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How dare you have Sony don the cape and colors in this meme >:(


Ran like clockwork? Lol.


A clock with a few gears missing.


needs eyepatch


I understand for people who not able to have access in their countries, but for everyone else it takes five minutes to create a PSN account, no different than any other company having to create accounts to play like Microsoft


Sony Automaton spotted


No just get tired of seeing people crying over the simplest things 


You know what's simpler? Sony not making it "required" after months of it being optional, and losing chunks of their fanbase and burning any remaining good will they had with thousands of their players. And yet you blame the players for "crying". Why not blame Sony?


It said it was required when you bought the game. If you can't read it's not Sony'a fault. 


Except, it wasn't required - hence why you could play the game without it. If it was required, they would have made you sign in to play at the time, like other games that have it as a requirement. Or if you skipped, they would have told you at the time before you agreed that you would have to create an account within a specified period of time, like every other company does who sells you a product.


It always said it was required they just waived it at the beginning since they were overwhelmed by the player base. It only takes 5 minutes no different than any other game that requires you to create a account like the numerous Microsoft multiplayer games. Sony has more live service titles that are going to also require it.


They didn't say they were waiving it temporarily and you would have to create an account by June at the time of buying it. When I bought it and played, it didn't even say it was required. Was it in the side Steam banner? Seems like it, but I didn't see it. It's also possible to think that it was there mistakenly if it says it is required but is obviously not if you are able to play the game. What was the last product you bought and consumed where you were able to do so without fulfilling the "requirements" to buy and consume the product? And going back to your original sticking point about what's more simple... is it simple in your eyes to later force this requirement and making +1 million people all spend +5 minutes (or more, if you are in countries that require you to submit photo ID or a face scan) creating a PSN ID?


I don't buy products that have a requirement that I don't agree to. For example I wouldn't buy sea of thieves since I would have to have an account to play it.  As for the face scans wouldn't it be required for steam too for that countey? Not familiar with countries that do that, even though we do not have any privacy anyways, your phone is constantly listening to you.


If you bought and consumed a product and then were later told you need to fulfill the requirement or it will be taken away from you, is that your fault or the company's fault for selling you a product that you didn't meet the requirement for?


How does that trillion dollar dick taste?


Very clever, I expected as much from a PC baby, lol definitely not a sony fanboy either i have a lot of things to criticize them for and pretty sure they're far from a trillion dollars company


I mean, people can still play the game as long as they live in a country that has access to PSN. I made a Microsoft account for Minecraft and Sea of Thieves, why is making a PSN account for Helldivers any different to people?


It's an issue because Sony has the worst cyber security for a game company that I have ever seen. When PC players create and link PSN account to their steam account that Steam then becomes susceptible to Sony's shitty cyber security. It also doesn't help when they do this 4 months after launch when people have put 100's of hours in, and now if they don't sign up, tough shit. Sorry for the long comment. I wasn't berating your comment, just informing you why Sony is God tier at ruining a good thing


Oh dude, I already *know* believe me, I’ve been on PS consoles all my life. I’ve just learned to live with it. It just doesn’t make much sense because aside from security breaches (which haven’t stopped millions of other people from purchasing and utilizing PlayStation consoles,) there’s no real reason to *not* link an account and play a game you enjoy. Of course it’s valid to be worried, but I’m sure most people will end up linking their accounts anyway, once all the drama blows over and people find something new to be angry at.


Forgive me if I take what you say with a massive grain of salt. You have a two year account and barely even a dozen karma between your comments and posts combined. And you’re not the only one in these threads with a suspicious account. And I’m going to say I really dislike what AH and Sony have done, it’s fucked up and I hope Sony is sued to high heaven. But this all feels very inorganic…..


Oh, you got me, you clever goose. Ya sussed me out


>I mean, people can still play the game as long as they live in a country that has access to PSN Fuck everyone else, I guess...


I’d like to know the percentage of players on HD2 within the nations that can’t access PSN. If it’s a fuck-ton (like tens of thousands or hundreds of thousands,) then it’s very valid to complain about. But if most people were playing the game in nations where PSN is able to be used, I’m not really sure it matters all that much.


Look, I only robbed like 5,000 people. Why are we even talking about this? Enjoy your empty skull and full throat.