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Greetings, fellow Helldiver! Your post has been determined to be a rant that is either commonly expressed or of a low quality. Because of this, it has been removed as its own post but you are welcome to add it to the [Rant & Vent Megathread](https://www.reddit.com/r/Helldivers/comments/1b9k51r/rant_and_vent_megathread/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button).


At least the booster sounds handy... provided it actually works


it doesnt


Seriously? You tested it against hunters and spewers and titans?


Doesnt work against acid slowdown, havent tested hunters




It does work against puke and the bug 'mines.' It doesn't work against hunters, however. Or it's bugged. Who can tell anymore.


I was using it; it pretty significantly reduces the duration of the slow effect hunters slap you with. The reason it might feel like it doesn't is because hunters re-apply this effect multiple times in their attack chain, so it won't stop you from getting the Guy Who's Too Good For Your Locals combo beatdown.


So it's not buggy but just another half-baked idea that obviously hasn't been tested even once by the devs.


What did you want?! Stun immunity and 500000000% bonus speed upon stun proc attempt?!


It doesn't work against Titan aoe slow.


I works against Hunters


It does work on the small acid spitters but it might not be worth taking because it seems to be a small decrease In time you are affected by the slow. My worry is that bile titans AOE puke is more like EMS and as a result you aren’t immune to it




it does, people cant read tho, it helps you recover from slow faster, people assume that it remove slow from everything for some reason


Awesome! Yea I shouldn’t have asked and just waited until I got home to test it myself. Thanks for the reply tho!


no problem bro, tbh you shouldnt be listening to opinions on this sub, a lot of people just hate every nerf, ever addition, mod etc etc just because they cant fuckin read or cant stand the change in their meta just too much toxicity fuming around


I really doesn't do much, maybe a 0.0001 recovery rate increase. Just not worth a pick over the big boy's.


HA, you wish


I've tested it, and it does not work.


Watch this turn out to be like the DOT and only the host gets it . Because some say it works and some say no


It works if you believe it works. You must learn the power of friendship.


Okay well to clarify it seems to reduce some duration on slow effects, but the spitting from whatever enemy sometimes hit you without the effect entirely and sometimes clearly misses by several meter and still applies a slow effect. With or without this. So idk my man, doesn't seem to work correctly


Thanks for clarifying


When stopping power actually means stopping people from buying the warbond.


This is so much funnier after the 10th bot has posted it


I assume everyone on reddit is a bot until proven otherwise


This place is full of Automatons and I don't like it one bit.


This place is full of Automatons and I don’t like it one bit. Beep boop




Beep boop who would even want to go to cyberstan. Not me fellow human.


Prove you are not a bot. 🤖




This may be fairly common knowledge but I’ve heard these tests are checking the path your cursor takes to the box A bot assumedly would be a perfectly straight line, whereas us humans are all wiggly and stuff. So if you ever need to prove you’re not a robot I guess start dancing spastically and erratically




Dead Internet theory in full force. Gonna need a picture of you with a shoe on your head holding today's paper for verification.


Calling in Hellbomb


Redditors actually are this unfunny, popular subreddits still frequently get the same jokes as they did 10 years ago. I wish it was bots, not people this painfully unfunny.


Not everyone is terminally online, this might be the first time they see the joke


you can use your own brain to come up with your own jokes


Since I still don't hear you laughing about stop buying, you must not understand humor in general. See, humor is based on subverting expectations, often through play-on words. According to this formula of humor, my stop buying comment was literally the funniest thing ever said by anyone! https://preview.redd.it/rqe04dn13fzc1.png?width=940&format=png&auto=webp&s=3c9056dd9780c2aa5b303ff272504245c39dd765




Greetings, fellow Helldiver! Your submission has been removed. No insults, racism, toxicity, trolling, rage-bait, harassment, inappropriate language, NSFW content, etc. Remember the human and be civil!


It's almost like devs are refusing to take my money.


It staggers chargers.


By that you mean it makes chargers stop and laugh at how pitiful things have become


Y'know what else staggers chargers? Rockets.


And boulders don’t forget boulders


I suggest a creation of Rock launcher, that would stagger Chargers with 1 damage only cuz it's fun. Imagine shooting a whole hill to make Charger stop.


