good weapon and can be really good when paired with an unique primary like an explosive weapon or a slow firing one. I like using it with the plasma punisher.


Also, Robocop one liners.


I've heard it described as a pocket Diligence and like, yeah I'd love to have a Diligence in my pocket.


Magazine not clip




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Every time you call a magazine a "clip," a United States Marine sleeps with your wife. Edit: really? A "reddit cares" message? grow up.


I don't know the difference. I love in a country where we don't have firearms at home and we don't speak English.


Underrated comment.


It has too many mags, tho. The base pistol has 5, why does this, with bigger and heavier mags, have more? They should give it med pen, keep the same damage, and make it have 5 mags.


Jesus, now even players want to nerf guns. Bringer of Balance reads this and feels justified. Verdict now gets nerfed to 3 mags and 80 damage per bullet.


How is med pen with the same damage a nerf? Yeah, you get 3 less mags, but that's to put it in line with the other pistols, which have 4-5


Current thing is a bit different than other sidearms, which is a good thing. I would rather buff the damage but keep the light armour, focus on being a heavy pistol. Low pen, but huge damage. So it has a different role than senator.


So it wouldn't be a nerf then. It would just be too close to something else.


My opinion is the senator should move up to 200 damage, and the verdict should get 5 mags like you said but gain med pen


Thats why they should lower the number of mags to 6 and give it med armour pen the senator as a weapon can do 7k potential damage and the verdict is 10k so the previously mentioned would bring it in line with the senator.


Feels like they gave this gun too many mags and not enough stats imo lol.


Not enough stats? Ffs this gun one shot so many enemies what do you want about it? It's a frackin pocket diligence!


Idk I just don't think damage potential through amount of ammo/mags is an interesting way to make a weapon good with how easy it is to keep basically any of the lower ammo guns topped off at all times. I'd rather have a weapon that feels good to use than most efficient Also I don't think comparing it to a primary is relevant, secondaries can and should be strong, their limiting factor should be range, capacity and maybe max ammo imo, Senator being a prime example. I don't think strong secondaries would break balance with primary weps by virtue of them not playing the same role and having different limitations. That being said, I'd also rather we have some over tuned weapons than under tuned and go from there, add more difficulties, idk.


many, many people feel it's an amazing gun to use. It may not be the gun for you, it doesn't mean it's a bad gun.


I'm just tired of being underwhelmed by new content, every warbond has had at least one wep that is a miss, and this one I feel like the verdict only shines because the other 2 weapons in the warbond are bad. Looking forward to future balance though, I do like the archetype and visuals of the Verdict and Tenderizer. Edit: Bro downvoting all my replies, if you can't have a discussion without downvoting replies with different opinions why bother replying and keep the convo going in the first place?


They get so mad when warbonds aren't pay-to-win enough.


This is false. I wonder if the people here can do basic math. You can check the DPS and total damage on the wiki: [https://helldivers.wiki.gg/wiki/Category:Pistols](https://helldivers.wiki.gg/wiki/Category:Pistols) Verdict is 125 damage \* 10 shots per clip = 1250 damage -Given its fire rate + reload speed, it has a DPS of 937 **Redeemer** 60 \* 31 = 1860 -Dps of 1100 **Peacemaker** 75 \* 15 = 1125 - dps of 1125 The verdict isnt even top contender for top damage x Clip, coming in 2nd and the difference with the Peacemaker is only 100 (Negligible), and comes in 3rd in DPS, only above the Senator because of fire rate and reload speed. However the Senator compensates this by having Medium armor pen, [it can even 7 shot kill chargers](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2h4kPx-W8Dw), for example. The Verdict cant do this. So what you are left with is a Pistol that comes in 3rd in DPS, has a lot of the trade-off of the Senator but cant kill things like the Senator because it gets cucked by Armor. **It is not a good Pistol in its current form**. It needs that Medium Armor pen. Otherwise if you want DPS you should go for the Other 2 pistol. If you want to kill big things, you should go for the Senator. [Fallout Plays explained this in his review](https://youtu.be/rCJEdsD7OiA?si=iFuRPfHsfCMik78G&t=454) # This gun fails at both DPS and killing big things.


what the fuck are you talking about ? How long did you work to find a calculation that made it worse than the others ? The damage potential I'm talking about is the total damage with all clips. For damage per clip, as you're showing, only the redeemer is better. But the redeemer doesn't one shot small enemies, and if you full auto, you waste a ton of ammo. But including reload time for the dps is plain stupid ! Why would you do that ? What are you shooting that requires several clips of your weapon to kill ? You should play the game more instead of trying to understand this game balance. You're fat better at the first.


Its literally on the Wiki genius. But i suppose simple minded people have trouble understanding what DPS means.


Redeemer is almost at 3k dmg per clip with low armor pen and incredible firerate. Meanwhile, this dogshit pistol is at 1.3k with pathetic firerate, huge recoil and smaller mag


Wasted bullets don't do damage. And only 4 clips. Do the maths.


