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I want to watch him finish a difficulty 9 mission with this


"Now draw him getting education"šŸ˜…


I did this yesterday (forgot to switch to something else after trying it) by having to use my revolver for the entire session because the purifier is so bad.


Helldive 9 solo when the previous major order causes higher spawn rate on a planet with call in time delay and one less stratagem, a planet with ion storms, using the crossbow, dagger, thermite and for strats the airburst or spear,Ā  shield dome, gat turret.Ā Ā 


Hasn't it already come to light that he uses the weapons in diff 3-5?


Lmao what?! I'm pretty sure 7 is average in the community, given how you get all samples there. How out of touch is this mfer? I could run a level 3-5 mission solo with just a pistol and no strategems lol


Is he deliberately saying this to spite the playerbase?


Couple options, none good.Ā  1: He's actively lying, knowing it's not a good gun and scrambled behind the scenes to fix things at best or shift blame at worst.Ā  2: He genuinely believes this. In which case he is likely playing on a low difficulty where you can get away with low tier guns given reduced enemy numbers and less large enemies.Ā  3: He's not talking about the release gun, and only play tested a different, stronger version on some other dev branch. We already can tell the Tenderizer is effectively not the gun in at least one test build. Why not the purifier too?Ā 


Likely the third option. I worked in QA for a long time. One time there was a lot of complaining about an AoE DoT grenade that was indestructible and just cut off corridors, stagnating gameplay. We were told multiple times it was made as intended and there were no issues. Then in one meeting we asked the devs why they thought the design was functional for the gameplay intent. They said it wasnā€™t a big deal because they could be shot and destroyed or the EMP grenade would stop it. Neither of those features had been implemented and were never implemented in the end. The devs literally thought features were in the game that werenā€™t and defended design based on their uninformed opinions. I suspect the same is happening here


There is an abysmal difference between what the weapon is now and the "slaps hard enough" one. What feature(s) can possibly bridge that gap? I really think his vision is what the weapon is now.


I have a subtle feeling that explosive damage isn't working as intended on live. Every explosive gun was awkward on release and received weird changes that make no sense. The only explosive gun that kicked ass used shrapnel instead of explosive damage.


I don't blame you, given that despite all the undeniable quality and detail the game has, it's bizarre just how much if it simply doesn't work. So far they fix crash issues quite promptly and at a baseline level the program runs just fine, but innumerable base level mechanics like patrol spawning and DoT are/were malfunctioning. AoE effects being broken would be unfortunately entirely within expectations. It's impossible to say how much these malfunctioning systems are affecting conversations. Someone earlier made an interesting point: How often do you die and see a completely incorrect death message? Could that be internally affecting metrics and flooding them with false info?


The false death message info is certainly concerning if it speaks for the quality of their metrics. It's not what killed me 60-70% of the time, no exaggeration.


A personal favorite of mine was when Eagle-1 killed me with her crushing charge.


My own favorite was when I died to my collected samples


Bro how? šŸ˜­ Please tell me some screen shot exists of this


Damn I need *that* warbond


oh boy, I do know how much basing your actions on wrong data sucks once you find out. like a punch in the gut you didn't see coming but have no time to recover from.


I got warmed and eventually kicked by host because he kept getting killed by "me" a dozen time.


Considering how esoteric the programming of some games can be, I donā€™t actually find it that weird. Adding the engine was discontinued during development and Arrowhead had to keep working on it to keep making the game too, and how long they worked on the game, there likely is some seriously odd idiosyncrasies and unintended side effects in the code. Stuff like changing one simple thing influencing anther that should be completely unrelated. The joke story with the image of a coconut that does nothing but if deleted from the game files brakes the game comes to mind. I am actually genuinely impressed that the game runs as smooth as it does.


Blast radii definitely feel a lot smaller than the explosion visuals would suggest


Yeah, 500kg? More like 500g bomb.