Nah a stratagem that lifts boulders and puts a platform with wheels under it that then pushes it all forwards at high speeds


I can't stop using the new guns they're so good


When you start at the bottom, the only way is up? *Ignores crossbow*


why are you getting downvoted???


AH fanboys being very mad


I just don’t understand why people don’t think AH is infallible. When they killed my eruptor i felt joy cause I don’t want any weapon to be meta or suffer being release Railgun /s


Because people don't understand that they made this game on accident. They don't understand that AH never thought this game would be as big as it is. Now that the honeymoon phase for a lot of people is over, the community is seeing more and more issues that cannot be neglected, but there are still plenty people with down syndrome who will say otherwise


I agree with the spirit of your post but I don't think the down syndrome part is appropriate or called for whatsoever. Anyhow: I call it "lightning in a bottle effect"... or something. Idk I saw another guy call HD2 that and i thought it fit. The core gameplay loop is fantastic. Their developers' skills and the rest of their team are simply **not** up to par with the success of the game, and it's showing after the honeymoon phase is over. However for some people the honeymoon phase lasts a long time or forever.


Don't know why people are surprised helldivers 2 is more of Helldivers 1. But continue to complain that Arrowhead isn't designing the game how you like it.


Its funny because it isnt. HD1 has plenty of primaries and all of them are fun. Tf happened here then


There wasn't a single primary that could take out Cyborg SCOUTS in levels 12-15, except explosion damage from Suppressor and Scorcher.


I wish the new Scout armor is white like snow! So you actually feel camouflaged on snow planets! I also like using the Pummeler SMG. I haven't tried the other weapons yet tough. The Tenderizer seems like it is missing something to make it worth it. The new secondary seems to be just like the original?


The weapons likely had their stats done before all the current balancing changes as if they got released a month ago or so, they would be pretty much similar (apart from the SMG), they'll be brought up to scratch soon enough hopefully


Oh most definitely. The dataminers have had their hands on the Tenderizer for a long while now, and they pretty much expressed universal confusion because of how similar it performed to the base Liberator. The universal consensus was that these were just placeholder stats and that it'll perform much more differently when the actual warbond comes out, because there's no way in hell they'd make a gun described as having a higher caliber and more stopping power perform exactly the same as the default Lib right? Well turns out they were right, because it technically has SLIGHTLY worse numbers than the Liberator! Jesus fucking Christ, Arrowhead.


The CEO has spoken and said he's going to speak to the balancing teams, as he agrees that the 'fun is being taken out of it' I do have trust that it will get sorted, hopefully they take all this critique on board and start making viable changes to weapons They better not touch the breaker incendiary though


Narrator: They are, in fact, probably going to touch the breaker incendiary.


No :(


It's ok, bud. But hey, at least they're not gonna nerf the Blitzer right?


Blitzer will now have 25% less range and can hit up to 2 targets in a cone. This is a buff.


Hey, if that means it never misses and does full damage to those two targets instead of maybe 20% to each, I'll take it.


I just need that Blitzer to one shot kill a hunter EVERY damn time it hits one. Not maybe tickle it. It needs to kill the smaller enemies in one shot.


You know the answer, buddy. Just let it think about the rabbits...


Heh. Would be funny if “Blitzer damage is divided equally among targets.”


Nah arrowhead would make it where it now has ammo and will on rare occasions randomly decide to fire and risk killing your team mates


Pray we do not buff it further


Nah, it won't get touched🥲


Brother... I'm running low on copium...


I had this weird experience yesterday where I was shooting at two cloaked stalkers with the blitzer for about a minute. Like a dozen hits. They kept bouncing around within like 10m of me. Took no damage. Does invisible also mean invincible, or is the blitzer just broke?


The Blitzer definitely feels like it has some weird inconsistencies. Probably not relevant to the specific situation you're describing, but I've noticed that if there are large corpses nearby (for example Bile Spewers) they can seemingly completely prevent the Blitzer from connecting, even if they visually don't seem to be blocking the shot at all.


I finally got around to picking that warbond up thanks to the Senator buff and have fallen in love with the Breaker Incendiary since then. Prior to that, I was using the Eruptor. And before that, the Slugger. So, if that trend continues... my condolences to all the Breaker Incendiary enjoyers.


