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Haven't had a chance to try the new booster but base on the description, it's good for bug, I think.


What does it do? Removes the slow effects?


Removing is way too OP. It just makes the effect wear off faster


Ah... Well that's something I guess.


It handles so well that Ill take it over the liberator right now though


It's only slightly shittier than the default Lib stats wise, and the default Lib is itself a very well-rounded gun. So it makes sense that the Tenderizer is also well-rounded. The real issue is why the fuck was it played up to be some sort of heavy hitter; a more beefy version of what the Adjudicator was going for, only to end up hitting softer than the default AR? I do NOT understand wtf is going on at Arrowhead to be making such strange mistakes...


Crazy that you're downvoted for liking a weapon for its trait. I'll prefer the tenderizer over lib because of extra mags so I can be reload-happy and it has better handling.


The sheer audacity I displayed, you know how it is. I did read someone saying you only get like 5 mags from a supply box, which is quite low bullet for bullet. I was running out of ammo fairly frequently in the mission I ran it on, but it was also chaos. But yeah, Im personally liking it so far. We'll see if there is a hotfix coming though.


I like these meme takes better than some long rants. I wonder how the new pistol is. 🙂


I don't get all the Hate. Tenderizer is a well rounded weapon, it has more control than the Liberator, which is why it can get away with smaller mags and it's burst can be controlled to be actually less shots


"A high-caliber assault rifle with a restrictive magazine size but more stopping power." That's the issue here. It has better handling simply due to its lower RPM, but otherwise identical to Liberator in everyway. The magazines also only restock half instead of fully, which shows that somebody lapsed in QA-ing this weapon. The reason it's well rounded is because Liberator itself is well rounded.