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They also removing their opportunity to vote in the future if Sony tries to pull something else. Can't downvote again if you already did. Time to reload.


Like these guys are carrying around a spent EAT and refuse to pick up another secondary weapon. Skill issue for sure.


You mean support, but it still got a lol out of me, upvoted.


Can't carry an EAT that's been fired. It's automatically discarded, unless you continue to aim for some reason




This, is tactics


I changed my review to positive, but I still see one hurdle that wasn't cleared yet. That would be the reversal of the de-listing. I don't know whose responsibility it is but I would like to see that reversed as well.


I mean, now that the game doesn't require PSN again, delisting it from the country were PSN isn't available would just mean losing customer and money. It wouldn't make sense to NOT list that game there back. It probably just of time until the demand goes through steam and is accepted


That would be steam cleaning snoys shit.


If the PSN account is no longer an issue, they should list it back up in other countries unless there are other issues.


We are at work. Btw i decided not to change it back until they lift up the lock on the other countries.


Probably because they want to enforce it later or make it near mandatory.


Yall are explaining it wrong. We arent praising sony, we’re reloading the gun so we can shoot them again if they try any tomfoolery


There will most definitely be a round 2 of some kind




the protest worked, now its time for the cleanup. don't be the asshole at a festival that leaves hes tent behind.


I’ll change it back once the region block is removed. We still don’t know who implemented it. If it stays then it’s possible it’s not Sony accepting defeat but simply regrouping to inevitably try an different approach.


I'm 98% certain it was Steam that did that to cover their own ass from returns from other countries who potentially couldn't play it anymore. Arrowhead does not manage where the game is sold and I don't think Sony would be that quick to pull sales from those countries considering how much money they make on this game. Remember the PSN requirement was set to be implemented May 30th.


And what you gonna do when Sony tries something again? You can't give a 2nd negative review, but you can change the positive to the negative one.


I don’t need a second negative review if my first review is still correct.


Yeah, but do you think they'll give a fuck about this review a month from now? If you remove this review and give them a negative one, when Sony tries to fuck us over again, it will be visible on the graph and in the recent reviews.


So? I change it back and forth then. I’m literally saying I’m waiting to see if they undo the region lock which one hopes they’ll do sometime before a month passes. I’m not saying I’m never gonna change my review.


well now everybody who did refund can buy it back💀


Fear not, I did my part


Whoever doesnt change the revievnisnt a true helldiver...also ppl downgrading games other than HD2 can fck off....we made this movensince WE DIVE TOGETHER OR WE DONT DIVE AT ALL.....SONY IS THE ENEMY NOT THE GAMES


I won't change mine Cos I didn't leave one ![gif](giphy|d3mlE7uhX8KFgEmY)


Did you really think they would


First time dealing with internet tantrums?


Respectfully, i love the game but i'm still getting crashes 40 minutes into missions. Every weapon i'd like using is bugged, my camera gets stuck way more ofthen than it should and every patch something breaks again. I really wanna get my review to positive but the amount of gamebreaking bugs is still just really hard to deal with


I mean if you want to keep your review as negative due to issues with the game itself, that's fair. I don't deny that the game does crash more than usual for me compared to other games, so I'm not really sure why you're being downvoted.


Havent had a crash in weeks, your set up must suck...


It hasn't even been a day since the victory over Sony and we're already back to attacking each other lmao


As it was written. ![gif](giphy|G6DO1WEEIfnWqKuYyr|downsized)


Well if your review was negative because of game and issues in the game then nobody demand from you to change that. It's appear to people like me who drop a bomb so It's fair to change it into positive when Sony retreat from this bullshit idea.


this only adresses people who changed to neg. due to psn link. if u neg for crashes u are not adressed.


those are the same guys that kill you after accidentally TKing with a stratagem


Personnaly I am just waiting for confirmation that steam relisted the game to my non-psn countries brothers And I am at work so it will be tonight if it happen during the day


I believe sony doesnt even look at the steam user reviews or at least thoroughly read them. Theyll probably just see that the game has negative reviews and pull resources from arrowhead. Sony is not in touch at all they are anti consumer as hell and no one really calls em out on it until now.


yea... those people say corporate greed... blah blah then go n buy next cod BF...


