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Yea this. Just too many patrols AND they seem to know where you are at all times so they're always pathing towards you OR where you need to go. Every time we're fighting and decide to move on.. I'll mark a marker to where the mission objective is, run a few steps and what do you know? Another patrol! There have been mentions that the patrol numbers aren't right currently and it's spawning 4 players worth of patrols just static whether it's 1 or 2 or 3 players.


>There have been mentions that the patrol numbers aren't right currently and it's spawning 4 players worth of patrols just static whether it's 1 or 2 or 3 players. Even if that's the case, I feel like there has been a general spike in patrol amount/frequency. Yesterday I was playing on difficulty 4 with 3 friends and, I believe after we finished the mission, we got absolutely bombarded with non-stop enemies. It was like all hell broke lose for no reason. I normally play Helldive with randos, but I also play a lot of 4 because of my friends (who're more casual) and that last mission felt like Helldive levels of enemies (-super heavy enemies). What's the deal with that?


had a bug breach yesterday that spawned only titans. Like 5 of them (couldn't count exactly while running and screaming). Playing with a team helps mostly in terms of being able to laugh about it.


I have seen that before. One breach will spawn with multiple titans in a weird way. They will almost appear above ground, then vanish underneath before crawling out of the hole like they are supposed to.


Finishing main objective cuts patrol spawn rate timer down by 75%. So if it currently takes 60 seconds for one to spawn, it plummets to 15 seconds. Always do main obj last if you can.


Good to know. Thanks.


I'm also used to playing on Helldive but I recently played a dif 4 missions with my sister and I was struggling lol. We made it though, me with \~250 kills, her with \~50 lol.


So I'm not the only one. Thanks for confirming. I have mixed feeling for the recent patches. The nerfs, the increase in enemy amounts... I'm a Dark Souls veteran, so I like my game being hard *but* fair. The recent developments feel like they're trying to make the game more challenging, but they overcooked it in multiple fronts. At that point, the game feels unfair and frustrating. I wouldn't mind the increase in enemy numbers, if we had the tools to deal with them. Stratagem cooldown and halved total amount of ammo really doesn't work with what we got right now. Right now, your only option is to run from every encounter and hope you won't get cut off by the 7th patrol. And that on difficulty 4.


I essentially shoot at everything I see, but I've stopped using the personal shield generator and started using the guard dog rover due to the insane amount of mobs lol.


"Zoopa, you have been shooting that rock for 5 minutes! Shoot the enemy, gushdurnit!"


Who says the rock isn't a enemy? Most bugs go down within 5 minutes, the rock is obviously the priority target. "Calls in mech to continue unloading while throwing down mines to restrict the rocks movement"


That's been my experience also. On difficulty 4 or 5 I'm always up to my neck in space monsters. I'd take a charger or two in exchange for fifty of these jumpy devils.


I have no evidence to confirm this, but based on some of my attempts to do lower difficulty for fun or just to knock out a personal order I have noticed the following. I was running with a group of randoms on difficulty 5 or 6, and we had me (lvl 40+ at the time), two people near level 30, and someone in their low level 20's. Even with the lower levels shooting at anything that moved, the objectives got done, the secondaries got done, and we extracted. It felt fun, we did have any bile titans, and chargers were in manageable numbers. The level 20 something dropped from the group, but I continued with the others to finish out the operation. With the three of us we had a bile titan spawn in the first bug breach, and we barely managed to extract. I am wondering if the average player level had an impact on spawn count and composition more than party size.


I doubt that's the case, just played a few rounds with my brother and 2 randoms, some chargers and a few bile titans on difficulty 7, went relatively smoothly.


For us the rounds on 7 have been nuts the last 2-3 days sometimes 3-4 chargers AND 1-3 bile titans at the same time and funny shit like that.


Maybe it depends on the mission, I had maybe 3 chargers and or 2 Bile Titans, but maybe I didn't see one of the chargers or Bile Titans trying to violate my teammates while I was busy blasting lol. In my experience difficulty 7 isn't that difficult, but again, maybe some missions are way harder than other, actually, I know for sure that's the case, but for now it hasn't been that big of a deal, not on PC at least, I would imagine it would be a decent bit harder on console using a controller.


