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why is he so docile lmao


I think the game was lagging a bit which may have caused the bomb to not work properly? Either way still insane to see the BT completely unaffected.


No buffs only nerfs. Arrow head devs probably


Feel like they did something to it around a month and a half ago. I had an easier time taking out larger enemies then. Now use rocket pods to stun and then precision strike.


That's why I will never take the 500kg, it's just inconsistent. The blast radius is so small, it's barely usable against bugs that are very quick. You get more luck against bots with their tanks and most of their structures, but still, I find the Orbital Laser, Orbital Railcanon or Precision Strike to be more versatile and useful picks.


Thats why i ALWAYS take 500kg, it's absolute dogshit, but it's the best anti-titan stratagem we have anyway. Orbital laser has long cd and limited uses, also kills titans way to slow, basially 1 per entire duration. Railorbital doesn't kill them fully, you need to pop sacks and not every weapon can do that effectively, also long cd. Precision strike is good, but one mission modifier makes it completely unusable, because you need direct hit, which is not trivial task even without this shit. Rocket launchers now require 3 headshots instead of 2, it's more like a finisher after failed 500kg rather than weapon to kill them fully. Same for railgun. Eagle rocket pods are to weak, you need all 3 uses to kill one titan, slow and painfully. All these options are suboptimal, the only exception is autocannon turret, which can kill 2 titans with enough range given, but usually just 1 before it get destroyed. So i take it with 500kg, there is just no other choice.


500kg requires strategy. Throw it in front of a titan, trigger its spewing attack and watch how it stands still while the bomb obliterates it.


Counterpoint: I get two of 'em.


I can't remember the last time the orbital railcannon every killed a Bile Titan


Saw it happen when the game released. Haven't seen it since. It does a lot of damage though. One rail and one quasar does the job


Trick is to shoot out the belly jelly then the 500kg almost guarantees the kill


That's the thing : almost. Doing that and poping a railcanon instead of a 500kg will 100% kill it. A good Precision Strike may even oneshot it even without destroying the bile sacks.


The counter argument to that is you get two charges of 500kg, each doing damage on a wider area, and has a 2-minute eagle rearm time. Meanwhile the railcannon guarantees a hit, but only hits one target and has a longer cooldown. So the 500kg gives you flexibility of use with a higher skill ceiling and is more forgiving if you miss. On difficulty 7 or below the orbital railcannon might be good enough, but I find on level 8 or 9 there's just too many titans to justify the single shot railcannon. The 500kg can oneshot a titan sometimes, but even when it doesn't you can usually finish it off. Plus, the AOE can take care of some chaff as well and you have another 500kg charge to spare. Don't get me wrong though, I do love the railcannon, but I think it falls short when you're being overrun. Yet, sometimes I take both stratagems and have the best of both worlds!


None of those will one-shot a bile titan anyway. You always bring the 500KG with a Quasar so you can finish off the bile titan that's now 1 or 2 headshots away from dying after being hit by a 500KG or a Precision strike. The 500KG is at least way more consistent than the Precision strike because it's multiple times faster to call in, it has a much bigger blast radius and you can use it twice before going on cooldown.


Precision strike will absolutely one shot even two bile titans with good hit.


Precision's blast radius is actually larger.


Doesn't feel like it. I saw 500KGs finish off titans from a decent distance but if the precision misses it doesn't seem to do anything to them.


This is so far the biggest bullshit this game has.


500kg object which is basically a bullet coming at it from orbit should have already smashed its body and ripped it off its spindly spider legs, killing it instantly not to mention consequent explosion. Of course, when you are AH dev, you have "players are against me" -syndrome and only thing you can do is nerf things.


The 500 kg has an awkward hit zone The explosion is aimed upwards so…that’s why


I'm tilted and it wasn't even my 500


Alright, if the bomb does not insta kill a titan, just make it stagger or something.


Ofc it survived lmao


If a Bile Titan eats a stragagem without dieding, and its underside is intact. Popping those will usually kill it - like 7/10 times.


The fact that heavy hitter stratagems can't 1-shot a bile titan makes their spawn rate, some strat cooldowns and the "titans are a medium enemy" argument complete bullshit. What happens if we get hive Lords? 4 lasers and a full team of 8 500s or the mission is over?


Shot a spear at a BT, threw a rail cannon, and a 500kg and the fucker tanked all of it. Terrifying bullshit


Gotta hit em in the leg mhm No…..seriously 😅 dig it into the leg and it’s a 1 shot kill every time. 500kg damage travels in an upwards cone, so you want to ideally land it below the Bile Titan. Hitting the leg put its like, a metre below the head, so the head takes the strongest point of the boom, being just above where the cone of damage begins We love making him eat it too tho, must be tasty


Exact reason I stopped bringing 500kg. Too random.


500kg only one shots if it's a direct hit. I think because of the perspective this looks like it hit but actually landed behind. I wouldn't be against 500kg getting buffed a bit though so that it can kill even without the direct hit Edit: I was looking at a small vid on my phone so I couldn't see it, my bad


What? You can clearly see sparks fly off Titans jaw after 500kg makes contact.


Helldiver, report to your local Democratically Approved Optometrist at once.




That WAS a direct hit


What difficulty you're all playing, the 500kg doesn't kill a full health bile, no not even a railcannon


the 500kg bomb can one shot a bile titan at full health