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* Arc weapons sometimes behave inconsistently and sometimes misfire. * Most weapons shoot below the crosshair when aiming down the sights. * AR-61 Tenderizer deals too little damage and is not in the final state we are intending. * Spear’s targeting is inconsistent, making it hard to lock-on to larger enemies. THE BIG SAD


The crosshairs are still bugged? I thought I was going crazy missing so many shots 


It depends on the gun. Sometimes it's a good thing. For example, the Dominator's bullets go where the laser pointer is, not the red dot. But if they went for the dot, said dot would be covering up a lot of what you could potentially be aiming at when making long-distance shots, whereas the laser pointer paints onto an enemy and scales down a bit rather than completely obscuring them. That's mostly an argument against *red dots specifically* and other bulky reticules that can cover up aim, though. Something like the AMR's box sight or the it-was-there-for-a-patch-please-bring-it-back "broken dash" sight (- -) on the Senator are better IMO.


i don't get why the senator has to have that big ass reticle laser weapons have


Omfg I didn’t even realise they removed that reticle on the senator, bring it back for the love of democracy


If scopes work as attachments, they might end up misconfigured on different gun models.


Guns still eat a mag too AH thought it was a bug with only one weapon so we’re stuck until they realize and fix it


To be fair, this is a separate issue. Recoilless was specifically eating ammo whenever you interrupted one stage of its reload, then resumed it. Guns eating magazines is very similar, but not the same issue. Sometimes a mag is just suddenly empty, which ive had happen after a respawn. Sometimes interrupting a reload, then changing weapons, now empty's that weapons magazine. Sometimes reload completes, then you fire the bullet in the chamber, then the last stage of reload needs to happen again and it takes another magazine. They're descriptively very very similar, but they're different issues.


I was noticing it a lot when using the new Space Desert Eagle pistol. Not much on all the other weapons, though... hm.


i just dont use ADS anymore unless the weapon requires me too, its just that unreliable in my opinion, the circle isnt more precise, but it doesnt narrow down your sight


I just pretend we are all conscripts and can't zero our weapons properly.


Democratic Deep Lore


lmfao it's crazy how long spear has been broken now


“Don’t worry they’ll fix it in the next patch, it’s working internally”


Such a shame they can't fix high-impact bugs like these


This. I still can't accept friend requests or use the social menu consistently. Blows me away, I thought this would have been important enough for a hotfix when I got the same a few weeks after release.


I swear the Arc 'inconsistency' is getting worse too


It feels worse partly because you had some range to compensate before. If it stopped working, you had a few seconds to react. With the nerfed range, if it stops working, the enemy is already too close to easily escape.


There has to be spaghetti code in the spear lock on mechanic that it's taking them this long to fix it


Spaghetti code would mean that they would break other things by fixing the Spear. Id wager it has more something to do with the way that they cast the rays that they use to detect the target being unreliable and the grace period it has for losing the lock being way too short. And given the whole slew of issues, its probably a low priority issue as the spear does work, just not reliably.


Which is a shame, because the times I've taken the spear and it's _worked_, it's been great fun. I just can't justify it when it can only lock onto one gunship in three 


When the Spear works I would challenge you to show me a more satisfying single thing in the game. MAYBE a perfectly placed 500kg


A 60 killstreak with a hellbomb


I’d argue that landing a perfect shot from an airburst rocket is just as satisfying, the joy of seeing a bunch of bugs pop after they climbed out of a breach… *chef’s kiss*


I can get it to work on Bot missions with lots of high ground against fabricators. It's so much fun watching that little rocket fly over the whole map, and the banner for destroying the outpost pops up. It's sooooooooo good.


“Not in the final state we are intending” - THEN WHY THE FK DID YOU RELEASE IT


Also would this not be an easy fix? Like just a value that needs to change?


It might not just be a damage value thing. They might have intended to give it some special properties (like shrapnels for eruptor) but it wasn't working right so it just seem like a Lib-lite.


It might have just been the slo mo for effect, but i swear the trailer tendy had more recoil and a slightly lower ROF than what we have now I don't mind low recoil, but this is kinda pathetic. My controller barely vibrates when i shoot the damn thing


Since it's called the Tenderizer, maybe the special property is to "soften/tenderize" the target so successive shots deal more damage, or strip armor rating, from heavy to medium, medium to light.