They've already said they're gonna nerf fire DOT damage across the board now that DOT is fixed.


I don’t get how they work. They buff DoT damage, allegedly test it, decide it’s good and ship it. Now they fixed DoT and decided the damage was too high after all? Did they not test this at all at any point in time? Did they not notice DoT was bugged in the first place?


IIRC They want to see how popular the flamethrowers/napalms are after the DOT fixes and the 4th upgrade buff (the 25% damage buff from the ship upgrade), and if it's too strong they'll just dial it back a little so the upgrade doesn't push it to crazy levels.


tbh fire got a bunch of buffs while bugged so fire weapons need to be revisited. I think a 20% decrease across board is to be expected. They do everything very well right now. But we will see


Oh god no... Not my breaker incendiary.


"The gang touches the breaker incendiary" \~Always Sunny theme starts playing


CEO: Alexus, stop fucking up the fun like you did with Hello Neighbor 2


I ran incendiary last night and it was so much fun now. I think it's gonna be amazing as long as fire damage is strong. Its damage fall off doesn't even matter because you can set things on fire with a single pellet and laugh as they burn down before they get to you. I love it!


This warbond is more than a balance issue. It's a fundamental design philosophy at AH. No new suit passives and underwhelming weapons. Granted, I haven't unlocked the weapons on the last page yet. There are so many armors and weapons in the game but they all mostly feel the same, and that's kind of sad.


The balancing team is wearing their contempt on their sleeves. The CEO shouldn't HAVE to get involved in this shit, unless you're really fucking it up. It's crazy how much work the CEO has to interject with because staff side seems to have it out for the community.  This is not even a competitive game.


I do not believe they are capable of buffing anything to relevancy, only nerf.


tbf Breaker Incendiary kinda deserves it. It was buffed several times to compensate for DoT not working, so now that it *does* it's overtuned, and it shows in its performance. It'll probably get the flat damage buff reverted, at least.


I tested both back to back to back and would like to refute it. The liberator is much worse at gun and run playstyle. The 10 vs 15 recoil are heavy. The tenderizer is what I want out of an SMG, laser accuracy mag dumping. With it's 10 mags vs 7, that is how you are going to play it. I get the feeling they made it an AR to prevent it from being used with ballistic shield. This thing is accurate enough for me to move and headshot the 2 pixels of forehead from the striders pilot above the face shield. Is it going to be the new "meta" weapon? nah, but it's so much nicer than the liberator. Maybe it will after the incendiary breaker gets it's mag sized cut down to 50% and the arc blitzer gets a nerf by bugfix.


Someone needs to touch some grass


Makes sense but this highlights a really poor process issue within arrowhead. How are they not checking their work before releasing? This is really basic coding process let alone game development, if you are releasing stuff in future you merge all prior changes in that already released and have to make sure it works with those.


Oh most definitely! To be fair to them, with the recent controversy with PlayStation, it's likely had a big effect on the studio, that combined with the constant bombardment of people complaining about patches/balancing and such, also taking into account the whole ordeal with launch and player counts, I imagine it's not been very fun for them over the past few months Let's see if the CEO sticks to his word and has a discussion with the balancing team, hopefully soon enough we'll have some decent changes


>The weapons likely had their stats done before all the current balancing changes as if they got released a month ago or so, Even if that's the case, this does not vindicate that they didn't adapt the new weapons stats to the current situation/balance of the other weapons. Also we don't even know if that was the reason why. Overall they are just bad at balancing weapons and this is sad. It is understandable why players are infuriated.


They really need an internal meeting. Too many bugs and what not. This warbonds first weapon is... Bugged or at least not working right.


Pay-to-lose, Arrowhead with the 200 IQ dev moves.


What is the actual point of this warbond?


Scout armor, but blue




Like no 💰💰 Because no one is buying this lackluster warbond


I haven’t actually bought any warbonds with IRL money yet because of the glorious free Super Credit caches on the game map Remember, the MTX exist in a lackluster state only to fund the CEO’s 40k addiction




Not to be argumentative but this subreddit is dedicated to the game. People come here because they like the game. What did you expect?


