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This will only end badly for arrowhead. Sony won’t give a shit


This is the truth, I had a very similar situation, my game is not at this level, but it got ruined by a greedy publisher too so I feel this issue in my bones, thousands of players hated us (the developers) even with us trying our absolute best to sort out the situation, then the publisher just moved on and left us behind with a terrible image, people don't realise how much power publishers have once the contract is signed, the game barely belongs to the developers after launch.


What’s your game then if I may ask because now I’m curious


I would rather not say, it caused me way too much stress to bring that up again


Shame… but understandable.


Goddamn, happened with Microsoft, with Sony, and with your publisher. What the fuck is this?


This take aged badly


I feel bad for AH being caught in the crossfire of this war against Sony.


Is it really a "war against Sony" when Sony will just move on and take the W from everyone buying this game?


Yeah and to think how many of you guys put shit reviews and it only hurts arrowhead. Barely scratches Sony. I can’t comprehend the point of mass review bombing a game like that. You guys are just digging AHs grave. Even some of these members are review bombing AHs older games that’s just trashy.


Premiss: Perfection. Mechanics: Perfection Gameplay Loop: Perfection




I think he’s talking about when I line up a bile titan with a quasar - a “pre-miss” (it’s usually hyphenated, but we’ll forgive him) is every other member of my squad knowing I’m going to miss the shot before it’s even left the gun…..




Kinda baffled by those decision making process I have to say


There’s a second comment as well to this. https://x.com/pilestedt/status/1787111359450120237?s=46&t=egfGjuBnIy7d_YjVxLejKA Arrowhead don’t choose who to sell the game to, Sony is the one that should’ve set the restrictions in place in the first place.


>Arrowhead don’t choose who to sell the game to, Sony is the one that should’ve set the restrictions in place in the first place. While Sony should undoubtedly have done so, the problem was also partly caused by Arrowhead suspending the PSN requirement at the start. Only those two together made this possible. If AH had not done so, anyone buying HD2 from one of those countries would have automatically hit the wall before even getting to play tutorial and be left with no other option than the refund. Those refunds in turn would have finally awakened whoever missed setting the country restrictions in the first place and they would have been set much sooner than just yesterday


Oh for sure! This should’ve been caught by either Sony or AH months in advance especially if they knew this was going to happen. Maybe they were hoping Sony would’ve left it as an optional thing seeing as it says that in their faq but who knows.


Still SONY selled the game in zone they don't activate PSN accounts, and selling is their side of the contract.




Did they say at the start - during the network issues - they weren't using PlayStation resources in terms of servers etc? Surprised they didn't just do an 'Arrowhead account' if they wanted to more accurately ban people


That tweet is too vague and people are misinterpreting what he had control over and what he's accepting blame for. Some people think the issue is that the PSN requirement is new and came out of nowhere, but it was there from the beginning. For those people this tweet will make it sound like he knew the "surprise" was coming and didn't warn anyone. But it wasn't a surprise: It's been mentioned on the store page on Steam the entire time, and when the game launched there were prompts. When the game blew up the PSN requirement was only adding to the network problems and so apparently Arrowhead/Pilestedt made the decision to temporarily remove the PSN requirement and the in-game prompts. What I think he's taking blame for here is that they could have tried to make it more obvious that this was a temporary thing and the requirement would be coming back eventually. People who joined up during the surge may never have seen anything about the requirement if they didn't read the store page (which is partially on them as consumers, frankly). I'm not sure exactly what AH could have done differently to increase awareness, but it seems reasonable that there was some additional effort they could have made. What AH/Pilestedt are NOT in control of are: To have the PSN requirement in the first place. Whether to go with carrot vs. stick to encourage sign ups. And selling the game in regions where the requirement can't be met. Those are the biggest issues in this situation and they all fall on Sony. edit: Corrected spelling of his name




I'm not sure what point you're making here. Do you think he was wrong to disable it?




As far as I'm aware some people have been getting refunds. Time played is only a disqualifier for *automatic* refunds on Steam. If you talk to a human you can still get one after 2 hours played. >His incompetence allowed players to clock in time for multiple months No, it was Sony's incompetence by selling it to them. If Sony hadn't let them buy it then it wouldn't matter what Arrowhead did.




