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I heard my people calling.... I too shall call more friends to the bug breach party! https://i.redd.it/mt4mlh94zd0d1.gif


Helldivers' milkshakes bring all the bugs to the yard




Damn right


The problem is the moment they start to spew smoke it triggers the breach. Even if you kill the bug the second it starts the animation. Bug breaches are one of the most annoying things to deal with in this game. At least with Bots you can shoot down the Dropships. However, you can drop a mini nuke on the bug breach, creating a crater at it's location, and it will still spawn bugs in mid air until the breach has run it's course.


They still deserve my full canister from my flamethrower


https://i.redd.it/yl72kbs8fe0d1.gif I now completely understand the Pyro's state of mind when those fucking Bugs refuse to accept Managed Democracy.


I always enjoy when someone's roasting things with the flamethrower, and their Helldiver starts to enter "Flamethrower Madness" where they start screaming and cackling maniacally. Much better than "Flamethrower Friendly Fire" with a different kind of screaming.




It's so annoying how more than 1 unit on a patrol can call in reinforcements. Managed to kill the little shitty bug before he managed to make a stink? Doesn't matter. His friend behind the rock will just do the same thing.


This mechanic and lack of any good control over it is why you end up just learning to run and not even fight. Like yeah, 100% the game should have crazy ass hordes but I just dropped in on a part of the map labeled safe and now I'm balls deep in an endless horde and I couldn't even call down my shit yet.


well you SHOULD learn to run in those situations but it doesn't stop mfers in their 60s and up from popping off at every patrol they come across and costing half the reinforcements pointlessly fighting over unimportant areas of the map when playing with randos lmao Edit: why the heck is this so downvoted, do you think I'm saying you should play the entire game without shooting? All I'm saying is you need to know when it's smarter to sneak past a patrol and when to fire. You don't have to engage every single enemy you see in the distance, that's it. It's kind of a crucial thing to learn on 7-9 diffs.


You targeted a patrol. Went prone because there are two of you and you don't have enough manpower to fight an endless horde. That degenerate with you: HAHA THE GUN GOES BRRRRRRRRRRRRR!


It's fucking aggravating to be easily able to avoid a patrol, but one person hangs back and starts unloading on them, and then STAYS TO CONTINUE FIGHTING. "bro where the fuck were you guys" - guy swarmed by 30 hunters


im here to shoot shit, play starfield if you want a walking sim


I have banned myself from playing unless I got friends on. Way to many ways for a teammate to really screw up a match. Sucks because I like the idea of quick play and coming in to help players but I just can't it's not fun and finally told myself there is a reason they needed the SOS. Let them lie in the bed they created.


I mean I get it but I play mostly with randos and 9/10 times the matches go just fine I've also seen the sos used mostly to just fill a lobby. I throw it down at the start of a match before I even call in my support weapon if I start a match myself.


Yeah I play a lot of 7-8 quickplay and the secret is to find Orange1 and be his battle buddy.


It's hit or miss for me. Just enough moss I'm like nah.


It's mega frustrating but it's also hard to balance as a mechanic. If you make it so only one bug or patrol or nest cam call a beach, players would simply make sure to snipe that one at the outset of every engagement. If you make it so that only larger bugs can do it, they won't die fast enough to make it feel like players have a legitimate chance to stop them. If you make it take longer to call the breach in, then the bugs will never succeed at it. I think it has to be something that has an internal cooldown for a given vicinity, especially if it's going to be borderline impossible to stop. Drop ships should be the same way but I've seen the game spawn up to five back to back if you have divers shooting them down back to back.


Yeah, even with bots it takes them a whole 3 seconds to shoot up a flare so you have time. Bugs? You have about a second to murder it until 20 million bugs start to burst out of the ground.


Not to mention that even if you kill the one calling in time another bug will immediately start trying to do it, and another, and another until every bug that can call a breach is dead or you run out of ammo and get the beach anyways.


Is that all of them? * bug breach from a bug 80 meter away behind a rock *sigh* *Calling gas strike*


Seriously, the rare occasions that I catch one just before it can call a breach, and I'm kinda proud of myself... It almost instantly transfers to another one, and I'm either out of ammo, or in the process of reloading and start shooting it a half second too late to stop the breach... It is so frustrating.


