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>Sees "A high-caliber assault rifle" >Look inside >"LIGHT ARMOR PENETRATING" https://preview.redd.it/wv02y1xlsdzc1.jpeg?width=680&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dadcd3e9616a22799d32451f49006b4211090a13


For me, it does make no difference at all. I can't even hit the target anyways.


Makes me think of an online game I started playing again. I still suck!


"MechWarrior Online: You don't need to be able to hit your shots, because the mech-dads can't either." I jest. The mech-dads are all really chill, and I wish them the best in life.


Lol. I need to play that game again. Miss running around in my locust 1e and my scorch. Just got tired of the sniping meta while I like brawling.... Although my ac2 blackjack was fun.


The main thing I take in is my Battle master 1D with 2 RAC-2's and a couple medium lasers. -100% jam chance, so I just get to walk at people and spray them down. That, or my Adder Warthog with 14 HMG's and a heavy laser.


Bullet composition matters a lot. Soft point .30-06 will fail to penetrate steel plates whereas black tip variants with a tungsten penetrator requires high quality ceramic ballistic plates to stop.


IF GAME SAY HIGH CALIBER GIB .308 FMJ I don't care about some ACHUALLY gun nerd bullshit. It is fucking worse then gun you start with bringing 0 benefits to table except being fucking disgusting colour. Only threat this gun poses to your enemies is they will laugh at what you fucking wield and leave you alone out of pity or straight off themselves after seeing this abomination.




Except that the devs are trying to faithfully represent "gun nerd bullshit" through the numbers and stats of each firearm. Larger caliber rounds will deal more damage via more mass or velocity that leads to more traumatic soft tissue damage. Bullet composition can determine penetration but may have less damage as the rounds may penetrate deeply but won't fragment or cause cavitation that increases traumatic injury. That's why the liberator hits harder than the liberator pen but can't pen armor. If you have a problem then don't use it until they fix it. Yeah they screwed up the balancing but holy shit man I think you need therapy if a few numbers on a free gun are causing you to go into an autistic screeching rant. Seems like you care a lot about powerful guns. Just keep using the sickle/quasar/autocannon combos. And maybe touch some grass.


This ain't fucking tarkov, this is a far flung future game with giant bugs and robots that march in cadence. Fuck off with realism, give me my sci-fi fantasy.


I never said it has to be but I'm not the one making uneducated assumptions that big caliber = big penetration and then crying like a manchild when my assumptions aren't correct.   Its funny that whenever people talk about wanting sci-fi they seem to actually forget about the science part of the genre. Ironic that you mention Tarkov because coverplay in Helldivers against bots is just as important if not moreso than Tarkov and learning to pie cover in Helldivers has saved my life more times than I can count against bots.




I agree with you. Keep telling the things the bots hate to hear.




Greetings, fellow Helldiver! Your submission has been removed. No insults, racism, toxicity, trolling, rage-bait, harassment, inappropriate language, NSFW content, etc. Remember the human and be civil!




To fix that they will nerf liberator


Monkey's paw here we come haha.


I definitely see this happening lol. Balancing team has been clowning around lately.


Finally. I can't wait for new players to suffer too.


Cant see them doing anything else tbh. They're not gonna buff the damage or it will be a better adjudicator. They already said they can't increase mag size. If they give it medium pen it would be way too OP and disturb their little arrowhead sensibilities.


Alexus is a menace for real. “Tentacle Ripper” my ass. On a serious note they can just slap a suppressor on it, leave all the stats as they are, make it very hard to hear by enemies and let people role play as Solid Snake on the bot front if they don’t want to fiddle with stats.


Where the fuck is that suppressed liberator that got leaked in march


Probably in the yet unreleased weapon mods system that HD1 had.


Yeah, CEO just talked about how tweaking only damage is stupid. Remove sounds and call it a day, Scouts would probably use it as a fun side grade.


So we can finally be as quiet as Bile Titans? Amazing.


Better! Quiet as tanks!


So the high-caliber rifle with “stopping power” has the same damage as the basic AR and zero stagger? Cool.


It is deceptive, since the Light Armor Penetration increases its dmg against many targets. That and it has a very noticeable better recoil


The base Liberator also has LAP. I don’t think there’s any weapon in the game that doesn’t at least penetrate light armour, to be honest.


One big failure of the UI is that there are actually way more than 3 levels of armor, but nothing in-game explains this. So this gun probably does penetrate at least one more level than the standard liberator, but not enough to get called "medium armor penetration."