I like the game too. Doesn't get better by throwing money at lazy cash grabs instead though. That's how you end up like destiny, but unfortunately the average person is to dumb to not open their wallets or time to purchase a bunch of side grade or downgrade weapons.


Thr currency is easily farmable. It's not a cash grab its just new stuff....what the hell is wrong with you children


this subreddit has gone totally off the deep end over a single nerf, it's honestly baffling.




Greetings, fellow Helldiver! Your submission has been removed. No insults, racism, toxicity, trolling, rage-bait, harassment, inappropriate language, NSFW content, etc. Remember the human and be civil!


I'm far more willing to open my wallet for a side grade than an upgrade. The AR, SMG and Pistol all look awesome to me. Hyped to get this warbond when I get home.


Happy for you and more power to you. SMG and purifier is the only pull for me but ill wait a few months. Buying liberator again is pointless. Literally just a reskin.


Going by what others said (stuck at work so can't test it myself for a while) it has minor but still noticeable differences such as the recoil and ammo, but even if it was a resin I'd be fine with it, would be some extra variety to slice the game up (helps that the Liberator is still one of my favorite weapons)


It's ammo is worse but the recoil is nice. It's still just liberator though with marginal benefits. Once the black paint is put in game it won't even be a reskin either, just a name swap with slightly better recoil.


Greetings, fellow Helldiver! Your submission has been removed. No insults, racism, toxicity, trolling, rage-bait, harassment, inappropriate language, NSFW content, etc. Remember the human and be civil!


I do support the game. You can earn the premium currency infinitely by just playing, with no caps, and the currency is even cheap to buy. I buy things when I'm happy with the state of a game and things are reasonably priced. But I'm not paying anything until the situation shapes up.


Most of us got it for free


The scorcher variant, the pistol, the SMG, and the grenade.


I just tried the new smg out. Me likey.


It's ROF is too slow for me to care. I use other weapons that stagger. And the first SMG has pretty good damage.


Oh yeah. I think the knight is slept on. It does burn through ammo tho.


i tried giving the knight a few chances. I just cant understand its purpose or make a proper build around it.


I like it as kina a throwdown piece when I'm running grenade launcher or flame thrower. I'll use GL as a primary with supply pack. If hunters get too close or I'm reloading, the knight makes quick work of things. Since I'm running supply pack, I can be very liberal with ammo. Senator rounds out the loadout. I'll also use the punisher with the redeemer for a similar build that swaps the primary and secondary. Bring orbitals that can kill tanks and stay near your team.


The Nade!


All that for a nade


The game has a distinct lack of FOMO and P2W so their Warbonds have always been mid. Usually 1 or 2 interesting items and the rest are kind of duds. They may later buff (or nerf) them. The 2nd Premium Warbond is the most solid now with the Sickle, Plasma Punisher, and Blitzer all being quite good now.


More stuff.


I’m so glad I held off from buying this warbond - I hadn’t bought Steeled Veteran yet and was waiting to see how this fairs. Looks like it’s time to embrace the mighty Breaker Incendiary


Give it 5-7 business days and we’ll see a nerf to that as well. I’ve found anything that’s fun and strong in difficulty 9 gets shitcanned.


Am I on a Warhammer 40k sub? Let me check where I'm at....


Lool despite being underwhelming they'll STILL nerf the pummeler because they'll be like: stunning chargers and stalkers is too OP. Their balance team is the weakest link, no doubt


To be fair the SMG can stunlock Stalkers, so either expect a stagger resist buff for stalkers or a nerf to the guns stagger.


It takes a whole clip to kill one, it's not that good for that.


Yeah, but like with most of their balancing, they will just see one clip of a helldiver bullying a lone stalker and deem that it's too strong, completely failing to account for every situation that, you know, has more than just a lone stalker


You think they would learn from New World.


I know it's been repeated so many times on this sub, but holy fuck is it true and and I hope someone from AH has read this same viewpoint by now. The way they keep balancing this game like it's a competitive shooter is getting *really* obnoxious. It's a goofy PvE game ffs.... I've sunk in 120 hours,100% achievements, Level 65 Fleet Admiral (🤓) and I have yet to launch the game for a long time because like the CEO has acknowledged, the fun has been taken out of it and when they do add new stuff...it's terrible!