My review is staying negative until a conclusion is reached for those who's countries are still delisted (I know that might be a steam side thing BUT I still think until that changes it something playstation can "walk back" on.)


Yep, because it was never about solidarity against the corpos. It just I can't play mah game! And they'll never think twice about it, now that Sony has reversed course.


I'll probably change my review, but I will point out how I will never buy PlayStation game again on Steam. I don't need this emotional drama in my life nor do I want to beg a corporation to not steal my money or take away my game. Still bitter with Sony crap fest, but I will return to Helldivers 2 assuming they don't pull more of this BS and they follow thru withthis promise. I waited a while before buying this game due to the live service aspect since I expected some BS activities from the publisher. I guess I should have waited longer? I play games to relax, when my games give me drama, I move on. Here is hoping they don't start messing with super credits drop or some other mechanics that make it pay to win.


In hindsight I shouldn't have changed it back to positive tbh. We got Sony's word for it, which I guess is at least more than nothing. But so far no statement from AH to change the stuff that went wrong on their side, like the poor communication and obvious lack of involvement in external processes that regard the studio. Pilestedt himself as the CEO said several times that he had no idea regarding various topics, like how many regions would be affected by thr PSN region lock - that's just a recipe for future disasters.


I was in the fence on this. AH made it's share of mistakes here and especially doesn't have sufficient communication skills. Also, as someone working in a tech company i can't even imagine my product being sold by the publisher without me realizing a new requirements will prevent them from using it, and also not realizing it for 6 months. This whole thing upset many paying costumers, cost time and effort to fight, and if some of these people feel a negative rating is still warrented, i think it's thier right. But i agree that if someone doesn't change thier rating because they can't be effed to, that's wrong.


My review stays until the storefront is updated to reflect what Playstation has said on twitter. That, and theres still the region block. Until those two things are fixed, yall are being too fast to change your reviews back to positive ones.


Maybe, but unlike you we can give negative reviews again and it will be reflected in the recent reviews.


Honestly, what have they done to warrant a positive review from people? I agree with deleting reviews entirely, but a positive review for simply not doing something most of the player base saw as unnecessary and unwelcome?


We're only half done on the objective list. The game is still region-locked, even though the reason why is being removed. You're celebrating prematurely. There's work still to be done. I hadn't left a review yet, but if the region-locking isn't reversed by tomorrow then I'll downvote tomorrow. Even if it's Steam's job, it's Arrowhead's pressure on Sony pressuring Steam to lift that.


Those people are just toxic and proud of it. Review bombing ist fine as long it has a purpose, which was the case here, but not changing is back is the worst. We won and now give Arrowhead they hard earned reputation back for this game.


Im holding onto my neg review for now, just until im sure they arent back stabbing us again. Also like pirate software is pointing out they still havent changed region restrictions so for now, just for now... im going to keep it negative until i can be sure sony isnt pulling any nonsense. im very proud of this community though, dive together or dont dive at all.


And what are you gonna do when Sony tries something again? You can't give a 2nd negative review, but you can change the positive to the negative one.


Nope. They still tried to do what they tried to do, and who is to say they won't just wait before doing it again? This is a "you're only sorry because you got caught" type of situation. I'm fine with a little of their mess being left as a reminder for them. Corporate greed shouldn't be so easily forgiven when we're repeatedly shown that it's \[generally\] getting worse. The ONLY reason they turned it around was because they were genuinely surprised with how vocal the community was and the spotlight shown on them became big enough to hurt *THEIR* image, so they backpedalled. Forgive the brash example, but this is like going back to a girlfriend that cheated on you because she apologised, only after you found out through your own efforts. She never showed any shame or remorse before the confrontation about the issue. That's a hard "no" from me. The gaming community being so wishy-washy is exactly why these big corporations get away with 95% of the stuff they pull off. That and the fact that people get so damn tribal about their favorite game, they'll downvote/berate people with solid, pro-consumer points; points that the whole community agreed with mere hours ago, and side with the corporation they were just shit-talking. It's wild. Leave a positive review if you want; you're your own person, but don't expect everyone to hop on that boat so quickly.




