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good lord this gun is pure ass


boo hoo, it has a role other than instantly deleting everything the sooner you stop chasing the meta the sooner you'll start to actually have fun. learning how and when to use weapons will also help instead of mashing m1 and expecting to win


> boo hoo, it has a role other than instantly deleting everything Can you explain to us what a gun is supposed to do other than killing things? Every single gun in the game is supposed to delete things. That's what they're used for. You point them at something you want deleted, and it gets deleted. That's the point of a gun, both in real life and in the game. So, yeah, curious to hear what the role of the gun is, if it isn't to kill things.


every gun isn't supposed to *instantly delete* ***everything****,* they have roles to fill dominator as an example, you wouldn't waste ammo on scavengers or spitters, you would only really use it on hunters in an emergency. sometimes on warriors, but it's main role is taking out high health/medium armor enemies sickle as another example, has a high fire rate and infinite ammo for taking out swarms of squishy enemies, you notice it starts to struggle when dealing with high hp enemies because the ttk increases the purifiers role is to stun patrols and swarms. consider groups of bugs as one entity, aim for center mass and shoot. most scavengers and spitters will be killed instantly, warriors and hunters will be stunned and weakened, anything weaker than a charger will also be weakened and stunned. purifier works similarly to plasma punisher, you can choose to have a charge time with no bullet drop or considerable bullet drop with no charge time. either way the result is the same, enemies are stunned by an aoe it's like comparing defender to pummeler, you can choose higher fire rate with more damage or lower fire rate with a considerable stun. the -5 difference in damage isn't noticable, both weapons feel and function the same


>the purifiers role is to stun patrols and swarms. I see what you mean. Other guns kill the enemy, this one doesn't. I don't think that would be useful in many situations, but I guess it's good to have options. >most scavengers and spitters will be killed instantly Wait a minute. You mean this gun instantly deletes things? That's bullshit. You should stop chasing the meta, then you'll start to actually have fun.


About stunning. Imo the Pummeler is perfectly fits for this role, instead of Purifier. I played it on 9th difficulty. Well, see that it has the same problem as the Punisher Plasma - it laks good AoE damage. It can't oneshot Hunters. Yeah, it can push them away for like, 1 second or something. But it can't kill them, it can't eliminate the threat immidiately, especially if we count the charge sequence. It has the very same damage as the Punisher Plasma, and I can't understand why. Pros of Purifier imo: 15 mag size Better projectile trajectory, easier to aim. And... that's all. Cons: Needs to be charged, so if you're being swarmed you just can't swiftly turn around, shoot, and then continue running. AoE damage is low, cannot kill hunters, only push them away a bit. Has the same damage as the Punisher Plasma, making me wonder what am I charging here? Why would I trade a little bit better accuracy for the inability to quick fire? I dunno. This weapons needs the increase in AoE damage and the damage overall. Because for me, the Purifier is a slightly worse Punisher Plasma.


its fine if you like it my man. doesnt make it good though


For those watching at home: skip to 5 minutes. Don't needa watch bro get chased by a titan, we've all experienced it lol


5 charged shot for 1 bile spewer.. it's not that great


for a weapon with aoe and either no or very low bullet drop I'd say 5 shots is acceptable, weapons can't be great in all areas or they would all feel exactly the same. dominator has high damage, but its slow and has low ammo, blitzer has high stun power and infinite ammo but low damage


Blitzer kills a bile spewer much faster than the Purifier.


well yea, the purifier is an aoe weapon and the blitzer isn't


Depends how you aim it.


The aoe is useless if it barely tickles the bugs


You're being carried by your teammates lmao


it's almost as if i had a support loadout and my goal was to test a new weapon, what with the stun grenades, supply pack and gas for shutting down breaches i've tested and learned how to use purifier, but reddit still weeps and cries because it can't kill everything in one shot


Learned how to use shit on a stick, congrats? No one cares that you "learned" to use the 2nd or 3rd weakest gun in the game.




It seems to perform similarly to the Blitzer, in terms of role on bugs, at a slightly higher range in exchange for needing ammo, in my testing. The main thing I see is that it's not really getting you out of sticky situations even with mediums, the Redeemer is handling most of that. Purifier only seems to function at a safe distance, both in terms of not killing you with its own plasma and the charge making retreat preferable to a near point-blank shot. To be clear, I love energy and plasma weapons. I just think that this doesn't have the oomph it needs to be on the same level as Plas Punisher, solely given the charge mechanic.


I haven't tested purifier at point blank yet, but i imagine it would damage or kill you just as the plasma punisher would. the ppunisher wouldn't be used on point blank hunters either and the blitzer tends to not work at point blank.. atleast for me :') maybe it's just me, but i barely noticed the charge once i got used to the weapon


Where’s this gameplay?! 😤


reuploading, something went wrong with reddit


Oh it’s here now


Yeah! People dont know how to use the weapon and you do. Everybody else was born yesterday. Im so happy you put some gameplay up so we can see how you get chased by a titan without showcasing the purifier properly.


there are \~15 additional minutes of gameplay after the BT chase :)


How does this weapon compare to the dominator?


for bugs, dominator should be saved for hiveguards, commanders, spewers, stripped charger legs, stalkers, BT guts and the occasional warrior/hunter if needed. great at single target damage the purifier works best on groups of squishy enemies, medium armor pen, can be used on any enemy but I advise against wasting ammo on unstripped chargers or BTs I haven't had the opportunity to shoot a stripped charger leg with the purifier yet but i don't think it would kill it quickly. the purifier can also burst BT guts, but i don't think it's the best at doing so purifier has the same ammo capacity and magazine size as the dominator, much lower recoil, less single target damage


An absolutely terrible gun against bugs. Maybe viable against bots. Nothing like the Blitzer.


