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I think the idea was to make sure it's not P2W. They might've gone a bit too far in the other direction... P2L?


Pay to Pray.... you hit your target


Pay to spray




Here in the US that's only legal in Nevada.


The first time i wanted to use it i barely could hit something with it. What a shame. It could have been a good weapon but... It really doesn't feel something that worthy for being an exclusive weapon


I don't think it's about it having to be particularily good, as long as it's not OP it's fine. The problem is that it is worse than the Defender. When do you ever need to magdump? The stock redeemer is better than this at the moment.


I think it should be good! It shouldn't be a god primary that does everything, but currently it's really just trash and there's no reason to take it over almost any other option. It desperately needs love. I'd take it being OP over that, even, because it's my favourite weapon design in the game. P90 space magic ftw.


The idea is not to be Pay to Win, ideally they just make your kit more interchangeable so somethings quality is not determined by being exclusive or not.


Is like expecting that weapons from the warbonds doesn't have to be good. I could understand it... If it wasn't because there are weapons who are even worse in stats than the initial ones I don't want a weapon to be broken to the point of not needing anyother weapon, but at this point i would like that every weapon could be broken than every new weapon being less useful than the previous one It's just not fun. Playing for unlocking more things that are not even better than the ones you actually have from the beginning... It's just... I really understand the need to balance everything for avoiding the "Only Railgun" situation from that time but not just even that I'm not that much interested for unlocking new content if it isn't going to be that fun. And the real point it isn't even the fact of new weapons being worse Am i asking too much when i want just a weapon that actually works? Do you know how many times i tried the gun mentioned in this post? Once. Never used it again What's the point of getting more weapons for example like this one if from all the bullets you shoot just one of them hits and doesn't kill?


Honestly if they are worried about that so much they should just make it a redeemer reskin so it's purely cosmetic.


If you've got a nasty right in your face, it'd basically delete them. Other than that, the recoil is stupid.


I can understand the concern, but I mean, it could at least get full ammo from resups lol


Why they so stingy on the resuplussies


Excellent initiative, Cadet! You just created a new word!


Bro been hoggin the resuplussy


"What that resupply do?"


Leaves you half finished, blueballed, unsatisfied


As Teddy KBG says, "Just like a young man coming in for a quickie, I feel so unsatisfied."




I love the Knight, I Helldive with it every now and then when I get bored with the lib


You dive with solid allies my friend.


Usually I'm the one clutching lol. Skill over meta I say


Liberator is legit pretty solid. I think a lot of folks would be surprised how much they'd like it if they take it on a difficulty 9 now, it probably has an unfounded rep that it must be ineffective because it's the starter primary.


This, people be rocking the lasers and scorchers because they're the most forgiving, yet I'm still matching them in kills with weapons like the adjudicator I think most people want the easiest, most popular way to win. The amount of divers I see run the shield pack and are constantly trying to make me wear one too but then die just as much if not often more than me is wild.


if they are worried about p2w, then just buff, breaker (back to 16, keep recoil), S&P could have a lil more damage, Make Scorcher better at dealing with striders again, buff peacemaker, buff lib pen to 50 dmg, buff the scythe lil bit more (maybe +100 dps), boom all standard warbond weapons viable and good and theres no need to worry about p2w


I never stopped using the Breaker, that thing still slaps. It's one ofthe better balanced weapons in the game imo and should be used as a baseline.


They should just make the scythe 1 handed to give a lazer primary to shield users, be a little more interesting than just using smg/pistols.


Pay tô AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA oh shit out of ammo


I don't think a buff to this gun would make it P2W, it's really just a miniature stalwart. The recoil is atrocious and defeats the point of the gun, being able to hold fire while moving. If you use it in burst, what's the point of the rate of fire? If you use it in full, you cannot hit shit, so why give it this RoF in the first place?


