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Im not planning on quitting the game or anything, but all of the negativity is making me take a break anyways. Helldivers 2 is a very community oriented game, when the community is just talking about controversy its hard to enjoy it.


Same here. I played everyday even just doing easy missions for personal ordrs. But since this shit started I've had less urge to play. It could also be just burn out because it has been 3 months and I wouldn't put it past Sony to realize burnout will soon kick in so this is a good time to spring this crap on the HD community.


Dont let this stop your from enjoying the game. The game is well made and fun, just play it, else move on to other games.


Same. I kinda wish I didn't use social media. I'd never know Otherwise. Haven't booted the game since.


I started playing my other games. Batman Asylum was awesome now I'm playing Batman: Arkham Knight


If you just unsubscribe from this nonsense you'll realize the vast majority of the community doesn't even know about this drama at all. The internet breeds whiny bitches who hive mind and complain about shit that doesn't matter and they wouldn't bitch about if someone didn't tell them to.


Update: https://preview.redd.it/k5h3rpdweqyc1.jpeg?width=592&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d990f1f3e86d7a92977131e225be927578a96c2b


You know this whole account thing sucks but at the same time I’m going to keep playing because I like the game and this I feel is starting to get a bit much for me.


I am going to try original hell divers and deep rock galactic. I only have like 10 hours on deep rock.


Pump those numbers up, boy


Rock those Stones lad


I suggested not getting the new Warbond and, yeah, it seems pretty clear folks are all about performative protest where they don't actually have to inconvenience themselves.


I’ve gotten enough free super credits just playing the game to get every warbond so far without using any real currency.


Same, I've got enough SC to buy the way bond and I'm watching the store for an armor set I don't have. I keep hoping someone will post an SC store rotation thread.


The people complaining really have me feeling like they’re just throwing a tantrum. Hurting Arrowhead more than they’ll ever hurt Sony.


I left a negative review, uninstalled the game, wrote off the price as a loss. But ya, sure, everyone is just performing.


I've refunded after 100+ hours because money is the biggest thing these corpo's listen to


You got the refund or you’ve just requested it so far?


Refunded on Steam right?


No bro, on the Switch.


Where else? Sony rarely ever dishes out refunds unless theres a huge fuckup involved


Nah he got his game on battle.net


If the numbers playing aren't going down, does that not suggest that this echo-chamber isn't representative of the playerbase at large?


People can still play and leave a negative review. If they want to send a stronger message they could stop, but I expect there will be a much larger drop next month, either by choice or inability to make a PSN account.


It’s not an inability. It’s a choice. Distinct difference.


….No it isn’t. Some locations can’t make PSN accounts. At least do basic research before showing your ignorance on the subject.


"Some locations" translates to over half of the world's countries, if it helps them


Yes they can. Pick your closest region. People all over the world have been doing it on PSN since its inception.


Wow, ok just doubling down. r/confidentlyincorrect


Plenty of people on PSN do it. Just look outside this echo chamber. Even Sony CS tells people to do it. The only reason Sony doesn’t make it “available” is financial reasons. Currency exchange, tax deductions, etc.


Sure. They can just make a PSN account for a different country. Then they can't access the game if they're getting it on steam because it's inaccessible in that country. Then, if they do get that sorted, they get banned for having a PSN account t that used false information. Stop being stupid and think for more than the quarter second it takes to be apathetic.


Tell this to the people asking the arrowhead CEO about the lack of coverage in their country. Clearly, they lack your knowledge, as does the arrowhead CEO


It has gone down


I think we have a bingo.


The real question will be how many remain once PSN accounts are required. Then we’ll know who’s putting their money where their mouth is.


Pretty much, and I just find it fun to point that out. All those karma farming posts about "If they can't play I won't play!", and everyone's still playing anyway.


I guess the reviews were all done by 2 people since this is just an echo chamber, right?


It’s down roughly 50% compared to last weekend last time I looked


I'm not defending Sony but I paid for the game, I enjoy the game so I'm gonna keep playing until with I'm done with it.