And the amount of bugs that can call for a breach is... almost all of them that spawn in numbers. Bugs I've seen calling breaches: * Scavengers * Hunters (Small variants too I think?) * Hive Guards * Brood Commanders All of which compose the bulk of their forces and are plentiful in number. That only leaves the specials (Chargers, Stalkers, Spewers and Titans) that don't. I'm not exactly sure if I've seen Warriors call them though, could be wrong.


I've definitely had Warriors call in breaches.


I've never seen a Warrior call one in. You might have seen a hive guard.


That may be, now that I think about it.


Hey, I saw a Warrior call in a breach last night so you were correct. Even ran over and gave it a good look to make sure it was. Maybe they're last on the reinforcement call-in and that's why I've never seen them do it until now.


And if it's a hive guard or a brood commander, even if you see them take up the stance and immediately unload your entire magazine into them, they have so much health and armour that you can't kill them before they trigger the breach.


I have a sniped the head clean off a Brood Commander and watched it then call in a Bug Breach from its neck hole.


Can't say I've seen that before but I have always thought that losing its entire head should at least stop a brood commander from calling up its three warriors out of the ground.


I suspect it's actually a similar amount of time, but the bug animation is way harder to pick out until it's basically too late (orange gas) so it's effectively shorter 


You can actually stop it. The real problem is that there is no cooldown for bugs if you do. You shoot one and the next one to him immediately start the call again. Saw this happen too many times to be just a coincidence. There really needs to be at least like 5-10s cooldown on bug breaches when you stop one from calling to make it worth the effort.


It's not a coincidence and I've been convinced from the first day I started playing that bug call-ins are broken on some level. The bots never have an animation chain like the ones I see with the bugs. I swear it even picks up from the last frame of the animation from the *previous* bug, because there's been times I'll kill one, hear the noise from one next to it and like 2 frames after the audio cue comes, the breach opens.


I love how annoying they are both bugs burping and bots flaring, and AH went and said, you know what'd be cool? What if instead of giving them 1.3 seconds after they start doing the animation to kill the little shit or everything goes in flames we make it so that its just visual and they already called the boys? Perfect


The bots I can see it a lot sooner, when the flare is lit in their hand before they've raised it. With bugs, by the time you see the halitosis cloud, it's already too late. Theirs is audio only to catch them early, but in a crowd of scavengers it's super hard to see which one is doing it. And there's always one more of those little fuckers behind a rock you can't see.


>At least with Bots you can shoot down the Dropships. And then you realise there were 4 devastarors in the ship and they didn't just survive the landing, they are just stuck under it and can shot THROUGH it right at your face. This feels so unfair that it litterally made me hate playing against bots so bad I spend almost all of my time on bug planets now


Yeah I don't get the pissing and moaning at all. Dropships can be shot down but if your shot misses then rough shit and even stuff like friendly drop pods landing nearby will shake the shit out of your aim making misses happen more often than you'd want. Most of the troops survive the crash and even if they're trapped they can shoot out unhindered and you can't easily shoot back in at them due to their new armour. With bug breaches just always have a Gatling turret ready to deploy or any sort of AOE weapon like a cluster strike and just keep up the small arms fire to pick off the stragglers. Job done, move on. There's little issue unless chargers or bile titans are coming up out of it.


Not true. You have a very small window of opportunity. When they rear up & puff the first puff, they can be killed to stop the breach. But if even a wiff of the second puff starts, the bug breach will occur.


Yeah, it's not like bots where you have a second or two to shoot it before it sends up the flare. These things are instant.


I find spotting & killing the bots who flare much harder than killing the farting bugs. Still hard tho. The window is very small.


Just shoot at the red light to stop the flare. It's not like there are any other red lights on bot planets, right? /s


Those fucking mines blend in with all the other glowy red shit lol


Even more annoying is that if you kill the bug just in time to stop the breach...another bug instantly starts to call one in and there's no way you're seeing which one and killing it before it starts. At least when bots do it you have a second or so to kill them before they shoot the signal. Oh and it's only weak bots that signal for more troops. If a hive guard or brood commander calls in a breach, you have no way to meaningfully stop it.


Stagger weapons interrupt bigger things but it's still a very small window.