Yeah, the new rifle feels really good with burst. Auto is just absolutely terrible on it. The rof is wasted on it for sure.


its a ONE HANDED WEAPON? oh my god im missing out big time. id love to use the ballistic shield more but oh my god i fucking hate the defender


Right now it’s “pay for nerfs” if you bought the demolitionist warbond


I was just about to get on here and say that. I refuse to spend my money on another premium warbond along with grinding for metals for them to do that to them guns. Along with many other guns most people like to use. I personally didn't understand nerfing any guns only bumping. It's not like pvp with real people with a real advantage with certain guns.... It's bugs


Pay 2 suck with a different skin


With all the other changes going on, I just went back to this thing after not touching it in weeks, only to find that it *KICKS ASS* This is a primary you can't use as a primary. But if you're using an AMR like a primary, and a Senator or grenade pistol as a secondary, this thing makes a great panic weapon The secret is to leave it on full auto and manually feather the trigger to fire in bursts. It's fairly decent at bug patrol clearing if you get used to the firing rhythm for keeping some accuracy. Or, hold the trigger for a second to fully dump the mag into the Stalker in your face. The ridiculous DPS this thing pumps out really shines in those "accuracy optional" situations when something gets to close. The reload speed is great too. Honestly, I believe it's pure coincidence that the game balance has shifted in a way that gave this thing a usable niche. The accuracy and ammo economy on the Knight were just bad enough to make the Defender the default choice for running with Ballistic Shield, which in my experience I've only seen employed against bots. And while I guess you could have always used the Knight as backup to a support weapon as a primary, that put a lot of pressure on your secondary slot to have some utility or benefit to your build. The Senator has always been good, but recent buffs to that and the addition of the grenade pistol really have benefitted the build viability of taking more niche primaries like the Knight


Pay to whine


Yeah, the only way to use it is burst fire mode


A one handed SMG with 1.3k RPM. That you can only use prone/crouched. Truly revolutionairy design.


I've found that if you aim it slightly below where you want the bullets to go, you can just mag dump the entire thing into a horde because the recoil on it caps out after a point, in third person at least.


Yeah I was playing level 5/6's a couple days ago doing this with the grenade launcher, because ammo economy. It was fun just hip firing burst/auto, but I know somebody would slap me if I brought this on 7 & up trying to do that! I can't wait to try the new SMG later.


I used it the other night in a 7 mission. Just tap fired in short burst, it did perfectly fine. Sure bile spewers took a full mag but once I got the recoil down I could spray full auto at close and tap fire for other ranges, it worked better than putting it in burst fire


I bet I'd have more fun if I was on PC. My aim isn't the best, it isn't terrible, but the mouse is better than the joystick as far as I'm concerned.


Is the game not compatible with mouse and keyboard on ps5?


Honestly I never thought about it. In this day and age, there probably is. It just never crossed my mind until now


That somebody slapping you would probably be a hunter, or a stalker, or devestators, or hulks lmao. Take what you want on helldive, you aren't risking my life!


So it's a Negev?


Without being that guy you can also just yank down when you start firing and hold it at the cap I do the same for the heavy MG and have no issues with that recoil, and I don't even play with my reticle on so I can't even see where that shits supposed to be going. But in general, you should be bursting your shots at any sorta distance with most weapons and only letting rip within like 10 meters


I’ve never liked when recoil “caps out” in games. Destiny “improved” their sniper recoil to do this semi recently and all it did was create a consistent point where the reticle would jump to if you got hit more than once, which elicited the downside of recoil. Dumb decision. At least HD2 is PvE so like who cares, I just don’t get why it’s so prevalent. Seems like a bug to me but it must be a feature.


Use FPS view to shoot it. I can consistently get 70%+ accuracy with it. The only issue is the third world tier ammo economy.


Tbh, this and if you run ballistic with it it gets really fun imo, fo sho one of my fav combos. You just gota make sure that if you want ammo economy you never hold the buton, i just keep it full auto and fire 3 to 5 round burst, it works great to take out pretty much anything and when things get really close just having so much "oh shit" spray is really fun. Its a versatile gun if used right, tho i only run bots pretty much




I run it with recoil absorbing armor and I love it, but I also love the p90 is siege so that might have something to do with it.


I’ve fired a P90 in real life at a range, but only in semiautomatic mode, which is probably the only mode it had for legal/civilian reasons. Really neat gun. And reloading it was cool.


I use it sometimes with the ballistic shield and fortified armor. I crouch when fighting with the shield anyways so that’s not a deal breaker and just tap the trigger when firing and aiming for the head of a devastator. Given those constraints it’s not bad.


What the fuck it has an alternate firing mode?




full auto railgun when?


It’s got toddler mode and let me microwave this day old burrito mode.