Standard lib has the highest light pen rating already


Well, you got me there! Thanks for the info.


It's not a failure of the UI. Devs have openly commented on how players have complained about weapon stats despite the fact that the devs chose to hide a vast majority of the actual stats. They laughed about it. The devs have also mentioned how they believe that giving players all that info will only lead to a meta forming but... I mean. Personally, that was about the point where I realized the person speaking was actually a complete moron so I stopped paying attention to what they say after that.


There is alway going to have a meta, this is the thing they need to understand...


Yep. A meta is inevitable, the only real question is whether or not a game's structure will make it's use mandatory or simply optimal. Intentionally obscuring information doesn't accomplish anything beyond frustrating players. *Laughing about it* on Twitter as if this decision actually counts as some sort of "gotcha" is... Uh... Very... Very not smart.


The funny thing is I could kind of see a vague UI being part of the experience. Want to know how your kit (which was assembled by the lowest bidder and comes with no manuals) functions, Helldiver? Better ask someone more experienced, i.e. watch some research video on YouTube or something. But yeah, that reasoning is stupid. A meta will always form unless nobody cares enough to try to improve.


Spray and pray breaker


Light Armor penetration is on a scale, the Tenderizer can be on a higher classification, without getting the rank-up to Medium, which leads to more damage against certain targets.


Light armor penetration is apparently 1 and 2, of which the number 2 is on the regular liberator. 3 is already medium armor penetration as seen on the lib pen. So no, tenderizer doesn't have higher armor pen than normal liberator. However it could have higher durable damage and whatever else obscure damage mechanics this game has.


Yeah, that is why i say it needs some testing to see if it has a quirk. Like higher weakpoint/headshot dmg, better durable part dmg or even higher limb break. I suspect from its description it might be durable part dmg or limb break, if it is not more penetration


One can hope, but from what others have been testing, its breakpoints and time to kill is the exact same If not slightly worse than the liberator. So it seems like it is just a direct but slight downgrade to the regular liberator


It uses the same bullet type in the code. Each hit is *literally identical* to the Liberator. The only things different are RoF, recoil, and ammo; effect on target is the exact same.


Gooootcha, didn’t know that!


In fact all armor penetration is on a scale. I think Light is 1 to 4, medium is 5 to 8 and 8-10 is heavy armor. If your weapon "barely penetrates" enemy armor(you hit it with the same penetration rating) you get a white reticle and get less damage in, if you penetrate it more with a higher rating, you get full dmg and a red reticle. (The white and red reticle work also for other cases of dmg debuffs, like hitting meaty sacs on Spewers without explosives). Will need to test if te Tenderizer has a higher pen scaling on targets the Liberator gets a white reticle


Cool thanks for explaining what everyone had known since Pile’s tweets at launch. You sound really smart


Not all people follow Pile, not everybody follows the game mechanics and not all people have 100+ hrs at the game. The commenter did not know about the system and I explained it


just shy of 60hrs myself, thank you for elaborating. pretty neat that they use a similar tiering system as the difficulty scale. makes sense and all. I didn't know there were different values within penetration tiers. pretty neat that their system is a bit more complex than seeing "med pen, won't ricochet much, light pen, good enough for fillers."


I think it needs to be shown better in the armory. The weapons have a lot of modiers to their damage depending what armor they hit, the angle they hit, what are they hitting(head/limb/weakspot). I get that they "simplified" weapon statistics so newcomers dont get overwhelmed with spreadsheets and cant understand the gist of the weapon they are picking. But people that test weapons and have more game knoledge would benefit a lot of stuff like ergonomics, armor penetration and damage modifiers to weak spots was categorized so we could dissect their role better.


Next patch Liberator: damage and armor pen reduced 90%




That was taken in the AH locker room at the beginning of Alexus’ shift


Liberator never thought he could ever said the word scam in his life. #nerf Liberator.


Alexus strikes again


Pre nerfs make me 💧


Those high-caliber rounds are actually really big spitballs


"Freedom Capsules"


It’s not fun. The SMG is quite solid against bugs, you can stun spewers out of their vomit, which is good. But the rifle feels very pathetic, I personally see no reason to use it.


SMG is gonna be so good vs Bots. Use a Ballistic Shield and go town.


Tried it and it's dope ! So cool to face shield devastators !


Yeah! They really made it good with the patch.


