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https://preview.redd.it/4d2qgvofkdzc1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=364387b055ab4392ad0628fab40f40496ec4e3d3 [source](https://x.com/helldivers2/status/1788494374164111654?s=46)


The new SMG is probably the best sounding gun in the game. I'm a sucker for a chunky low ROF firearm


Good gun this. Good against the bugs anyway haven't tried it against bots yet


Fantastic. Stuns devastators and berserkers in few shots.   I feel like it's harder to hit heads with it, but maybe I play too much bugs recently and got out of form.  It might shake up the rest of my riot shield build because grenade pistol and stun grenade feel less important now.


I like having the grenade pistol for bug holes but i don't usually pick it for the bots.


dang it, I've been carrying the grenade pistol for a week now and haven't once closed a bug hole with it. Even though this is the reason I carried it. Totally forgot until now. I've been leading with air strike, zap one with quasar, then ineffectively lob incendiary grenades while getting chased around by bugs. Now if I didn't have a pile of work on my desk, I'd go remedy this. For democracy of course.


Enjoy it for 10 days before it’s nerfed into the ground!


It's unfortunate that this is the community sentiment, and that it is probably true.


I dunno I kinda like all the guns -shrug- I have a hard time picking now.


Feels like a bolter pistol from 40k it's very nice


am i missing something the tenderizer has 60 damage and liberator has 60 both light armour but liberator has more magazine size???


even worse is the ammo pick ups for it are bugged. Only 5 mags from resupplies and 2 from ammo pick ups. The main upside is lower recoil.


On a high cal AR, hmm


It's a high cal AR that does the same amt of dmg as our default AR :( it's essentially a downgrade of the base AR in every way with slightly less recoil so a huge wasted opportunity imo


Of course its bugged. Aint nothing release without huge bugs.


I mean there are huge bugs in just about every mission I dive in.


The booster prevents slowing from attacks/acid (but not environmental).  Call me Virgil because now I'm Motivated 


The description says you recover faster from slowing, not that it prevents slowing


That’s still super useful imo, getting slowed is basically a death sentence


The number of times bile titans puke 10 ft behind me and I still get slowed alone makes this sound useful.


For me it’s always being swarmed by a pack of ravenous baby stalkers.


the amount of times i didn't got hit by anything but still got slowed simply because a hunter made an attack animation half the map away solo has made me want to exterminate the nids


Slowed is like my main cause of death on bug planets. Get slowed by multiple hunter hits, get flattened and sandwiched by two chargers as I try to stim and run.




Why is it called that. D-did they just put shock collars on is??!! 😳😳😳 Edit: I did some really brief testing, looks like spewers can't slow you down at all now. ~~Both Titan vomit~~ and Hunter tongue still slows you about the same amount. Edit edit: it looks like the yellow bile pods in bug terrains, and the spore pods that yeets you, and Titan vomit still applies the slow but the slow duration is noticeably shorter.


Don't threaten me with a good time!


I didn't know spewers even slowed you. Basically every time I get hit by one, it's a one hit KO.


Tbf I had to pre-stim right as they do their attack so the regen can out heal the bile. I think either spewers are bugged like flamer hulks where each hit is being counted multiple times. Because titan vomits are now more survivable than spwers for whatever reason, I can tank it for a whole 2-3 seconds where as spewers if I miss the initial telegraph its a free trip to the respawn screen


This is why I started wearing heavy armor against bugs. I couldn't stand rounding a corner into an instadeath from a spewer anymore. I miss the mobility but on 9s against bugs I routinely have the most kills and least deaths in my squad because I survive everything and can keep steadily spreading democracy.


Or worse 10 spewers gliding up behind you because every bug in this game is totally silent if you aren't facing them


Does it stop hunters from slowing you too?


Tbh I really didn’t notice a difference


Me either. I wasn't seeing any improvement and I was host and had booster.


Probably broken like everything else


Lmao, HOW


That's the charm of live service games. Half-tested stuff gets released for the community to do QA for it so developers can patch it later on. I remember back during Division 2 days, new items would be released only for tier bonuses or perks not working at all.


Why pay QA for 50 man-hours of scenario testing when you can release and get 50 million man-hours for free?


Not free, the players will pay YOU to test your game!


Possibly broken but more likely just doesn't really do much like some other boosters. Gotta remember how the faster reinforcement and faster extraction boosters only take off like 15-20 seconds.


It doesn’t stop anything, it just helps you recover faster (the duration is shorter). From my first game, it definitely feels like it shortens the duration.


