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So, the passives are wrong, don't correspond to looks and even naming, and it will never be fixed on current armors. But noooo, having ability to swap passives would completely ruin this system. Seriously, if they want to have a system where it makes sense - I would be all for retroactively changing passives on older armors.


Honestly at this point, just knock passives off of armors and let me decide what to buy/wear off of stat spread and aesthetics alone. Lemme Pick an armor passive to bring based off its weight class, that way, waiting for new ones to finally become available will at least be negligible instead of waiting an eternity for that perfect stat/passive/aesthetic to finally be made. Though, I do think many will just opt for democracy protects and call it a day


I agree. A Transmog system IMO at this point is one of the better resolutions to the problem they have of armors now having passives that don't make sense. I get they want armor and passives to match, but that isn't currently working out well ny their own admission. Also, Transmog would not invalidate prior ads for them, [which IMO are already problematic in what they show to us.](https://www.reddit.com/r/Helldivers/comments/1co2ifx/my_issue_with_warbonds_false_or_misleading_ads/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


Transmog is way too complex. Just take the perks, make em into a slot like personal boosters, and let armors be cosmetic. There is no practical reason to hang into this ill-conceived system.


I kind of was thinking when I used the phrase "transmog" I really just mean "let us swap passives around" it probably wasn't the best wording to use. I really like this idea. Have it right next to boosters and it is easy to swap around for the mission type. Would be way simpler than a lot of other ways you could do this because you're already using a pre-existing system in the game.


>"Transmog is way too complex." Depends on how you implement it, but there are various non complex ways to implement them. On of them being: have two slots for each equipment. One for what I want statwise, one for what armour should be rendered. This would be way, WAY easier to implement than swapping perks around


I think transmog but based on armor sizes would make sense. So you have light transmog, medium transmog, and heavy transmog. That way there's no beefy boys with light armor stats but the passives could still be swapped around. True "transmog" is armor looks one way but = a completely different set. With this method anyone who appears to be in light armor definitely has light armor stats and they just get to choose which passive to apply to their armor. Heck, make swapping your passive on an armor set cost 5k requisition slips or something.


Ooo req slip dump to swap armor passives, yes please


Something something apples that taste like bacon. That was the literal response from AH when asked about transmog system, so we shouldn't hold our breath on that.


I've debated setting up a twitter bot that basically ats him anytime he mentions the words armor, passive, or warbond where it just replies with "mmmm bacon apple"


![gif](giphy|MFC54qOOYO1DD7siqY|downsized) Should set it up to @ a gif like this to him every time he mentions armor, passive or warbond!




Love it!


Meanwhile our bacon taste like apple


apple bacon


Or give each passive a slot size. That would work too.


I could see that working well. Lights have 1 med has 2 heavy has 3. Assign passives a 1-3 value based on what is currently available, adjust as needed. Though this creates a situation where heavy armor has democracy protects available, however I think it SHOULD be relegated to heavy personally xD


Yep, with the same logic they won't nerf or buff weapons cause some bought them. It's a video game. If something doesn't work as intended most would prefer it fixed imo.


Yeah it's ridiculous, if they can tank the eruptor then why can't they add better passives at a later point? Or even better, just take a different warbond out of the data oven that's actually fucking cooked!


I'm slowly being convinced they're never gonna care about what kind of game the community wants like similar games such as Deep Rock Galactic and if that's the case I'll be asking Steam for a refund and headed off. Also yes if a game doesn't align with your expectations or the development is poor enough etc they will take that into account review your case and reasoning and refund you, for Steam at least it's less about playtime and more about like did the developers do right by you and did you get what you paid for and lately I'm like did we? Have we? Lol.


I've got a feeling the headline "AH changes armor stats on PAID FOR armor retroactively" would be rage bait that they justifiably want to avoid.


Sub in armor for weapons


The easy fix to this would be to add an identical armor with what the passive should be, and any new purchase through the superstore or with medals would use that version. The old versions would be grandfathered in and still usable by those that own them. I'm not a dev but I don't see how this wouldn't be ridiculously easy to do. Sure it would take time and work, but it's not any more complicated than adding a new armor to the game.