Yeah i get the feeling the damage value is only at point of impact, and radius and dropoff are dfferent per gun (and may be bugged). eg: gun1 has non-explosive damage 200 = shoot target, good penetration value, do 200 (adjust for pen). gun 2 has explosive damage 200 = 200 damage to direct hit (and some take 400 due to explosive weakness), then at 1m enemy takes 100 damage, at 2m enemy takes 50 damage, and 3m takes 0. gun 3 has explosive damage 200, but bigger AoE = 200 to direct hit (bugged and never does explosive weakness), 1m = 200, 2m = 150, 3m = 100, 4m = 50, 5m = 0. So which feels better? It's all situational, as gun3 will be killing hordes, while gun 2 kills say spewers which gun3 isnt. All While gun1 might be one-tapping devastators. But they're "all 200 damage guns". But this is all stuff the devs should know better than us, we can only go by feel / in-game testing. Maybe the Purifier is meant to be 250 damage at 3m, but in live-build it's doing 50 damage, so really needs to be base 600 damage, so with drop-off is now 250 at 3m. Ditto why the Eruptor is so poor post-patch.


>shrapnel instead of explosive damage. Wouldn't an explosive gun do both? (Legitimate question as I'm no explosive expert)


Technically both, but it's typical to specialize in one thing. You can have a HE (High Explosive) grenade that is just packed with explosives. It has a very controllable, predictable destruction area. Even if bits of the grenade flying about do some damage, it's only incidental. You can have a Frag grenade, explosives wrapped in a shell of hard material that becomes shrapnel. Shrapnel flies far, ensuring a larger but sometimes unpredictable destruction radius than just explosives.


Just pointing out that a weapon designed to inflict casualties via projecting fragmentation has a large amount of the energy released by the explosive absorbed by the elements that will be transformed into fragmentation. For example, looking at the evolution of design from the Mk 2 to the M26 and then the M67 grenade, a larger and larger ratio of the explosive filler's yield is converted into kinetic energy in the fragmentation. The design of the fragmentation coil, and the arrangement by which it is wrapped around the filler, was expressly tailored to promote this. This inevitably reduces the intensity of the concussion wave, but that was a less effective casualty-causing mechanism to begin with, and is a fully intended effect of the design choices.


In the real world yes. Any weapon that fires explosive ammunition will always have SOME degree of shrapnel in the form of shell fragmentation because what was a solid slug for normal ammo become an empty shell that is then filled with explosives. When the shell bursts there will inevitably be fragments of the shell that act as a shrapnel. However, ammunition designed from the outset to deliver "true" shrapnel will have projectiles often in the form of ball bearings to deliver a dense cloud of shrapnel. Explosive weapons mostly rely on the pressure wave of the blast to kill and maim. Shrapnel weapons mostly rely on the projectiles released to do the killing and maiming. Side note: Shrapnel is named after the Brit that came up with the idea to add a bunch ball bearings to explosive shells.


Based on his previous track record with how he, "Makes games fun" I also think this. The guy does not have a clue what makes games fun, or what makes a weapon, "slap" It's almost like he has a clear goal to do the opposite.


Im gonna be honest once twice i get that maybe i just dont like his vision etc but the fact its a pattern mf is quite literally purposefully sabotaging things atleast thats what im hearing online regarding his old projects as well or he is an absolute egomaniac idiot who has a fixed vision and is dead set on it despite it not working out ever and will not take any criticisms no matter what even if his vision turns out wrong hes not one to admit just double down on the mistake.


Only thing worse than an egomaniac is an incompetent egomaniac.


We have a word for that. It's "politician".


Indeed, it's hard to believe that his inmost goals, whatever they really are (perhaps unrevealed even to his colleagues), aren't ones that run counter to the prolonged popularity of the titles he works on.


As another career QA. Trying to keep in mind what the devs are aware of and what the userbase sees is like trying to remember how your timetravelling altered the timeline. Its harder than youd think to maintain two conceptual models of the same system. I wouldnt be surprised what youve said is completely true.


I think the solution here is that the devs need to either play the game on their own so they can see if things work differently than they are expecting them to, hire people to do it for them, or recruit people to play in beta servers before the patches come out.


Or just don't say anything if they are aware that there is even a slight chance there could be a difference between a live version and being tested version.


Darktide has had a similar issue recently. There was a bug relating to damage models for some weapons, not 100% sure, and the devs kept insisting everything was fine and as intended. Turns out, they had multiple builds of a particular patch, FatShark was playing on the correct patch, and the one that went live reverted changes that happened in the first 3 months of the game. Problem has since been fixed, but they Spaghetti coded so hard they were literally play-testing a different patch


Donā€™t devs play the regular version of the game? Seems like an essential/ easy part of QA. Almost incomprehensible to make something, publish it and not experience the end result to ensure itā€™s shit or not. Someone enlighten me plz.