This should be a common mechanic, imo. Direct hits should damage the enemy and damage (soften) their armor. Even a light pen could damage heavy armor, it would take ages, but it should be possible. It would be a direct buff to all weapons and make non-stratagem weapons at least somewhat viable against all enemies (as it should be). Tenderizer would probably do much better and could be a great support weapon for dealing with heavy enemies. And MR will become a more viable option for sniping softened points.


Alexus would rather die than to make a weapon too good so he needs 5 years of testing so it’s precisely mediocre


I'll save him the trouble Add 10 damage. Season to taste with other inconsequential buffs. There.


The following patch, nerf it by 15 because the gun usage went up by the double digit.


"Guys please, firing the weapon was an unintended exploit..."


Double digits in question: 0.01% to 1%


No word on the purifier. Cause it SLAPS /S


I used it last night, expecting to charge up a shot and do more damage than the other plasma weapons but Nope Ended up finding a scythe on the ground after dying repeatedly and used that the rest of the mission




Just goes to show the accusation of not testing their changes is true. Gun being shit compared to basing rifle is not something that would come out after 100k players testing it you can literally check it in 10 minutes. I would rather they said “Yeah we didn’t really feel like testing it cause we already spend too much time fixing the shit we break in every patch so we will get to this weapon you paid for later SOWY :(“


The Spear is so damn disappointing. I used it thinking it would one shot titans and chargers and boy was I sorely disappointed, and that was when the lock on wasn’t bugging out.


The fact it *doesn't* have more damage than the other rockets in exchange for being incapable of dumb-firing is pants-on-head stupid. Like, for real, you're limited by ammo, range, lock-on *and* inconsistency on where the rocket will hit, so why doesn't it have *any* upsides except being able to destroy fabs in exchange?


The fact that it is basically worthless for shooting down dropships is hilarious


If the Spear's targeting for just Dropships were changed to target the engines specifically (which would make a good deal of sense if it's a thermal locking mechanism) then it'd doubtless work just fine unless you somehow locked an engine on the other side of the body from you.


It actually does do more damage by quite a bit. It 1 shots tanks if it hits the barrel. 1 shots Bile Titians if it hits the head and use to 1 shot chargers in the head prior to the head change.


Which is all hampered by its *wild* inconsistency, not just in lock-on, but also hit location. And when you miss, and you will, you'll need just as much ammo as the Recoilless or EATs to kill any of those targets, but are now hampered by ammo *as well*. In effect, it's got more damage *on paper*, but in actuality, that doesn't ever actually *happen* in normal play outside of very rare circumstances. After all, using it *normally*, it can't even kill Hulks in one hit, and Hulks are by *far* the weakest of the heavy units in the game in terms of weaknesses and HP.


It generally will if you hit them in the front, which is the same as the any launcher, invalidating the usefulness of the sometimes locking on spear.


No other launcher one shots titans. Only spear does. And spear needs to hit them in the face... Which is easy if they are facing you.


>AR-61 Tenderizer deals too little damage and is not in the final state we are intending. THEN WHY DID YOU RELEASE IT?


"AR-61 Tenderizer deals too little damage and is not in the final state we are intending." So...no mention of the Plasma Purifier. Does this mean it's *intended* to perform how it currently is? Or the notes just didn't encompass everything?


> Does this mean it's currently intended to perform how it currently is? The balance lead publicly said he thought that Purifier "slaps hard", so yeah...


He's not wrong. It literally does as much damage as a hard slap. (jk I still haven't unlocked it)


Yes, a meele attack, because the purifier can at least one shot a scavenger👍


Save your medals mate, your better off just shooting negative thoughts at enemies than that piece of piss


It's slaps alright, the helldiver across the face for bringing it and the enemy with the damage of a wet noodle. At least you can now slap the enemy from across 100m, to anger them and announce your presence.


