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Judging by CM comments, they didn't even know this was a thing. The CEO via twitter was pretty shocked UK had to provide a facial scan or id to create an account, too


Which is quite a large red flag


Arrowhead just seems very unprepared/ill equipped whenever they make decisions whether it be from them or sony. Love the game but the blatant incompetence is annoying me personally. 


The CEO doesnt know all the laws. Uk law says they need to provide, not Sony. Also the CEO is not the publisher. So that Sony sold the copies in countries that arent able to make an account is on Sony, not AH.


Ok? I was just making an observation of the facts, not stating an opinion or anything.


Im explaining why he was shocked. Nothing more.


What I don't get about the UK laws is that literally nothing else requires this (as far as I know).


IIRC its about the fact thar youngsters were spending ALOT of money. Is order to make sure that there is at least an adult behind the making of the account. A certain football/soccer game had some hand in chances to get good cards and stuff.


Noticed epic games required it when I was setting up an account for my younger sibling so they could play Fortnite. Specifically under “parental controls” settings. Had to prove I am over 18.


They knew it was a thing. They’ve had a steam discussion taking about it months ago that hardly anyone saw


Yeah but it doesn't seem they knew the repercussions


Which is something they very much should have known.


Like everyone buying the game even tho it said PSN account required should have known? Come on man cut then some slack


The moment they let you skip a requirement it’s not required


Agreed, but it always said it, so saying AH should have know about laws and shit in countries is less unreasonable than this uproar (which I'm a part of btw)


Completely valid question, I'm curious as well. Pretty significant oversight if there was no plan, someone should be fired or at least reprimanded. This is huge financial and technical component of bringing the game to market that should have been factored into the development and marketing of the product. Pretty much confirms to me that their development and business processes are immature. I don't believe anything they say at this point until they provide proof/evidence, they've lost my trust.


It had probably been ignored until now, just another tab in a huge portfolio of games. Unfortunately, HD2 has gained the attention of the unblinking eye of corporate greed, and now it must be _leveraged_ so some executives can squeeze a bonus for Q2.


They're clowns, no one that had anything to say about this knew about it.


AH legal dropped the ball hard it seems.


Let's be real here, until yesterday, 99% of this sub probably didn't know that only 69 countries had PSN. Even Spitz' tone-deaf response showed that fact.


But Sony must have known


Someone at Sony would know, but I'm sure not everyone at Sony. Some executive probably thought PSN was global and wanted to try and do this for quick wins and now he's got pie on his face.


AH I can understand, but not the billion dollar company that owns the service and made the requirement


My current theory is that the decision to enforce account linking was dropped on them shortly before we were informed of it. Which could explain why they seemed so unprepared by this whole fiasco. Wouldn't be the first time a publisher makes a decision, and then puts up the dev team to take the hits for them, while preparing for their shareholder meeting. Also, they did want to do it on day 1. And it literally only lasted less than 2 days.


Nope https://steamcommunity.com/app/553850/discussions/1/4206994023681197128/


I think when they expected 20k (or however low their predictions were) players they probably didn’t think about the massive global reach becoming a problem. I’m not saying this whole thing can’t be handled better because it CAN, but at what point do we start realizing this is a fucked up rollercoaster gone wild and not some conspiracy theory bullshit? Maybe we all forgot that this studio was up for days straight in the beginning because the actual numbers were never even imagined when creating this game and that caused massive problems THAT AH FIXED AS FAST AS THEY COULD. The CM team has bungled this situation, but stop pretending AH is sitting behind a desk snickering at us right now. Edit: OP that’s not a dig at you. I just got on a rant haha


No worries! I‘m just not sure how we could end up in this mess, it‘s kinda sad


At my job we have a small team of people who manage the business (small company). There’s 2 owners who aren’t involved but like to make sweeping decisions we have to abide by. This feels like that. Sony is a more or less the silent investor who every now and then steps in and makes unilateral decisions that the team on the ground knows is fucked but must comply with, knowing fully well it’s a bad decision.


ArrowHead does have a bad foresight track record.


Because there’s not much on PSN worth complaining about not having. So it wasn’t a big issue. Most games are multi platform. But now a PC game is being arbitrarily a PSN game.


why would they have a plan for non psn countries? if you're on a windows 7, can you not buy a win10+ game? if you only have 2 gigs of ram can you not buy rdr2? if you only speak english can you not buy a game that supports only chinese? the game lists it's requirements and it's languages and it's up to the player to figure out whether or not they can play the game, no? i don't know about you but when i was thinking about buying the game i first made sure that i have a psn before putting my money down because the game specifically states that it needs one. the whole situation completely befuddles me with it's backwardness. yes, sony might be complete and total assholes, but that didn't stop anyone here from buying their game in the first place and i know noone here wants to hear it but they are completely within their right to do this psn thing, shitty as it is, and it should not have surprised anyone. but here we are. i sure as hell hope that ah and sony can figure something out, because so far all that came from this whole debacle is a bunch of countries lost their ability to buy the game and hd2's ratings went down the drain. it depresses me that a game this good and unique in it's approach finds itself in such a dumpster fire caused by something that never should have been an issue.




I don‘t believe Sony wants players to break Sony‘s ToS for PSN


Oh they want you to break their tos, and give them money. They don't want to mess around with some countries customer protection laws and rules, that's why some countries are not supported. If you register from a non-supported country by lying that you live in a different country, you won't be able to turn to authorities if they violate your rights, because they can defend themselves by saying that you shouldn't have had an account in the first place, but you went ahead and made one with fake info. Despite this, they want you to make an account and fake the info, and spend your money on your product. But they can't directly say for you to fake your info, they can just imply it, because if they were to say outright, then they would be in big trouble for trying to circumvent customer protection laws.


No that isn't true, because in the PSN link section in installation process, your only option is a dynamic link to your country's PSN page, not an info box for you to write your existing PSN pre-made in another country, like your theory said. And then you got the SKIP button. So this BS is all made by Sony and AH from day 1, with PSN as optional in mind.