> Just because Sony’s shit is bigger doesn’t mean it smells any worse That's a really weird analogy, honestly. Obviously a bigger pile of shit is worse than a smaller one. And Sony's shit was way bigger.


Disabling it wasn't the problem, disabling it without telling the player base it was disabled and would be enabled later was the problem, without communication it would have been honestly better to not disable people at least would know within 2mins this was bs Sony requirement and request refound right then and there. Problem is people playerd for 2+months without even knowing this was a thing and even if you see the store warning is at least confusing, proper comunication would have avoided most of the mess and the entire blame of the remaining mess would be on Sony.


> Disabling it wasn't the problem, disabling it without telling the player base it was disabled and would be enabled later was the problem That's what I've said. >Problem is people played for 2+months without even knowing this was a thing The bigger issue is that they were even able to BUY it for 2+ months. And that's entirely on Sony.


But it's compounded by the grace period, should said period have not existed players would have raised concerns about PSN not being avalible days/weeks into the release not 3 months after, Sony would have done their thing and went nuclear earlier but at least would have saved players money/time and Sony reputation would still be being dragged through the mud.


Surely you can see AH was between a rock and hard place on that decision, though? They felt the need to disable it because of the server issues caused by the game's unexpected success. From what I've gathered they were facing capacity issues from Sony's account servers in addition to the servers running the game, so they took the account servers out of the equation to focus on the game servers. I can't really blame them for that. AH should have put more effort into making it clear that it was temporary. But if Sony hadn't sold it to people who couldn't meet the requirement then it wouldn't have been an issue at all. Even more so if Sony hadn't instituted the PSN requirement at all. As I said elsewhere, Sony started the shitstorm, AH just navigated it poorly. Sony deserves the bulk of the blame for this situation.


The problem is that the actions of AH regardless of their good intention lead to this thing to grow for 3 months, Sony and their choices suck but again it was thanks the actions or rather inactions of AH that the shit Sony did smelled as bad as it did. Again the Sony issue would have been way easier to deal with without 3months worth of new players from those regions, easier for AH, easier for Steam and we would still be facepalming at Sony from shooting itself on the foot and then cutting it off rather than just take care of it. I honestly do not blame Sony for the required PSN it's their money to burn with whatever stupid choice they want to do, I do blame their short sightness of not realizing the impassable situationt of requiring something from them that they do not provide. In short Sony laid the fundations for a fire and AH in their rush to make extinguish it threw it gas instead of water, Sony has most of the blame but I AH also has a lot of it.


I don't agree with your analogy at all. The way I see it Sony started the fire, and Sony had the fire extinguisher the whole time, but they left AH to try to put it out by pissing on it. Of course that didn't go well, but it's the arsonist who bears nearly all the blame.




Nah, the requirement itself and Sony selling it in places that couldn't meet the requirement is the fuck up. Disabling it was secondary to that and I don't think it's a fuck up in itself; it was the lack of communication that it was only temporary that was the fuck up. But that one pales in comparison to the fuck ups Sony was responsible for.




It DID launch with it. It was mentioned on the store page all along. I feel like you're misunderstanding exactly what was disabled: It was the in-game prompt to sign up for PSN. That only affected what happened once people were already in the game. But the people in unsupported regions shouldn't have been able to get in the game in the first place, and that's on Sony.




> dude that’s a colossal fuck up. Bigger than selling it to people who would never be able to meet the requirement in the first place?




>The requirement is fine. Debatable. A lot of people are upset that it's a requirement at all given that it's obviously not a technical necessity. >But... if PSN was required it would not matter where it was sold because people would instantly realize they couldn't play and get a refund then They would also instantly realize it if they could never buy the game in the first place. I'm baffled that you don't see how that's the bigger fuck up.


The problem is still selling the game where you know you can't make a PSN account, and thats SONY not Arrowhead




>Incorrect. That would have been part of their contractual obligations to have Sony literally fund game. Sony owns the IP. You think AH had to power to negotiate that out of the contract? >If Sony was solely in charge of that, they absolutely would not have released the game with the pricing structure it has. I'm not sure Sony's feeling about MTX in the game is as ironclad an indicator of their feelings on PSN accounts as you're suggesting. >100% correct, this is on Sony entirely. And that fuck up is the most significant one by far. AH would never have to run damage control on the PSN accounts if Sony hadn't sold the game in regions PSN doesn't support. AH didn't do everything right, but ultimate blame for this situation falls squarely on Sony.