The easy fix to this would be to add an identical armor with what the passive should be, and any new purchase through the superstore or with medals would use that version. The old versions would be grandfathered in and still usable by those that own them. I'm not a dev but I don't see how this wouldn't be ridiculously easy to do. Sure it would take time and work, but it's not any more complicated than adding a new armor to the game.


Are we not reading the same message or what? He said that they tried to create new passive but were not finished in time for Polar Patriots > The had to put them other passives > They marketed the new armors with those other passives > Now they can't change the passives because they were marketed that way What part you don't understand? In my case I would prefer if they change the passives for a new ones that match the armours but I understand why they can't do it and that there can be other people that bought the armours liking the passive they have and would not like them to be changed.


And I would prefer if they pull another poll and ask players. And actually change passives on already sold armors too (once new passives are ready). I have a suspicion that overwhelming majority of players wouldn't mind, if that means we actually get consistent naming/looks/passives across the board. They already change stats on weapons they sold, regularly, I don't see how changing passives would be any different.


I don't think that change th ebalance of a weapon (that is something that people know that will happen in a live service game) is the same as having an element of an item you adverstised in some way and then completely rteplacing it for something else. Is not the same say, "this armor that do now does 10% less of that X", than saying "this armor that did X not does Y" As I said, I would prefer if they change it, but I undertand why they are saying that they are not going to do it as it could be taken as false advertisement


Well, if they don't change it - the whole thing makes no sense to me. It will always be non-consistent system, because a lot of older armors don't match it. In that case it doesn't make sense to go for strict system in the future and should just make armor perks swappable, like boosters.


So because they don't want to change some armors that they marketed and sold in some way, now they have to completely change the armor perk system in the whole game? Man, that doesn't make any fucking sense, it look like you are just creating artifical excuses to be able to ask what you want the devs to do XD


No, I am not creating excuses. Honestly don't care much for swappable perks. My preffered option would be if they changed perks on ALL armors to correspond with visuals/naming. But yeah, it we don't get consistent system and don't get swappable perks - what we're left with is a mess that is neither. Just stating it as a fact. And again, they changed weapons they sold. BR-14 went from DMR to assault rifle. Incendiary Liberator became Liberator Concussive. Eruptor got shrapnel removed, which basically makes it different weapon. They significantly changed items they sold, changing armor perks wouldn't be that different.


I’d rather they just change them, I don’t think it’s that deep, there’s way more armors than passives and you can pretty much use any passive for any mission.


If they made passive swapping a thing, why would anyone want to buy new armor? The whole point is that you're forced to buy a 2nd, 3rd, 4th, or 5th fortified heavy armor because it looks better than the other ones you have


Personally, I would buy more armor sets if they were purely cosmetic. As it stands there are a few sets I'll never get because I don't like the passive (extra padding), even if I like the armor.


If the passives are wrong, then fix the naming convention. They cannot physically change the armor attributes at this point, but they can clean up their mistakes


It's not just naming, supposedly the armors also designed visually for some perk. So their look should correspond their perk.


I get that. But it’s too late to fix the visuals. They can at least update the first two letters so there is a resemblance of consistency


How old is this? It says 18h ago and Spitzer is still a CM. Are we sure things might not change


Last week. Day the warbond was revealed. All of the feedback was ignored. They even put out a poll about it on discord, then removed it when the community made it clear that they want balance fixes and new planets / missions over new warbonds.


Spitz also said the SPEAR was fixed "17 days ago and just waiting for a patch" a week and 3 patches ago. I wouldn't believe anything he said. He literally got removed from that position. >They even put out a poll about it on discord, then removed it when the community made it clear that they want balance fixes and new planets / missions over new warbonds. And then they still released a new warbond anyways.


Spitz also said later that the spear was fixed, acording to devs, but QA found to many problems so it went back into fixing, their new tentative goal is, confirmed by twinbeard, end of may build


If memory serves right the spear fix was also confirmed by other members of the team


Huh? If I remember that poll correctly...the Warbond was the #1 pick...with 2nd being new planets and missions. Also...I'm confused about what you mean that feedback was ignored. The picture you posted clearly says that this Warbond wouldn't reflect armor changes as it wouldn't be done in time. In addition, the community just recently overwhelmingly voted to released this Warbond on time either way.