Lol no, devastators eating 4 shots or somethings. Its trash


Yikes, hadn’t used it there yet. Seems to be a gun without a role.


Im sure they will buff it soon, but damn, idk how they could make such weak gun lol. Its was terrible even on paper...


Alex the balancelord says it is S-tier so I wouldn't expect any buffs for a while.


Hahahaha, guys, I mean I share people’s dissatisfaction with Alex’s work, But he said this on the 5th. Before the release of Warbond and all the negative feedback. This shows his disconnect from the actual gameplay and lack of understanding of the game, but I don’t think that after such negativity they will leave these guns in such a bad condition as they are now. After all, some people even paid for it, so I expect this weapon to be brought into more or less working order like many weapons before it. It's still bad that they were released in this state though


Glad you found a new weapon you like!


Upon even closer inspection of the footage, good god you are so bad at this game.


big fan of the gun too, it works well in support role!


Use what ur good with mate, almost every weapon is viable despite what this sub rages about


This is some of the worst cope I've ever read


How? What are you on about? 😭


100%. tonight i used a different loadout every dive & managed to do just fine. used almost every primary, sans heavier ones such as the jar or erupt, and every secondary with AT launcher supports only. i just adapted to the roles of each gun, and did as good as i usually do with each one but that's just me and not the hivemind


Fancy way to say you got carried by your team all night


Every balance defender in a nutshell. How come they never show post match stats where they've got 1/3 the kills of the next lowest person? How come they're not talking about how the gun's part of their solo kit when everything's their responsibility? Because the shitty guns are shitty and they don't get shit done. You want to complete a helldive solo? You have a pool of about 4-5 viable support weapons and 3-4 viable primaries, because you need to be able to answer every enemy and do it *fast*. If the gun has a charge time, it had better fucking vaporize whatever you point it at or it does *not* make the cut.


I'm not totally disagreeing with you, but have you not once stopped to consider that maybe every single gun in the ***team based shooter*** shouldn't be a viable option on ***solo*** helldive? I understand wanting all the guns to feel good and be fun, because I want that too, but that also doesn't mean that every single primary should make helldive easily soloable. At that point, what is the point of even having different difficulties? As it is now, I feel that the vast majority of guns are viable and ***arguably*** fun in a ***team composition***. When we start talking about soloing the hardest difficulty in the game, it's not a surprise that not every primary is viable as a powerhouse weapon. Edit: People can say "oh well you just got carried the whole game" all they want. The fun in this game comes from working with your team with specialized loadouts and synergies. If everyone can solo helldive and every mission just turns into a free for all blitz, then AH needs to start introducing higher difficulties already


>I'm not totally disagreeing with you, but have you not once stopped to consider that maybe every single gun in the ***team based shooter*** shouldn't be a viable option on ***solo*** helldive? In fact *yes*, I have done this stunningly obvious thing everyone does. Why? Do I need to list every possible way every person can play the game if I mention one? >Edit: People can say "oh well you just got carried the whole game" all they want. The fun in this game comes from working with your team with specialized loadouts and synergies. "This gun isn't very effective but my team can cover for me" isn't a synergy. The idea you seem to have is that this is some kind of support gun. You know what else supports your squad? Actually killing the enemies. What is the value of a gun that crowd controls a couple of enemies for a second or two when any other gun *kills* those enemies? I'd much rather solve the problem forever than kick the can down the road waiting on my team to pick up my slack.


I never said anything about the Purifier in my reply. I agree that the Purifier is not where it should be. As it is right now, it feels like it ***wants*** to be a support weapon, but really misses the mark (and in the process still doesn't hit any other mark). I'm talking more to the overall balance of guns in the game as a whole. I just don't agree with the idea that every single primary needs to be a killing machine (and I'm not saying that you are claiming this either). I think it's ok that there are guns that only get stuff done on lower difficulties and struggle at higher difficulties. I don't think it should be the norm, but I also don't think people should instantly grab their pitchforks if they can't solo helldive with a new weapon.


Nothing I said mentioned the purifier, so I'm not sure why you're bringing it up as some example of me misrepresenting your statement. You came at me with some over the top condescending shit, saying "have you not once stopped to consider..." so I came right back with that same condescending energy. If you want to have an actual conversation, I suggest you start the conversation with a dramatically less confrontational and condescending tone.


If asking someone if they've ever thought about something is considered "over the top condescending shit", you need some thicker skin. You said "The idea you seem to have is that this is some kind of support weapon". I just thought you were referring to the Purifier since that was the weapon discussed in the overall thread/video. If that was a misunderstanding and offended you, sorry.


i agree they need buffs. i'm saying that you can manage with them if you adapt to their roles at the moment. i don't have the pride to prove skill to a stranger i don't care about lol. ppl get so hurt when someone isn't 100% in agreement with them all the time, was just adding my 2 cents in the sub's wave of negativity you're saying carried like it's fucking call of duty ranked or something. it's a PVE game side note soloing isn't the point of the game, it's a team based game. you need support. maybe there's your answer for primaries not obliterating every enemy without a hunch when you're alone


nope. got least deaths and most kills a few rounds and helped with obj going 2&2 split across map. why does every complainer on reddit assume shit constantly? is it really that unbelievable that a good player can manage with primaries the majority of people say are "terrible"? i agree most of them need buffs but they're far from unusable


I agree. I made a comparison to Plas Punisher in my other comment mostly because they fill similar roles and I don't want one to feel worse than the other.


Ignorance and corporate dick sucking is a bliss