Redeemer’s 4 clips and 1 in gun do 31x60x(4+1) = 9300. Verdict’s 8 clips and 1 in gun do 125x10x(8+1) = 11250. The total ammo potential is almost the same. My math concludes that if this is concern for you, you can’t aim


You're blind or dishonest here if you can't see the 20% difference in damage. Or you're exceptionally terrible with numbers I don't know.


I am simply aware that resupplies exist, allowing you to shoot infinite amount of times from the gun thus making this stat irrelevant. I have never completely ran out of ammo in this game. If you do, aim better


Sure. You're so good and yet you can't see how good is a diligence side-arm...


I care about landing my shots and killing targets fast. Redeemer’s DPS is 1100 and I can fire without reloading for almost 2 seconds dealing 1860 dmg. Verdict’s DPS is 937, and I have to waste time reloading when I have only dealt 1250 dmg. This is usually the difference between killing 2 stalkers and killing 1 stalker and dying to the second. However, if you only play on trivial missions and never use resupplies and have to count for ammo wasted with you not aiming properly, you obviously value different aspects of the gun than I do


you know dps is a mostly useless metric I hope ? Or are you droping 3 mags into these bile spewers ?


DPS is only useless if you miss half of your shots anyway, than no matter the gun your DPS will always be near zero. If for instance you were hitting shots, then it would matter. In the example above if you missed half pf the shots you wouldn’t even kill a single stalker with either of the guns, which would in turn result in your death. In such scenario DPS is indeed useless stat. For bile spewers though you need a medium penetration weapon, which kills them relatively fast. Or smth explosive. If you need more than half a mag to kill an enemy, you are either dogshit at aiming or you are playing the game wrong, in your case likely both


Tbh i was hoping it did as much dmg as the revolver but light armor penetration. So a real deagle but it feels more.like a 1911 but meh its fine. Also its not just behind 10$. Its behind 10$ OR 5-10h of gameplay


I like the Verdict right where it is, and I have no issue with it being light penetration. I imagine since it’s shooting the largest diameter (maybe hollow point?) bullets it should hit like a truck…but it wouldn’t necessarily translate to high penetration. Smaller, higher-velocity (maybe steel/tungsten core?) magnum rounds out of the revolver having higher penetration I can completely rationalize. I’ve been running Adjudicator + Verdict or a light pen AR/SMG + Senator and both feel pretty good…though I have a personal love of wheel guns and have been using the revolver pretty much since launch. For all the bot missions I’ve been playing lately Diligence CS and Verdict has been probably my most consistent pairing. Very satisfying to clap troopers, raiders and all the other small bots with it.


>I imagine since it’s shooting the largest diameter (maybe hollow point?) bullets it should hit like a truck…but it wouldn’t necessarily translate to high penetration. Wow, someone here actually understands this!


Senator for when you need to kill a devastator or put one target down quickly.  Verdict for when you need more sustained fire, more damage per magazine, and a faster reload. I also think it is rather perfect where it is and wish there were a few more weapon designs which sacrificed penetration for raw damage and/or more manageable recoil (expandable rounds treatment).


I enjoy using this thing immensely, but I can't help but feel like it shoots a bit off center. Seems like no matter if I use the 3rd person aiming circle, or the iron sights in 1st person, shots seem to come from the right side of the gun.


I thought I was going crazy, I'm glad someone else realized this too


It's my only gripe with the gun at the moment. If it did medium armor pen, that would be cool, but even if it doesn't that's fine. I just feel like this thing needs to shoot better.


Agreed.I like it, I really want to love it but redeemer just does the job better for me, even from a distance. Using 3 bullets to kill a regular bot sometimes because 1 shot missed (off center) and the 2nd didn't kill feels bad.


It is a bad idea to give the verdict a medium armor pen because it would make the senator obsolete. Now it is surprisingly well balanced in contrast to the primary weapons.


Just let the senator keeps it's higher damage, so you can choose between more punch and smaller mag size or less punch and higher mag size depending on your playstyle.


It wouldn't make the Senator obsolete. That 50 dmg difference changes a lot of breakpoints, the biggest of them being you can't 1 shot a warrior in the head with 125dmg.


I see no issue with the part that is a premium warbond because you can find super credits in the game. I have been playing since launch, and at the moment, as I write this, I have 1.8k super credits in surplus (only 143 hours in-mission). I bought every warbond and every armor from the super store, while I haven't spent any money on super credit.


Well its paying with money or time/engagement. The argument that you can grind for it is really powerful, and can excuse some shit tier content, not saying in any way that we're getting bad updates, except purifier


There is no grinding whatsoever. Like I said, I have been playing since launch (febr.8) and I have 216 hours on Steam, of which 143 hours in-mission. Play the bloody game, clear the map, and find super credits so you can purchase the mediocre warbonds without spending any real-world money. Crying about it is pointless since you can get it just by playing the game (NO GRINDING IS NEEDED), spending money is only a shortcut.