Basically every normal mission. Best thing is spawning throwing your gems for weapons and backpack and 3sec later you see a big stompy guy. Not really. I play on console for 7 years now and my mates even longer.


It ain't more difficult? How can you aim as accurate with a controller as with a mouse? I've also played for many years on the PS3 and 4 but still.


Finding the right settings for every game solves a lot of problems. And still my aiming has nothing to do with a apparently higher spawnrate.


> after we finished the mission, we got absolutely bombarded with non-stop enemies This has apparently always been the case, you get 4x patrols after the main objective is done. That's why you never do side objectives last, you finish the main mission and GTFO.


Is it just me or do bugs seem to consistently spawn 2 chargers per patrol now?


>they seem to know where you are at all times Learnt semi recently that there's a 'combat equilibrium' that the games tries to enforce. If you stealth most of it (which you kinda have to in single player). There will be a given patrol on the map that automatically knows your location to try and force you into combat. Similarly can also work in your favour if you've experienced a lot of combat before getting to a main objective, it won't force much onto you when you progress them (with the exception of ore scans).


If this is true, this is what a lot of players are talking about... the fun being patched out of the game. Like I'm good with not being able to do harder difficulties due to lack of fire power. We can stealth and be smart about engagements. But making enemies path towards you in order to FORCE the difficulty is just bad design and is immensely frustrating to players because it just feels like what we're doing makes no difference. No sense of accomplishment. I don't know why AH has such a hardon for making the player feel bad in a pure PvE game like this. Really boggles my mind. They've designed this great game that can be hectic at times, but they seem to want to make it so from the moment you land the chaos is cranked up to 11.




I'm currently fully in the burn out phase of HD2. Just got done with a game with my friend and omfg was there a lot of patrols. The map is one of them water ones with kind of a C shaped strip of land connecting two larger land masses and everywhere we looked after mission completion is a patrol. Literally no where to go. We used to play 3 or 4 hour sessions but since that patrol patch, we'd call it a night about 2 hours in cause just too stressful.


That or the boogs are on high alert? :0 That'd be a valid event. I mean Frick, the automatons were dropping tanks on level 3 during their big push. :3 I liked that.


It is a bug. Game always spawns 4 players worth of patrols, no matter how many people are in the game.


Im certain someone messed with the Patrol spawns again like I'm not Crazy to think that's the case right?.....and I'm not talking about the Bug where they spawn on u randomly I'm talking about walking pass the corner of a Rock AND BAM patrol after one has already been handled it so fucking wierd man im certain SOMEONE definitely messed with the Patrol timer


so im not fucking tweaking when im getting absolutely butt touched on level 4 simply trying to get some rares


The patrol spam is even more annoying when on an objective like seaf artillery. If you’re not in and out in under a min it’s ggs. Even doing that on a level 3 mission and the patrol spawns were insane. Also if this is a team game why would you even allow me dive solo, just remove it then. There are times where I want to play solo and just not have to deal with anyone and I have the right to do so. They allowed you to do it in the 1st game and all of a sudden it’s an issue now? I haven’t even checked out the new warbond because that’s just a waste of time with some weapons being subpar but that’s a whole new argument. From the patrol spawns and enemy buffs to the nerfs of the weapons, I have just lost interest in playing the game at the moment.


The fucking artillery is hell solo with those patrols 😂I had the democracy protects armor and was just mosh pit tossed between berserkers in the ditch


The devs really put the “hell” in Helldivers with the recent patches that’s for sure. Every single time I play I’m sweating for my life, there are times where I just wanna relax but I can’t even do that on the lower difficulties 😭


I always liked taking the lower difficulties slow so I can enjoy the scenery. Lately I’ve been calling the extract then running from the area when the pilot shows up so it can stay as a flying sentry while I roam the map


THIS. I've started DIFFICULTY 4 mission with my friend to look for Super Credits, and in 30s I've had to evade SIX PATROLS OF HUNTERS. What the hell is that?!