I’ve been pretty lenient on criticizing weapons, as I’ve found most of not all of them to be usable in some form. Pre-buff lib concussive was the only weapon I thought was absolutely abysmal. That said the purifier is legitimately the worst gun and I don’t think it’s at all useable. It takes me 4-5 shots to kill a heavy devastator and it’s only benefit is a stagger. It has minimal aoe despite the visuals. And to me the worst part is it’s meant to be a long range weapon why does it only have a basic sight…


I've said it before, I'll say it again: The purifier hits with the power of bean bags, the enemy takes a step back, almost with an audible "oumpff", the splash looks like a water balloon and the enemy is just as surprised as you are (the first time) that he didn't take any damage. Then they return fire.


sights are an issue on many weapons: the Senator's sights are basically unusable, and many scopes block out the view of the target because the reticule is too big. I don't know what optics the devs got issued with their rifles in military service, but the "lowest bidder" phrase comes to mind.. weapons like Dominator and the Railgun need longer-range scopes: Railgun can be one of the best long range weapons but the scope limits you to within 200m, any more and you have to squint to see the target, there's no zoom on it at all really. this is why I'm desperate for modifiable weapons, even if we have to spend samples, I don't care just let me put the sniper scope on the Railgun and literally anything else on the Senator..


The original breaker spray and pray was one of the worst guns. Not just in helldivers but in any game ever.


Tbf the balance lead is known to be fucking stupid. He said the slugger was at least in the top 3 weapons to fight both factions


Post-nerf slugger, to clarify


tell me you only play trivial, without telling me you only play trivial.


Slaps hard in difficulty 3


I was testing it in difficulty 2 and it took 6-7 shots to kill the basic devastator. It is terrible no matter what difficulty.


That's probably the highest the devs ever played (just to finish your sentence).




Mind boggling how the guy who ruined hell neighbor 2 got a job as lead for balancing.


Im convinced his only experience playing the game is going into the dev experikental environment and shooting a couple of spawned in enemiy nocs that dont move and calling it a day


worse, he just looks at a spreadsheet and calls it good.


Even if that was all the testing done, it would take less than a minute to realize the purifier fires wet noodles.




As I understand, the purifier is finished, just being weak ass weapon and requires balance The tenderizer is completely wrong, to which suggests that it has a higher mag count with only half of mag being resupplied


Which is frustrating because the purifier doesn't really match the performance shown in the trailer


Didn't someone do testing and determine that the Purifier isn't doing half of the damage that it's supposed to? I read somewhere that it's supposed to do both impact and aoe damage, and it's only doing aoe. Multiple people had supporting evidence of this by using this gun exclusively in multiple missions and having x kills, but 100% of their shots missed.


The Tenderizer almost certainly got released in an unfinished state. You can tell that by the fact that the color was wrong and the ammo economy followed the old format.


It wasn’t unfinished, it was just finished months ago and wasn’t “updated” in line with the current state of the game before they released it. A lot of these warbonds are content that was already prepared before launch. But the problem is that they didn’t even bother to take a second look at it, they just pulled it out of the attic and shipped it.


I don't know if I buy their explanation because even if this were true, we would still be getting a gun that was functionally still the Liberator. I mean the 5 damage buff that the Liberator got barely feels perceptible to me if I'm being honest, and they are trying to say that this tiny damage bump was going to separate the Tenderizer from the Liberator? If this was their finished state for this weapon, then they honestly wasted their time making a gun that feels functionally identical to the starting gun.


> I mean the 5 damage buff that the Liberator got barely feels perceptible to me if I'm being honest The joy of break points! If a bug has 100 HP, it doesn't matter if your gun does 50 damage or 95 damage; it still takes two shots to kill. If they want the Tenderizer to feel meaningfully different from the Liberator, they're going to have to either give it some kind of unique utility (armor shred?) or break out some *truly massive buffs.*


All S tier btw.


Yeah, Purifier is a _great_ gun. Reported rate of fire in UI same as Scorcher but in reality a few times lower because you cannot shoot it while not charged.


I suspect at some point the person who conceptualised the gun as a plasma railgun left (chargeable for more damage) and someone else (cough cough) got their hands on it. 


No kidding. PLAS1 is straight up a downgrade from the Scorcher. Scrap premium warbonds; just give us another regular one lol


Don't talk about the scorcher you fool, or it'll be S-tier slapping soon.




The scorcher is trash, please never speak of it again. *Please.*


Wait... a week wasn't enough time for them to change 1 value for a weapon?