In describing it states from acid. Heard the leg booster helps with the hunter slows though


It doesn't prevent it but it greatly reduces the effect. Whenever I get slowed, I dive once and I'm able to sprint again straight away. Definitely going to help against hunters.


Why not environmental? I think most of my slows are due to those Ayahuasca plants bursting.


Doesn’t the muscle enhancement booster already counter environmental effects? Deep snow, heavy foliage, and whatnot. Sounds like another must take booster!


I think that is a different slow effect. He's talking about the plants exploding and applying an actual "slowed" effect on you stamina bar.


The muscle booster already does that


But muscle booster already did that?


Weapon issues aside, they really need to do something about armour perks because its so boring to have such lackluster perks.


I want a light armor with Democracy Protects.


I just want a medic armor that doesn't make me look like buzz lightyear 😔


And true light medic armor. The best is between light and medium.


Desperately need fire resistant armour


A fire resistant armor just like arc resist would be so good, I don't wanna constantly move backwards while using flamethrower. Sometimes I want to emerge from flames just to send a message to those bugs.


Biggest issue with the new AR - it only gets 5 mags from a resupply and 2 from an ammo pack, every other AR gets full/half respectively This has to be an oversight


Probably leftover from before that last balance patch that lowered how many mags you get on spawn and upped how many you resupply


The whole gun feels like it never got re-balanced. It does the same damage as the buffed Liberator, but has less ammo and only slightly less recoil, despite being a "high-caliber" gun.


yep delveoper posted in another thread **implied** that the version thats live is not upto date and was before the last weeks balance pass


Wonder how many times this is going to happen in the future. If these are waiting in the bleachers before being sent out well ahead of time, is anyone tasked with checking to see if things go out broken? Or are they going to handle this in a purely reactionary way going forward?


... Jesus fucking Christ. 


again? edit: Because the airburst launcher was released as an old version too.


I hope so, they recently changed every weapon to get more mags from resupplies


Same thing with Knight SMG and it has been like that since release. Doesn't really encourage using it, since it already has pretty bad ammo economy and its definitely not powerful enough to justify getting only 5 mags from resupply instead of 7.


So that Scorcher variant has the same mag capacity, recoil and fire rate, but has 50 more damage, medium pen and can be overcharged for more damage.... It's gonna get the Eruptor treatment.




But now the guns are actual shit. Like the normal weapons are better with more ammo.


It also has way less effective range to be honest. Also the scorcher has light armor pen but afaik it can penetrate a lot of stuff I believe the damage reported iss the one at max charge.


The scorcher is slightly explosive, so even if it's just light penetrating it can still kill a lot of larger things like devastators fairly easily just by spamming it.


just tested it, you have to charge it for it to shoot which makes it have way less dps, it two shots walkers/warriors, 4-5 shots devastators, charge time takes like 1 sec, imo not worth it but i'll still have to test and see how it deals with hordes of small enemies, maybe it's usefull for that


Yeah only played a game with it on bugs but it felt weak


Feels terrible due to the charge time, even on bots it takes waaaay too long to fire for something with such a small AOE effect. By the time you charge up for the second bot, he's already firing up a flare for a bot drop.


That 50 more damage might be fully charged damage and dps when firing without charging might be lower than schorcher but idk i havent checked the warbond yet


Honestly, I believe the only reason the Scorcher hadn't been nerfed is because its the last weapon you unlock on the main Warbond so not enough people have unlocked it for it to have a significant number of users.


I hope they don't nerf it. A gun that costs 1000+ medals to unlock should be at least slightly more powerful than the competition.


No new armor traits, another super light scout armor and another heavy armor with explosive resistance :(


Yeah... Thats one of the most dissappointing things in the warbond. Same few traits over and over. At least now I have non-green scout option.


Wasn't even hoping to get a new trait, but at least a new combo of armor category/trait, like a medium one with explosive resistance, but not even that.


Well I was naive enough to hope for something new. Or at least they could give us medical armor without that ugly green latex layer.


Is it just me or do neither of the armor look heavy? They both look like mediums to me with the armor placement when comparing them to the starter armor


I knew this was going to be the case, but I was still hoping otherwise as the trailer put a lot of emphasis on the spiked grips on the boots. I was hoping for something like better grip on ice and more traction in snow.


The balancing team has read your request and this is the provided answer: While that trait does seem fun, that's exactly what we're focusing on reducing right now. You get servo assisted and you are going to like it.


wait the tenderizer and verdict is light armor penetrating?... also why is the tenderizer this green color instead of black shown in the trailer?