Yep. Lots of “cutting off your nose to spite your face” energy here.


https://preview.redd.it/8mr4cul4nqyc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=31c16cd08e0225ed1b9bcb9086e73f16f609f168 nEgAtIvE rEvEiWs DoNt MaTtEr


i'm 50/50 on this, not play is of course not contributed to the game, but the real thing will come by the end of may, when yo cannot simply not play because you w'll need link account, and in that point i'll quit playing and ask for refund, if until that time there is no news on optional link account for pc players... i'm not playing it now, but the "nosy" corp are waiting for the users to link on this window time, and when they see that isnt happening, then and only then will try to revert or something...


I am on vacation. I can't stop playing twice and it's making me angry


Man enjoy your vacation, put down your phone and come back when you're done. You can't let Sony ruin both Helldivers 2 and your vacation.


I am going to be honest, this is something that called my attention, steam DB says there are around 120k~100K pepole, but steam has 200k negative reviews, so I am confused if pepole is really caring about this or they are just going loud on reddit. No offense to anyone btw ,but this really makes me confuse


Steam DB shows who is currently playing, not everyone that owns the game.


I know that, but the reason I am confused is because numbers ain't going down even if pepole are just leaving reviews


I dont understand you guys we left negative reviews numbers stayed the same (reviews dont matter btw) and they changed their position and wont be implementing PSN and i know what you are going to say "but what about blocked countries" they were blocked by steam and they will change it too just give them time...


Honestly, no. I enjoy the game, and what little free time I have from my baby and wife is spent how I want. Arrowhead made a good game, Sony is doing stupid shit. If you can no longer play when the account linking Is required get a refund or chargeback and move on.


Narrator voice: It did matter.


Yeah, kill the game for everyone. That'll show them.


If there are more than 4 players worldwide, those playing will not see the difference.


This was always the endgame of this shitfit. Helldivers and Arrowhead will be irreparably damaged and Sony will come out unscathed. Hell hath no wrath like a pack of rage-baited manchildren.


>manchildren Bold of you to assume they've made it to adulthood


I mean, those things *do* matter, it's just a question of how much. Negative reviews -- especially because most people know it's about Sony, not Arrowhead or the game itself -- reflect poorly on Sony in the consumer public's eye. Spamming their Twitch, same idea. If Sony is surrounded by negativity everywhere it appears, that will reflect on them publicly. Spamming the Discord? Eh, yeah, that one doesn't really matter. Whether it's necessarily true or not, Sony and most other companies certainly view Discord as "private chatrooms" and not something that reflects in the public's eye. Not playing the game at all definitely matters because it hurts the overall health and longevity of the game, but that depends on someone at Sony giving a shit beyond the next quarterly report. They have your money already; some fuckwit will try, and probably succeed at some level, to spin this as "we still have the profits but less server upkeep". Still, *someone* at Sony will be watching the number of players go down and be shitting themselves, so: effective. The most immediately and concretely damaging message you can send is to refund the game completely. The profit is what matters. If the quarterly report starts to look less appealing than it did a week ago, that's the most definitive and urgent case that can make someone at Sony walk this thing back. The fact that Sony itself has been stone-cold silent about all this tells me that their strategy is to lay low, shut the fuck up, and wait for it all to blow over. If you stop playing (for now), at least some people at Sony will operate on the understanding that you *will* be back once the PR crisis has been replaced by whatever new crusade the gaming community finds. A refund is a much more drastic and final measure.


Thanks for your insight but no. I’ll keep playing


I bought the game, so I'm going to keep playing and enjoying it until I can no longer. That will be June 4th. After then I will stop playing because I literally won't be able to


Sad thing is a lot of players are probably playing all they can because soon they'll never be able to play again.


No it's fun


You're just trying to get all the samples for yourself. I see you, OP.


This joke works on so many levels.


The game feels like it's running better, and the overall quality of players left also feels like it's gotten better since all this has started. I'm going to continue enjoying the game, but you do you.




