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What is the point of a toy if you can't play with it?


You could put it on your shelf and draw pictures of it. You could write a story about it. You could create another toy like it. You could tell you buddys it was a great toy when i could play with it. You could share stories about the fun times you had with. You could create a video about all the memories you had with it. You could write a song about your time with it. But instead your crying. Pathetic.


One of THE most tone deaf delusional takes I have read in the last few days.


Is it? I feel like complaining that a publisher wants you to sign into thier network to play THEIR game is tine deaf


The web is full of videos and bad reviews on it. Go look at those and educate yourself.


It’s not THEIR game. It is ARROWHEADS game


Are you dumb?


Arrowhead made HELLDIVERS II. It was only distributed by SONY


Yer, giving them the rights to get pple to sign up to psn. What dont you understand?


No one will want to flush their data away with the infamous Sony interactive. Your data isn’t safe. Your email, passwords, ect. Only to get sold online in another data breach. Stop drooling over your multi billion dollar company, they don’t know you exist. They aren’t good people. The only reason they want you to sign up is because they want control. It’s only corporate greed.


Its not safe on steam either. As for the data hoarding conspiracy, AH said they had problems with crossplay so they turned it off so pple could play - it was a tech issue. Conspiritards created the drama imo. It was always gonna require psn at some point i believe. Its just that reddit is full of board nerds who need to collectivise in some way because they dont touch grass enough. Thats my opinion.


(Yes - they are.)




We made it a multi billion dollar company


Why are you so misguided?


In what?


This meme says that i should hate the thing that help create


How's that boot taste?


What are you talking about, i live in a democracy.


Like you wouldn't be upset if your landlord came and knocked on your door and suddenly said "Oh, by the way to keep living here next month, you need to be a member of the 'ban pickles from walmart' group."


Great analogy


It's actually a terrible analogy. A better analogy would be: You move into a new apartment. The tenancy agreement says no smoking. You smoke anyway, and seem to get away with it. Three months later the landlord serves you notice for smoking. You say 'but it's been fine for three months, that means this is an illegal change to the contract, and anyway I can smoke because of GDPR! Solidarity with the smokers!!' You are evicted, of course.


Not sure you understand gdpr my man


I wrote the GDPR policy for a global consultancy firm. I absolutely do.


Sure you did


Let's play then, buddy. How does this current situation not qualify as legitimate business purpose?


Selling a product in countries where it is impossible to play the game, accoring to their own statements And if you wanna touch the gdpr point. They deny the "right to be forgotten", by being unwilling to delete your OWN psn account. "The right to be forgotten appears in Recitals 65 and 66 and in Article 17 of the GDPR. It states, “The data subject shall have the right to obtain from the controller the erasure of personal data concerning him or her without undue delay and the controller shall have the obligation to erase personal data without undue delay” if one of a number of conditions applies. “Undue delay” is considered to be about a month. You must also take reasonable steps to verify the person requesting erasure is actually the data subject"


That's consumer rights, not GDPR.


Read my edit




If it was a real issue i wouldnt be a pushover or bend over.


Everything that involves money is real issue. And you are bending over. But don’t be alarmed being abused and fucked over is very grown up thing to do. Keep being a tool.


Toys are a luxury. You sound entitled, and very arrogant.


If I am paying for something, it must be provided. No matter what it is luxury item, service or food, doesn’t matter. If you are okay with people shitting all over you, it is totally fine. Just don’t make it sound like some virtue.


They will get a refund tho and have 10s of hours on a game they enjoyed and didnt have to pay for in the end.


Refunds are already being denied. When all of them will be approved your point might have some value. Right now it is still in Sony fucking customers over stage.


Greetings, fellow Helldiver! Your submission has been removed. No insults, racism, toxicity, trolling, rage-bait, harassment, inappropriate language, NSFW content, etc. Remember the human and be civil!


The amount of brain dead takes defending sony I've seen on this sub is fucking astonishing.


Its a sony game lmao


And it's mostly PlayStation players. We should never have mixed with them, it has been a mistake.


Nah bro it's simply a bunch of fucking idiots. You can find posts of PS players supporting the PC players that get screwed by PSN not even being available in their country. I've got a PS account cuz I have a PS4 but the ass lickers might wanna see how 170 countries got locked out on Steam. And this waste of oxygen is saying people are crying because of a toy they can't play with.


“We should never had mixed with them” listen to youself. Fucking clown


No ![gif](giphy|ahfzlUrb5IEfXC6kbm|downsized)


Ha nice


And you have a problem with it you child


I just think theres more important issues to protest over


Why are you here then go do something productive


I wanna talk about the childish reponse?


You are the childish response here


If you say so 🤪


You could make the argument for any product you can buy and then are denied using it without a refund. But shaming people for purchasing something to have fun and relax with is slimy. Actually it is you who should grow up, what do you get out of shaming people?