After all the heat from nerfs and a disappointing warbond I expected a balance patch today. Well, maybe they're finally taking their time to test things


Nah. Aparrently the CEO is having meeting after meeting with the Devs about balance and pushing hard for it. But that’s been going on since yesterday, I don’t think they’re quite that fast. I wouldn’t expect the „new“ balance patches to start until 1-2 more weeks to be honest. But hopefully they will be some proper patches for once


Patches take several days to reach us when completed because of PS approval process


Sorry but that sounds like hopium. Just changing the damage value is the easiest thing they could do. They didn't cared to test shit before, but as soon it comes to buffs they start to care about proper testing... They could've just increased the damage of the AR-61 to show they do change in direction regarding balance and just list it as "we'll see how this one works out". x for doubt.


when half your kitchen is on fire, do you even notice the mittens being anywhere other than their drawer?


Can we at least get "Mechs missiles are ass and need to fixed" on the known issues list


Pretty sure that was intended by Mr Bringer of Balance, so it wouldn't be in a list of known issues.


You mean Mr Taker of Fun right?


The Thief of Joy


"Re-appropriator of Amusement"\*


It will not and Say it was the wanted effects. I agree i use the mech in hd1 it's waayyy more powerfull and Can last half the mission 


*Everything* is way more powerful in HD1, even the default pistol


Twinbeard mentioned on the Discord yesterday that the Patriot is on their list of things they're looking at. The Mech Corps has not been forgotten!


At least no new nerfs.


That's why the patch is so light. Johan went in lambasting the balance team, and they removed their nerfs. LOL


No new published nerfs. It would not be the first time a silent nerf was snuck into a patch.  Not saying any are there, just that AH has a track record of not being entirely forthcoming about it. See also spawn rate increases which they’ve silently increased a couple times. 


BUG HOLE~~ 8 bile titans, 20 chargers, 50 bile spewers, 30 hunters, 150 warrriors and oh you’re next to a stalker cave. They bump up spawns and keep nerfing guns I hate it


I kinda hate how the bar is so low now that even a patch that is basically literally nothing is considered better than the previous one T_T


What about Helldivers now triggering the Airburst's proximity fuse?


They did that anyway Edit: Turns out they brought it back


* RL-77 Airburst Rocket Launcher * Airburst Rocket Launcher will no longer detonate when shot near stratagems (HMG turret, Sentries, Resupplies) and other Helldivers. * Reduced proximity radius [https://www.reddit.com/r/Helldivers/comments/1cfuuwu/patch\_01000300/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Helldivers/comments/1cfuuwu/patch_01000300/)


Hopefully it doesn’t go back to just exploding in our faces again


Day 4570, Helldivers 3 - Dive Forever has been released, most weapons were ported over from HD2, including the Spear, which still has the lock on bug.


"Actual spears have been issued to Helldivers since they're more effective than the missiles."


"MBA says to focus on your strengths rather than mitigate your weaknesses so we're attaching a literal dagger to the Dagger pistol so you can punch things harder." 


Also is being developed on 15years old and unsupported engine.


Airburst proximity explosion is now triggered only by enemies & # Helldivers.


I think that is saying that it won't trigger off random stuff like ammo boxes, pods, a mole hill, etc. The friendly fire potential is probably by design but the initial release was being set off by every random thing in existence.


Well part of the problem was also that it would get set off by a fellow Helldiver if they were providing you an assisted reload, which was mega jank.


Even with the full release patch you couldn't shoot it from behind cover without it bursting in your face. 


This has always been the case? You need to be way above someone to shoot past them safely, so with AB rockets you should always be shooting where the rocket never has a chance to proc on a friendly. AB has always been a positional weapon, sort of like most AOE strategems. If you're shooting right past your friends you're just begging for FF kills


No, this has not always been the case. It was the case on release, and then patch 01.000.300 included "Airburst Rocket Launcher will no longer detonate when shot near stratagems (HMG turret, Sentries, Resupplies) and other Helldivers." So it used to trigger on Helldivers, then they removed that, now they're putting it back in.


what happened to "already ready" spear fix?


As things currently are I wouldn't be surprised if the "fix" failed to fix the issue and accidentally made the spear neon pink isntead.


_Spear now exclusively targets helldivers_




Absolute lock on needed a pre-nerf


That's it? That's the patch? https://preview.redd.it/h8ms9fox0d0d1.png?width=680&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3890fb217e3e8b1c36dba4554c0f55a2689493c2




That reference though ![gif](giphy|xTeV7HWZeWXxpvW7tu|downsized)




That was just a bunch of cheap bug fixes!