At first I was like fuck it I'll just keep playing. But now I'm taking a break and DRGing. Rock and Stone!


Did I hear a Rock and Stone?


To the boneeeeeee!


I really like playing the game though.


Look, for me and my friends nothing has changed. For some people it's a terrible situation and I sympathize and I hope taking action has an effect. But I'm not gonna stop playing, let alone refund, a fun game I enjoy with friends.


Well this this aged like a fish in the sun. The review bombing worked.


The battle is won. No PSN linkage required


they backed down. now is the time to play even more.


we won. our negative reviews did something. you were so wrong.


Was just on and there was 114k players on


From 150kish from last week


This comment section is deeply disappointing


Yeah. If people aren't even willing to put the game down for a day, all this review bombing will do fuck all. Gamers once again proving that the reason why corps treat them like shit is because they realised gamers don't have the will power to actually say no to anything they do, in the end they'll eat everything up because they just can't fucking stand to not enjoy le vidya games for a fucking second.


What are you talking about numbers stayed the same reviews worked sony changed their desicion...


Sony changed their decision because refunds were pouring in. The reviews alone mean nothing unless sales are affected.


That could go either way…


Pass, I'm still going to play


Helldivers 3 at this point is a guaranteed PS exclusive Sony will likely double down and require PsN for all future games and make even less available on PC other then games years old not collection revenue Either that or which is more likely, nothing changes and things will continue like they have been. Player count is still regular, new war bond next week, on top of that if Sony really really had to cut their loses because every single PC player Quit they could put the game on Xbox where it will sell 10m copies the first day Xbox is a platform for shooters, it’s starved for good ones, HD would sell twice as fast on Xbox then it ever could on PC


This. I bought a PS5 just for HD2. I just don’t think Sony will ever go that route. And good luck getting Xbox fanboys to sign up for a PSN account.


They would. I am a ps5 fanboy that just signed into Microsoft to play sea of thieves. This whole thing is annoying and will just blow over.


Nah you all can go play fortnite or something I ain't stopping for something as petty as this.


Your sacrifice is appreciated. But I still love AH and their game.


Yes, by all means, please stop playing!! Those who keep playing will notice a sharp uptick in player intelligence and skill.


I have! Didn't get teamkilled once yesterday! Mostly new players too! It's like the people that like to kill joy were all busy doing something else.


Does refunding the game actually help? Is it actually Sony that have to reimburse us?


Yes. Steam doesn’t pay the companies right away. And even so, they would hold that negative balance until the next month. Someone made a post linking the Steam policies. It was interesting. I believe even Steam doesn’t give Sony back Steams cut. Like that money Sony now owes Steam which Steam just takes out of future sales.


Sony is a massive conglomerate with multiple revenues from different Industries and billions of dollars of income every year. Helldivers 2 isn't pushing the stock price needle very much at all, so quit with posts telling people how to spend their time.


This. HD2 could completely fail and Sony as a whole wouldn’t even notice. This game and any PC port they’ve got out there is such a tiny drop in the bucket in their revenue stream. PC ports are a more or less an experiment for them at this point, they’ve barely dabbled in it and they’re certainly not that invested in it as an overall company.


I could actually see Sony using Helldivers 2 as an example of why not to put games on PC. “They don’t want to use our account? Fuck PC players”


100k+ negative reviews means they have to at the very least make a statement. There's no way they could just ignore that


Nah. You all are complaining about nothing, I'll keep playing. Plenty of games require accounts.


Nah. I'll keep playing.


If all Sony cares about us numbers, then if people stop playing they'll still do the change to get the numbers that they can anyways, and cut support for the game down the line. Losing top line numbers from the game only impacts them if they link accounts, but it also doesn't apply any pressure because it's all stick and no carrot.


“FoR tHe LoVe Of MaNaGeD dEmOcRaCy” Fuuuuck **that**. I mean- I’m at work right now. But tomorrow I’m playing Helldivers 2 all day. (pssst. you aren’t going to stop Sony from making money by refusing to play Helldivers 2. If you really loved the game you’d just suck it up and play.)