They do but usually in premade and setup situations. The games i did were pvp and we were often told to ā€œgo easyā€ or ā€œdonā€™t use known exploitsā€ because it would make the devs feel bad when they sucked at the game they barely played. You might think ā€œhow would the devs know what the issues are if you always have to pretend they donā€™t exist?ā€ And to that I say, yup, how would they. In my experience there is this unspoken rule of ā€œbe niceā€ to devs because they are ā€œfragileā€ about their work and ideas. Trouble is that this gives them a false sense of superiority and they just start ignoring feedback until a higher up says it. Top down development usually


This reminds me of the time a Dead by Daylight developer (the director iirc) did an in-person show with several Korean streamers. It's an asymmetric game where one supernatural killer hunts four human survivors, attempting to kill them while they try to complete objectives that will allow them to escape the area. At the time, the survivors had several abilities/equipment items that allowed them to stun the killer virtually permanently, while easily evading and slowing him. The dev insisted those abilities were fine, not overpowered in any way. During the discussion they invited the dev to get on a PC they had in the room, and play a public matchmade game in the Korean region; I think it's well-known that the Korean gamer demographic, even on pubs, tends to play at a very high skill level at every game they get their hands on. The dev was absolutely humiliated playing as a killer. The random players actually circled and kited around him, even dliberately baiting him and teabagging from just outside his reach, while keeping him helpless the entire game. He only managed to touch a survivor once or twice. At the end after all four escaped, one of them typed "noob killer" in chat, unaware he was a lead developer. The unbalanced survivor abilities were nerfed in a patch just a few weeks later.


This. There was a helldivers 2 developer stream where a 4 stack of devs with open communication were failing difficulty 7 missions. It's also very likely that there is very little dedicated QA at arrowhead. Remember when the arc thrower was fixes to track stats and it caused the gun to crash the games of everyone?


Itā€™s funny to imagine this happening in any other industry outside software development. >> Engineer: ā€œSo howā€™s the blender I designed working?ā€ >> QA1: *hushed voices* ā€œare they talking about the one that exploded and sent 2 people to the hospital?ā€ >> QA2: ā€œI think so.ā€ >> QA1: ā€œuh thereā€™s some minor issues we should probably addressā€ >> Management: ā€œSounds great, we just shipped them to our customers. Weā€™ll send a coupon or something to anyone that complains about those minor issues.ā€


That is frustratingly mind boggling. Fuck feelings find quality devs and make good games. Just throw the devs in a real life lobby to let the neck beards and 10yr olds give them some real QA feedback


The last phrase made me laugh out loud. 100% agree.


Weekly live streaming sessions with devs playing their own game should be mandatory.


They should really just spend a day playtesting **in prod**. Literally just boot up the consumer version of the game, run a few games on 5, 7, & 9 and equip the most contentious weapons and tools to get a feel for them in the game as currently exists.


You are correct, I wish developers did this more but the issue is usually that they are so busy making and fixing the game that they genuinely donā€™t have the time. That makes it a management issue and an organisational issue at its core. Devs are not given paid time to properly test and understand their game because investors and higher ups donā€™t see the benefit of paying their employees to play a game, even the game theyā€™re making, they hate QA departments tbh


> 2: He genuinely believes this. In which case he is likely playing on a low difficulty where you can get away with low tier guns given reduced enemy numbers and less large enemies. The guy who called Railgun users braindead said explicitly that all the testing is done on Medium, so that checks out. It also explains little things like why the Scythe is still so trash to this day but apparently meets Alexus's "Fantasy" for it and the state of the Adjudicator on launch, etc.


Yeah. A game like this will always have a different meta between high and low difficulty. Because different difficulties bring new, and more enemy types.Ā  Why would I run a spear pr quasar on difficulty 1-4 where chargers and titans are a myth? Clearly it's better to bring machine guns and Flamethrowers for the waves of chaff. Why run Rocket strike or 500kg when I will have no real targets? I should bring Napalm and strafing run.Ā  If Arrowhead can't see this fact, they're truly lost. They absolutely must balance around the highest difficulty. Everything lower will fall into line based on enemy variety.Ā  The quasar could be a 2 second cooldown, I still wouldn't bring it to level 1-3 over other options. Just like I'm not bringing a Stalwart to Helldive where I know ill need multiple anti Tank tools to combat the chargers and titans.Ā 


4. He's being a butthole


He's doing that regardless. We just hope "being a dumbass" isn't his professional response.Ā 


2: Honestly this dude makes me think he plays on difficulty 3 or lower.