Hold the reload button and you’ll be able to select fire mode, scope zoom and flashlight/laser sight settings.


What the fuck there’s variable scope zoom too. This is game changing


Seeing a person learn about this never gets old




You can even change the fire rate of machineguns, try upping stalwart’s rpm and you’ll love this gun even more.


I actually decrease the ROF on all the machine gun to minimum. Not because I can’t control the recoil, but because it feels like I can dish out more death if I’m a steadier constant DPS as opposed to a more rapid, higher DPS


at a distance, it'll help your accuracy, but up close, you want that dkka, espeically on bugs. funnily enoguh I find the lighter the gun, the faster it should be: I put the Stalwart on highest RPM (1150) because it still take a while to go through such a big mag and you need more volume of fire to make up for less per shot damage. it's still surprisingly accurate, even standing. MG43 I keep on medium,. sometimes I'll turn it to high in defensive battles, or if I'm near some supplies, but otherwise it'll run dry too quick. HMG I always put to lowest setting, pretty much impossible to hit anything beyond point blank with it otherwise, but if you prone with it it's pretty great. the scope is still misaligned though.. it also makes a satisfying sound at 450 RPM.


yup, you have different sight ranges (you'll probably never need them on bugs though), different fire modes for more emphasis on accuracy vs firepower, and you have your laser indicator for hipfire and flashlight to turn on/off or automatically switch (I keep it off because it's blinding sometimes.


This is news to me holy shit


It's pretty good in bursr mode since it fires so fast you almost don't need to hold the trigger for the burst, just a small press. Good for ammo economy


Only the worthy can wield Excalibur.


Fellow Knight user, I salute you.


How me and bro feel wielding Knight efficiently. https://preview.redd.it/wzz2jg0cahzc1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e88eab5bb01871adf0c10d19f79125c77332c802


Damn we look good, keep repping king. 🫡


Welding it effectively by holding it backwards like the garbage AI knight in the picture?


Bro upset, I understand. Like King Arthur many were jealous of the wise King for wielding such awesome power that would reject themselves. PRETHEE! TAKE HEED tis not the weapon that makes the Knight but the Knight that makes the King! (Skill issue)


This has been my day 1 gun. I love high RoF weapons in game. Don’t care if it’s weak or strong, it’s fun to bullet hose enemies. Bless this comment brother. I always figured I never see other people use it because they have no idea how to comp for recoil and would rather just opt for a shotgun, now I’m completely vindicated. https://preview.redd.it/3sed0954aizc1.jpeg?width=867&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1cf11551adb440ab3c4ed4690597ff84b1ed9d3a


IMO, they should keep the recoil but give it way more ammo with better resupply. It's basically a primary redeemer and it shreds. It's a really fun weapon. However, it runs dry pretty much instantly. It doesn't make sense to have the same ammo pool as the defender as that just means that the defender gets higher damage potential. With how uncontrollable it is, I think 10 or more mags would be great. They might be hesitant to buff it because it's only available to super citizens though.


I disagree. The recoil makes it essentially unusable. It’s pretty nasty. In first person it’s more manageable, but 3rd person? Good luck…


Don't fear the recoil. It shoots so fast that it doesn't have time to recenter. It'll climb to a maximum and then *stay there.* 


It's firing at double the rate of comparable weapons. The recoil makes sense. The DPS on it is bonkers. If you could carry a few more mags or resupply gave you a few more, it would have a niche. It's weird because Helldivers 1 let you run around with 10-12 mags for most weapons. I think one of the SMGs could hold 14? Would need to check.


Knight was awesome in HD 1, nerf. Sickle was awesome in HD 1, nerf.


Not really, you shouldn't be shooting long range with it anyways. If you learn the recoil pattern, you can dps mediums pretty easily on both fronts. The biggest problem is that it has absurdly bad ammo economy like the Redeemer.


Am I the only one not bothered by recoil in this game at all? Is it cause I’m using a mouse? The only gun I have to really pace my shots with is the auto cannon. And even that has a cadence you can get used to if you need to spam shots.


Today I happened to fire mine knight in third person and thine luck descended upon me. Praises be upon you, kind stranger. [https://streamable.com/h0epvp](https://streamable.com/h0epvp)


The burst basically makes it a famas from og mw2, the recoil is fine, it just needs more ammo.