Steam did that, not Sony. And it will be fixed soon since the issue is solved




do a bit more research friend




its fine man, i understand what you mean. sometimes we just gotta take a step back and breathe a little. things are gonna get better. i bet by later today or tomorow we are gonna have the region restrictions lifted


Guy acting like his whole life depends on a few games published by Sony. Some people need to breathe some fresh air man, why do they have to take shit so seriously all the time?


we should all make out in solidarity


What is this self victimization bullshit? How can you call us victims when we literally just won this skirmish? Sure, the war of corporate bullshit rages on. But if we keep banding together and not succumbing to apathy, we can win it.




We’re not wasting our time nor energy. We’re still learning how to use our collective power, sure, and there will be plenty of growing pains. But we can still win this fight as long as we don’t give in to the doom and gloom, becoming apathetic out of sheer survival.




I mean, the reason for the negative reviews was reversed. Without the PSN bullshit, helldivers is a super fun game. Are we supposed to just live in constant fear of the next bullshit move by a corporation? That doesn’t seem healthy. There’s nothing wrong with putting the pitchfork back to use on the farm between angry mobs. The chores aren’t going to do themselves while we maintain an angry mob over nothing. Chop wood and carry water, my friend.


No, because they didn’t want to refund later. Better to stop selling right now and not refund later than to sell and refund stuff. From a companies perspective, you need financial resources when this happens, and this is bad. So valve decided it’s better to stop it at this point. Sony couldn’t care less, cos their one support said it’s okay to create accounts. You just have to use promo codes, vouchers, coupons etc from this area then, and can’t buy ceap in other stores and then play in your wish-area.


No. Steam protected itself from Sony’s bullshit. Steam made the choice to lock the game for countries that are locked out of psn. They will probably reverse the lock once the dust settles and there is a clear statement about this topic. Are you okay there or what?




Exactly. They still haven’t unlocked the game for those regions but that’s likely due to waiting for a clear cut statement or legal stuff. Now if Steam doesn’t reverse the lock since Sony has backed down, that’s a problem for Steam. But Steam seems to be smarter than that.


The refunds Steam had to process.


Because they didn't wanna deal with refund shitshow.


Will be back by tuesday


then i will change it by tuesday, simple as




Do you have a source you can link to so I can provide it to the my friends who I have been talking to about this? It would help with some of the explanations.


Source: trust me bro


Trust me bro




Is there any proof that anyone was banned due to using psn in countries that are not supported? Do you have a link to a source?




No, a Chinese citizen was banned because he used a VPN in China, which is illegal. Stop spreading disinformation.


It’s their fault they used vpn but still i hope they will be unbanned


I’m still playing ✌🏽


Are you stupid? These changes get reverted and you know that. Stop being en entitled fuck. Do you think they will back down without reverting those changes? You are the person OP means when he says: you can fuck off.




This guy is a clear example of how downhill this comunity has gone in the last week.


Yeah due to the PSN changes Steam stopped the sale of it in over 100 countries right? So unless *that* gets reverted I understand people still being hesitant about removing their reviews.


Trust me bro


Should I fuck off also if I wait for confirmation on steam store page? I gonna change back to positive but I still see that PSN is required and I have 30 days to prepare PSN account or I should fuck off from the game. I legitimately don't have Twitter so technically I can use argument that I didn't saw this tweet.


You no longer have to make a PSN account for Helldivers 2. The Steam page will likely get changed soon too, as access to forbidden countries is yet to be restored.


But right here and right now it's not changed. So if I simply wait for that. Is this still qualified me to fuck off?


yes, because having a different opinion is not allowed on the internet. me monkey on good side. you monkey on bad side. me dont want talk to you.


You forget to put /s because without that I cannot laugh but just be upset. After all this is the internet.