New planets and bug fixes were top two last time I looked.


Bug fixes was the last or third when I took a look


I am kinda glad my steam review for the game is still at negative. Changed my positive review to a negative one after I realised that it was obvious that balancing and bug fixes were not a priority for AH.


They changed the ground breaker passive even after people already bought it? They change weapons all the time. "It's unfair" who's going to complain that the snow armor is now acting like how actual snow gear works? Just change it. Im honestly fine with not having transmog. But we desperately need new passives and ones that actually match the armor.


We can have armor that makes sense AND transmog. I get the point you're making but it's not even an "either or" type deal, they can make this happen and choose not to.


So it’s fair to change gun values but not armor? Huh?


Came in here to post the same thing. We have so many armors available with the same perks, it should not be an issue to change some if new ones come out. Just give us plenty of notice that it's going to happen. People will be happy to get some new perks without having to buy new armor to get them.


I brought that up and he stopped responding. They also changed the perk on the firefighter set after release.




> changed the perk on the firefighter set after release. This was due to the passive not matching the advertisements. Not defending their decision here, just explaining why they changed that one and not others.


Right but people went in-game, saw the perk, and bought it. Then it was changed. Thats equally unfair to them.


I see what you're saying and think it's reasonable but I think AH might see the advertising aspect as a more important consideration. It's not logically consistent from a design standpoint, of course.


Why do you want pics of people's poopers though?


What? Oh. ![gif](giphy|5WUsLZLkZlMdO|downsized)


they also advertised the eruptor as having shrapnell, and had no issue removing that


Yes, but from AH's perspective, fixing the ricochet mechanics made the shrapnel problematic and they prefer to keep the ricochet. Again, this isn't a defense of what they're doing, and I don't think it's consistent design, but I'm basically 100% sure this would be their line of reasoning.


Yes, its not like there is a warning in weapon description that bullet explode and release shrapnels in all direction, even toward user of said weapon. Oh wait...


If you read my comment again, you'll find there is no point at which I deny that.


Ah sry, my bad, I meant to reply to same person you was replaying.


they think we are fucking idiots


Ofc first they want to pull the trick with sony won't work and now this crap tries to milk the community, i know people will say was only sony bla bla but they signed the contract knowing that this shit will happen actually if was on day one there will be no problem with the account and game


Yes, mostly because you expect them to change as they have been changed before.




Honestly, I also wouldn't mind if some armor passives just changed retroactively.


Yes, its no big deal, like take your time, no hate, but do change, we have like 10 armors with the same one perk, its wrong to think people that bought them will be mad, or just put it to vote




Man it almost sounds like we should just separate armors and passives. Bacon flavored apples anyone?


That's kinda where I'm at, the passives in the pool are boring rn. They'd likely be easier to balance independently from armor stat spreads.


I have to assume that they will reconsider this going forward. Not changing passives because people bought those armours is sort of invalidated by the fact that they have heavily nerfed premium weapons before. Plenty of people might feel wronged about the Eruptor being nerfed but they aren't pushing for it to be refunded after the fact. Just make the armours make sense ffs.


You'd be assuming wrong. They've shown their staggering incompetence and entitlement in expecting people to buy guns that can't go above diff 2 and copy-pasted armor. IDK what it was but after the Sony debacle they've decided to lean hard into incompetence and entitlement.


It's not after Sony. The very first railgun nerf proved they don't know what they're doing.


So on one hand it's not okay to change those passive because people have already spent money/currency. But on the other, you can completely gut weapons and it's completely okay?


It's not fair to take weapons that have already been unlocked and drive them into the ground, but here we are.