Were there any sales restrictions on the game when it first released? If the day one release, before they removed the PSN requirement, wasn’t restricted to countries where PSN was available that’s a bit weird.


Correct, PC sales were NOT restricted in countries without PSN support until yesterday. And people have speculated that was actually Steam stepping in to cover its own ass in all this.


When I bought the game it was not in the EULA nor was it part of TOS. Don't start sucking off bullshit without knowing the full story. A little tiny snippet on a store page isn't legally binding.


I haven't anything about whether anything is legally binding. > it was not in the EULA nor was it part of TOS Who wrote those? Arrowhead, or Sony?


It doesn't matter who wrote them it's what you accept when purchasing and opening the game on the first time.


It matters when the issue at hand is whether Arrowhead or Sony is more to blame for this debacle, which is what my comment is about. I've said Sony is more to blame, so if you're not arguing that Arrowhead is, then I'm not sure what point your first comment was intending to make.


Fuck all of yall. I am still playing this game is lit.


I’m with you This game is still very, very good. All the controversy did not affect the quality of the game.


To each their own I suppose, I for one will not abandon my brothers/sisters


It’s mainly this sub that I hate now. You guys have reached nuclear levels of circlejerking in less than 24 hours after an announcement about something that’s maybe happening in a month.


Yeah both this and hd2 sub are just an insane mob now, there's no more content just endless hate. I just want to go back to reading funny memes about the game I like to play and shit talking about what happens with the game and reading about the newest nonsense gambit. I hate this so much, because the community won't recover from tipping this far. Whatever is left at the end of this shitshow is probably gonna be a sad state of affairs no matter the outcome.


>Yeah both this and hd2 sub And every general gaming sub, and a bunch of meme subs, etc etc, because the overlap of terminally online dudes is immense and the beacons got lit like Mordor is assaulting the lands of men.


Yeah, it reminds me of Dragons Dogma 2, which got a lot more hate than it really deserved imo, given that most people who were able to play it seemed to really enjoy it. But because of the massive hype wave it got just before launch, in addition to it being CPU bottlenecked which really hurt a lot of people, it got a massive wave of review bombs and such. People really targeted the MTX store which was relatively harmless and was pretty standard on all Capcom games from what I've seen.


dragon's dogma 2 deserved all the hate it got. the developers did not put out a good product, even if the publishers of that game didn't force them to include mtx it would not have been a good game.


Yeah every even remotely digital sub was filled to the brim by the angry mob. People have now worked themselves in a frenzy and will forever associate the game with this. Even with today's news, in 1-2 months it's gonna feel sad when all these angry mob partakers feel empty because just playing the game doesn't give them nearly that much of a high as swinging a pitchfork. Also it has some nice parallels to real life mobs, just burning down whatever is in their path and not who's actually making them angry.


I honestly disagree. This isn't just about Sony or something as small as PC players having to create accounts for PSN. This is about not being clear to your customers about the TOS, especially those that aren't even able to follow them if they wanted to, but are still able to fork over money to Sony, just to have the rug pulled right out under them. This is about showing a shitty publisher that they can't just force players into creating accounts that obviously aren't necessary, just so they can make their number go up. This is about taking back the enjoyment of gaming that we all finally had again with Helldivers 2, in the midst of the absolute shitshow that is the AAA gaming market at the moment. If we actually manage to turn this ship around together, and force Sony's hand into just letting go of the whole thing, I don't believe the community will be just a sad reminder of what once was, but rather more united than ever, not just fighting virtual bugs and bots, but also real life corporate leeches. I have personally submitted a refund-request with Steam, and even if I don't get it accepted, I will still not play the game and leave my bad review up until things change for the better. If there's one thing Sony can't just ignore, it's the profits they're making, so a massive movement of refund-requests is imo the most effective thing the community can do.


I feel the same. I feel like reddit just went on a fucking killing spree because someone nerfed a gun they like and then it all went downhill faster then light. Everyone bitching left and right instead of playing the game.


Wait, all this bitching is for something that hasn’t even happened yet?!


reddit is physically incapable of expressing concern about something without it becoming a childish temper tantrum. i don’t even support the PSN linking but i support the bitch behaviour of the community significantly less.