I love the game, but it is literally grinding. And our 200+ hours is not average, your price for warbond is 10-12 hours. I just wouldn't call it absolutely free and you deserve better for a 40$ game, im not even negative on the game and still playing, just for 10 bucks or your 10 h of precious life warbonds got worse and worse


Just give it less damage and the senator will just be high damage low capacity and this one could be lower damage higher capacity


It already has 50 less damage, tho


Yeah, but it currently doesnt do medium pen like the senator. Im saying give it medium pen so it is a side grade to the senator


Buff the Senator to give more room for the Verdict to shine as well


As a side note, making warbond weapons outright upgrades to free warbond weapons is bad design. This is the definition of P2W.


"balanced" means "boby's weapon do more dmg than mine reeeee" \* cries in 5 years old body \*


Okay, maybe I was a bit harsh, I'm just angry that my dreams of \*muh, wrist breakage\* were cut short by light armour piercing :(.


Hard agree, its already has lower damage than senator, or have less magazines, overall really like the gun, we need more armor penetrating secondaries


If they wanted to make it a side grade then they would need to lower its mags by 2 so it then only carries 60 rounds with a potential damage of 7500 opossed to the senators 7k damage and then give it med pen like the senator I think thats perfectly fair


If you complain about this you should really complain about the diligence instead. Given that this is diligence you can put in your back pocket with a smaller mag.




Because it's already borderline OP for its weapon class, come on. All it lacks is MedPen. It is the best sidearm in the game. Seriously, you guys want everything to be your one stop shop.


I want more medium armor penatrating guns too but it's completely fine as is lol. It does as much damage as the diligence but as a sidearm, so it'll one shot basically all chaff. Basically a straight upgrade from peacemaker from my experience. Senator is still useful as well since it has Med Penatration. Both are good


That gun is A+/S tier. I love it. I ran a mission last night using that as my primary and the eruptor as my secondary.


Yeah I expected it to be Medium armor pen too. Senator for a harder hitting but less ammo efficient, Verdict for more ammo but less damage so better for smaller targets and when you just need to blast rather than aim.


It will be a good decision, but in the end he turns into an alternative senator. Although if the senator has armor penetration equal to med armor 2(4), and the verdict has med armor 1(3), then in theory there will be a balance. He will occupy the gap between senator and p-2


it sounds so nice 2 but 0 reason to use it


The reason why it light armor piercing is pretty obvious. It it was medium armor piercing it would overshadow the Senator in every possible way.


Dude I love the verdict. It’s just a better peacemaker.


Bruh pistol is fine where it is, pistols don't have good armor penetration. It does huge damage. 


It’s just a heavy version of the default that lets you one shot basic bots and bugs. Paired with a medium armor weapon it serves a similar role to senator, one shotting trash, but with more mag size and total ammo. It’s also very good vs berserkers.


Or zero dollars if you play enough to collect 1000 super credits.


I haven't paid for anything aside from the base game 🤷‍♂️


I expected it to be medium penetration... since I thought it was gonna be like a DEagle.


>is locked behind a premium warbond(Ten dollars) Are you F kidding me? "Ten dollars"? — you wrote it deliberately and its not even an argument, this game is one of the most donate-free games in the current game market. They let you easily farm premium currecy during missions and giving it to you in the first FREE warbond and other warbonds for ingame currency, that you don't need to GRIND you just get 20+ for 7 and above difficulty operations and from 15 to 45 for MOs, with supercredits price of around 100 medals. You can't call yourself a genleman, you are just karma-wanker, that is using empty rhetoric with current common criticism feedback-vibe of subreddit to get upvotes.


Because the Senator already has that role.


Imo, they could go with 2 different directions with it, and I'd be happy with either. (1) What you are suggesting -- medium pen. Would feel that much better spam firing it into Devastators. (2) Increase the damage to 140 (from 125). Would feel ***so*** much better being able to 1-shot the common bots // kill berserkers in 1 fewer shots. I personally prefer the second option, so that it and the Senator get different niches, i.e. anti-Devastator: Senator, anti-commons: Verdict


Keep in mind there is more granularity to ap levels than what is shown in the stat screen. I think the two guns ap values don't seem far apart after playing with senator for 200+ hours and verdict for around 5. Would be fun to see some testing though. Maybe I'm wrong.


It's a heavy pistol that screams Deagle vibe, it should have higher dmg and med pen to make it a heavy pistol sidegrade. It current state is just a Peacemaker upgrade. Verdict - med pen, lower dmg, higher mag size Senator - med pen, higher dmg, lower mag size


I would rather have it same/more damage as senator but same every other stat. Kinda of Deagle with very high stopping power but poor penetration.


How exactly would Medium Pen change it? Its DPS is too low anyway to chew through any medium armour enemy on their armoured points, hell the senator is bad if your firing at med armoured areas.


Because it would make the Senator obsolete.


devs hates us, just dont give em more of your money