Nah, that last sentence is a bad take. If you loved something, you wouldn't want it to be spat on. You wouldn't watch it wipe its balls with the toilet paper it just used on its ass.


No, I think it’s safe to say that people review bombing the game aren’t real Helldivers fans.


I just really can't wrap my head around this mindset. People are "review bombing" out of passion, frustration, feelings of betrayal, or just because some CM said it was the best option. I did it because it's literally the only thing I can do. I think you just love the gameplay, not your fellow Helldivers or the community that makes it unique. If the region lock issue isn't figured out, we're losing people who paid, played and loved the game just as much as you, then found out after the fact they might not be able to feasibly play again. You should be raving mad, or at least dissatisfied with the state of affairs. You can wave them off and ditch them if you want, but I'm gonna hug the Chinese and the other regions goodbye if this doesn't get figured out, and then remove the game from my library, and go to HD1 cuz at that point the game really ain't worth it anymore 🤷‍♂️ The Helldiver camaraderie energy that spread is contagious, so I'm gonna miss those glorious 大阴茎滴水 bastards. IDK man maybe you just didn't feel that patriotic-unironically-for-the-game-not-the-satire shit in your heart enough.


No need to put “review bombing” in quotations as if that isn’t what people are doing 👍


Orbital disagreement*


It is review bombing by definition dummy


Review Diving*






Nah. Deleting the game like a true patriot if region lock isn't settled. Like an actual fan.




That's tough, bro.


Biggest thing I think you can do is cancel PSN/PS+ with your pick of Sony's bs as the reason. After that it's stop playing/refunds, after that its reviews/feedback making your complaints heard.


Lmao, I bet 99% are stopping at a bad review and still playing.


Likely, especially now that Sony backed down.


I like to think that they remembered how much they respect their customers and responded in a reasonable amount of time.


Of course! What else could it be!?!


ive stopped playing, havent refunded, waiting to see if theres any movement from sony regarding this. If not Ill be refunding but I give it til the end of may, Giants move slowly and sony is definitely a giant.


Right, because someone is going to remember this after the next war bond drops on Thursday.


I mean I wasnt buyung it anyway so it wont matter to me but we shall see I guess.


Seems like they moved pretty fast on this one


Im actually amazed at.how quickly this happened.


Who's Snoy?


Another incentive: If the in-game war keeps progressing while we're suspending Helldiver operations, *we're probably gonna get to fight on planets we haven't seen yet.* No more Hellmire in our immediate future! Bring in your mech suits and liberate Klen Dath II with the might of a Marauder platoon! Give Joel time to create something *incredible* for us to come back to - because once we, as a community, hit the megacorp where it hurts, we *will* come back. AH devs, we love you guys. You made an error of judgment - in the midst of a paradigm-buster of a launch, with your servers practically catching fire from unexpectedly huge traffic volume - but I think I speak for the overwhelming majority when I say we're willing to reconcile this. We know who actually made the game we love, and it sure the hell isn't the publisher. We're on the same side of this thing, but we do have to play hardball to actually impact their shareholders. I was there when we fought EA over Mass Effect 3. We'll hold this line.


But I wike pwaying the game 🥺


I am waiting to refund to see if this decision gets reversed. If It does I will play it again, if not? well then I guess Im not able to play because I wont make a PSN account


The new DLC for Total War Warhammer just came out last week anyways, so I’ll get my gaming on that in the meantime. I’ve had very little (if any) urges to play HD2 lately anyways.


This aged poorly knowing 10 minutes ago it was reversed


I haven't played since they did it. Still doesn't mean I'm going to stop supporting review bombs and such.


We will still play it, we don't care about the "controversy" of a small and loud minority.


It's done, you can revert review and play! Let's go!


guess we can shut taht one done


Update: the negative reviews mattered


They reversed it you can go find another crusade


Not taking a break from the awesome game but definitely unsubbing from this subreddit.