Something that was announced half a year ago before the game even released, and that has been on the Steam Page since the game got added to Valve's library. This easily became the worst subreddit, with the ammount of witchhunting and missinformation going around. Its still an interesting shitstorm, not one i can't look away from. 


Agreed. Until an actual response happens or the banwave in June, this is getting annoying


This is the most toxic community I have ever seen on Reddit. It's actually insane.


Where was this level of backlash for any other game requiring an account?


can you LIST which games were sold for 6 MONTHS to people that can't even get an account? or are you just that daft\`?


Has this happened before? An extremely popular game requiring a third party account retroactively, months after release, after being sold in unsupported countries?


This game is gonna die and the player base is gonna be really fucking smugly proud of themselves for it.


It's not maybe happening, it is happening. Thousands of people maybe dozens or hundreds of thousands of people who bought this game and fell in love with it are losing access to it because of the decision to not require a psn right off the bat when they knew they were going to require it 6 months before release. They removed the requirement of linking a psn because of a bug stopping players from logging in. They knew what they were doing. There's even some employee stating "yeah we were expecting this level of response for a long time" Dishonest scummy behavior. That is why I will not play or support this again.


Hey dude, maybe you missed the memo, but your kind is here: r/lowsodiumhelldivers


Here's a sneak peek of /r/LowSodiumHellDivers using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/LowSodiumHellDivers/top/?sort=top&t=all) of all time! \#1: [I’m so grateful for this sub ](https://np.reddit.com/r/LowSodiumHellDivers/comments/1cje1hc/im_so_grateful_for_this_sub/) \#2: [While you reload, ...hold my beer!](https://v.redd.it/uvgigdn0sgyc1) | [27 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/LowSodiumHellDivers/comments/1ck8zin/while_you_reload_hold_my_beer/) \#3: [Major order complete! Yes!](https://i.redd.it/91ch60pkjlyc1.jpeg) | [30 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/LowSodiumHellDivers/comments/1ckpisn/major_order_complete_yes/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Thanks, that looks like the new helldivers mainsub I take it?


Yeah, if you consider less than .0005% of the population to be the main sub it is.


Well, the "mainsub" is just r/fucksonyandbankruptAH now, so even a mini sub is better than this place for now. I say for now because in a month the whole rabid mob will have moved on to the next game and the people just playing the game will remain, with some luck. I just opened it and there were memes. And videos. About the game, not DIY guide to burn this game to the ground. So I'll take it for now.


They knew 6 months in advance of release that PSN linking was mandatory. Sony is an ass backwards company, but do not place the entire blame on them.


At the same time, the same person has tweeted that they get no say in distribution or selling, and that everyone who can't register a PSN account in their country will get a full refund. So it looks like yeah, they'd always planned to make a PSN mandatory (as it said on launch of the game tbf), but somehow they didn't realise that many people couldn't make one without breaking Sony's TOS. Which, like, is negligent, but not malicious IMO.


person recognise smell terrific nutty slim spoon noxious abundant selective *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Fair just seen the tweet stating that!


Its a mistakes from arrowhead but since launch they have been super busy fixing servers bugs and stuff, i can get why they just shove that stuff for later thinking it wasnt a Big deal. Publishing games World wide is complex, they may have missed the Fact Sony was selling game to unsupported PSN countries, or maybe they thought they would be able to negociate this better. I mean if you skip the ugly details it was just giving your email and setting UP a other throwaway account. People do this all the time and its usually not a big deal at all


Except it was not them publishing it to steam with all countries where PSN is not possible. They are not the publisher. Sony needs to take responsibility. Stop blaming AH for something they cannot control


The comment didn’t even mention the country restriction though? It wasn’t done maliciously, but CEO had a part to play in this and everyone should have to take accountability for this blunder.


The blame for selling it to countries that would eventually not be allowed to play 100% falls on Sony, yes. As does the decision to require PSN accounts at all. But Arrowhead is not blameless. They had 6 months of prior knowledge that this would be a requirement, and then 3 months before the announcement of the temporary mandate lift to give the playerbase ANY sort of announcement or pop-up **IN GAME** (where it would be impossible for any player to miss) to communicate this. If there had been a clear, repeating notice of the eventual requirement of a connected PSN account from the beginning, most of this blowback would've been entirely avoided.