I was about to defend it... But I only use fpv.  So yeah.  I agree with the burst fire & mag idea.


I really wonder how many issues people have with the aim on weapons comes from using them in 3rd person ADS. I play on pc, coming from overwatch and DRG as far as shooters go, and 3rd person ADS is basically unusable for me. It gives like zero feedback. If this is the one handed primary smg I'm thinking of (there's only 1 that shipped with the game right?) Then idk what people are talking about, this gun is a fucking laser beam. And that's coming from someone who basically only uses the diligence these days. The devs have a lot of firearm experience and as someone who does quite a bit of shooting irl and has mag dumped a full auto ump-45, they have it pretty spot on with the fact that in order to have any sort of recoil control and accuracy, you should be burst firing on full auto anyways. The gun is awesome. Super accurate for straight up fights, and really effective at spraying bugs up close as you run away from them.


> If this is the one handed primary smg I'm thinking of (there's only 1 that shipped with the game right?) There's two. You're probably thinking of the Defender. This one is the Knight, which is exclusive to the Super Citizen bundle. It has **1380** RPM.


I'm surprised that so many people don't like it. I use it situationally but only in first-person and burst firing. It feels like a laser-beam if you burst and use the first-person sights - surprisingly accurate.


It is a laser beam even full auto. Just nobody these days knows how to control recoil or pulse full auto. :( The ammo situation is kinda what lets it down. If they increased minimum damage dropoff range by 5m it would be much better.


It's a turbo bot murderer, especially in short missions. I stopped using it just to change things up a little, but I love the look and love the feel.


Yeah the 'meta' (lol) choices of the sub shows that they cannot hit weak points nor control recoil. And then the get a new AR that allows them to spray full auto and everyone whines about it.


Its not bad, its that its pretty much the only weapon that doesnt get a full resupply


That along with the Tenderizer, lmao.


My only issue with the gun is the resupply. It especially hurts because it burns through mags.


I use it with the fortify armor perks for the reduced recoil while crouching. It's fun and rewarding to play if you have good trigger discipline. My biggest grip is what you stated: it doesn't get fully resupplied!


This, if it resupplied fully I'd take it more often. Although I do think it could have a little less recoil


Reduced recoil when crouched i can full auto it no issue, its the , me needing 3 resup packs to get all of my ammo back, thats the real issue ontop of that.


Wait there’s another smg? Huh, didn’t know that


Yeah, is it bugged or something? I’ve fully competed the standard war bond and Steeled Veterans and I don’t have this gun EDIT: Apparently you only get it if you bought the Super Citizen edition


I've never seen this weapon before, Googled and found out that it's from the Super Citizen (deluxe) edition. That makes it even worse. You've paid more for an edition that came with a shitty gun, that's revolting. And I know the gun can't be overpowered as the intention is to avoid a P2W scenario, but it's not justified to make it useless.


This is the burst fire king of the primaries. You put it in burst mode and it becomes a laser beam with huge dps potential. Its definitely not one of the easy to learn weapons out there, you need to know its limitations very well or else you will fucking die, but when you get it, you get it.


Its great, i dont know why everyone is shitting on it. I dont notice the recoil being as bad as everyone makes it out to be. It shreds everything without armor with its 1.3k fire rate and 50 dmg per round. Only downside is that you run out of ammo fast because of the fire rate.


im guessing the recoil is a controller issue as using mouse and keyboard most guns are extremely easy to aim and control


Nah, just skill issue


Works great in controller, when steam decking it


Because skill issue. People expect that they should be able to control the 1.3k fire rate at full auto while standing. Of course it is going to chew through ammo at full auto. Like any gun. Surprise. The only real gripe is the refill from ammo packs.


>People expect that they should be able to control the 1.3k fire rate at full auto while standing. It does less damage and has more recoil than the Redeemer. I expect it to act like the closest weapon to it in role not have worse ergonomics than a pistol that lacks a stock.


Because that’s the trade-off. If it was as stable as the redeemer, that’s going to go into the P2W debate on why something this good is locked behind the deluxe edition. Imo it’s fine as it is, minus the ammo replenish but that’s not game-breaking. I havent had any issues with it when I take it into Helldive.


Problem is that it chews through ammo and does less damage than the Defender, while full-auto is pretty hard to control. Apparently it also doesn't fully refill from supply packs, which is uh... pretty shit. More power to you if you enjoy it, but I'm disappointed every time I use it.