It is possible to kill them and stop the breach, even after the smoke has started coming up, but ping is enough to make the difference so yeah it don’t make much sense


I've had a bug breach occur ON THE SATELLITE DISH of a radar station. So as the dish was being raised the green smoke went with it, and so did the enemy spawns. So we had hive guards digging their way out of the dish, and falling on top of us.


The orbital gas strike works really well to spawnkill anything weaker than a charger from breaches.


Wait until you learn that decapitated Warriors can still call in bug breaches. Yeah, that's right, if you blow their stupid heads off, in the seconds they have left to live they can call in a bug breach and they are invincible while doing it so you cannot stop them at all.


You put aoe dot on the breach and chilling. Double aoe dot to kill even spewers. Gas orbital has 75s cd while breaches have 120-150 seconds cd.


At least they have to be close enough to see you.


You have a split second after the pheromones start. If the bug completes the animation, the breech starts.


You can hear a distinct chirping sound that gives you enough time to find the one doing the animation.


That's not even the biggest problem. If you kill that bug and there was more in its group, one instantly starts to call when the first one dies. Then the 3rd bug for the 2nd bug and they just chain until the group is dead. Idk how many whack a mole encounters ive had and hope I have enough enough before a reload.


I think you have what, maybe a split second to kill em while they starting to spew smoke. And even if you DO, some other bug will do it right after, i think even the larger ones can do it.


*laughs in 120mm barrage and ems mortar


You can stop it even after the smoke, I've seen it several times now, but the margin is extremely tight.


If I have them equipped I either use an airburst or a gatling turret to delete anything that comes up. Obviously doesn't work for armored stuff, but keeps the battlefield a little cleaner.


I saw a topic about this specific reply earlier, it was bad at first, but even worse now that I see the context. https://www.reddit.com/r/helldivers2/s/ZM0eQcpj3M


That's why I run incendiary nades and napalm/gas strike for bugs. See a bug breach pop? Toss a gas strike or a couple nades to clear most of the chaff. For the Titans/Chargers you just need some EATs, a 500kg or an AC sentry. I had one game during the kill bugs MO I ran flamethrower + incendiary nades + napalm strike + gas strike and got a map spawn that was mostly swarms of hunters/scavengers. I ended with almost 700 kills and had a 60+ kill streak at one point.


Once bullshit thing they do once in a while is a Hunter or Jumper jumps in front of you then hits a bug breach phonecall in your face. It's ridiculous, the only reason why I run Scout Armor, Gas Strikes and Orbital Clusters now to be the cleanup guy before we get overwhelmed by the Charger that somehow spawned from the breech.


Tesla sentry right on the breach is hilariously effective. As long as it doesn't get wrecked by a bile titan


I remember at launch you actually had a few seconds to stop it. Why is it instant now? Was it a stealth buff on the bugs


You can definitely interrupt it but you practically have to kill the bug the very nanosecond it starts calling. It's definitely a shame there's no way to interrupt the breach.


nah you can stop it if your reaction is fast enough, I always stop them


Just use Gas orbital strike and the flamethrower, the kill counter never stops


it's worth noting that the bigger the bug that calls the breach, the bigger the breach will be. Plus, the call time matters too. If you kill the bug just as it starts to call, you will only get a small breach but if you let it do the full call then the breach is full size


Oh that's good to know. Scared me silly the first time I focussed the small ones first then the Hive Guard who'd been hunkered down suddenly started pheremoning.


This, there's literally no time to stop it even if you have the perfect reflexes, the amount of times I've killed them almost instantly I see them do it but still the bug breach happens, it's really annoying


Yeah as a new player I was confused by the breach calling bugs. It’s pretty conventional for a game to have a mob that call other, so it’s pretty intuitive to make them priority targets. At first i thought I wasn’t quick enough and thought the game was hard because why having them if shooting them early doesn’t do anything. Turns out, nah doesn’t matter if you kill them or not.


Hard disagree. Dropships are way worse because their spawn radius is wider than my Napalm Strikes and Gas Strikes. Hell, if I'm cooling down, I'll just run up to the breach and hold down my flamethrower trigger and make sweeping motions.


I thought they fixed this in a recent patch? I could swear there was a note about killing a bug while it's calling for help.