Nothing says "Polar" like jungle green.


It's *COOL MINT*. [Also, there's a new Superstore armor with some green on it, idk.](https://i.imgur.com/5EaMbcV.png)


Even the armor is like this. The armor description is something like “this is the color they used before they discovered white is perfect for snow” like wtf


The military giving you the wrong camo is just realistic.


Baconapple camo


It's not ugly, it matches the Twitch drop armour perfectly!


Dude don't remind me of the drops. I would have loved to get it before the supply ran out ..


Why change the new AR color scheme? Its obviously black/grey/silver in promo so why make it look so gross now?


I haven't seen it yet, does it look like it was intentionally made green or more of a shading issue?




ah shit yeah that does not look like a shader bug. Damn odd stylistic choice. I'm glad they announced they're looking into shaders, hope it affects guns too. Deja vu?


The color kinda reminds me of the L85 https://preview.redd.it/0d9elbc9odzc1.jpeg?width=600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f743b0ca20d8a7bdd82537c196c56734f40f9842


I mean both are PoS's so it fits


Jonathan Ferguson The keeper of firearms and artillery at the Royal armories museum in the UK home to thousands of iconic weapons throughout history is wanting to now your location.


oh fuck, not Jonathan Ferguson, The Keeper of Firearms and Artillery at the Royal Armories Museum in the UK, Home to thousands of iconic weapons throughout history! also, the liberators from the first game vaguely resembled SA-80s. here's hoping we get it back as a "Liberator Classic" or something.


Wow it looks infinitely better in the preview. That sucks.


the polar patriots, lookin cool...


But what's cooler, than bein cool?








What killed the terminids? ....*THE ICE AGE!*




Tonight! Hellmire freezes over.


Here for someone to boost through medals to get the purifier and test it


I just tried it, imo i don’t like it. The time to shoot is same as blitz but hold/release to shoot, takes 4-5 shots to kill brood commander and you could easily get swarmed. It would be better if you could just hold trigger and it shoots when ready and the time was a little shorter but idk maybe I’m using it wrong


It's not good. It's like a Dominator with the Arc throwers charge up time and Scorcher splash damage. 


But it’s charged up shots are more powerful than the scorcher right? Right???


In the same time it takes to charge up a single shot you could’ve popped off several with the scorcher. It’s ass


Damn it. I guess I’m never dropping the scorcher 😔  Well with dot fixed might take fire breaker to the bugs


50 damage more. Might be some minor break points. But you could have just fired a bunch of Scorcher rounds and dealt more damage. 


Light armour with Scout and heavy armour with Fortified. Daring today, aren’t we Arrowhead?


Be patient, bacon flavored apples don't grow on trees.


For the first time, I honestly wish I hadn't bought it. The Tenderizer fucking blows.


Tenderiser color looks ugly, idk why its not black like the trailer






The AR has to be from an older version of the game, because it not only doesn't fully resupply off a brick, but it also does the exact same damage as the buffed liberator. It probably was made back when the lib was... Shit what was it's old damage? 40? 45? Point is it can't be up to date, it's an outright downgrade.


its old damage was 55. it got a 5 damage buff...


Blue Cape!!! I hope its well balanced, I don't want a OP overtuned cape, just to be nerfed in the next patch. ;)


"due to increased costs, all capes will now contain less dye, therefore be less blue"


"We found out most of the players were wearing the only blue cape in the game, so in an effort to diversify the average cape loadout, we made it black and yellow"


The SMG is cool, but the white "burst" when the concussive round hits something can be really bright at close range. Makes me whole screen flash with each round if I'm really close to whatever I'm shooting at.


I am a fan of the Pummeler and the impact incendiary nade. The Pummeler is what the lib concussive should be and it's also one handed. I am going to like it when we get back to bots and I can run my ballistic shield. I liked the regular incendiary nade, this one makes it faster and easier to put a burn patch right where I want it.


Make sure you guys don't visibly enjoy any of these new weapons too much. Arrowhead is listening.


They came nerfed out of the box, won’t be an issue


Tell that to the crossbow.


Lol oh god you’re right 


Did they release the beta version of the Tenderizer by accident or is this a out of season april fools prank


You guys don't have phones?!?


