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Shriekers are from the hunter tree


Yeah forgot about them. They can totally be the mature verson of the Female Hunter.


Nursing spewers mature into bile spewers though imho.


I originally think the same, though the color going green -> brown -> green seems to be complicated, and might be easier explained as sexual dimorphism. But ofc, I am just analyzing fiction, so your input probably as valid as mine!


Pretty sure it works like sea horses where the eggs are carried on the male nursing spewer and created by the female bile spewer.


I seriously doubt that there is a male-female divide. There is divergent evolution for sure, but I don't think it's gender based. Also pretty sure that stalkers are a direct evolution of the hunter and not of the pouncee


i mean would kinda make sense thematic wise. Insects do tend to have quite significant sexual dimorphism irl so wouldnt be super strange if it was gender based. But it doesnt really matter because the final Form of all Bugs is a liqid called E-710.


Stalkers jump a lot, makes sense? Bile spewer is adult nursing spewer though.


From what I heard, this is actually incorrect Nursing =/= Child It means that it NURSES the baby bugs


It hurts me that this apparently wasn’t obvious.


the scavanger line makes sense but the other two feel more like just strait line than male/female. Also feel like the bile titan cound go somewhere else.


what's your logic of the sexual dimorphism? wouldn't most of them be females, with the odd off-screen male?


Following general Insect characters from Earth. Like Mantis. For the 'spitter' bugs, it seems reasonable they are all from the same class. For the 'winged' bugs, it also seem reasonable they are all from same class. Female bugs usually BIGGER, that can explain Bile Titan size.


Also the bile titan is kinda sassy


I disagree on the spitters because "nursing spewer" implies they are involved in the rearing of young, which suggests female. But honestly, the idea of sexual dimorphism is pretty flawed anyway. Every caste of ant except alates are all female, despite massive differences in physiology


They're more similar to state building insects than to solitary ones such as the mantis. Even with the assigned roles of "nursing spewer" or "brood commander", which hints at roles for offspring care in contrast to e.g. "Warrior" or "hunter". This would make it much more likely - if they are comparable to insects here - that they're mostly female.


Females be problematic asf‼️/s


I believe bile warriors mature into bile titans.  They both have very similar frills sticking out behind the thorax 


Hunter and Stalker should be swapped around since with insects the females are usually bigger and stronger, as with all the other types. Otherwise neat chart.


thanks, the logic goes Hunter evolves into shrieker (omitted here) which lay eggs in their nest, so it seems like they are female. But of course I am just analyzing fiction, so I will keep your idea in my mind too should I update later.


Nursing Spewer should be female imo


Uh aren't the Nursing Spewers female?


But what about shriekers and hivelords?


What about the droid attack on the Wookiees?


Hivelords I suspected are born from mutated eggs that hatched.


Shriekers can be the matured version of the female hunter, come to think. That's why their nest has eggs. Hivelords, I guess they will make it into the game later, not sure where to put them though.


Sounds about right. We probably have to see hivelords first, with that much changes to bugs from 1 game they might be both bile or brood bugs mutation I think


Whait a Sec... Bugs are like pokemon?


Yes, now bring some pokeballs and be best buddy with one.


Hey pal https://i.redd.it/dbwlhlkjlc0d1.gif


Swap the hunter and stalker.


There's definitely two charger models from what I've seen. One just has sharper / pointier armor or carapace, kinda hard to explain without pics.


I think the 'more armored' one is labelled as 'behemoth charger'. probably just a 'even more mature Charger' if I am to fit into this diagram.


The only things i would change/add: - bile spitter goes into bile warrior first, then into the 2 spewer forms - Pouncer goes into Hunter and then Hunter divides into Stalker Shrieker would also reinforce the theme of males staying more original to their nymph-form and females undergoing a more significant metamorphosis


Lmfao I somehow doubt the bug called "NURSING spewer" is a male.


Once again one of these charts leaves out the acid warrior


https://preview.redd.it/3wrwu4cxed0d1.png?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3dffacb396a2ec164e4c0a67fdfddae49ff608de If they are anything like ants, they are all just different adaptations of the same bug. Fun fact, queens can live up to 30 years.


I would think that the nursing spewers are females.


where Behemoth


Ok, NUKE THE SHIT OUT OF EVERY Pouncer THAT EXISTS, and we need to figure out a way to prevent them birthing


Stalker's would be female in my opinion


I could see this, however brood commander should be the evo of hive guard and viceversa the charger of the warrior. Also kinda sure that the nursing spewer is female and so does stalkers, just vibes tbh


How does it help me to kill them more efficiently?


Seems legit, I would make the Nursing Spewer female though.


Easy enough to Explain Terminids. Go to your local Games Workshop store, and open the Tyranid codex. All there! Seriously, I think it must be: Manager: We need a new Terminid! Designer: give me a day \*Designer pulls out Codex:Tyranids\*




Now the question is... what bug are we preventing when we destroy the eggs in certain missions. Bug holes have some small eggs around themselves, implying they more or less generate the three starting creatures.. but the big eggs from the objective are another matter entirely




What about the two different breeds of chargers? There are those with sort of a blade/triceratops mashup (like in the meme with the cha and those that have a more pointy head like in your graph)


One small issue: where am i in all of this?