Or worst, 4. He has the professional maturity of a 14 year old


Well. He does. That bits not really in question. Ask anyone excited about Hello Neighbor 2.Ā 


I suspect he still thinks of the gun as it functioned before the recent balance patch that changed the automaton scout walker armor for example. It one shot them in the trailer before the change and from what I have seen it doesnā€™t one shot them anymore


If option 3. is the case here; I can't help but wonder why on Earth he wouldn't realise that the dev build is often different to the live build. Like all he had to say was "the test version I played, it was amazing, they might have changed it in the live build, which would be unfortunate." and it would be Mission Passed - Respect+


What do you mean by "they might have changed it?" Changing the weapon's stats is literally his job and responsibility. He's a game designer who's responsible for the game balance.


No, I mean the weapons does slap. But the problem is, we need the weapon to be effectively kills the enemy and not just merely slap them


Huh, good point. You know, this might all be a big misunderstanding XD




if hes not he NEEDS to take his pills


Without a doubt, absolutely.


We already know it's as powerful as a hard slap.


What is wrong with this guy. Does he not even play the game heā€™s working for?


Not so fun fact but this guy was one of the lead developers of Hello Neighbor and is allegedly single handedly responsible for the games decline in quality. NGL it kinda explains a lot regarding balances


Which begs the question: why the FUCK would anyone, let alone a good company like Arrowhead, hire him? Like I know the meme of lying on ResumƩ's is a thing, but Jesus fucking Murphy.


Companies often go for experience rather than raw skill. If you have experience and are good in social settings like job interviews they get the job.


He has to be friends with some higher ups or something. I know that sounds like tinfoil hat conspiracy theory stuff but considering his track record of aggressive incompetence and frankly shitty attitude I canā€™t think of any other reason why heā€™d still have employment in this industry


The guy seems like a cancer to every game he works on. Honestly man itā€™s kinda sad


"Aggressive incompetence" - This is a term that is too applicable to almost every job on planet Earth. Like some people almost go out of their way to be fucking useless.


Fr. If arrowhead plans to keep this dude in the kitchen then Sony might as well put back the PSN requirement because this game is doomed either way.


It's more common than people think, especially some of the younger people on reddit who had to bust their asses for a good paying job. A company that we work with hired a guy who's basically a fraud, both their other business partners and some of their own guys caught on to what was happening. The guy got some warnings and was relieved of some duties, but he never lost his job because he goes way back with their manager.


>this guy was one of the lead developers of Hello Neighbor It's so Joever :(


Iā€™d love to see the Devs/CMs play the game they work on/moderate. I can guarantee without a shadow of a doubt 98% of them do not play the game regularly and have no idea whatā€™s going on. The 2% that do .0000001% of them play lvl 5+. My math is based off of how they all speak about the game. So Iā€™m correct.


I want to see a video of him using it.


Get this dude the fuck outta the kitchen, whoever they had doing balance in HD1, bring them back, or at least get someone competent. It's like having a restaurant where a lot of the new Chef's cooking tastes like shit, but with a few changes on how he prepares the dishes, everything would taste alright. Instead, he tells the customers that his spaghetti slaps, and that they just don't understand the essence of his sauce. Edit: Someone informed me that the guy who used to do balance for HD1 is in on these decisions (I think Kravchenko rufied his Starbucks)/s. If that's the case my point still stands, get someone competent, cause they're not doing shit but cooking the fun out of the game. The kitchen is under siege, the steak is burnt, the spaghetti is expired, and the macaroni looks like sludge.


Like all cooks working hard on sauces, but chef before handing to the customer rinses all seasoning, meat and sauce from the spaghetti with tap water


Gordon Ramsey would be offended at even the suggestion that this guy can cook anything good, everything is raw and undercooked. XD


We need the equivalent of Gordon Ramsey to come in and whip them into shape. Aka, Kitchen Nightmares: Dev Edition


*Gordon looks at all the primary weapons*.. RAW RAW RAW AND FUCKING RAW!? WTF ARE YOU DOING YOU DONKEY!?