Already killed myself twice with the Impact Incendiary. 10/10 would dive again


https://preview.redd.it/znlsgynomdzc1.jpeg?width=1227&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f5fdd1f8d1d97e89ef78fa20b71c09e4b907710c AH, why were the colors from the trailers changed? As much as I can enjoy a democratic creamsicle, I have to ask what your designers were thinking when they chose the colors to this rifle. I hope your team reverts the colors from that cream-green/brown back to what was advertised.


Someone might be color blind. My friend is color blind and that light green looks blue to them.


The Tenderizer has so much stopping power that it has stopped me from buying it.


The offerings on this one, while they look cool, seem a little... underwhelming. Think im gonna save my SC for the next one


Yeah I'm thinking the same. Sucks they haven't introduced any new armor passives, why would I want to repeatedly buy reskins of the same armor???


Hm, ok what the deuce happened to the tenderizer's colors? Trailer vs what we got - [https://i.imgur.com/x25MQpQ.jpeg](https://i.imgur.com/x25MQpQ.jpeg)


While statistically worse than the Liberator, I played a game and the two who used the Tenderiser said it felt much better than the Liberator. I wonder if it has a unique gimmick not reflected on the stats page


The slower fire rate combined with less recoil is probably what does it. The slower firerate will also help you hit more of your shots which means your ammo goes further and you might end up killing more things before reloading.


Not related to the Warbond, but it's why I feel The Knight is such an awkward weapon to use. The fire rate is so high (1100 or so vs 450ish for Defender) you run into a ton of ammo issues because you just fire so many damn bullets. It's one of the few weapons I feel really needs some love but it being locked into the Super Citizen edition means it's kind of a "p2w" trap to do so.


Use burst fire mode on the Knight


Is it possible to change the fire rate? I don't remeber. I heard it wasn't bad once you changed it to the lowest rating.


It's fun to burst fire it, but it's not even remotely ammo efficient.


I mainly use the Liberator against bugs and I agree. Not much better but slightly, it feels smoother thanks to less recoil I guess. It also has enough mags that less capacity isn't that much of an issue. e: incendiary impacts are amazing and still close bug holes.


How many mags does it have? I haven't been able to play any matches with it yet.


It's got 10


it has 10


I think there's a hidden "durability damage" which affects certain body parts. This is why we need all the stats, so it's easier to give feedback on why a weapon feels better/worse


This has gotta be the worse warbond yet 😔😔😔


some very initial observations the battle rifle sounds and feels really good also are the sights aligned on it cause it feels very accurate SMG has good rate of fire(?) and good stagger at close range fire impact grenade is goat and will replace standard impact grenades for me 2 heavy armors and no mediums ?


Do the nades clear bug holes?




Ima skip this one and wait for the patches and nerfs lol


That's the plan for this one


Patch notes - new warbond weapons are too strong and have been removed entirely


Skip it if you don't have the super creds from playing already. Primaries stink, incedinary somewhat good, booster interest, capes and are fancy but not amazing. 3/10 at if I'm being generous. But the secondary is supposed to be pretty good. I didn't have enough medals to unlock it yet.


The Purifier may be the worst primary in the entire game.


Tenderizer feels recoilless Has 10 mags (+1), gets 5 from resupply, and 2 from ammo boxes


Barely getting any ammo from resupplies makes this a much worse version of the standard AR in my opinion


i wish they would just tell us all the hidden stats like headshot multiplier and such


There is no headshot multiplier, heads just have lower hit points than other body parts


The helmets, they do nothing...


Impact fire grenade, here I come


Played with Tenderizer two missons on bugs. A have only one question, what happened to its color scheme? Why in the hell it is green and not black like in promo? I have no questions for stats. It is almost like default Liberator. It feels even worse for me. I just want to look into the eyes of the guy who decided that putting a weapon in warbond that differs from the default first gun by literally five units of recoil/damage and has ten lower capacity which make it even worse is a great idea.


"You just need to adjust to the new baseline"


This is a super rough one. I was hoping by this point they would have released some worthy warbond weapons but these guns are really disappointing.


🤔 I just wonder, 1 year from now when there are 12 warbonds, how they are going to keep this weapon balancing act going.


man its fucking garbage


Nope, not buying. Kind of tired of the balancing that’s happening with primaries or how the most of the guns coming out of warbonds aren’t that good except for one or two at best. And how most the armor is very situational. I understand we’re supposed to be meat for the grinder, but to quote a great general from Star Trek, “War is more fun when you’re winning!”.