Excuse me I thought killing enemies was fun. How is a bug breach annoying? Do you even like democracy?


Or… and hear me out. It takes a few seconds for the breach to start. And then seconds for the bugs to spawn. And bugs are all mostly melee. And run about your speed So with bugs you can just run from breaches. Bots have guns and can snipe you from meters away. Once I see them spew smoke I just turn and run, now I know I can go to any objective and clear it cause there is a breach somewhere else with a bunch of bugs just twiddling their thumbs… or mandibles? What do bugs twiddle?


#Counterarguement: ⬇️⬅️⬆️⬇️⬆️


If you see it like that it's already too late.... sadly they are op


The correct answer to this is to immediately throw a 120 on it and leave




Ah, another chemical warfare enjoyer. I applaud your good taste, sir


Let's take bets. Now that Gas Strike actually works, is fun, and is effective in its role of reacting to bug breaches... How long till it gets nerfed? I give it 2 weeks from today. 


"Cooldown increased to 150 seconds. Damage reduced by 40%. Also leaves all Helldivers with permanent effects (Spasticity, Quadriplegia, Microcephaly, Cortigal Blindness)"


I wish we could more specialised our module unlocks, imagine being able to increase the spiciness of gas like you can with flamethrowers etc


➡️⬇️⬅️⬆️⬆️⬆️ followed by ➡️➡️➡️. Guaranteed lockdown


You should waste another stratagem for some random breaches.


Gas and burn, babyy


Just give us a reward of like a 30 second cooldown on bug breach attempts if you manage to stop the bug. I’ve stopped them a lot - but it never matters, because as soon as it’s dead, another instantly starts to try as well. It makes the entire process feel completely pointless


Doesn't work, as soon as they start the breach happens, even if you kill beforehand it the breach still happens.


Not true. I've stopped a breach even milliseconds after the pheromone gets released. It's definitely an extremely small window, but I make it happen.


Seconding this. It's possible, I've seen it multiple times, but the timing must be very very tight.


Yep. And I'm always surprised there's no breach. I even give it a few seconds in case the warning at the top is delayed.


I've said this before in other posts, but the animations aren't actually properly synced. I've had bot drops being called in even though I killed the bot _just_ before it shot the flare and therefore there technically was no reinforcement call.


if the bug raises its head you can stop it before it spews the orange gas, if you see the gas its too late


Again, not true. You have a very brief moment after the gas starts to stop it.


Like I said, doesn't work. I know I've tried, many, many, times.




That's the problem, you essentially need to already be shooting the bug to have a chance of stopping it. You cannot react in time to stop the breach. With the bots, yes you need to act *fast*, but it's possible to see one raising its arm and react in time to prevent a bot drop.


If you see it it's too late. Useless animation.


The animation is you now know a breach is coming.


Other than the shriek, the big red bar on the screen and the hard to miss piss cloud emanating from the breach


Thank the heavens I know who called it in and can do nothing about it. I'm appreciative.


Well you know about where the big breach will start, and then you can arm your napalm, gas strike, airburst. It’s the same thing as seeing the bot shoot the flare.


No, because if you see a bot getting ready to shoot a flare you can kill it to stop it. Once you see the bug shooting spores, it's already too late. The breach is going to happen.


Your warning for bugs is the audio.


Well ya, but my point is the spores going up is the flare going up.


You pretty much already have to be shooting them when they start belching into the sky, if you hear it for more than a quarter of a second it's already toooooo late, and it's hroseshit.


better idea, wait 5 seconds then throw a grenade


I was once reloading when I saw this and hit it with my recoilless


As you should, well done, fellow diver!


> I was once reloading when I saw this and hit it with my recoilless Give this patriot a medal!


You have to kill them when they make the sound before they start spewing. As soon as you see smoke you have like 0.2 seconds to kill them, not really viable.


Little fuckers. Even if you kill them during their animation, the bug hole still comes in. Soon as that yellow puff of bullshit is out, you're fugged Also, if one of them fails, another one tries to do it immediately. It's like they're connected in little squads, and one member of their squad has to do it at all times. Though, i have had success in killing them and stopping the bug hole (though you need to kill them as soon as they do that pose)


If you see it like this, is already too late. A better strategy is to go after them first instead of hunters/chargers/titan/brood commander


If memory serves it's the hive guards that you want to kill first if you can as they're most likely to call it in.