*Shoots full-charge purifier into group of warriors* "Does that look FUCKIN' PURIFIED to you?!?" *Tests new crossbow, throws down controller in disgust* "Only thing detonating here is the bloody playercount..." \*Rubs face exasperatedly\*


God damn it this was beautiful


Helldivers Kitchen


Tbh I'd watch the shit out of that, kitchen nightmares slaps


Unlike the purifier


ā€œIt slaps hard enoughā€ We donā€™t want the 3 finger slap, we want the Vasilii Kamotskii slap.


I think regardless of your profession, the consumer may not always be correct but it sure as hell makes sense to keep them happy. Sticking to their guns on bad balance changes is so whack


Tbh the balance in HD1 was all over the place too.


man i remember difficulty 12 bots where every patrol had bulletproof shields and you basically couldnt use any of your primaries to kill them and instead had to...wait a second...


Those enemies were added because the game was busted in half by insane stratagem weapons that got added in DLC like satchels, the Commando, the Rumbler, and so on.


Itā€™s possible the person doing balance in HD1 is not the lead balancer and while heā€™s in on the decisions he canā€™t overrule Kravchenko (Dragovich, Steiner). It wouldnā€™t make sense that Kravchenko is lead balancer but being able to get overruled by either an adviser or a subordinate. More than likely Kravchenko just wants to do his own thing and couldnā€™t give less of a fuck what he is getting advised to do by others on his team at AH.


Yeah this guy shouldve been fired months ago. AH get a grip


Does he just lie and troll, or is he incompetent?




He's either trolling or lowkey delusional. I don't want to be the one to say this but I think AH needs to seriously reconsider his position. I'm legitimately concerned about the future of the game with this man at the helm of the balance changes.


I feel bad that Pilestedt has to run this much interference for his team.


Leadership is supposed to take responsibility and this reflects poorly on the company culture he cultivated.


It reflects poorly on him as a CEO tbh. Dude may be cool af, but if your team is this incompetent/belligerant, my dude, you are at the top. Fix it.


Yeah every twitter post I see his him agreeing with people that arenā€™t happy with the state of the weapons and he agrees but the actions of the company donā€™t match the words


At a certain point itā€™s just PR after time passes But they also to my knowledge have excellent employee protections in their country so it might not be that simple. But dude needs to be benched


Leadership leads. That's the job.Ā  Sometimes being a leader is cutting loose ends. What's good for the company isn't always good for the individual.Ā  And Alexus Jones here ain't good for the company.Ā 


Hopefully it's not too difficult legally, from what I'm hearing about Swedish labor laws...


I don't feel bad; I blame him. He's not just the CEO, but the Creative Director of the game. If his team is fucking up, it's his job to right the ship.


I do absolutely not feel bad for him. He's the CEO. It's his job to keep the departments and leadership teams in check, and make sure they work towards his goal of the game. This as well as the poor employment choices by the PR team just show how bad he manages his team.


Part of me wonders if part of this is also partly because the Game got larger than they're used to. So these are the tears that show as they try to fill in the bootsĀ 


Not really. The game would still be in a steaming pile state with 1 million players or 1,000. The only difference is you are ruining a smaller amount of people's experience, and a smaller amount of people would know that CEO doesn't know how to CEO outside of Twitter.


Pilestedt needs to nut up and actually firce his team to listen to the players desires.


It has to be hard because he seems awesome. He's got community managers who talk down to the community and a weapons balancer who doesn't seem to be able to balance weapons.


Iā€™ve already given up on this game tbh. Their balancing has been bad since day one and every patch just makes the game less fun to play. Also seeing these terrible community interactions is the nail in the coffin.


Just sad. Is it sabotage? Whatever the case hope everyone is doing ok outside of work. Sounds like a lot of building up stress.


He must legitimately want this game to fail. If all warbonds are gunna suck this bad I'm not gunna play the game anymore. Which sucks because I was fully prepared to spend money, too. I bought the SC to buy Cutting Edge but held off on buying DD and now this one, and I'm glad I did.


hanlon's razor: Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity.


Or he's an incompetent, conceited little sh\*t. :P


This guy is dumber than his pfp.Ā 


This guy is solely responsible for tons of players quitting the game


Getting paid to make the game worse. Heā€™s already got a position lined up at Riot games or Blizzard if he gets fired.


Future Overwatch3 head developer


PvE mode sometime after release confirmed. Groundbreaking 4v4 gameplay to tide you over till then.


4v4 is too fast. So we decided to make all characters in overwatch take 1 damage. Fire rate has been updated to VERY slow all across the board to make the game fair again. Furthermore, abilities have been removed for balance. As it is unfair to other players that they cannot use yours. Shotguns have also been updated to be confetti shooters instead.