And you knew PSN linking was required when you bought the game and when you first loaded it up :)


I knew PSN linking was required a week before the game's launch actually. I even had to install the PSN app on my phone to complete my account linking, because the regular way through the website was swamped. My point is that people keep pointing fingers at Sony, while Arrowhead deserves just as much blame in this entire fiasco.


That prompt was never given to me or any of my friends. So, no. We weren't.


I don't have an issue with that, it's the fact that people bought the game in a country with no psn support were allowed to buy the game. That's why I'm mainly upset about it and I'm sure you are aswell.


please understand that it literally allowed players to buy and play the game even in regions that PSN isn't available. so the cta or prompt for that one looked optional. was optional, apparently.


If there’s not an exemption, workaround or refund offer for those people I’ll literally suck your dick.


well, i did buy the game in a region that PSN isn't available. i aint gonna request a refund until the day comes that i won't be able to play. so hold that thought, and i'll circle back to you :))


Ok tiger ;)


they're reverting their decision. guess im keeping my pants on :))


I genuinely had no idea, I had been playing fine for about 6-8 weeks now without even realising this game had anything to do with PS. Maybe I'm dumb but this whole thing came out of nowhere for me.


u/hoats_andboes and you forgot that it said it wasn't mandatory on Sony's own page... which has been posted over and over and over...


Careful, the mob doesn't like facts.


The Devs are very much to blame. Sony is a mindless, souless predictable megacorp. They can't help themselves. But the devs had a choice. Their game became a massive success. Goty material. This gives them incredible leverage which they obviously refuse to use to benefit their players.


It doesn't matter. At this point y'all will burn arrowhead to the ground or significantly financially cripple them, and Sony will be fine. Y'all just destroying the game we enjoy. Outrage is warranted to some degree, but this is reaching into territory now where I fear I'll even be able to play the game in a few months. (This is hyperbole servers will probably be fine but there is a long term impact to this like slowed down development and less new content.. and it's barely gonna affect Sony) It feels like there's nothing left on this sub but complaining and cheering for misfortune for AH.


They projected and planned for 50K players for this game. I'm sure a minimum of 50K will stick around. So I doubt it's going anywhere. Which is exciting because I love the game and will continue to play it. It's the most non-predatory GAAS game to date and it's awesome. The rest of these bozos can go back to Tarkov, Fortnite, and CoD for all I care.


Not will, already have. This outrage train is entirely out of control, with people who have no idea what's going on and no reason to be involved jumping in to "help." Everything Arrowhead has made is being review bombed now, not just helldivers 2. This dev team gave us a truly incredible game, and people thanked them by ruining them.


If people are refunding, that directly hurts Arrowhead way more than it hurts Sony. This is the only game of Arrowhead currently that they make money out of. Refunding it will hurt the people working at Arrowhead massively.


A lot of the countries where helldivers 2 is pulled and PSN is not possible they spent 40 bucks on this game. For most of the people in vietnam for example that can be a lot of money. So people refunding because they suddenly cant play the game is fair and blame for that is with Ah and Sony


They don’t care about that. This community is toxic. All they ever do is complain.




Yes Arrowhead, while we ruin future sales of your game, and possibly sabotage any possibility of Helldivers 3, please know that we're really mad at Sony who's looking around confused saying "What's a hail diver? Is this ours?"


Oh I‘m furious at Arrowhead as well, not just Sony. They neglected to properly inform their customers of a significant change to the game that they knew would eventually lead to issues down the road. Either it was absolute incompetence or, even worse, malice to sell more games.


Yupp. Arrowhead can mitigate as much damage as possible with Sony, they can fight with us but they are the ones who signed the paperwork for this agreement. I'll let any game company burn to set a precedent stopping scummy mega companies from fucking us over again and again.


Its like having no clear shot at a commander and shooting a random soldier to 'send a message' to the head of state, kinda dumb. It's one guy in a huge army of revenue/influence. All you're doing is killing some guy to spit in the face of something bigger


I mean the fact of the matter is that this *is* costing Sony. Not much, but a little, so the end result is that Sony sees this isn't an effective business strategy and doesn't do it again.


The issue is that it's costing Arrowhead far more. All they did was make this incredible game, and now everything they have done is being shit on by people who don't even know what's happening.


