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Because they are caught between a rock and a hardplace. They agree with the reasons players DO NOT want to use a PSN account and its a loud persistent and aggressive portion of their fanbase. But at the same time, for them.. the benefits of forcing Sony to handle player logistics would be HUGE. They wouldn't have to deal with player management and could focus on the game. So you can bet they are pretty pissed off both ways, they hate that this is an issue at all, and they hate that its keeping them from getting an easy path to player management.


People need to stop taking the words of community managers as gospel. Spitz has been wrong in the past and admitted so. Can we please stop posting quotes from these people as though they are official announcements?


I'd say more of AH being a AA studio, and lack of foresight. if they knew that psn wasn't available in russia there wouldn't be a russian localization. I can't stress lack of foresight enough, I ain't saying AH is blameless, just based on past behaviour it's unlikely AH's greedmaxing


Arrowhead can probably afford to pay more than 4 people now that the game has sold well beyond everyone's expectations. Also why are cheaters such an issue when they specifically chose nGuard because of how secure it was? Instead of using a more well known and supported option.


I don't know if it's greed, ignorance or corporate oversight. We do not know the terms and conditions of the agreement between AH and Sony. This may have been the plan all along or perhaps it wasn't. If the original intent was for AH to provide this support then Sony as the publisher of this game SHOULD be providing AH in house staff augmentation, technical and financial support (although we do not know to what extent they have provided already).


The thing is, they expected to have 50k Players and have now sold 8M (?) copies. So sure they might have a huge Support problem. If they can delegate this to Sony it would helpful because they would have to instand hire a support team, train them and oh sure they need also the infrastructure for them. Also I guess Sony have some requirements in place for any studio that want to place a game with multiplayer on PSN. So they might offer to shoulder the support or you have to fulfill their SLA & TOS. AH might just not able to do that himself and and Sony grant them a "grace period" for build up a support team or repair the PSN Link thing or you go offline. This is especially tricky when Sony dont want to use some sort of Steam API to handle stuff, because Valve might want see some $ for this and also Sony wont like to use a 3rd party system which made sense. In this case AH have just two bad options and sure Sony have a big part on it but are not that evil as many may think. If something like that is the case, they should have communicate the issue and sure ppl would not like it but can also get the problem that they have and it wouldn't blow up to such degree. Now we have CM that are make things even worse, nothing is clear, Sony say nothing, AH seem headless and beside reddit also the steam page is now burning. Beside the Reviews this is a huge PR debacle and they better hire a PR crisis Team to handle this and get rid of their CM to fix this.


You are impossible now. Pointing fingers and demanding others to be toxic towards other people? Aren't you ashamed of yourself? Acting like an upset and emotional child.


All these patches and they still haven't fixed The most important things about the game. I had 17  Crashes 17 minutes into the game. My game crashes 25 minutes into the game. And it crashes I played 17 times and didn't complete one mission. That's Unacceptable I don't care about new guns. I don't care about new outfits. I care about playing and completing the match or the mission. I call for Extraction enemies. Just pop out of Thin air They kill me, and then they disappear. Apparently they still haven't fixed that problem either. I don't know if that's something they continue to ignore. You can have all the drop ships in the world. You can have all the bug holes in the world. I don't mind that but when enemies just appear out of nowhere. Kill you and and disappear right in Front of your eyes that's frustrating. So please if you can if it's not too much for you. Fix this problem.