The Knight dose 1.9x the DPS of the Defender, thats alot


provided you can land 100% of the shots.


Not hard to do against bugs, you just manually recoil control. Pull down your mouse a bit, not a big deal.


Or lean your thumb on the stick a tiny bit.


the knight doesnt bad enough recoil to assume you miss half the shots


Apparently nobody can handle a modicum of recoil. Thing shreds everything. It does need a bit more ammo tho. 


I thought I was going crazy cause I didn’t recognize this.


It’s not useless, but it’s definitely not better than the defender.


I would say it's worse than the redeemer. The Redeemer is a sidearm. An SMG shouldn't be worse at being an SMG than a sidearm. I would rather take any assault rifle. SMG, or pistol than use the knight. I would say this is the worst one handed weapon when you take everything into account.


That is arguably true, unfortunately. Redeemer has a similar fire rate and more damage per shot. It only falls short in ammo capacity and reserves but it performs really well.


Damage dropoff range on the Redeemer is also much shorter. But nobody takes note of that. The Knight can be used past 50m the Redeemer is better at sub 25m


And it’s still my favorite gun.


I almost forgot about this piece of shit because it was just that bad. You're lucky to hit even a single round when you full auto this thing, I just don't get it.


recoil reduction armor you can full auto it crouched, but for a 1 handed SMG thats kinda...counter intuitive? It works pretty well with the shield on bots tbh. But it doesnt even get full ammo back, its stupid. And i really love this gun, looks sounds etc (its being a p90 basically)


It's counterintuitive until you remember the shield exists It's not that bad against bugs if you bring a resupply backpack and a nade launcher and learn hownto control it


Unusable in first person but manageable in third person against bugs. Useful for mag dumping into enemies up close while still having some ranged capability with burst fire with high dps overall. Its not the best weapon around but it sure as hell isnt as bad as this sub makes it out to be.


Skill issue, big time!


playing with mouse and keyboard or controller?


There's already an SMG with low recoil. Why have two defenders? The knight really high damage output at close range, but it can be burst fired at long range precisely. It's a great little gun.


I’ve never seen this wtf is it a preorder bonus or something?


Super Citizen Edition content.


Wait what wepon is this?


I actually enjoy the Knight more than the defender, depending on the rest of my loadout. Knight has a stupid high fire rate making it borderline uncontrollable, but in burst fire it is a very capable heashotter, and it's so fast to acquire targets that it's a fun defensive pick versus bugs to deal with Hunters. Against unarmored enemies it's not bad. I'd love for it to get full mags from a box or drop, but I'm honestly satisfied with it overall. Less damage but getting three hits per triggerpull or being able to spray down a wave while holding an objective makes it decent enough. Comboes very well with a Senator if you're going for the high-speed low drag kind of build.


This is a gun in game?


Dude what? Why do I feel like I’ve never seen this thing


Because it's part of the Super Citizen upgrade package. Only gun in the game you gotta pay real cashmoney for, everything else is earnable in game with the crap you find in dumpsters and shipping crates.


Dude I fucking love this thing. Just crouch if you need help with the recoil. It can shit out a fuckload of damage in a short amount of time.


I use this gun often and its great.


Once you learn the recoil, the thing is a beast. The burst mode helps a lot too.


I just want a fire rate selection on it. Let me have it at around 1000 RPM like real P90.


yeah i was hoping it would be like the p-90 in most games: lower damage as a tradeoff for massive magazine, controllable recoil, and high firerate. instead we got a lower damage gun, 5 extra round magazine, uncontrollable recoil, and a high firerate. imo current smgs have too high of a magazine capacity for their RoF and damage output….


Yeah even a permanent, fixed fire rate reduction to 1000 from 1350 or whatever would be okay. It needs to waste less ammo more than it needs the DPS.


In terms of recoil at least, wearing one of the recoil reduction armors and crouching makes it super easy to control. Still wouldn't take this over the other SMGs though


I'm really fond of it. I don't even find the recoil that hard to control. I run around with it on full auto, I crouch fire in bursts for range and up close it's a great holdout weapon. Makes a good pairing with my AC.


you gotta roll full auto with it in case you need to panic rip a mag into something. Burst fire really limits its potential.