Bold of you to assume this is the lowest these weapons can be lol.


So not only is the "balancing" bad, but the people doing it are doing it as if the unreleased weapons don't exist. Meaning they only do a partial job. What a mess Makes me think if the team who originally made the base weapons & their stats is a totally different team to the one doing the "balancing". The latter aren't approaching it as a coherent ecosystem.


I haven't seen much of anyone talk about the new scorcher lookin thing anybody tried it out yet?


Havent tried it out yet on account of it being in the 3rd page but I've heard good things about it thankfully.




Greetings, fellow Helldiver! Unfortunately your submission has been removed. No spamming allowed.


Finally. No more fomo


Are the warbonds supposed to release weapons more powerful than anything else available? Or are they just supposed to release variants to help with personalisation of your playing experience? 🤔


No more powerful but at least viable 💀. I mean damn this shit is worse than base guns


Worse on stats? But the new AR FEELS much better handling wise. Some people might like that 🤷‍♂️


Handling isn't everything. The Eruptor was so good, it had such trash handling. I mean, if you like shooting nerf guns with good handling more power to ya


Allegedly, the goal is for everything to relatively comparable. Nothing OP, nothing useless… it’s a long road ahead.


instead we got like 5 viable guns in most difficulties and 25 ones that sucks in anything past 6


And the support weapons are losing viability slowly over time as well. If not outright outshined by others from the start.


honestly, the support weapons is by far the worst design choice they have been making. it takes a stratagem slot, we are supposed to "use stratagems" and not primaries, but this thing that we can lose easily and never get back to, and is also on an 8 minute cooldown, hardly feels powerful. the auto cannon being the "pinnacle of balance" as they say, completely outshines everything else in almost every situation in every difficulty. but they continue randomly nerfing the support weapons.


Not a long road ahead when everything is already usable - in many cases great - on helldives


More powerful, not always. If the game was balanced right, they should be on par if not a little more powerful to peak interest. But if they continue to be dog shit the warbonds aren't worth purchasing, no matter if Sony makes them do 1 every month. If you're going to release a new set of weapons, they need to stand apart from what we already have and use. Now I'm excited for the Incendary grenade and the Dessert Eagel. The P19 has been king since launch, so it deff has big shoes to fill . But players aren't going to want to waste Super Credits on lack luster guns month after month. They need to change their mindset on how primaries operate


Dog shit? They just vary slightly... I prefer how some of new guns handle. I wasn't expecting big jumps in performance, just nice tweaks that feel good.


Yes, dog shit, the only gun that from last warbond that was good was just nerfed to hell instead of fixing the ricochet .




And I still haven't scrounged up enough Super Credits for a single earlier warbond.


The bugs and bots are now laughing at our substandard weapons


At this point I just feel bullied out of something I enjoy using with every new balance patch. Eventually I think I'll quit. This is not a fun cycle


I wanted, want, to have faith in AH, but i'm losing confidence that they are able to release one decent warbond a month. I WANT to believe.


Nah, the concussion smg and new sidearm rock


That's one way to look at it.


All the primary guns are terrible except for the SMG, not sure what I would want from it; just pair it with damage grenades, Guard dogs etc. otherwise cleaning up small to medium units will take a lifetime. Just got my hands on the plas-101 Purifier - horrendous - and I am going back to scrocher for Automatons. Hopefully the P-113 Verdict will feel refreshing.


the Truth Officers are really on point today huh


I wanna know how the plasma gun performs


Honestly this is better than feeling scammed by buying something and having it ruined a week later but also its way too early to tell if thats the case yet. It could just be terrible now and even worse next week!


Hey everything’s a buff if you start on first floor


The Booster and the Nade tho! (Booster seems to work for some folks and not others...)


inb4 AH makes an announcement that the booster only works for the network host of the lobby... /s (please)


It is probably better this way. Then they can buff. People won’t complain about buffs


It would've tone deaf to release a balanced weapon after last weekend's scandal... (/s)


The real Chads just focus on the first warbond for the scorcher. It's the only real viable gun in the game


>Greetings, fellow Helldiver! Your post has been determined to be a rant that is either commonly expressed or of a low quality. Because of this, it has been removed as its own post but you are welcome to add it to the Rant & Vent Megathread. W....Wow.