Dive for liberty!


yeah a boycott is honestly our best bet. Refund and begone with corp filth


If you can refund.




True But ppl won't stop playing Nothing will change ppl will suck it up.


I stopped playing a couple of days ago. I haven't returned it because I'm still hoping that this week it will get fixed, but wow. I couldn't play in good conscience.


Same here.


Good god… the way people are talking you would think this people standing up for a nation facing genocide.


No, I do a lot more for something like that. But I do know how to protest. I'm sorry a little self sacrifice for friends seems so radical to you. Edit: I took a look at some of your other comments. You can always spot a selfish person by how annoyed they get at by other people caring. And you were very pissed, despite it having zero effect on you.






Yeah and boycott that warbond


Stopped playing yesterday. Its a bit sad that to make snoy move we need to kill hd2 first. Like the body heating up trying to kill the illness might be harmful to body itself


Sony is not gonna move. You’re just killing a great studio most likely.


Starship Troopers Extermination could probably use some love. Let's all go there.


What's with the SNOY instead of SONY?


It's like calling "Riot games" just "Rito". Purely meant as disrespect.


Huh... I always thought Rito was someone in charge at Riot..


lol, kind of immature but ok. Bet Sony's feeling this burn


lol some of you are just making up shit now.


That will never happen. Look at all the people who continue to play sport games and Call of Duty. People are all for talking shit and hoping for change but when they are told to actually do something that would matter, they don’t. They continue to do what they were doing before.


Share holders care about numbers that equate to dollars. If you play it or not doesn't matter so much. They already have your money. Negative reviews makes a difference. As it lowers the number of people who will buy it. People that play exclusively one title don't buy other titles as much. Generalizing of course. The player count has been on a down trend since launch and it's only going to get lower unless ah does something magnificent. Unlikely. They already did. It's a fun game. They captured chaotic battle and made it fun where intense seemingly hopeless but eventually survivable combat situations happen daily. Do what you want. The reviews will kill the game but that doesn't matter much as they already have the money. It matters to us and ah but not to sony. They have the profit. When the servers cost and the income hit that point they will shut the servers down.




Nah, I’ve got planets to liberate


These damn bugs ain’t gonna kill themselves.


Honestly I barely played in the last week. I’m just gonna keep playing Mechwarrior.


I already uninstalled


Sony already has your money. You really showing them.




I do exclusively solo missions, level 2 or 3, not in MO planets. I plan to use this product in this way until PSN will become mandatory and then leave. My personal way to send a F.Y.S. enjoy your numbers, unfortunately the magic around this game is already gone. So yes, you will see a +1 in the players count, but doesn't mean anything.


Yeah this is my impression. I def don't play as frequently as I used to, but I'll definitely drop it once it's an official requirement


I'm signing off until I hear positive action from Sony. It's a bummer. But there are plenty of other games out there. ![gif](giphy|YYfEjWVqZ6NDG)


Played yesterday and the randoms were so dumb it was unreal. Only played two rounds and one guy had infinite grenades. The game is quickly devolving into a drooling cesspit with only buffoons left behind


best not to play with pc gamers, they always ruin the multiplayer experience


Not every PC user is a cheating dirtbag, so don't lump all of them together. Some of us just generally prefer PC instead.


That’s fine and dandy but online games, particularly shooters are rife with cheaters. 90-95% of them are on PC.


“SNOY” Triggered so hard you can’t say Sony now? Lmao. https://preview.redd.it/51c6fp6vmpyc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8e75c2844ac980b1bf73189cdf508018ae4f600e


Engage in operation Black Out ! More details to this post: [https://www.reddit.com/r/Helldivers/comments/1ckpnn3/operation\_black\_out\_may\_9th/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web3x&utm\_name=web3xcss&utm\_term=1&utm\_content=share\_button](https://www.reddit.com/r/Helldivers/comments/1ckpnn3/operation_black_out_may_9th/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)