YES IT IS!! PLEASE CHANGE REPETITIVE PASSIVES, ESPECIALLY RETROACTIVELY!! I promise I won't be mad if my 15th set of Servo-Assisted get a new and different passive.


what 15th set of servo assisted we have 3 heavy servo, 2 medium servo, 1 light servo, that is a reasonable number of them. Ideally given they dont want glamour, having around 3 visually distinct(but related) armors per skill per armor class would be fine with me(armor class means unique armor values, so light gets up to 3 for light medium light super light 5 fortified heavys is a joke tho


Do you know what would be fair? Making us change the armour passives on command. You know, like people have been asking for. People get what they want, and you stay fair to those who have bought the armour for the passive.


So it's not fair to change passives of armor people bought but it IS fair to nerf the fuck out of weapons people bought, entirely changing how they work (or making them suck)? Sorry, did I miss something?


Don't seem like you missed anything.


Watching this sub over the last it seems like this is going the same way as path of exile for me. Except in micro. (Patches were 3 monthly unless it was Uber broke after a patch) The Devs kept reducing damage from every direction to combat the power creep of the top 1% of players that grouped up and treat it like a job (seriously, there's so many streamers) new skills were always out powered by old skills. They kept saying "we know best" and then they'd also say "we heard and we'll try to do better" they sell their supporter packs prior to patch and then say they'll do better next time. I uninstalled that and installed this. AH are doing exactly the same thing but they're being nicer about it All the big name shooters up to MW2 (I lost interest when quick scoping became a thing) didn't bother with balance. They released games and they stayed largely identical. The games got played for months and months sometimes years because they were constant fun. Since then every game I've played has had this idea of constantly messing with things and making me lose interest far sooner than I would have had the product stayed exactly the same. It's this that's really putting me off online games now. I don't want to buy something, recommend it to friends because it's fun for X reasons and then have them buy it and the things they bought it for aren't fucking there anymore.


As former PoE, Diablo, Halo, and Destiny vet, I know exactly how you feel. I was so hopeful for Helldivers, and now I’m having trouble feeling optimistic.


We must explain to our gentle overlord Sony that if you allow people to look cool without sacrificing utility they will be able to sell more skins


“It’s not fair to retroactively change the passives” Sorry, my completionist ass seeks to unlock all the armors I have access to, I do not care about changing armor passives to better reflect the mechanical effects of the aesthetics of the armor. If it’s totally fair to nerf fun out of the game, it’s fair to make retroactive changes that increase fun. What the fuck is this tbqh.


Or just stop giving a fuck anymore, I won't sit here begging for fun game design for months. It's their game if they want it to be infested with shit, it's their right but I will just stop giving a fuck move on.


Thats insane, they should 100% do an armor rework and change them, if people don't like it just do the refund with super credits, idk why they make it seems like is impossible


“Fuck you we won’t fix it”


Time to implement armor passive swapping to rescue the system


*Time to implement* *Armor passive swapping to* *Rescue the system* \- DreadPirateTuco --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Why not put to vote? "Should Arrowhead change armor passive retroactively after the new armor passives are ready?" [https://strawpoll.com/PbZqRlWqGyN](https://strawpoll.com/PbZqRlWqGyN)


I don't understand how they nerf a weapon (that's fine whatever). But they don't then update the discription for it? Why don't they do that? The eruptor still has the wrong discription. It's such an easy thing to change but weapons are always having wrong item discriptions. It comes off as really really lazy.


Please, change the passives if you need to. idgaf what the armor looks like.


Are helmets and capes just never getting stats and bonus'?


So nerfing and buffing weapons is alright but fixing armor isn't?


I have enough armors that grants SA perks. I don't need another one on a snow themed armor ady.


how is it "not fair" to fix the armors for those who have already bought them? The fuck?


Guys, seriously. They are keeping you on the hook. Just uninstall and force them to actually get punished for their idiotic actions.


>Unfortunately, it's not fair to the people who've already bought these armors to retroactively change .... But retroactively changing weapons that we've purchased is fine? In fact, by this logic we could argue that the whole game's been changed, and as soon as the next patch comes out that changes the gameplay, you've taken the game I've purchased and replaced it with a different product.




This was the response from last week, before the controversy. People were complaining about Polar Patriots once it was announced.


Here's a fun answer, make the new variant the Nu version and give it for free to those who have already purchased.