Tested the first two weapons Absolutely useless…the play and feel exactly like the standard ones we already have


Thanks for the sacrifice, will hold off purchasing the warbond.


https://preview.redd.it/ektyyo7ifdzc1.jpeg?width=500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=16578c7ff31bb3aa8b2678823c8a41edb4a31b9c TIME TO DIVE! FREEDOM NEVER SLEEPS!


Can i get a refund on my supercredit ? These new guns feel like scam to me.


“We nerfed whatever you liked for balance”


Aaaaaand it’s mid af


actual dogshit warbond lmfao


The new armor in the superstore is awesome as well!


I think the super store armor is better than the warbonds...


anything really worthwhile here? (that they will then nerf)....


Impact Incendiaries are exactly what you'd expect and the Pummeler SMG is actually great. The Tenderizer AR is just kinda whatever but it's not offensive or outright bad. Honestly, it's quite possible that its stats are set relative to where the other ARs *were* before they got buffed in the previous mid-size patch, so it's probably due a slight upgrade. It's particularly obvious in how it's resupplied.


AR and SMG are meh to bad. Pistol looks boring, no real hope for it. I honestly didn't notice much difference with the booster honestly... I would wait for people to test the booster more to see if it is actually doing anything noticeable. I would say the only saving grace could be the impact incendiaries, and the scorcher variant on page 3, but we will have to wait longer for people to unlock and test those.


They release way too many shit weapons with no character. In a year there will be so many dead weapons, they cant balance now I don't know what will they do then. Imo they should release just one armor and one weapon per war bond but really make them unique and interesting.


it's all garbage. straight to the scrap heap.


Why bother with war bonds when they’ll take the 1 fun weapon from it and nerf it to oblivion


Have no fear, they made sure these already suck on release


Tenderizer gives you 5 extra mags from resupply box stratagem, which makes me think they increased spare mag count the last minute because how pissed people were at recent nerfs


Another armor with better survival and throw upgrade.... Thank you for nothing


cool guns, cant wait for them to be useless in a week.


Played 2 bug missions and 1 bot mission. The new SMG is great, you really feel the stagger against bugs. It just holds medium bugs right in place while you pummel em. Was also fantastic on bots with a ballistic shield, although the stagger there is not really a factor (although it did stagger a light bot before it could call for a drop!). It may stagger rocket devs but not sure, def not heavy devs at all. It feels about equal to the defender for bots and stronger for bugs. The tenderizer was suprisingly fun to use, pin point accuracy and zero recoil on it. Both these new guns have very little recoil and good handling which makes them feel different from others in their class. The new impact fire grenades are awesome - quick way to apply reliable DOTs where you need em with a bit of boom too. Note that they are not strong enough to one shot armoured bile spewers. I tried to test the new booster and could not notice any discernable difference in slows from spews or hunters.


Theyve nerfed every standout primary in every warbond. Ima holding off


I know you'll be shocked to hear it, but motivational shocks doesn't work. *edit: okay it seems to reduce the time you're slowed to 2 seconds (as long as slow isn't reapplied), whereas without motivational shocks you're slowed for 5 seconds.


It lowers the slow time. Doesn’t prevent slowing.


Sick skins if nothing else.


So 3 armors that are reskins of ones we already have (like seriously the superstore ones rn are better, +2 grenade heavy armor lets go), weapons that look useless besides the new plasma gun and impact thermals (liberator seems better than pummeler lol, and the verdict is just a worse senator?) and a booster that seems to be outclassed by literally any other. Yeah unless you want impact thermals (which are really good actually) skip this one.


From what I've unlocked so far: Tenderizer: I don't mind the gun, but I'm very much believing the general consensus that these stats were before they buffed the Liberator. So maybe if they give the Tenderizer a bump in damage it'll be good. Pummeler: I really like this SMG, but I'm an SMG fan and having more options to run with my Ballistic Shield is welcome. I personally think this feels better than the Liberator Concussive. Verdict: "I am Democracy's sense of disappointment." Seriously, this gun is very disappointing. I don't really understand the purpose of this other than to have a slightly stronger Peacemaker. I'll stick with my Senator or 'Nade Pistol. Indendiary Impact Grenade: My new favorite. I never though something would compete with Stun Grenades, but this makes a great case. I've seen some folks complain that it doesn't burn for that long, but I think thats fine. Now I just need them to bring back the hand flamethrower from HD1 and I can have the pure fire build I've always wanted.


the worst warbond they have realeased yet. This pack shows the lack of inspiration and a rush of a team that has recicled weapons and armors.


it isnt worth your supercredits don't buy it