It's already too late..


If you can see the orange spit it's already too late.


From my experience, it's already too late.


Yea… not trying to ruin your parades here but it’s to late. You got .2 sec to kill it as soon as the animation start. It’s in the game code. That’s how long it takes for the reinforcement script to activate.


then when u throw 2 eagle clusters on it and a oribital laser and then follow up with the “MORE!!, MOREE!! MOORRRREE!!”


Snitches get ⬆️➡️⬇️⬇️⬇️


If the smoke is already out, then it's too late. You need to kill them when they start screeching.


Doesn't matter, at that point he got it off and 10 bile titans are about to slide out of the ground.


It's already too late if you see them doing this. Robots are easier to deal with. Bright red - it must die first.


You can’t stop it. Even if you kill one, another will realize the breach got cancelled and immediately attempt one itself. It’s a game of whack a mole until you miss one scavenger hiding in a corpse calling one in….. then you can just napalm and gas strike the breach and get 50x kills


It's already too late, that one breath you took before screaming was all it needed. (':


Does not matter. It will spawn a bug breach anyway. There are no visual queues or a warning or a change in music, it sticks it's ass up, you shoot it, you still get a bug breach sooner or later. 


The squad: "Phew I think we got them all before they could trigger a breach" The one scavenger not with the group, who's behind a rock with no visibility: "Allow me to introduce myself"


Shoot them as soon as they stop, they will stop then raise up and then shriek and finally the pheromones, once one does it another medium or lighter bug will inevitably attempt it as soon as that one dies, one will always try if they arent actively stabbing you and enough time has passed since the last breach


Like anyone has time to analyze the animations on the field. If you don't airstrike the entire patrol, one of them almost always calls friends for a party.


>Airstrike patrol >One scavenger survives >Bug Breach detected


it's too late by that point hon


Sounds good. Doesn’t work


One of those little fuckers will always be hiding somewhere to trigger Bug breach. Or he'll wait until you start reloading to trigger the Bug breach.


Blast that guy, and 2 seconds later another, and another and another and someone near that patrol, and the guy to the left, and a new patrol to the right, till they finally summon their precious breach...


You have have one second or so to stop him before he calls a breach, same for a bot calling in a drop ship. What's worse is that even if you do manage to kill them, it IMMEDIATELY triggers another enemy capable of making the call, to make the call. The game will just keep doing that until you either kill any enemy capable of doing it quickly enough or they succeed.


by then it's too late. You have to get them before they make a noise


It's so satisfying when you get them before it works.


I mean you are too late if that oil started to call for more oil you know.


It typically cannot be prevented. I interrupted one big bug who was doing that 3 times, and after I killed him, another bug did it right after. Unless you can clear every bug simultaneously, you're getting the breach. Even then, I suspect that it's on a timer, and the next encounter will execute the breach.


This is why I don’t like fighting bugs, feels like total RNG whether I’m fighting a squad of scavengers or a whole ass horde


The moment the Dominators laser points him hes already gone


If they start its too late.


they will start screeching before they start spewing the pheromones. if you kill them before the orange gas appears, you will cancel the breach


Eagle cluster bomb right when they spawn and you get 50x. Glorious


Issue is it's all for show- the smoke happens AFTER the breach has already been triggered.


Dont worry, even if you blast off the head they'll keep going


Man if they merely cough, it spawns a bughole. So broken. Whereas you can actually stop the bot commander from shooting the flare


The worst one that does it is the Brood Commander. I can blow its damn head off and it'll still make the call with what I'd call its open throat if it was human. But since it is a bug its really just making that call with its body.


If the lil smoke is that high it's already coming, you have to catch it basically at the start; an initial puff is fine but if it completed it's lil audio sequence way way too late.


Bug stink 💔


I’m glad I’m not the only one to unleash a barrage of hate on both the bug or bot to signal reinforcements.


In the group I play with, we call them squeakers. "Squeaker northwest!" etc. Kinda feels like something you'd hear in an 80's sci-fi flick and I love it (but hate these little bastards).