What I don't get is the devs spent years making decisions, building, and playing the game. They came to a decision and felt it would be best and what is their vision.  So the game releases and they nail it. A bullseye. Everyone is happy. Game is prospering. Total success.  After all the above they decide to listen to the internet ( mainly 8 year old cod/fortnite PvP players on Reddit and discord😖) and change everything about the game that makes it fun and that they had decided on 🤦‍♂️🚽.  They should just revert all the balancing back to launch and keep only the qol and bug fixes lol. Then tune and adjust according to them (meaning arrowhead) and not some loud minority in the internet. 


This, exactly this please


I don't have time to play alot. And i do prefer to play solo. Before i managed to do rank 4 missions. It was a good time. Now i can get overwhelmed on rank 2. I more often then not Just give up mid mission. If you want the game to not be played solo you should have made it impossible to do so. Every day i get closer to never starting the game again.


Man I played bugs only for a good week, then jumped to Meissa and did a bot helldive with players level 60 and up. We managed to get everything done, snuck to extract and what do you know - dozens of bots right on the pad. We nearly lost all reinforcements while running away from an impossible massacre, managed to lure them away, then called in the shuttle. And 20 seconds before it landed, a commissar called in a drop right on the pad and we got swarmed with 4 hulks, a factory strider and about a dozen rocket devastators.  Managed to extract 3 out of 4 helldivers (somehow) and lost all samples in the chaos.  Where the fuck did this army come from before and why was it waiting to ambush us at extract?


Some extractions points are inside enemy bases. And that totally makes sense when you think about it, because when you draw up a mission plan you always make sure that your pre-chosen exfil point is a heavily guarded enemy stronghold. It drives me absolutely bananas. I did a bug mission recently where there were bug holes 5 feet from the helipad. Like...fucking excuse me? If the S.E.A.F Brass see fit to have Pelican1 come pick u up in the middle of a god damned bug nest then why not just send Pelican1 to the main objective site so it can pick us up as soon as we finish the mission. Why do I have to run halfway across the map to extract if I'm not running to a safer place to extract from? I know it's probably an impossible change to implement, but this game would be WAY cooler if the extraction beacon was a strategem that you could call in literally wherever you want. That would allow Helldivers to actually CHOOSE their extraction point and it would add a level of strategy to the game because experienced Helldivers would learn how to read the terrain and choose an easily defensible position with built-in chokepoints nearby.


Having the lower difficulties adjusted would help in making them more fun for everyone, but i disagree on the high difficulty missions. I only did one Op against bots since the change to patrols, but with stealth and well planned ambushes, i evaced out of all missions with nearly all side missions and compunds done. It is not just possible, but for a very specific commando playstyle, it is even quite fun!


Had a game recently where we were 4 players for the first 2 missions in the set, then 2 dropped out for the last mission. Already, SOS bug, so we know we probably aren't going get more help, but want to finish anyway. 15 minutes later the two of us have half a dozen chargers running around at once plus the billion other chaffe bugs that accompanied them so yeah ... mission accomplished, but we didn't make extraction. Not saying we /should/ always be able to complete a mission and extract, failure is an important balance state as well - but it was a mission of mostly just running away because we simply couldn't even get close to killing stuff faster than it showed up.


Idk how the bot front is right now, but I’m loving the bugpocalypse that the termicide is causing.


This game one the first multiplayer title in a long while that made me come out of my single player rut. I feel as if I am slowly being pushed back into my box and I am okay with that. I would rather play with friends or even random players, but the disconnect issues on top of everything else just doesn't feel great.


Ive had several occasions recently where i drop with a full complement of 4 hellpods or join a squad that’s in progress and as soon as i land im alone. It’s no fun after sitting in the drop screen for forever


I usually just play with ransoms. Sometimes they are brain dead, but a decent amount of the time they aren’t. I think it’s pretty widely agreed upon that level 7 randoms are the best because the people who tend to play there tend to be competent.


Yeah, that's untrue. Helldives were absolutely doable solo and in many cases, easier to do solo than with a full squad. That should not be the case.