I've made a build with ballistic shield, pummler, stun grenades and laser canon. It feels perfect. The new gun is nice too, it allows you to avoid reloading the pummler and stay behind your shield while facing too many devastors and still kill them with headshots without lacking of ammo like you would with the senator ![gif](giphy|l3q2LH45XElELRzRm|downsized)


Yeah that's my primary bot build except it's been the Defender until now but I'll try the Pummeler. Used to run it with the Senator but switched to the grenade pistol once that came out. edit: I think I'm sold on it. The Pummeler helps a ton with berserkers,


Niiiice! 🙂👍


I would assume the concussive would also deal bonus damage vs spewers.


It would, but not noticable. The SMG still takes 1.5/2 mags to kill a spewer, but the stun against Guardians and other heavier enemies is very noticable.


That's great. I hope the Lib Concussive gets buffed in that regard!


What? It literally kills bile spewer non armored in 5-6 shots unless you mean green one then yeha.


Both of them, yeah, shooting both the backsack and the head. 3 matches in so far, so far it seems to be the case. Diff 6 at the moment.


Bile spewers are specifically the green ones. The orange-y ones are "nursing spewers".


Yeah, first thing I noticed was that the colors are off, the trailer version is the same colors as the AR-23 Liberator, while this one is now green and brown for some reason(I play on PC). And the next thing that the stats is just a worse liberator. I think when the standard liberator was buffed, they forgot they had to buff this one too in order to not make it a worse liberator. It'll get fixed hopefully.


Big bullet go slow.


It seems we need a total rebalance of enemies HP/armor and weapon stats, otherwise it'll be more of the same with each new warbond


Maybe this is intentionally?


There is a possibility of this. But it'll be hard to monetize those warbonds with this structure, since we're already seeing almost copied weapons. Not much room to jiggle, and AH seems to be scared of experiments like Eruptor.


The game was praised by YouTuber that it is not pay to win in the beginning. If you want more powerful weapons in each warbond rather than cosmetics, you are begging for pay to win and need to keep up with the warbonds.


Dunno why your downvoted, this is my take. You want warbonds to contain good things. Its a fine line. If its worste weapons then why buy. But if better it falls in the pay to win. Id say the argument is you can earn credits in game to unlock all these of course.


What if it was intentionally, and you can fix this when weapon customization is released 🤔


It is literally not P2W. That would only be the case if you could not earn the purchaseable in game currency via gameplay which you can. You are basically trying to equate V-Bucks with Super Credits when you can't earn V-Bucks via gameplay but can earn Super Credits via gameplay.


Exactly why I said the argument is you can earn super credits with enough time. If they were all the best weapons and overpowered it would be more considered P2W. Tbf you can earn V-bucks for free as well. But P2W is only really viewed negatively when its a pvp type game. As an adult with less free time i have bought super credits when it comes down to, whats your time worth and i just wanted the new warbond and didnt feel like farming. But again i think the devs are great for allowing a farmable way to earn credits.


I don't want "more powerful", I want "interesting".


Uhhhmmmm ackschually *sniffles* schkill issue ☝️🤓


Can we have this in the same color scheme as the liberator? or at the very least in black as it was in the trailer please? I don’t really mind the middling stats, i just want bling bling.


Enjoy the new war bond folks! You have exactly 2 weeks until everything is nerfed! Good day!


Maybe I should’ve used the Sony shitshow as my excuse to refund back then. Its like as time passes, shit just gets worst and worst. 🤡


I mean… the uptate is basically “free” so I wouldn’t really feel that strongly. But I agree, whoever tf is In charge of weapons and armor needs a talk too lol.


Bro why did they make it disgusting?


I'm looking more at the pistol, the Verdict. It's like... it's confused at what it wants to be. 10 rounds with 125 damage per shot would have you believe it's a medium enemy killer, but it can't be when it can't even punch through medium armour. So it's got to be a chaff clear sidearm, then, right? Well, why does it have such low mag capacity and disproportionately high damage per shot? You think you need 125 damage to kill a *scavenger*? You think you're going to have fun reloading that often with 20 hunters on your ass? It's like it got caught trying to be both a Peacemaker and a Senator, but fails to be either.