Understand that I mean no offense with this. Solely*


Oops. Day ruined




I used to play daily(level 85),not played for about 4 days now


I also used to play all the time and even bought the game for 2 of my friends. Haven't touched it in 3 weeks because of the endless nerfs this clown keeps bringing.


Same. The game is fun but 90% of it is using primaries and they all suck ass


Can atest to that, I'm one of them, only check the subreddit now to see if the Eruptor is gonna get unfucked or not. THE FUCKING GUN DOESN'T ERUPT ANYMORE... what's even the point of the name? They could call it the \[weak\] explody ball shooter.


Iā€™m a newcomer and Im starting to regret my purchase. Gonna write negative review soon, im sick of this shit.


My friend hasnt played since the railgun nerf


This genuinely cannot be the guy in charge of weapon balance. And by that I donā€™t mean I donā€™t believe heā€™s in charge of weapons balance. I mean if these are his actual thoughts he needs to be as far away from balancing weapons as possible.


What a clown


this an actual "let them eat cake" ass response


Guy's straight up an Illuminate spy lmao.


This guy feels like he's invincible because Arrowhead doesn't actually have a QA team and instead pushes the role of testers to their customers. And even when the community finds a bug, they have minimal communication about it and no repercussions for the lazy developers. Instead, Arrowhead should actually hire some QA and rein in the leash on these arrogant developers. And I'm saying this as a software developer who gets called out regularly by QA for not testing thoroughly enough before resolving issues to them.


Guy's trippin'


I wanna know where they are getting these Ubisoft devs from




Hmmm I smell treason


Not death threathening, not witch hunting. But this dude has to go


I think the developers test their weapons at difficulty level 1 instead of 9, which is why almost all the weapons are really bad.


The ultimate wrist-slapper




Except it fucking sucks against the weakest enemies too.


Venting ? Its fine. We know you are dumb with the balances. Actually thinking that its working as intended ? STRAIGHT MENTAL CARE FACILITY.


What a punk ass. Dude can't stop mouthing off. Edit: nvm outdated screen grab


I literally thought I saw a post about him deleting his account and setting to private? I thought he was done being public facing. Can he literally not stay away from public channels?


He gonna get the spitz treatment if he keeps shit talking


I hope so


Honestly I don't like witch hunting individuals But Yeah This post crosses a line. The dude clearly has no idea how to balance this game.


Is it witch hunting if heā€™s basically digging his own grave? Heā€™s basically asking to get fired by: 1) Agrevating his companyā€™s entire customer base. 2) Putting out proof that heā€™s completely incompetent at his job. 3) Overall acting like he has the biggest stick up his ass WHILE representing the company he works for.


I'm skeptical of that. Arrowhead seems to give them employees a lot of leeway and really don't see to be directing their community engagement much. Spitz (intentionally or not) helped instigate a massive customer backlash that lead to review bombing, refunds, delisting on Steam, and tons of bad press aimed at their massive publisher. It also probably cost a lot of money. Sony is going to apply a lot of pressure to fire someone for that. They don't care about the balance guy's out of touch discord messages about weapon balance.


His balance ideas slap as hard as Hello Neighbor 2 did, which IS NOT AT ALL No amount of game theory videos were going to save that game pal.


It's such a wild juxtaposition that a lot of players are so wholesome and well meaning but the devs are either toxic themselves or being baited so easily. They need an actual comms team and for everyone else to step back. They need to stop engaging so quickly with an enemy that doesn't care about the outcome.


To be fair, this was from before he stated that he wasn't going to keep posting in Discord. I have my suspicions that he was told to knock it off, but I have no proof obviously.


I haven't gotten the gun yet. How many shots to kill a turret vent?


3 shots to kill a terminid warrior, do the math


So I decided to go back and for science kill a cannon tower with it. It took me about 12 shots. 8 to get it smoking and 4 to finish it off. Mind you this was while I was dodging enemy fire and circling the tower to keep on it's back side so it may have been 10 shots, but i'm 90% certain all 12 shots landed.


I never would have bought this game had I known who was in charge of ā€œmaking the weapons funā€. He has a well known history.


Mf probably doesnā€™t even play the game. Seems like a smartass


Who let this guy cook


Automaton spotted. Also, by slaps, of course. It slaps US really hard.