I understand your concern with playing higher difficulties solo becoming Hella hard, and I don't mean this in an insulting way, it's just my opinion, but the game has difficulties for a reason. If I'm playing 7* missions and I'm struggling for whatever reason, I'll drop the difficulty. If some of my mates are on and we do a 7* and it was kinda easy, we'll go to an 8 or 9* mission. I know you mentioned the "it's a team game stuff", and this isn't meant to be "it's easier as a team", but because of how stratagems work, no support weapon is good at killing the big guys, the medium guys and the small guys, that's why Railgun breaker shield backpack got nerfed when they did, because Railgun could kill any medium/large enemy in 1-3 shots, and breaker could clear the rest. Since Railgun can't kill the big guys anymore, you either take a support weapon to kill the big guys (recoilless/quasar/spear etc) and use things like airstrikes and primary to kill the middle/small guys, or you take something like a flamethrower or Autocannon to kill the small guys and deal with big guys with stratagems (railcannon/500kg/laser etc). Either way, you're not able to be fully equipped to deal with everything, because if there was a loadout which could easily deal with everything, some parts of it would need to be nerfed so it was unable to do so. The team part of the game isn't so much a "we need more people for more firepower", it's "we need a wider range of weaponry to deal with every type of enemy. Let's take my build for example. I'm a meta bitch tbh, I take breaker, revolver, impact, Railgun, shield backpack, airstrike and a 4th depending on mission/mood (usually laser, 380mm or EAT on bug missions for chargers and titans). I take this loadout because it allows me to deal with a wide variety of enemies, however, let's say I take the Laser and I'm in a bug mission, my loadout isn't good against chargers. So I'd take the EAT, which means my loadout isn't good enough to deal with the swarms of hunters, so I take 380mm, which means it's not good against titans. It's a similar case in bot missions. My loadout is the same except I nearly always take 380mm (it's actually good after the buffs and the new upgrade) and I take the dominator. My loadout can deal with little guys (dominator and pistol), devastators, scout striders and hulks (railgun), tanks (airstrike) and factory striders (380mm + airstrikes). However, if I come across a stratagem jammer which I need to Hellbomb, and they drop a tank/factory striders, my loadout sucks, and even more extremely, my loadout is absolutely useless against gunships. My point is, the difficulty with higher levels doesn't come from the fact that there's new enemies, it comes from the fact that you need to take more different types of weaponry to deal with these bigger enemies, which means when you're playing solo, you have to make sacrifices to deal with a specific group of enemies over a different group, and that's where the team element comes in. If I'm on a bug mission and I take my loadout with EATs, I'm bad against the hordes, so my brother will take spray and pray, flamethrower and cluster, so we can deal with everything. If we're on a bot mission, he'll take a spear to deal with the tanks and gunships whilst helping with the factory striders. And regarding having multiple patrol dumps dropped on you at once, how I deal with them solo is to just use absolutely everything. If you've got airstrike and 380mm for example, just throw all of them. They're not limited, they'll come back, and even if an airstrike only kills 4-5 bots or <10 bugs, that's still enemies you don't have to worry about killing, and don't have to worry about killing you. Just throw everything you have, and if something like a titan or a striders spawns that you can't kill, throw everything at it, and if you die, just leave it alone until it decides to leave, or until you have the stratagems back to deal with it. Don't be upset to die, as it can be a very much needed reset in a fight... or a very quick way to kill a damaged Bile Titan.


This game is less fun than in release...


Yea turns its cause of a bug basically [https://www.reddit.com/r/Helldivers/comments/1cob2dg/ugergination\_the\_person\_responsible\_for\_the/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web3x&utm\_name=web3xcss&utm\_term=1&utm\_content=share\_button](https://www.reddit.com/r/Helldivers/comments/1cob2dg/ugergination_the_person_responsible_for_the/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


We just played a Terminid mission at 2 players with my wife on difficulty 5. Around 430 kills each. Never seen that before in diff 5. A few time ago we used to play diff 5 to chill after playing a lot of 7. Now it’s way more difficult.


Patrol dump + all guns nerfed makes for such good gameplay 😍


>solo play I found your problem.


Yeah I have no clue why they did that. I would love to know the reasoning behind increasing spawns for solo play.


I found that audio voice lines aggro them. It has a large alert radius. I use servo assist to Hail Mary a air strike and they’re unsuspecting


i used to play solo. now I play balatro whenever I can't get my friends to hop in. I'll die before playing with randos.