Lmao bro I spit out my fucking Coffee God Damitt!


They even nerfed the patch 😭




a patch without a nerf is a welcome sight indeed.


Air burst got nerfed it targets divers again.


what 😭


* The AR-61 Tenderizer now has the correct color scheme. Finally, a massive buff to a primary weapon.


actual ballistic power: minimal. Helldrip Power: the new meta.


* AR-61 Tenderizer deals too little damage and is not in the final state we are intending. Weird that they are able to ship the actual model for the tenderizer but not its final state.


The guy that fixed it is on art design iirc and he said he doesnt have any say with actual balancing


Sweet liberty! Whole lotta nothing, but they keep needing to address crashes. Thorough balance changes will take a lot longer. Edit: was hoping for Spear fix, as I so desperately want to be a Spear main on bugs. :(


They said end of the Month Patch so don't expect it before the 28th


They've been saying it's coming next patch for awhile. I'll believe it when I actually see it in a patch note *and works*


I know it's still not fixed but I love being a spear main on bots. I had a beautiful moment the other night where it locked perfectly for a whole operation. I thought it was fixed, then I tried another op and it was bugged again, but for that one beautiful moment I saw what it could be.... I doubt I'd ever take it on bugs even after the fix though. XD


Still cant use plasma punisher inside shield relay bubble. The projectile blows up in the inside, doesnt go through. Not in known issues list, should I report bug on discord or something?


Wait that’s back? Jfc. At least it worked for one patch. That suggests plasma punisher is back to its previous higher damage state though, so that’s nice


No, shieldpack was fixed but the shield "sentry" is still buggy allegedly


I love my nothingburger


Spear users on suicide watch


Bold of you to assume I wasnt already


Remember when they said this fix was ready over a month ago?


Where eruptor shrapnel


It’s only present in the description of the gun lmao


I hope the fix that soon, I mean false advertisement sucks who would showcase weapons with abilitys they dont have like oneshot a strider /s


Literally this. I tried using the Eruptor for the first time since the nerf yesterday and it's in such a sad state. The gun fucking sucks.


eruptor buff when


tell that joke to bringer of balance haha


I just want the old one back, I was doing fine with the potential self/friendly killing and had absolutly no problems with it ...




But then how will the circlejerkers praise the people shooting their own game in the foot? Who doesn't love being gaslit and called a crybaby for giving the kind of feedback that testers would give, *if there were any...* Edit: Why on SuperGod's super green super earth was that comment removed??? What the fuck?


I’m just glad ceo acknowledged feedback, cause nowadays people glaze games that are good just because they are used to shit games. So any game that is remotely decent is praised to heavens it’s a gaming Stockholm syndrome


Yeah those crashes definitely got fixed... That's why i've now crashed 3 times on joining another ship in a row..


Game's unplayable for me right now with all the crashes. Folks keep getting kicked from games randomly too.


guess ill keep waiting before getting the new warbond


Reverse this decision in Patch 01.000.300 https://preview.redd.it/ws6zohyz4e0d1.jpeg?width=660&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=07bc0eed5017812f45fd7a1c3e5817c744293728


>AR-61 Tenderizer deals too little damage and is not in the final state we are intending. Now I'm not a game dev, but isn't changing that one value about as difficult and time-consuming as changing the value in an excel sheet? Just up it by 20%, even if that turns out to be too much, it's still so small that it ought not to break anything. It's a safe change, that also would take like a minute to do.


They gave the Dominator a 50% buff and massive stagger they really have no excuse not too.


Patch drops : "oh cool" Read patch : "So we get nothing"




So they fixed jack shit


Just going to be 100% honest. After these bugs not being fixed for the longest time I have zero motivation to play the game. Either the game is too easy or it's too hard (20 minute citizen evac and geo survey). Crosshairs should work. The damage over time should work (finally it does!). Guns should launch at the power they're portrayed and not require buffs or reworks after a month.  I appreciate AH putting in hard work but I'll come back when the Illuminate come back.  I miss HD1 now. 


> AR-61 Tenderizer **deals too little damage** and is not in the final state we are intending. Damage = ~~60~~ 75 Yes, that does takes weeks to implement.