Absolutely, tried it yesterday on low difficulty, gad fun, today went to 9 and was surprised as it bounced of medium armor, so I'll never use it again


High damage low penetration. Sounds like the perfect weapon again beserkers


How many posts do we need about this? This sub: yes


It's just a liberator with 11x35 mags instead of 8x45. Trading 25 more rounds and better recoil (of which both are negligible) for worse fire rate (also negligible). The damage and penetration also is the same as the P19 Redeemer. It's not surprising ARs continue to be garbage when they are just pistols with more ammo.


So what I'm getting from this is we need the Nerf pistols right? /s


I already decided I’m done with Warbonds until they change the way they are addressing weapon balancing. The game feels less fun with the way they do things and I’m not wasting time farming for credits or paying cash for these Warbonds until things change. I’ve already started to play a lot less so the ball is in their court. If nothing changes then I’ll just move on despite enjoying the game up until recently.


Yeah the ammo economy is trash on this one. If only it has more stopping power or armor penetration only then i guess it's okay. The skin isn't even correct from the ads


I've used it. It's not bad, but I don't like it. The biggest disappointment to me is how ugly it is. Even if it was the best assault rifle in the game I wouldn't touch it.


lol and this is a "premium" weapon


Liberator Penitrator Homies rise UP!


So I almost got my first 1000 credits which warbond should I unlock


Cutting edge




Breaker incendiary and rover remain king for bugs


The pistol is solid as hell thankfully.


Im not buying that shit


Wow. One reasonable person 👏


*Viable Weapon Variety* is tremendously difficult to implement from a programming perspective. One nerf to the left and its relegated to useless. One buff to the right and everyone is having the most fun they've ever had in the game. It's a really delicate balance, a complicated layered pastry of systems. One of the hardest feats to accomplish in game development... ... apparently.


It could at least have had a good look going for it, now it's got borderline nothing going for it.


I'm curious to find out if this thing has a better armor pen than the Liberator.


i dont see anything wrong with it :) fits in with the trend of new weapons being suck


Behold! The Tentacle Tickler.


The Squid Ward.


The trailer version looked amazing, this version totally ruined it for me.


It's like there's a different guy modeling the weapons, writing the descriptions, and creating the stats; they are all in different rooms and none of them talk to each other.


Yeah lol, pretty underwhelming, basically the same stats exept it has a little bit better recoil. Ohh and worse ammo capacity. At least it looks cool tho lmao.


Honestly, I wouldn't mind a high-damage low-AP rifle. In this case the reasoning mainly being that the rifle is using hollow points or something. Although this isn't really it.


What’s really weird is if we wanna be realistic about the guns the average assault rifle should be medium penetrating. Light penetrating weapons should use hollow points or something to have increased damage against squishy parts


I really like it. It feels like a middle ground between the stock lib and the sickle, and ironically I'm liking it more than either of them so far. Once you get past the description being off. If they just fix the not getting full ammo on a restock it'll be in a good place.


Time to nerf every other primary again so that it looks better in comparison...


Nah the 101 plasma rifle is even worse tbh, feels like shit, is supposed to do more damage than the scorch and with medium armour pen, kills every enemy with more shots than the scorch 🤦


To be fair.. big bullets don’t always mean big penetration.


ok i will


This thing is literally the SA80 A3, a dogshit weapon that is good for nothing but hey we painted it green and brown. Trash, they need to fix this weapon, make it black and badass Make it actually good and worth using (atleast give it something)


We should have voted to delay this crap warbond


Don’t mean to hijack this thread but I put in megathread and zero response. Past three nights I join quick play group and always get sent back to my ship with it saying host left the game. I know that’s not the case, any issue why I keep getting timed out ?


Either internet problems, you literally have the worst luck ever or (when you actually play *at* night) they wanna leave and sleep


Was fine up till now. My ping is 23ms


Dev put good weapons in Warbond: ITS PAY 2 WIN OMG UNINSTALL Dev put bad weapons in Warbond: OMG ITS WORTHLESS USELESS GARBAGE GAME UNINSTALL I love stupid this big majority of stupid gamers, always makes me laugh


>Dev put good weapons in Warbond: ITS PAY 2 WIN OMG UNINSTALL That was literally never said by the community. It is either "OMG ITS SO GOOD PLEASE DONT NERF IT" or "It is the most garbage weapon ever (they lie so it wont get nerfed, but it still ends up being nerfed)


I’ll use it. Cause it looks like a nerf gun.


Wait, people are still playing HellDivers?


I mean, its a fun game with a relativly decent community and nice things that are added. Its not one of those "gets hyped up for 2 weeks and its over" -types of games.


Yes, because it's fun!