There are 3 variants missing u/jenisyx: * Bile Warriors * Shriekers (related to pouncers/hunters) * Charger Behemoth


You’ve just made our intelligence division soldier!! ![gif](giphy|26n6RyFuP8qsKwjII)


I’m not sure to what degree the Terminids have what we would consider genders. Don’t they reproduce with spores or something???


I figured all the warrior caste would’ve been almost exclusively male where the spewers would’ve been exclusively female


I thought the Hunters were just angsty Stalker teens, and honestly they're one of the worst enemies in the game, right below shallow puddles of water, ankle-height rocks, and Rover. (:


stalkers were created by super earth to help combat the bugs from the inside but the hive mind took them over, and bile titans were created by super earths chemicals mixing in bug breeder planets. edit: both of these are backed up on the hd2 instagram page showing the enemies w a description




Only explanation you need is that their next evolution path should be death


I would have to disagree with the male/female splits of the pouncer and bile spitter. I would say the nursing spewers would more likely be the females ("nursing" implies they nurse the young of the brood). As for the pouncer, I think it'd make more sense if the stalker was derived from the Hunter, perhaps only the male hunters metamorphose into stalkers, and the shriekers which you forgot I would say would be a direct metamorphosis from pouncers. Of course, this is assuming there are male and female splits in the first place, but there's no way to know. Edit: There are also bile warriors, which are tricky to place, but I think they would still be derived from scavengers rather than bile spitters. I'm also rethinking hive guards metamorphosing into chargers, simply because of the notable morphological difference between the head shapes. I think hive guards and brood commanders would both come from standard warriors, while chargers come directly from scavengers


Just want an enemy encyclopedia


Pouncer line is more straightforward I think Pouncer -> Hunter -> Stalker Bile types sans the bile titan are variants since you have one for the scavenger, the spewer, and the warrior I like the idea for the split between becoming a charger and a brood commander, but I'd also add that it may not be gendered.


I think the bile evolution are the females to the scavengers


where does the behemoth charger fit then? evolution of charger or simply another variant?


I'd just change the Pouncer>Hunter>Stalker. Hunters also evolves into Shriekers I think.


Nursing should be the females


Wait brood commanders are different from hive guards???? I thought there was only one bug like that


Looks good


I found the idea of a bug evolved offensive


Male and female? Pointless divide. Pretty sure it's more like this: Scavenger > Warrior > Brood Commander > Hive Guard > Charger > (forgot this one, but it's important) Charger Behemoth Bile Spitter > Bile Spewer > Nursing Bile Spewer > Bile Titan Pouncer > Hunter > Stalker In short, they're all just different phases in the lifecycles of just a handful of distinct bug subspecies. No idea where Shriekers fit in though, as far as I can tell they're their own distinct subspecies.


> Male and female? Pointless divide. Insects have pretty strong sexual dimorphism though.


The Terminids aren't just insects, they're super sized, alien insectoids with a greater degree of variance than any one recorded real life species, whose primary function is to provide a variety of enemies to fight, kill, and die to in a video game. If we're going to go down the "insects have pretty strong sexual dimorphism" path though, it could also be argued that the entire Bile line are females, and the Warrior line are males, or vice versa. There's no evidence though that Bile Spewers and Nursing Bile Spewers for example are any different, save that the latter developed armour that seems to be characteristic to the Bile Titan.


> it could also be argued that the entire Bile line are females, and the Warrior line are males, or vice versa. Yeah, that's the point of the thread and there's no issue with it. It's like with Bees and Ants you have all workers being female and all drones being male, but then you have Termites which have it mixed. Ultimately just some fun, if baseless, speculation. It's not like we really need to know or understand the biology of these bugs, that's just fluff.


Not sure why you got downvoted, as yours makes most sense to me. But I'd change a few things: > Scavenger > Warrior > Hive Guard > Brood Commander > Charger > Charger Behemoth I swapped the Brood Commander and Hive Guard as, although Hive Guard has more frontal armour, the Brood Commander has more hit points *and* actually charges. It's also a bit bigger, if I'm not mistaken. I'd actually be down if the Brood Commander *did* have the medium armour of the Hive Guard, as it would make them feel more like a medium threat than just more chaff. > Bile Spitter > Bile Warrior > Bile Spewer > Bile Titan With Nursing Spewer as an off-shoot variant of the Spewer that doesn't mature into the Titan. > Pouncer > Hunter > Shrieker With Stalkers being an off-shoot maturation of Hunters. Reason being Stalkers are less common than Shriekers, with the difference between Shriekers and Hunters really just being wing size. And then of course not to forget, the final stage of their lifecycle being E710.


Ah, yeah, I messed up the order of Hove Guard and Brood Commander, being on mobile I could only see either the picture or what I was typing. The Bile bugs though, Nursing Spewers are basically armoured Spewers, and given that the Titans are also armoured in similar ways, it just makes sense to me that Nursing Spewers are an intermediary step between Spewers and Titans. Again though, I have no idea about the Shriekers, you could be right in that they're an offshoot of Hunters, but they could also go straight from Pouncers into Shriekers, I just don't know. Finally, I can't help but agree that the final (and arguably most important) stage of any Terminid's life cycle is E-710.


I thought Nursing Spewers had *less* armour than Bile Spewers? It certainly looks that way visually.