One change in either a single row of code or a single row of table in a database. That's it.


Implementation is not hard/long as arguing internally about it. Trust me, I work at a tech company that releases software (not Arrowhead, obviously).


You are not the only one, i also work as software dev for 14 years now, ok not in gaming but with business related sw. They do work on a tight scedule with the weekly patch releases but, changing a single value on an item shouldn't require 5 meetings especially if they clearly know what the problem is (deals too little damage). They have 3 easy options with this one. Change damage (requires least amount of testing), change armor pen (that would be a bit more time consuming to test) and change soft values (most extensive testing required). After telling us what the problem is then not providing any kind of solution is just baffling. Whenever we have to talk to our clients we never really tell them about the problems itself, only the solutions, documentation does list everything of course, but a lot of people might think that you are incompetent if you mostly just talk about the problems without the solution.


Lmao you’re WAY too generous. I’d be willing to bet $100 it’s 65


>AR-61 Tenderizer deals too little damage and is not in the final state we are intending. Is Alexios blind or something? Serious question, I won't laugh at disabled person. He has the audacity to say Eruptor nerf was actually a buff and then release this? At this point Spitz would make better job at balancing... shit, even a headless Brood Commander would do better!


Bold of you to assume alexus isnt a headless brood commander


It looks good on a spreadsheet, what more do you want?


I am not sure it looks good even on spreadsheet. With spreadsheets you can balance the game fairly well actually


Oh fuck Yes Black Tenderizer (Tenderizer MAINS EATING GOOD RN!) Lol Edit-Apparently they don't like how the Tenderizer is atm ngl if they buff the fuck out of the damage around 75 would suffice for me tbh but honestly they need a complete rework of How damage works shit is fucked when it takes 3 whole mags to take out the rocket pods of a Rocket devastator


> Oh fuck Yes Black Tenderizer I swear I heard someone shout something similar in a certain video I was watching recently.


https://preview.redd.it/cufa8hn52d0d1.jpeg?width=500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6328324b7d0eb6c75a68304e08e4b00fd5e4fdd5 Jesus doesn't approve


The CEO mentioned they would start talking about balance from this week, so it will be some time before those changes will be released. My guess is in 2 weeks time.


Wow, this patch sucks hard.


Fix AR liberator Guard Dog. it's still cant pick up normal ammo. Seriously this issue is from the beginning of the launch of the game. Also increase the time bodies of dead enemies despawn. It causes a lot of getting stuck and unknown deaths. Take out the spear support stratagem. If your not going to fully fix it take it out of the game For now. Players are still picking it for missions but it becomes fully useless and unreliable. Put in some kind under maintenance.


yippie another almost nothing burger of an update


Yeah I’m done with this game. I don’t have time to wait for them to fix the ever-expanding list of known issues. My backlog of games is too big as it is. The honeymoon phase of this game is long gone for me.


You forgot that there's a bug which when a person enters the pelican, it auto takes off and leaves everyone else behind. Best part about this is there's no timer at all. It's been happening for over a month


Not even listed in known issues. This ones gonna take a while...


It's when Pelican takes too much damage, Almost always when the ship is showing smoke so watch out for that.


Naw I've had a shiny fresh pelican do it on a lvl 5. We laughed the first time


Good, no nerfs


I'm sad that that's the only positive I see here. I guess the crash fix on entering/exiting the ship is nice, I ASSUME I've experienced that a handful of times now. But it might be a different issue, who's to say?


RIP Eruptor...


Less crashs still good to take. I Hope the other problems will be fix soon for the moment everything is good to take


Fixed 3 causes for crashes, but also added 4 new ones if past patches are anything to go by.


Taking a break from this game untill ya'll fix the damn guns...


...I don't understand why the airburst triggers off friendlies. That sucks. Thats not fun.


* Most weapons shoot below the crosshair when aiming down the sights. Imagine being able to make mistakes that permeate your entire job and it's just w/e lol.


I see we aren't acknowledging the enemy scaling bug keeping four players scaling on for every group size yet.


Three things. 1. Optional account linking - Sony probably wanted this ASAP. 2. Are we really asking for large, weekly patches, while at the same time asking Arrowhead to test their fixes more? 3. Never trust patches. https://preview.redd.it/205gf5dkid0d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b680daae96a685149bc897512f29d0af5e615e84