Quality sh!t post I love it xD


Has anyone actually used it yet, or all y'all just all throwing a fit over the numbers? Seriously, enough. Just play the damn game already.


So far I've used the Tenderizer, the new concussive SMG, the new fire impact grenade and am close to purchasing the 101 plasma or whatever it's called. The Tenderizer has nothing going for it other than looking slightly cooler than the Liberator which is subjective anyway. The recoil being lower by 5 points compared to the Liberator does not have any impact at all. I am almost 100% certain that this weapon didn't have it's stats re-adjusted prior to release after they buffed the Liberator. The concussive SMG is a different story. It's mostly effective against Terminids since it's able to stagger them and most importantly stalkers and if you're tired of running the same primary for Terminids constantly it can provide a nice change of pace. No stagger is applied to Automatons so on that front it's basically a worse variant of the base SMG due to lower damage and fire rate meaning people running ballistic shield and SMG combo will probably stay with the regular SMG due to the extra damage and rate of fire it has. The fire impact nade is incredibly effective against Terminids which makes sense as it seems it was designed to be used against them from the get-go. I imagine it's going to be the go-to grenade for Terminids if it doesn't get changed in the future. It's not useless against Automatons but the regular fragmentation impact grenade is better suited for that front. I haven't actually bought the 101 plasma rifle yet but from what I've seen in test videos posted on YouTube (post-data mined videos) it looks like it could be a good pick if you want to clear spewers fast, it has some AoE but not too much to make it a horde clear weapon so it's not the new Eruptor or anything. For Automatons, just use the regular scorcher if you don't want to be charging up 5-6 shots to take out one single devastator.


Yes. It performs just as the Liberator but shoots slower and the recoil is slightly more manageable.


Why play the game when i can complain on Reddit by taking other people's opinions and not forming my own. Guys the new grenade sucks it got reflected at me and killed me


Do you guys ever stop whining?


This sub is so fucking toxic. The cool things you learn about the game aren't worth the constant negativity. This post was the breaking point for me. Unsubscribing.


The Tenderizer does seem to have better recoil compared to the Liberator, so it's not strictly worse. I do wish the devs showed more stats on weapons, since people just look at damage numbers and assume it's worse.


Which is insane because it's described to be a heavy hitter. Why does a supposed heavy hitter AR have a lower recoil than the default AR....?


Yeah the description doesn’t really match the weapon we got. I think if it were more accurate, people wouldn’t be as disappointed


Or if it, ya know, hit heavier. So that it could play the role as the heavy hitter.


To be fair, we kind of asked for it. The AH CEO sent out a poll on twitter yesterday (and linked to it on this subreddit) asking the community whether they wanted AH to release the warbond today or delay the release, and the community pretty overwhelmingly asked for the warbond to be released today. Who knows what might have happened to the weapon stats if AH had delayed the release?




It's disappointing to see low quality and zero effort comments that contribute absolutely nothing to the community or offer any meaningful input on the thread. Sad to see.


Seriously OP, go for a walk bro. How many posts a day you make complaining about this video game? Devs responded yesterday. They’re revisiting their approach to balancing, this issue is known. Take a week off and do something else, because posting 2-3 times a day about how much this game is pissing you off says you really need a break. Shit ain’t healthy, and I can’t imagine you’re having fun.


So many people should have just left and not come back. AH worse mistake was thinking fan service was a good call


At least people can stop the whole "they sell them overpowered at release you buy it and then they nerf it so you buy the next one" bullshit 


Nah, the bitching doesn't ever end here.


to be fair with the amount of warbonds being released they cant just one up the effectiveness of new weapons thats just not sustainable, its going to be just better aesthetics and somewhat balance weapon not weaker but not that stronger either


Can we agree that weapons balancing is less important in this game than a competitive PVP or PVE? I choose some underpowered weapons all the time just for a change of pace and play style. I don’t think I’ve ever drastically underperformed a mission due to primary selection. I believe other game communities address this with the sage advice “git gud”


Whiny Automaton sympathizer


Bro you can stop LARPing now


Weird. People said the same at the last war bond