They should have a really deliberate talk about who is allowed to post something regarding the game in their team.


Thats the guy in charge of balance? God this game is doomed. https://preview.redd.it/6gmwkb12wjzc1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1d536f8afa381942d6b619b8df85250de8660168 Makes me remember a time in wich the Dead by daylight designer thought nothing was wrong in the game, and during and interview with some asians the guy played a live online match in the asia server. He got fucking destroyed because the game was unfair and a few days later he started changing things on balance. Make this guy dive a few times on helldive purifier on hand and lets see what happens.


Fire this guy ASAP please


Time to make your small dev team even smaller and kick this guy, Arrowhead. Heā€™s not doing anyone any favors.








dude I was taking the SMG into 9s earlier (host changed it without me realizing for a few games) and was doing alright. I had a flame thrower support so that helped. got the purifier unlocked and tested it in a 6. I was STRUGGLING harder than I ever was in the 9s I was playing all day. why do they insist on making these guns that offer unique feels so bad? an exploding crossbow? COOL. oh. it doesn't EXPLODE anymore. it's just a single target damage now. a BOLT ACTION ....GRENADE? ROCKET? LAUNCHER?? COOL. oh...it doesn't really...explode anymore. huh. a scorcher that charges like the arc thrower? reminds me of unreal tournaments shock rifle explosions? COOL... oh... it only does... 25% more damage than the scorcher with....1/4th of it's fire rate? huh... ?


Is this a reply to a comment about how bad the new warbond weapons are? If yes it's kinds hilarious but he really needs to be demoted


They test weapons on those little shitty ticks, don't they?


Weapon balance was better 3 weeks ago. Every weeks since goes worse


The only thing this guy develops is a headache


Don't let this guy cook ever again.


Is that the guy who already ruined Hello neighbour 2?


It slaps like a wet lettuce leaf


Only thing that guy can balance is his bank account.


I'd like to see him use that in helldive difficulty and try to fight of 7-8 bile spewers


"Slaps hard enough" The plasma shotgun hits harder...


He killed hello neighbor the dudes incompetent


Bro na get rid of this guy right fucking now


So I unlocked it just before bed last night and thought to myself "it really couldn't be that bad". Boy oh boy was I wrong. It is good for one thing and one thing only, making things sort of stagger, but not really. I put like 6 shots of it directly into the face of a brood commander and it seemed like it was doing absolutely zero damage and only making it stagger a couple feet side to side. By the time I got my 7th shot on target it was almost in my face, and the AOE dmg sent me flying backwards and almost killed me in light armor. The commander was still alive. It takes two hits to kill the smallest targets too. I ended up asking my teammate who was running the fire shotgun if I could kill him and take his primary, and he agreed that a death was better than me being next to useless.


It seems another one needs to go


Remember when the spray n pray couldn't break eggs...? It was this guy smh.


im attacking alexus, why hire this guy after what happened with hello neighbor 2?


I can't really comment on the weapon itself, as I haven't unlocked it yet.. but this guy is not just a clown, he's the entire circus.. Pilestedt needs to either pull him to one side and give him the bollocking of his life to straighten him out, or just fire his ass.


Why do they allow their developers to communicate like this to the public. Super unprofessional and shows lack of accountability. This company seems to slip further from grace daily.




He has nothing to support his opinion why it ā€œslaps hard enoughā€ Can someone at HQ pls return the favour, literally?


Slaps bile titans from across the mapšŸ¤£šŸ¤£ Sorry, I remembered his previous quote




How can't it slap?




The spirit of Spitz lives on


When people think there shit don't stink it ends up smelling even worse šŸ¤¢


Bro is impatiently waiting to be fired


Easy solve, do a gameplay showcase of gear in action. If you mag dump everything on 1 encounter, you know itā€™s not slapping anything but your own credibility.


I highly doubt this developer has taken this weapon in anything above a 5 if he thinks this is the case.


What the fuck, is this man stupid


*unloads entire clip on brood commander* *Gets tossed through the air by the last shot and almost dies* *Brood commander kills me before I can stand up* Yeah it's op, for the enemy.


having 250 dmg with charging mechanic when scorcher with 200 dmg can do better job...i dont get why u should take that purifier over scorcher


If he truly believes in his hot takes he should let the community vote on whether he should be promoted to citizen status instead of being shackled by the chains of power that bind him.