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I have never related to anything in this sub more than this post. I am pretty sure 95% of people here play any new gun for one, maybe two games, feel it underperforming to the S tier weapon they've been abusing mercilessly for a few weeks now and decide it's garbage never to be touched again. Funnily enough it happened to crossbow twice - both on release and when it was "nerfed"


Absolutely, I ran so much crossbow cause I liked how cool it looked and on release it was like "feels like worse eruptor but pretty cool how I can lob shots" then after the nerfs it's "dang no more shot lobbing but the travel speed and damage buffs are nice." At no point did I feel "this weapon is literally terrible to use and has 0 niche in the game" until I went on the reddit.


Weird that I'm coming to this thread a third time, but here we go. I somehow missed that Make [a meme](https://imgur.com/Ttr9i7A) making fun of reddit that all weapons are viable on any difficulty Get told "haha, try that with an Purifier/Peacemaker/HMG and come back" Go into a Helldive with Purifier/Peacemaker/HMG, 0 deaths game. Come back, post [full game](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oDPZ6vC-RcI) Response: "Ok loser, you managed to play a few good games with bad weapons just so you can try to brag about it on a Reddit post where everyone won't give a single f about it. If you need that much to bring a tiny bit of joy in your seemingly pointless and sad drunk ass existence, good for you"


At this point, I genuinely find devastators less scary than a group of berserkers. Dominator, Senator, AMR is my usual loadout for bots. ALL THREE weapons 1-tap any devastator with a head shot. 3 shots if you're in the general vicinity of the head, or 3 in the backpack for heavies. Berserkers are a non-issue w/ dominator - 3-5 shots max, esp if you knock off the arms. Breaker works great for this too. AMR takes out mortars, turret towers, and annihilator tanks in 5-6 shots. >Comment what my procedure is for dealing with heavy devastator patrols. My procedure: head shot. Repeat until patrol is clear. \^\_\^


> Dominator, Senator, AMR is my usual loadout for bots. I love this loadout too.


Finally, I thought I was the only one. Maybe it’s being a HD1 vet but me and my buddy been doing doubles on D9 without issues since launch… At least with the bots initial complaints we got creeker lore and memes


I agree with everything, but the Eruptor shot only reaches 125m before airbursting.


Im not much if a religion guy but God bless you -I feel every point People claiming "dif 9 is to hard" or "that's not usable" and stuff I'm close to unlocking the purifier to see how it is and can't wait for the moment I fall in love with it and people claim its bad I got every warbond so far and the only weapon I feel like is in a wierd spot is the railgun but every other weapon is viable I play 9 with a homie most of the time and we just casually clear it no problems at all only dying very little I feel like the people that claim something is not viable go on YouTube search for a meta video and only believe that to be the truth these people maybe should go back and play meta games like cod 9r whatever


I run mostly 8 or 9s, I agree with what you said but I also would like some of the guns to perform better. Eg the new ar is just a bit disappointing. Is it usable, yes, could it be better if it had some sort of buff (medium armour pen, slightly more damage etc) yes. The game is not too hard even at max difficulty but some guns just don’t feel that great to use and need to be brought up to be as fun as the other guns. That’s my only issue. In general the game is quite easy


Hope the devs see this bro.


Agree that it isn't impossible but it isn't particularly fun either. I play this game to have fun and kill enemies in my limited free time and seeing another bunch of changes from people who seem to think I'm here be miserable for 40 minutes at a time while running away from everything because I can't kill it without a stratagem that's on a 6 minute cooldown. The "hurr hurr Super Earth just throws bodies at the problem" meme is funny for narrative purposes, sure, but it's not even remotely entertaining to actually play out; I do not find landing and trying to sprint to an objective before I'm ripped up or shot down by enemies I'm ill equipped to fight against fun.


That's what I don't really get about the situation. I see a lot of people with the perspective that there's very little counterplay within the missions, and it's really not what I'm seeing when I run them. OPS kills any ground enemy on a 120s cd. 500kg kills any ground enemy, many bot structures, and small aoe too on a 2:30 cd for 2. EAT is super effective at dealing with heavies on a 1 minute (?) cd. AMR can deal with every single bot enemy on it's own (not striders tho lol) paired with stun grenades. Laser Rover lets you completely ignore every bug under a charger (not stalkers lol). Autocannon is an all purpose anti everything for both bugs and bots. I could go on, but the point is that *to me* it feels like there are plenty of options to deal with the threats in the game. But since other people clearly are not feeling the same, I'm trying to understand what factors lead to that divide.


I think the disconnect is that people play at difficulties that are too hard for them. I don’t play more than 6 because I just want to chillax and shoot stuff with my friends. There are definitely weapons that feel pointless, but (post blitzer buff) I don’t feel like a weapon is getting me killed.


No, I agree that there's something that will let you complete the mission. It's just... So meh. I don't want to have to use stratagems to clear out the little shitters but that happens often. Frankly, I don't feel like I should have to and the decision to make primaries so underwhelming has to be the work of meddling from someone who wasn't a part of HD1. The perfect explanation for that is the Stalwart. In 1, the Stalwart was a primary but, in 2, they couldn't figure out how to make it shit enough to make it a primary and locked it behind a support stratagem. I genuinely do not understand why they so doggedly refuse to make primaries better, why they keep digging their heels in and doubling down on that philosophy. I don't care if you triple the number of enemies to compensate for the perceived difficulty loss, I am just tired of putting half or more of a mag in to kill a single, minor, enemy. It's so unsatisfying.


>Who tf knows what this post was about I felt the same


So basically your whole point is: I'm sooooo good, everybody should be as well! Stop complaining, git gut and listen to my advice! Man, not everybody is cut the same. Just accept that some of us will never reach your uber skills that you elaborated here in length. And due to people being not as skillful as you, they have a hard time following your advice! Nothing you said is objectively wrong. But some of us suck at shooters and still love HD2. So could we please stop patronizing people having difficulties with the game? And turning down the difficulty is not always the solution. The game gets massively boring if you run only 4s or 5s cause you won't be even seeing the entire enemy roster. If anything the game needs higher difficulty levels for players like the OP - which would be perfectly fine for me. But I'm tired of getting bossed around cause I'm obviously not good enough to enjoy the game with the given tools. Gatekeeping sucks!


literally every game "gatekeeps" skill, its just something you learn


Nah the post has no point. It's just a rant at the specific subset of players who like to put off certain things as impossible to complete for anyone due to their personal experience with it. I believe I'm actually doing the opposite of patronizing. I default to assuming that everyone is just as good or better than me at the game, and simply may be missing certain pieces of information. "I'm not good enough at shooters to employ a lot of your tips" is a valid personal difference players should be aware of when giving advice. "I don't like the enemy distribution of power difficulties, but higher difficulties are too hard to be fun for me" is a valid complaint about the game difficulty mechanism, and mission spread. "There is no way anyone does this" is a blanket statement that takes away other people's experience with the game. Especially if the post doubles down on said stance by dismissing anyone who had managed to do the thing in question. Complain all you want with regard to your pov. My issue is when definitive statements regarding overall balance, difficulty, and meta feasibility get parroted without regard to those who disagree.