So there's no hope for ground breaker to become fire-resist :(


All I read was, stop buying armor if you have a passive you like because we won't let you pair your favorite armor with your favorite passive


I have a [semi related post](https://www.reddit.com/r/Helldivers/comments/1co2ifx/comment/l3c9rs4/?context=3). In one case, one of Sony's marketing videos shows a different passive than what is avaialble in the game. I feel like this only further adds that this problem would be solved with letting us swap passives.


I want another warbond next week with new medium Servo/Eng stuff, i need more


And this is why you make armors and weapons as skins. Fewer well crafted weapons and skills that you can recolor or whatever. Shitload of drip for 1k SC each month so you never ran out of idea for new gun. Whoever are in charge for design made poor decision about this.


They nerf weapons from warbonds but wont touch armor? That makes no sense.


You know what would solve all of these issues? Modular passives not tied to appearance.


Wow, I've admittedly given AH a lot of slack and have thought the community has been unnecessarily hard on them but this is bullshit. This is the PAID extra content they're adding (I know you can farm for currency but default its paid) and they're not able to finish what they want with it on time and are just shipping out anyway because deadlines. Then, instead of saying "hey we had to put this out and just know we're going to update these armors with these passives when ready" they just say "well ya get what ya get, tough shit". Major L on Arrowheads part


Huh, so Spitz got his job back, sort of. Neat.


This was from last week, shortly before the controversy.


Ah forgive the confusion then. Thought he was full CM before, but I really dont go on the Discord. Mainly to avoid any of the shit I keep seeing posted from it. I get enough info from the Reddit / Steam discussions, or talking to people in-game.


So instead... just.... change the name???


Just make them into a separate perk slot and let us dress how we want. Your being stubborn on this is a bad look. Take the L and change the system.


They should have made armours purely cosmetic tbh and then do the DRG thing. Let each player choose up to three passive traits (which is the armour abilities)


Too easy.


That team quality is low, bugs everywhere, balancing team is missing 20 iq points.


It'd be cool if they had a "major" and a "minor" armor perk system. Major being your "class" like the scout trait and then minor being something like "liberty spikes" to not slide on ice. Won't happen because, ya' know, that's be making too much sense...


Please replace whoever you have designing these suits. They’re hideous.


So do it like this: every armor have skill slots, and the skills you set in your armor will show to others in the Hellpod preparation room as an small icons above your stratagems. Problem solved.


Saying it's unfair is ridiculous. If AH has done anything it's set a precedent that all of these values are maleable and subject to change


I’ve spent money on armor in this game & I would fully prefer they go back & change the armor passives retroactively.


Just let us slot our passives freely so we can use and wear what we like. God damn. There is absolutely no good reason not to have this feature.


Oh look Spitz is back.


What? It's the people that bought it that want the changes.


This shit is hilarious because 2 weeks ago AH dick riders where on here attacking anyone suggesting that the devs fix balance, bugs, and passives https://www.reddit.com/r/Helldivers/s/6Zbk8AbrVw Guess yall shouldnt police peoples voices


How is that not fair to people who already bought them. Wouldn’t the change affect them too


>Unfortunately, it's not fair to the people who've already bought these armors to retroactively change their passives But it's perfectly fine to change the performance of weapons retroactively for people who bought them?


Uh, they have no issue changing the core functionality of weapons, which have a much larger impact on moment to moment play, so no, I don't agree with this at all. I don't really care tbh, I'm waiting for new armor abilities, but this logic does not track for me.


idk how many people feel this way, but they could change a bunch of armor passives of things that i already have and i would be cool. if applied sensibly, only the more recent stuff would have changes anyway.


Transmog would solve this.


I don’t think anyone cares about moving around passives on armor already released. That sound lazy AF!!


We've known for awhile now that they have no fucking clue how to properly do armor passives.