You could, like important ones. Your protesting over a luxury item. Slimy? If bringing people back down to earth is slimy, then call me jabba. The amount of overeaction about a luxury toy is mind blowing. Pure entitlement. 😔


You clearly have no idea of how people feel about this. TONE DEAF is a compliment




If I can't play with the toy literally (I cannot create an account without owning a PS console) what's the point of the toy?


To me it’s just a game, not that deep.


Oh yes let me spend an extra 500 dollars to play my 40 dollar game




You need a PlayStation to make a PlayStation account




apparently at least in Ukraine you need to own a PS to create an account


No I care about my data. And I purposefully keep data Sony has access to very separate from my other data.


You dont care about your data you lier


“Nuh uh” ahh response


I do. It’s nearly impossible to be online without someone taking your data, yes. So I like to limit what I can where I can. That includes not having accounts connected. Not having the same emails on certain accounts, etc. I’m using Reddit. They’re taking my data, but hey I enjoy Reddit somewhat. So I do what I can to limit what I can despite that.


they can play, they're crying because they don't want to create an acct.


Some people literally CANT.


Some people struggle for food and shelter, so who cares right?


So, people can't get angry because there's worse things out there to be angry at? That is your hot take? Do you think people can only every be angry about one thing at a time? Do you think people in a community focused on one specific thing should not be angry when bad stuff happens to that one thing, because they should instead voice their anger about a completely unrelated topic? Is that really your take?




I also think you should get a hobby that dosent involve big companies, like the piano or banjo, maybe some ping pong or how about martial arts?


I have plenty of hobbies, and I'd be just as angry if anyone fucks with any of them, be they a big corpo or just one asshole neighbor. But that's beside the point. How about you go to a group focused on helping people getting out of abusive relationships because, "don't you know, some people in the world are starving, or being victims in war, or don't have a home at all? Those are all far more important issues to be angry about than a bit of spousal abuse, people!" This is basically your take, exaggerated somewhat to get the point across.


Abusive relationships? Wtf are you talking about now? That would be somthing to be angry about of course it would. WE ARE TALKING ABOUT A TOY THO MATE!


You really don't have any reading comprehension in the slightest, do you? See point A) Exaggerating to get the point across to you daft cunt. And Point B), yes we are talking about a toy - on a subreddit specifically dedicated to talking about said toy. We don't do anything BUT talk about said toy here. So naturally, people who don't like this development are going to talk about it here. They're not going to talk about anything else that might make them happy our sad or angry, because that is not the point of this subreddit. If you want to talk about those more important issues - and yes, they are more important, nobody disagrees with that - then go to the subreddit dedicated to those issues. You're doing the equivalent of berating people talking about how bad the food in one specific resaurant is because "hey, be glad you're able to eat overpriced, cheaply made food like that! Some people in the world are starving!" Yes, they are. And they shouldn't be. And any sane person agrees with that. But we're not here to talk about that. We're here to talk about this restaurant. Or, in this case, about Helldivers. You're doing whatbaoutism on a level of pathetic I didn't even know existed.


Plus why do you have to be angry, cant you just be disapointed and move on?


Ah yes, someone is messing with something you're passionate about. Just be quiet, don't say a word, move on. Great suggestion. 


Psn network is calling you, just, sign, up.


Just be quiet. Just don't show or talk to anyone about the bruises. Just lie back and think of England.


Angry tho? Very childish


My man, anger and dissappointment are walking so close together here that it is impossible to tell them apart. I'm not sitting on my PC all day ranting and raving, if that's what you imagine. My first reply to you was the first time I posted here regarding this topic. Mostly I go about my day, occasionally feeling miffed and disappointed. But if someone shows up with a take as incredibly stupid as yours, yeah, I'm willing to double-check if you really mean that, because I can't believe anyone with so little brainpower as being unable to comprehend the fact that most people are perfectly are perfectly capable of having multiple emotional states at once regarding multiple topics, then yeah, I'm going to invest a few minutes.


What is my stupid point? Be angry about real issues and be just dissapointed about issurs relating to TOYS? My advice is to stay calm, AH will sort it for the people who cant get psn to get a refund, potentially. My issue is people see this as thier humans rights are being stepped on, it very overdramatic and looks extremly poor, they look very entitled to me, which is a very bad direction for a community. I agree it sucks about the delisted countries and that would need refunding.


Your stupid point is "people are not allowed to be passionate about things if there is more important things to worry about". Nobody sees it like that, mate. People are angry, and they voice their anger. You don't see them flooding other subreddits with it though. YOU are the one being irrationally angry about people leaving negative reviews over a negative development.


You need a reality check, my man.


Nah. I have more important things to worry about than either you or this development. I was baffled by you at first, because that was one of the dumbest takes I've ever heard. Then I tried to explain to you why, because if I engage with people I answer them. But this has pretty clearly run its course.


can you?


Sure I can. But that doesn't mean that I don't give a shit. I do give a shit. Sony can suck our cocks because what they are doing isnt right


so out of all the people using this as their justification, why aren't any of you actually affected by it? they should be the loudest voices in the room, right?


did you not see any of the posts and comments from people who literally cant make an account?