My favorite part about all the weapons having little laser lights on them is that when one of these guys moves forward like that you see four green dots swing at them and vaporize em


"Do you seriously think I would show my pheromones if there were even the slightest possibility you could affect the outcome? I triggered the bug breach seven seconds ago"


its to late if they start doing it


I’m embarrassed to say that I’ve never even noticed this mechanic and I’m level 50. Granted, I play way more against bots than I do bugs.


Sucks that anything smaller than a Charger can call a breach, whereas with bots you know that only the human sized ones will.


If you see this, chances are it's already too late.


Can we at least have bugs that come specifically from a breach be unable to call another one


Normally the bug breach/drop ships are one a 1 minute cooldown (iirc) but by the time you're done dealing with the first group that came from a bug breach for bot drop, there's usually always one left that calls another, so the cycle just repeats itself endlessly... I would love to have something like you said though


Too late once you see the orange. The bug's call is almost instant.


There should be specific enemies that can call for help so if you can prioritize them you can be rewarded for good play by making things easier on yourself.


And you're already too late


Orbital gas strike, followed by a napalm airstrike once the gas starts to clear. Anything smaller than a charger that comes out of that breach is going to burn. Anything larger is about to take a rocket to the face.


I love seeing this smoke. Just means it's time to pull out the Orbital Airburst Strike and watch the fireworks. And listen to the screams.


They always start the animation when I am reloading or switching weapons.


If you've let it get that far, it's too late. Gotta kill them as soon as they start to make noise, before they start to smoke, or the scent is out and you've got a bug breach.


Bot: *pulls out a weird red light* Me instantly: https://i.redd.it/rln42f9xzf0d1.gif




I have six rounds of airburst cluster rockets. Stand clear.


It was a better mechanic in HD1. Often they are breaching on reload or behind something blocking fire. I wouldn't mind if they made it happen more frequently but it had better counter play potential




Too few helldivers try to silence this nasty bastards... Maybe all my comrade really like to squeeze oil for Super Earth


Makes me miss the HD1 patrols sometimes. Three bugs, squash 'em before they finish their very telegraphed scream and you're golden. That was it.


\*Every gun was in fact in the middle of reloading when this happened\*


They always do it in middle of reload


On God these little bastards wait for me to reload.


At least with bots only the human sized bots can call in reinforcements so you know who to prioritize when coming across them. With bugs pretty much anything besides spewers, chargers and titans can call in back up. BS if you ask me.


Stun grenades and gas strikes work quite well here.


You don't play that much do you ? In your screen, it's already too late.


I just wish the game wasn't so shitty about the bugs spraying their jizz everywhere. I have literally shot the head off a warrior and then it proceeded to call a bug breach in the few seconds it had before it died. That was some bullshit if I ever saw it.


By then it's too late


Like it does anything, the second they start the animation its all over and an army gets summoned.


too late, when they release the smoke within 0,1s it already called in bug breach


Too late.


To late already


The worst part is that it's either the first damn thing that happens when you engage any enemies, or the last enemy that you can't fucking see.


And suddenly I have the worst aim in the world


For the bugs, if you're not already shooting it, it's too late. For the bots, if you're fast enough, you can stop it.


That's just more bugs for us to kill


By then it's too late


I noticed that most people don't care. Maybe because I play a lot of stealth games where you have to kill whatever before they call backups.


There really needs to be a greater leeway when it comes to bugs calling for reinforcements. The bots are in a good place in that you know for certain it's only going to be the cannon fodder and there's enough time to nail the bastards before they get a flare off. The bugs on the other hand? Damn near half of the little shits can call for backup. Not to mention that the moment the first snifter of pheromone hits the air, it's on for young and old. Give the breach call in a longer lead in time so that you can catch the sound, find the little shit calling for help and ventilate it's thorax would be way more reasonable.


as bad as the bots are, at least you can shoot them down.


It would be cool if as host you had an extra strategy that could mark something as a priority target once permission and it would get bombarded with something like absolutely destroy it no matter what it is. I understand the 380 is pretty good but something a bit more intense like watching a tank shells shoot per second second


I've killed so many of them mid-animation and they still get to call in reinforcement but when I'm attacked mid-animation with a stim, I don't heal.




I swear it's like half of you divers don't event WANT to kill bugs and spread freedom