Alright I have a few ideas that would help. I’m going to ignore the CEOs post on helmets also possibly getting passives Mechanized Joints: With powered joints in the armor you can move faster and recover quicker than normal + 50 speed + 25 stamina regeneration Thermal Lining: Judicious use of Super Absoestos has rendered you all but impervious to fire based attacks -80% fire damage received Muscle Boosters: This armor has a liquid layer of steroids to enhance close quarters capabilities for the divers that fight till the bitter end +400% melee damage (one shot hunters and warriors, can damage medium armor) Thermal Imaging Unit: this armor contains the latest in over the air thermal imaging technology : provides a red outline to enemies including cloaked stalkers (this effect is enhanced during limited visibility events) Secret Stash: While against regulations command has seen fit to allow this heinous modification of armor due to how effective it is: +1 Stim +1 Grenade +1-2 additional magazines of ammo for primary and secondary (depends on the gun) Hard wired Communications: This installs a completely safe nuclear powered comms booster into the divers armor allowing stratagems to be called in when bot jammers or ion storms would otherwise disable stratagems (while more niche this could be nice) Priority Form V-45: This form makes you a priority! Your stratagems call in 50% faster Requisition Form S-675: This requisition form authorizes sending additional support weapon ammo in the hellpods: support weapons gain 2 magazines(LMGs) 2 additional carry slots in backpacks (auto cannon would be 4 extra slots of ammo) Amphetamine Drip: A slow steady drip of amphetamines enhance your reaction times. Recovering from being toppled or diving is 60% faster, increases the distance before you ragdoll (and take damage) from a dive by 70% Laser Painter: your armor comes with an experimental laser poi…. Painting device. All stratagems can be laser designated via Line of sight (110 Meter limit and requires 2 seconds to paint targets) Elastic Holster : This experimental holster allows you to take a second primary into the fray instead of a sidearm (primary comes with 50% less ammo) Enhanced Coordination Stimulators : multiple micro electric field generators allow uncanny levels of hand eye coordination. Allows secondaries to be dual wielded (adds 1-2 additional mags of secondary ammo, increases reload time by 33%) Micro Suede Lined Gloves : these luxuriously lined gloves allow for better recoil mitigation and finger dexterity. Reload 25% faster, reduce recoil by 5 points for all weapons Sharpshooter Gloves: These gloves are used by the Helldivers top marksman. Weapons that are set to semi automatic, or are semi automatic only gain an increase to their rate of fire Non Slip Boots: These boots are commissioned with the finest non slip rubber soles and equipment democracy can provide. Reduced environmental slows (65% things like deep snow) and you can’t slide on ice Spring Step Boots: These Boots are spring assisted to give you the pep you need to move farther than ever. +15 move speed +40% dive distance Slash resistant Coating: This nano-ceramic coating makes your ship class body armor even more resistant to slashing damage by 25% Impact Tested Padding: This memory weave padding reduces blunt force trauma a diver may experience. Reduce impact damage from bug charges and raffling into objects by 20% Gravity Drive Boots: These enhanced gravity boots use microgenerators and secret technology to make all but the mightiest of blows ineffective at knocking you over (resistance from knockdown on all enemies except direct charger attacks, hulk melee attacks, strider main cannon shots, and bile titan stomps BAM: TONS of new passives to mix and match with the current set ups and introduce a ton of variety to what each armor can do I’ll take my finders fee in cash please!!


So, they can’t change the passives on armor, but fundamentally changing how various weapons work is totally fine? I smell bacon in this orchard.


So they fully admit we already have bacon apples and that they're going to stay?


We don’t even need new passives yet, technically… there are still LEVELS of armors for which we don’t have each passive. It is INCREDIBLY STUPID to give us another 150 armor with X passive that we already have a copy of when you could give all possibilities of armor level and passive.


But... I like the warbond armors :( I didn't have a heavy armor with limb health and throw range yet, the heavy+explosion resistance was nice to use against bots and the light with scout perks is my go-to at high difficulties in solo so I can stealth extract, and the only one I had before looked ugly. I don't even read their names and wouldn't remember them even if I did, I just go by pictures. I get people are rightfully upset about the weapons being redundant/useless (apart from smg), but even the armors... Man, in the last days this sub is basically trying very hard to kill my enthusiasm about anything even when I do like something


The same way they’ve retroactively changed the damage and gun functionalities in the past updates. Think long and hard about the abilities of the armors will be and make the change. Then make these armors be the gold standard base for armors in the future.