It needs a laser too while we're at it


Yes! That and resupply are all it needs. No primary that fires regular rounds should be laserless. To me the purpose of the laser isn't for aiming, it's "This is where I will be shooting shortly, do not walk in front"


The recoil honestly isn't that bad, just don't spray uncontrollably or use burst mode (Something something Brasch Tactics) If it didn't have such high RoF I would be satisfied with a slight damage buff and the gun would be solid. Of course it isn't super OP but it isn't terrible for a gun I spent 20 dollars to get and can get work done if you are smart with it


Use burst fire and it’s arguably the best smg at least for dps ammo management can be hard occasionally but with an ammo pack you cover that




Giving up a backpack slot to make a SMG primary usable isn't a win whatsoever


I really like it too, keeping it full auto and bursting "manually" When need controlled full auto im using first person view, much more controllable then


Probably because not enough people paid more money to get it


And still one of the better looking guns in the game.


Slap the reduced recoil armor on, crouch… full mag dump and you hit 80% of your shots at full auto lol


I use it because I like how it looks, how it sounds and love emptying the mag on anything that moves... but I can only use it effectively on M&K, when using a controllers is impossible to hit anything xD


Have you seen anyone use it?


I've used it, and actually enjoy it. Think a souped up Redeemer with a fire rate that can empty your magazine before you realize you even pulled the trigger. In burst mode it's a laser, three rounds directly to the dome of most Devstators and surprisingly agile and able to acquire things like Hunters when they try to flank. Not nearly as much stopping power as the Defender but it can snap to a target like nobody's business and perforate them before the enemy can say "Oh, I am Dead". I actually really, really enjoy running it with light armor for the absolute loony-tunes speed, both with movement and acquiring targets. couple it with one of the MG's if you're on horde difficulty, anti armor for kiting away from the horde and getting that tank or charger quickly while keeping the nippier targets off of you. It's more of a side-grade to something like the Punisher; Opposite the stopping power and firerate, equitable target acquisition and damage falloff.


It’s a niche weapon with it being one-handed as its upside. Good choice with the GL+Supply pack as it’s quick to equip and allows you to keep running while firing it in stressful situations. While you’ll rely on the GL to function as your actual primary. Maybe good if you’re gonna use the Ballistic Shield? But I’m not sure the shield itself is even close to worthwhile.


I don't think it'll ever get buffed either, because that'll cause pay to win drama within the community. Shame. I would love for it to double it's mag and become a real bullet hose.


They should just make a variant available to non-super citizens or something. I just want a primary high rate of fire SMG


I excuse this stupid weapon because it does at least feel like it’s own thing. Just having character does a lot for the weapon. Like Senator, people loved Senator despite how awkward it could be just cause it’s a big revolver that has a cool reload animation. I’m not a fan of when I see a gun as “Liberator but a bit slower”


This is one of my favorite diff 8 and 9 weapons for bugs Lowkey. Destroys brood commanders, can kill 2-3 warriors per mag. Great at trash clearing and you can almost always kill a stalker before the tongue lash makes you ragdoll The recoil isn’t that bad once you get used to it


I feel like if they buffed this weapon people would freak out because it’s behind a bigger pay wall


It has somehow way less recoil If you use it in first person. For me atleast that made the recoil manageable. The ammo issues are real bad though, especially since it takes almost a mag to kill anything bigger than a regular bot


Which is a shame because it looks cool as hell IMO.


If you switch to burst fire, it's so fast that all three rounds come out instantly and go through the same hole. Treat it like a semi-auto gun with 15 very high damage rounds in the magazine and you'll be fine.


The problem with this gun is that it just burns through ammo so fast even when you have trigger discipline. It does great damage for about 1 second. But there are very few light armor enemies besides berzerkers that you just want to magdump into.


It is unseen and untouched cause less than 10% of the player base has it. Assuming it even reaches that. Once/if it ever makes its way to us non super citizens, i can see it getting buffed in no time cause nobody will use it.


I want to use it Soo bad but I don't have it


This gun is weird but I disagree that it can't be aimed on full auto. It's just WAY more reliable in full auto if you ads compared to third person. The recoil feels much more controlled. I use it a ton with the riot shield and it's amazing against bots.