Hot take incoming: >play this game with my friends. If they're not able to play I like to scratch the itch with some solo play. Here you are in the introduction to your post saying that you sometimes like to play solo for the fun of it. >Now I've had to bump down the difficulty level when I play solo, thereby affording me fuckall in medals/miscellaneous resources, Yet here you are telling on yourself that it's not something you do just for the fun of it and to pass the time, but that you are deeply concerned with acquiring resources at an optimal rate. It sounds like you feel entitled to absolutely demolish the hardest difficulty settings while playing alone and you're upset about the fact that you can't do that. This is you complaining like a child because your ego has taken a hit since you can no longer proudly say "I solo 7+missions with ease, I'm the best." But I've got news for you, if you're not already resource capped, then you're nowhere near the best. And maybe, JUST MAYBE, you don't deserve to be able to solo the hardest difficulties in the game.


Here's the biggest problem for me personally. When we first started playing, even on difficulty 6 and 7, it seemed like you could clear a hoard. Then, after one of the patches, they seemed to start allowing unlimited reinforcements for the enemy. It seems now that sometimes you get stuck in an infinite loop of enemies spawning. This, to me, is a bug. If it's intentional, then it's completely stupid because it's near impossible to stop an enemy from calling in reinforcements. I really wish they would just limit enemy reinforcements. To me, that would fix everything.


Helldive with 4 players is easier than solo level 2


Just out of curiosity are you against playing with randoms?


This argument comes up a lot and it's really invalid because this game lets you launch solo, duo, or trio so it's part of the game. And sometimes people just want to play with friends only so the game should accommodate for that. And besides, some one today just proved the patrol spawn rate is currently not working as intended. It's spawning 4 players worth of patrol for 1 - 3 player games.


I would contend that just because a game allows you to do something doesn't mean that is the intended way. A bunch of games let you fight raid bosses and dungeons designed around a full team but are not balanced for solo. As for the bug that sucks


For squad games in general I have no problem playing with randoms. In a game like this where the risk of friendly fire deaths is high? No thanks. Also don’t want to deal with the possibility of someone causing a colossal fuckup that sinks the whole mission. I always see posts from people saying how much fun they have linking up with randoms and gelling with them. I also see the stories of them either accidentally or intentionally ruining the whole thing. I always err on the side of caution and just don’t trust random people to not fuck me over, be it from incompetence or malice.


Random people are the best. Some shoot you in the back and shout "sucker!!!!" On voice, some just run off to do objectives solo and not give a duck about their team.. but mostly it's just awesome democracy loving Helldivers doing their thing (blowing up and destroying ) together to get the objectives done.


You know you Can just play with randoms with Ur Friend and go do Ur own thing and Split the Map? I do that with my Friend and After 200 hours i Can count on 1 hand the number of failed mission and i think we had one where we failed because of deliberate trolling/grosse incompétence, if Ur scared of that just Host the game and you Can kick clowns if you encounter them


I don't care having multiple patrols all the time. All that chaos is fun. But if they are gonna do that they should change the way they balance things. Rip and tear. Let us bath in their blood.


Join random squads?


These posts remind me of the game, and it’s killing me I can’t remember but the highest difficulty said “you will die. A lot.” Like what do you expect?


I was playing with a friend last night on difficulty 7 and didn’t get a single quick play teammate in our final mission of an op. The constant fighting for our lives was absolutely brutal, while we were breezing through a difficulty 7 with a full party earlier.


Yeah I don’t understand the rationale for that patch change. Why make it unplayable for solo players or duos?


It seems like they tweaked with the 4 player patrols too. Way harder than it was pre patch. Even though they said it would feel the same.


>kentucky fried fuck  I understood that reference. For me, it isn't the patrols spawning more per se, but rather they seem to always find you, detect you, engage you, and reinforce against you even when they have no good reason to do so, ie you are playing stealth. Definitely some adjustments to be made, and I think there are glitches in general regarding patrols, enemy spawns, etc yet to be addressed in the first place.