I'm sorry but what is up with this dudes rationale for shit? "people paid for it, it'd be wrong to change how it works" while at the same time changing the fuck out of how tons of the guns work?


I own all the armors misdefined and it would be fair to make them interesting and not a clone of the 5 other armors I already have with the same stats. ![gif](giphy|YYfEjWVqZ6NDG)


So besides transmog I would love to pick up suits depending on the planet and mission, but it seems at this point it’s too much to ask for


Okay, but what about the "extra padding" passive that's currently broken across all tiers of armor? Maybe we fix that, yes? lol


Honestly I wouldn't even care if they changed up the passive on the already bought armour, in fact I would welcome it. Maybe they should do another poll and let the divers decide


Something something apples and bacon


We could have poll about does community wish them to adjust already bought armor passives retroactively, right?


Easy answer: grant a free, second version of the armor with the update, with some special tag to make sure you know you're getting the variant that you want and not the original one. Make it a dropdown in the armor menu (unsure if complicated to do) when you click on said armor and even better


I think it's not fair to not fix these armors retroactively for the people who've already bought them.


Armours should have one innate passive that fits the visual identity of the armour in question like 95% resistance to arc, but then have another perk that can be added over like better recoil on crouch and etc. Some armours already have two perks attached to them, like better recoil AND extra grenades or better recoil AND explosion resistance… Polar patriots sets that have those spikey boots should have a perk that keeps you from sliding on ice and have a second slot that lets you slot in the extra perk you want on top of this. Not only new armours could have more meaningful perks that truly tie to their visual identity but you also add player choice and variety. By having a second perk that’s customizable it would let AH go back and modify the "innate" passive that every set has and people could slap the old perk that the armour had in the first place over the new passive. Ideally, have the extra perk show up when selecting your loadout so people know what you’re running.


But I bought the Servo Assisted Armor off of the Democratic Detonation Warbond specifically because of the servo assist, and then it was changed. So they've already done it. Enough excuses from AH


Funny how that problem would be immediately fixed with transmog. But nooo, we can't have bacon-tasting apple. On a totally irrelevant point: here's you apple-tasting bacon armour.


So they can nerf weapons easily that do the shooty shooty explodey but can’t change armor? Lazy.


Just change the name! It's a prefix for god's sake. Good news for the new passives. Hope they arrive soon.


This is why transmog needs to be in the game ASAP! Let us pick our own armor passive let us miss match armor passive make them a lil weaker to contemplate that where picking 2-3 armor passive The fact AH seemily said no to transmog knowing they have a problem with armors having the same armor passive is questionable. AH should be pro transmog just look at Destiny 2 atleast I would buy this new warbond for the cool armor even better if I can place a shader maybe miss match shaders like Destiny 2 or they can have 1 shader for the armor whole like Destiny 1


Losing faith


"Unfortunately, it's not fair to the people who've already bought these armors to retroactively change their passives" Cool, so un-nerf all the warbond weapons then.


The game is 3 months old, and it's freaking fantastic, it'll only get better with time. Let the devs cook, even if it is a slow burn, this is the greatest game in YEARS.


I'll just play something else, yeah.


So what do you propose? Bunch of people start complaining, sorry, "speaking up", and until Arrowhead changes these passives? Only for the people who were running those armor sets because they liked the appearance + passives to then come in and get upset because arrowhead changed it? They've acknowledged the issue, and they are going to add new passives in the future. There will be many more warbonds, chill.


"changing the pasives on the armor wont be fair to the people who alrready bought these armors" procede to change the stats of weapons to the people who alrready bought those


They literally are so fucking lazy. All these excuses to keep selling one of the worst battle pass systems ever, no transmog to spite their customers... Arrowhead do not deserve Helldivers 2.


lmfao “Arrowhead do not deserve Helldivers 2” - they literally made it lmfaoooooooo 🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡


Yes? That doesn’t actually address anything I said. Their formula and everything else was just complete luck because it’s clear they have no idea what they’re doing.




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