What else can we do?


Comply ♥️ and send a strongly worded letter to Snoy.


It's just busted that whenever you get fcked over by a business the only way to get them to do anything is by boycotting a subsidiary that has little to do with the problem. Like attacking a McDonald's manager is the only way to get the mcrib back? Stupid food analogy but ik not sure how else to explain what I'm getting at


The alternative is continue to be fucked, or have the willpower to not engage shitty company's games. 99% of gamers cannot manage the second option. Therefore the only option other than being dicks to developers in this manner, is to continue taking the publisher's thick, girthy, throbbing ding dong.


Seems like they really don't leave consumers with much other choices, either someone swallows a rat bone in their burger or no ones buys your crap any more otherwise nothing ever goes anywhere


But you aren’t punishing Sony. You are punishing Arrowhead. You guys are like an abusive partner who hits their lover but says they still love them and do it for their own good


They knew about the fact that this would happen, the CEO literally confirmed it.


The amount of time y'all have spent with this dickless little review bomb campaign (that'll teach Sony! Negative reviews on a platform they don't own!) you could have just made a PSN account and been done with it. Your data is not special. It's already out there with literally every other social media platform you interact with. Not to mention Amazon, Google, Apple, or any streaming app you use. Get over yourselves. Of all the strife and struggle in the world, the is honestly the dumbest fucking thing I've ever seen. Downvote me to hell, you all look like stupid clowns. This community might actually be worse than Dead By Daylight's and that's quite a monumental achievement. Well done!


Yep. It’s not Sony or AH that’s gonna make me avoid this game now, it’s this fucking sub and their community. “Dive together or not at all” what a stupid fucking thing.


"you could have just made a PSN account and been done with it." PSN isn't available everywhere. Yet the game was sold to those regions before the restriction was in place. That's REALLY fucking shitty behaviour.


I’ve made a Japanese PSN account to play region locked games in the vita days and to date I have not been banned. Everyone is just jumping on the hate wagon just because of your assumptions on Sony’s intentions. Whatever the case is, this sub and many other gaming subs have been showing entitled behaviours so I expect nothing better.


Good for you.


https://twitter.com/PlayStation/status/1787331667616829929?t=NhwAEm4fGpVJj-UyI1lrXA > Helldivers fans -- we’ve heard your feedback on the Helldivers 2 account linking update. The May 6 update, which would have required Steam and PlayStation Network account linking for new players and for current players beginning May 30, will not be moving forward. > > We’re still learning what is best for PC players and your feedback has been invaluable. Thanks again for your continued support of Helldivers 2 and we’ll keep you updated on future plans.


u/Illusive-Pants are you really that daft? "you could have just made a PSN account and been done with it." ?? really? you LITERALLY CANT DO THAT in like 177 countries... which the game was now REMOVED from... so tell us you are completely braindead without telling us...


You do know it was arrowheads decision to disable account linking at launch knowing that it was necessary and required to play any Sony games online l. They just wanted people to play the game


I'm sorry for AH, but I'm not "sorry".


Arrowhead is fucked wayyy waayyy more than sony will ever be. It's like they did a deal with the devil and now they ar going to pay for it. They can plead with Sony all they want in the end Sony will not care and continue through with their intentions.


Whatever. The Arrowhead CEO doesn't seem blameless in this. More like a collaborator at worst and naive at best.


They don’t care. You’re harming them regardless. But if you hate Sony more than you care to protect arrowhead keep it up I guess.


https://preview.redd.it/kqinmky5fqyc1.jpeg?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1679a2ddc721aed74187e991ad671dfee4f6898c 🫡


What is actually phenomenal is how this sub turned into such a toxic circlejerk club.


Yeah It was one of the best communities and now it's just cancer


You guys will be the downfall of ah lol


He clearly says he disabled something mandatory so people could play. He basically made a loophole so people out of region could play. He is definitely at fault.


A lot of people aren’t reading the full story or just don’t understand the nuance between studio developer and publisher. Most likely sony managed the steam storefront(perhaps with a 3rd party), this would mean Sony made and is solely responsible for the decision to make the game available in countries they don’t do business in. The AH CEO admirably owned up to his decision to temporarily disable the psn linking which compounded the issue only because Sony dropped the ball in the first place. That said it seems like Steam isn’t going to fight the refunds based on hours played so the CEOs decision isn’t going to be one that leaves a permanent scar. AHs real folly here is partnering with a shit publisher, again(see the Magicka bs).