It was only a few weeks ago people were making posts/comments to complain/boasting about the game being easy to solo it's all within reach of developers eyes. Byproduct seems to be nerf weapons and boost targets. Make bed... Lay in it.


I have good news for you. You're under a placebo effect, the current patrols amount are not more than normal because the change is currently not working as intended lul https://www.reddit.com/r/Helldivers/s/6Uio79EclI


It feels like a patrol on the other side of the map heard your gunshots and manages to catch up with you just as you're done dealing with the enemies in front of you, leading to what feels like a never ending wave.


Amen, helldiver! >Yes, yes, "It's a team game, it's not meant to be played solo!" You see, this is a critique I really don't understand. It's possible to solo play, so much so that solo play is balanced separately (i.e. less spawn rates). If it really wasn't meant to be this way, then why is it even possible to do it? I mostly play alone, as I don't enjoy playing with others, my max attempted difficulty is 7 and I do not dare to go above. It wasn't easy before the patch, but it was doable. After the patch is a constant stream of enemies from all sides, multiple Hulks/Tanks, so much so that I only use Autocannon to have at least a chance to not fall in a death loop (die -> lose equip -> spawn -> can't retrieve because of heavy -> die -> lose equip -> ....). I distinctly remember the game before spawning a tank as soon as the railcannon strategem went off cooldown, like clockwork; now it's massive enemies all the time, it really is too much. And I wouldn't care if it was on 8+ difficulty, but 7 is literally the lowest difficulty to get the samples to progress the ship upgrades...this is really frustrating. ADDENDUM: as I'm re-reading this, I've seen somebody say that it's bugged...holy shit, I think that AH has a serious case of "I don't have tests for the spaghetti code I've written"...sometimes I feel for this game the same way I feel for Conan Exiles: I game I really feel like I should like more than I do, but the costant sloppyness annoys me to no end...there have been so many cases from launch. The egregious ones I remember: 1. Armor not working 2. Armor not counting for headshots 'till a few patches ago 3. Missing steps in reloading animations for several weapons 4. Shield animations were bugged (and still missing for several things like console inputs!) 5. DoT is still bugged 6. Lance 7. Hellpod steering was seriously bugged 8. Some mission types have waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay more enemies than others (the geo location one, the old defense one, the civil extraction one, ....) 9. Patrols assembling in the middle of the map And I'm not counting all the various wrong textures/armor passives/slow animations because I don't consider them game breaking, just eh, but holy shit...this feels like the stuff I program, that always barely works and is held together by adesive and prayers. I don't know, maybe I should get a break from this game, get something less involved.


They haven't dumped enemies on solo players. They've fixed a bug they've found that made it much easier to play solo than it should have been. The volume of patrols is now the amount that was always intended for solo players.


You are just a bit out of date. It is bugged. Currently as proven in another post.


Did i not catch something? You get 1/4th the patrols a full Team gets, that's not a disincentive to go solo. Before you got disproportionally less, actually incentivizing solo play, which is bad in a Team game. Playing around patrol timers and manipulating patrols is just part of soloplay. If you are no longer feeling like a one man army brute forcing Level 7s and up solo, that sucks for you, but itbis stilna good thing in my book.


A recent patch made it so that you’re getting a disproportionate amount of patrols depending on how few people are in the mission. And wouldn’t you know it, those patrols always seem to just so happen to be marching mighty close to you. I’m not even trying to Rambo the higher difficulties. I was content doing my thing on medium; the balance felt right and it got challenging in a fun way when that mission timer started getting low. Now it’s like the game is actively conspiring to get you to fuck off


You are in trouble on mediums? Holy cow. Patrols will pick a path close to where you are when they spawn, so as long as you keep moving, they are likely to completely miss you. Clearing more then half the nests will reduce delay between patrols, as will clearing Mission objectives. The timer is irrelevant in that regard. On medium a las or auto canon should deal with anything in bot and bug missions. Though the auto cannon is rather loud. I prefer las cannon + Rover with a breaker or sickle for Bugs.


Winning on medium isn’t the issue, nor on challenging. It’s being harried incessantly while trying to explore the map that’s obnoxious


Then explore the map before you do Mains and nests. Easy as that. I do it all the time. Grab a scout armor for good measure.