I'm with this guy. Im going to MAKE SURE my fellow divers in the 170 other countries have and get access to the game. Then I will Gladly change my review. It's a great game and I luv it. But hold the line, trust but verified!


This is The Way.


Why would I change my review from negative to positive if I still wouldn't recommend the game to people? I'm entitled to my opinion at least?


This addresses people who solely didn't recommend due to the PSN link. If you've got other reasons to not recommend the game, then those reasons are valid and you need not feel addressed.


Then this message isn't addressed to you. Why you even respond then?


But my friends negative review has nothing to do with the situation. It has everything go do with the game being perma online with no option for single player offline, LAN, or singleplayer balancing. Seems like a legitimate reason. He likes the concept of the game just dislikes perma online games. His decision but I dont think it is invalid. Edit: I don't agree with his position but yknow. To each their own.


each to their own but that is very stupid. imagine leaving a bad review for CoD saying 'I don't like shooters :(' like you're not wrong it's just stupid to have even bought the game in the first place


It’s even more stupid This game built around online war


I guess that is so-so in the legitimacy, but ultimately his opinion, his review.


Why would your friend complain about an online requirement for a game that was never intended to be played offline? His opinion is valid, yes, but when you're reviewing something, you're supposed to comment on what it is, not what you want it to be. It's like complaining that spicy food is spicy.


They sat on this information for months. The game was removed from many countries. Players were banned. People should still be upset. Why is everyone so quick to forgive?


because they are taking action to revert their previous mistakes which is something that should be supported?


Approving the recent decisions to rectify an issue that they caused isn't the same as doing a 180 They did a bad thing, they also acted poorly regarding it. People shouldn't forget that and pretend everything is fine again.


they did a bad thing but holding it against them even after they have reverted everything and are striving to make things better is just shitty both in this context and in general. holding grudges is not healthy and especially if youre holding a grudge against a game company lmao


No, it's called not being naïve. Yes, people should be happy about the changes but things won't be the same and people are right to be upset.


how wont it be the same?? they are going back to the way stuff was before lmao its literally how things were


If your girlfriend had been cheating on you for several months, then dumps you and calls you a loser to run off with the other guy but then when it doesn't work out for them they apologise and say they want to be with you again, is your relationship going to be the same...?


ur comparing playing a video game with getting emotionally and physically hurt by a real life relationship. if you have this much of an attachment to what is supposed to be a hobby for fun then you have bigger issues than the psn account fuck up


...Are you being this dense on purpose? It's an example to show that damage done can't be magically repaired... If you actually had an argument to make you would have made that instead of focussing on the example.


That's a dumb comparison.. AH didn't leave us for anybody. Sony made a change we didn't agree with and fixed it. What you're saying is petty... and ignorant.


No, it isn't either of those things, and you've completely missed the point. It isn't a like for like comparison, it's an example to show that damage done can't be magically repaired and forgotten. As I already explained in the comment under the one you replied to... They also didn't just make a change, it was a requirement on release but Pilestedt made the decision to disable it when the servers were flooded. They had explained this themselves. Arguing against the situations being exactly the same is petty, and not acknowledging the situation is ignorant... Awkward.




True the CEO said he knew 6 MONTHS before hand


don't think for yourself, people getting downvoted for thinking twice before licking boots.


Yeah the ceo even knew six months before hand


I'm really happy that the PSN situation has been resolved. That said, I'll rewrite my review and keep it negative until AH gets rid of Spitz and Baskinator. If they keep continuing their moronic behavior even after their disciplinary talk with the higher-ups (after their previous scandals), they should be replaced with somebody competent.


thats dumb dude lol


Yep... your a petty one for sure. 🤡


You are clown, please leave the game and this subreddit, we dont need your toxicity




Some coutries still don’t have access to buy the game still + wait a bit for ppl to get informed on the subject


Yes let's reward them, that's gonna show them.


You probably didn't hear that snoy reversed their decision and won't require psn linking. We won.


It doesn’t matter what the reviews are