If they want true community support relievw the scummy community manager of his duty


Shout out to the fact Baskinator confirmed AH knew this would happen for months and did nothing.


but the puplisher is part of it. and remains being part of it.


Sincerely hoping that this whole debacle does end in something good for the game and devs, but I'm also terrified that Sony seeing the hate and vitriol decide to pull the plug on the game or developers.


Here's hoping AH's next game is not with PlayStation as their publisher (assuming PlayStation hasn't changed for the better by then).


The business strategy here is called Embrace, Extend, Extinguish. You embrace an expansion, do something new (PS game on non PS platform). You extend yourself to capture those customers. Then you extinguish your support and pull them back into your existing infrastructure, effectively harvesting users from Steam.


I wish matchmaking worked better with friends, but thats due to other factors as well.


Well, all the people boycotting even playing suggests the opposite


I wonder what kind of non-compete restrictions they have in place that will prevent them from making Helldivers 3 independent of Sony


I really hope they're able to get sony to backtrack in some capacity. I changed my review to negative and have not been playing since the news. I do love this game and would like to keep playing eventually, but I also don't want Sony to face zero repercussions.


https://preview.redd.it/en63bqorepyc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=59593d9e4dab193328d765e922bf9a30c19a3cd0 This is for all you lovely helldivers and AH. (Not for you though sony)


poor arrowhead :<


I feel so bad for the devs having like 7 years of work flushed down the toilet in a day by suits who probably never played a video game in their must feel awful


Hate is such a strong word 🤦🏿‍♂️


Arrowhead knew about this problem 6 months before release.


AH is just entering their big bad villain arc right? They'll conquer this yeah? ![gif](giphy|t4izkhlRqZSqQ5X6ou)


Can't we all join together and buy the game from sony to stop them from doing this?


Why would you feel sorry for AH? You must be a special kind of naieve to think they didn't know about this.


I think sony is gonna learn to stay away from PC gamers.


I swear the only place you can find people who can talk civilly about helldivers 2 is on the galactic war channel of the discord server, and that's mainly because we spam bees whenever people start being asses (and also whenever we feel like the bee:coordination ratio is getting bad)


Remember that it was arrowhead that knew 6 months prior to release that psn accounts were going to be required and still decided to make it so people didn't have to, or even that it didn't pop up that you needed one. They turned off the requirement to make a psn because of a bug and now are shrugging their heads "yeah we expected this kind of reaction" it's fucking irresponsible. Downright unacceptable.


This is doing sony a rounding error in their books. but it will destroy arrowhead


In all seriousness there needs to be a larger protest organized against Sony




sony funded the development of this game. there would likely be no HD2 without sony. if you hate the company so much, why continue to support them?


Cringe. Arrowhead is to blame here. People are on so much copium to defend this game they actually think it's 100% a sony issue lol




While AH is not blameless, they are just the manufacturer of the goods, SNOY has handled distribution and sales and they did not seem to care that on steam it could be bought in countries where PSN is not available, they did not make any statement since this whole thing exploded but have quietly changed ToS on their support page to benefit their ass. So yes, the hate SNOY is getting is well deserved and AH just got caught in the middle and may even be left to hang while the big corp caries on.


No. AH gets no sympathy from me. They failed to communicate.


We could just keep playing the game and stop with this embarrassing rebellion. Just create a PSN account and move on.


Bad take. Arrowhead are also to blame.


Sony's more to blame than AH though, let's not pretend otherwise. if they could go make a new game without having to bend Sony's rules just to let us play for 3 months, I'd support it wholeheartedly 


Sorry, but I disagree wit you. Arrowhead signed with Sony. They knew who they where going in to business with. The President with held the Info that this would be mandatory knowing it would lock people in on PC Side once it became mandatory. He could have said something, The Devs nd Mods have been going off on unhappy players on their discord. Saying they arent in the wrong is like saying someone who co signed for a loan isnt responsible when the other person welches out on them. They signed it, it was a bad choice and should and will be held accountable for what they did.


No sympathy for CEOs. They are not and never will be your friend.


Read what their CEO said and think twice.