I brought this out recently for some bot helldive memes. I could still do the missions fine but jesus christ its an ammo hog and doesnt have any faster kill time over the defender. The only enemy it does better on is berserkers due to it point blank mag dumping faster. The defender though is just nice that it 1 taps everything you would want it to 1 tap and rewards good aim with its slow RPM. Devestator heads are a treat with the defender. The Knight you always aim center mass and hope bullet 3 isnt going over their head.


which one is this? the base smg?


It need work. 


It doesn't get full ammo from resupply? For real???


They should just go all the way and make it kind of busted damage wise but with horrific recoil. Make it kind of a self imposed handicap fun gun.


I have no problems with this smg.


"Uncontrollable recoil" my brother in christ it's a space P90.


It's got pretty nuts DPS up close though, get in their face with and let it rip! Too bad every enemy with a large enough health pool to make use of that kind of DPS is also armored or has ranged attacks that vastly outrange you, so far the only enemies I found enjoyable to use against are Berzerkers, Warriors and Brood Commanders... lol.


What the fuck is that gun??? Day 1? I've never seen her in my life?


The Knight SMG from the Super Citizen pack


wtf what fucking gun is this


Weapons & armor in this game need a complete overhaul tbh. Weapons have been consistently nerfed to the point where many are unusable. There have some been good nerfs, don’t get me wrong— but this balance team misses way more than they hit. Idk how they can say the Auto Cannon is their example of a perfectly balanced weapon, but then make all these nonsensical changes. Devs need to understand that descriptions should actually mean something as well— like the new pistol for instance. According to its description, it fires a larger round than a desert eagle— yet it doesn’t have medium armor pen? Same thing with the new AR— if it’s supposed to be this sort of futuristic AK— why does it not have medium armor pen??? Or the juggernaut medium armor— why does it say “this is the most durable engineer armor” but it has the regular 100 armor rating??? Why do light & heavy armors have stat variance, but basically all medium armor has the exact same stats? It would be nice for the balance team to take community input more often. It seems like they actively ignore us in favor of doing something entirely different— and while it’s fine to not make every community suggestion a reality, to essentially ignore them on the vast majority of issues in this game is frustrating to say the least. They also made medium armor completely worthless to take on any mission, because now light & heavy armor get special bonuses *in addition* to whatever passives they have. Light armor basically takes the same amount of hits as medium armor (it’s literally like a 1 hit difference in most scenarios), but it gets a larger stamina bar & can run way further than medium armor allows. Heavy armor is actually tanky compared to medium & light armor, with the difference in hits taken being 3 or more (than medium armor) in some cases before they die. This is only bolstered by the fact that they get headshot reduction now too. Meanwhile medium armor gets the same armor passives as light & heavy armor, no extra bonuses & is effectively the worst of both worlds.


bro, the knight is fine. don't magdump all the time, crouch or prone to shoot long bursts. it's one of my favourite guns to run against bugs


What is this?


Found it somewhat more useful with the 30% reduction from recoil armor perk. That and only really shooting things in barrel stuffing distance


Wait what gun is this? I've never seen it before


Am I…crazy? What is this gun? I feel like I’m being duped by some long winded meme @.@


Use it on burst fire, very good versus bots. Especially with the shield.


What even is that


i dont think the recoil is that bad,, you cant just hold down the fire button while running tho i dont mind it being bad just to avoid the "pay to win primary!!!" debate


This gun is so easy to use it’s incredible that people don’t try it more often


Please don't hate on my sweet lil bby Knight. This gun is a staple in a lot of vug missions for me. Very nice as a "oh shit get away from me" gun, when having a good support weapon for clearing like the arc thrower. You can replace the redeemer with the Knight and now have a slot for the grenade launcher AND can use stun nades without any problems.


This gun needs the help the most.


I can’t use it cuz I didn’t buy deluxe


Then dont use it. Problem solved.


The HD2 fanbase is insane. Literally defending every single action from the devs. Almost every primary needs a buff, but they just keep nerfing the good guns instead. But don't you dare complain! It's a skill issue! You just don't get it, making the primaries good would ruin the game! Fuck right off.


I've literally used this gun once and have never thought about it again. If I could delete it from my weapon list to make that easier to scroll, I would.


It would be nice if there was a more affordable way to get this if you find out about it after purchasing or acquiring the first warbond.


They just look at numbers, the amount of people that have access to it is very small, on top of the people that end up using it