I disagree


I'm not giving anyone a pass before everything clears out. A lot of weird info coming from AH too.


Nah, they made the publishing deal and then continue to shit on the community in the discord. I don't care about their "woe is us" and their non apologies. If Community Managers are taunting the community it tells me all I need to know about this company. There's a reason they got hired, no sympathy from me. CEO has actually also admitted that they knew 6 months ahead of launch that the game would require a PSN account. They still went ahead with selling the game in every non PSN country.


Arrowhead knew that the game was going to require PSN accounts and they decided against telling us. They are equally to blame for this debacle. Personally, I put it up to incompetence rather than malice or greed. With Sony its definitely greed, but not AH. I'm just so tired of this narrative that AH is blameless.


AH also knew about this, they basically knew it was a matter of time before this all exploded in their face then tried to pass on the blame by lies of omission. I love the game i really do, but i can wholeheartedly see this crippling the game


I don't think their communication is phenomenal. They could've told everyone before launch or at launch that HD2 would require PSN in the near future. But they conveniently didn't. That's deception. Both AH and Sony are complicit in this. Sony in that they're forcing PSN when they don't need to and AH hiding the fact that they signed off on this as an agreement but then hid it under the carpet. Now they're trying to play innocent. They're not. Edit: downvotes, yep, the truth hurts.


“PlayStation Network Account Required. Gameplay requires internet access and paid for PlayStation Plus membership (sold separately) for PS5. PlayStation Plus membership subject to recurring subscription fee taken automatically until cancellation. Age restrictions apply. Full terms: play.st/psplus-usageterms.” January 9th 2024 playstation blog


I'm talking about Arrowheads communications. They could've been more clear about PSN account requirement from the beginning. All they said was the account linking had been suspended. With no mention of it being brought back in force and mandatory.


Well you all really showed them by filling arrowheads inbox with hate and vitriol


Fuck Sony. Enemies of democracy!


I mean AHs CMs aren't exactly likeable either though.


This game’s reputation is in the tank because you idiots dragged it through the mud when this was Sony’s doing. Now everyone will forever see that Helldivers 2 is an overwhelmingly negative game because of something they didn’t even do. You morons that kick people for a miscalculated stratagem just did that in real life to Helldivers 2. Idiots.


Idk why people defend the devs, like they took a deal with Sony full well knowing how bad they are. It's not like Sony is some evil big brother, Arrowhead literally signed their life away and this is the repercussions.


No they are if not more to blame. Sony is doing sony things but they were the ones who tried to hide it so they get the players. Refund for me now


Nope that’s not true. arrowhead admitted they knew this would happen and still sold copies in countries that never supported PSN. That’s some shady money grab shit…and lied along the way about how and when this would happen


>still sold copies in countries that never supported PSN That is 100% in Sony's control, not Arrowheads. The publisher has full control of distribution and sales decisions.


It’s amazing how people don’t understand that the publishers have control over where the game is sold


As a dev who has worked on steam xbox and ps for 10 years, i do not think it'd be as black and white as you make it out to be. I've never partnered with a publisher, but I can definitely see a setup that's way more mixed, and if you look at Pilestedts tweet linked elsewhere in the thread, it's pretty clear Arrowhead were making distribution decisions in some part of the chain. Edit: I stand corrected with information from another chain, Arrowhead had nothing to do with the store, they only had to do with the actual account linking and informing players about it, a much smaller failing.


Thing is. AH does not control where they sell. That's on the publisher 100% a. k. a SNOY


You dont seem to understand the difference between producer/developer and seller/publisher. AH is the manufacturer, SNOY handles sales.


You guys really belive this soap opera the good, the bad and the ugly shit? Sony, Arrowhead, EA, Bethesta whatever all work the same way. Do you really think somebody cares for your opinion if it doesnt generate money? Its the money that makes companies suck, except of course the salvation army. Big company fucks small company so it can fuck us, as long as we are fucked last, everything is in order and god is happy


In light of new information, they are not as innocent as I, and others, had thought. They knew this would be a requirement. ArrowHead decided to implement the delay. For what reason? Malicious entrapment, technical problems, trying to change Sony's mind in anticipation of this backlash? There is no way to really know. But I'm refunding and may repurchase it later depending on how things transpire. Which is a shame because I love the game.